Hilldr and Phil

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Hilldr and Phil

#1 Post by wolfpack »

You go to the shrine of Odin. In this small city in this part of the world Odin is not as widely worshiped. The shrine here is small and poor.

It is run by Curate Harson, it consists of a single large room with a wooden altar, a few pews, and a hearth. There is only 1 other small room where Harson lives.

He is very happy to see Hildr as other priests of the all father are few and far between here. He is welcoming to Phil and more than happy to answer any questions about the all father.
Last edited by wolfpack on Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hilldr and Phil

#2 Post by redwarrior »

Phil thanks the Curate and then starts to talk.
I know very little, and not where to start. I will share what I know and maybe from there figure out what questions to ask. I used to work as a fighting man if a local Army. Odin is known as a god of battle. I always liked Odin a bit because he used a spear. It’s silly, but I never thought much about Gods and the such – they had nothing to do with me.

Over the last several weeks, I have seen and fought demons, been possessed by them, felt the power of a priest of Tyr and the priests of Rongo. And now I hold a Spear crafted in Odin’s name. After all that has happened, it seems that maybe it is a sign that Odin has some use or plan for me.

I know he is chief of the Gods of the North. I know that Thor, the thunderer, is his offspring, and that Tyr is of his tribe. But little more. What does Odin want in this world? What does he expect of his followers? How should he be worshipped? Does he have enemies? How does he judge men? How does he measure faithfulness?
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Re: Hilldr and Phil

#3 Post by wolfpack »

harson smiles broadly at the potential of a new convert.

I am sure sister Hildr would agree with me the All Father is far more than the god of battle. he also holds sway over tactics, strategy, but most of all wisdom. Not just wisdom in battle but wisdom in all things.

Odin gouged out his own eye as payment to drink from the well of Urd, those waters imparted upon him the cosmic knowledge of all things. This shows us that the faithful are not afraid to make any sacrifice for knowledge and wisdom. As king of the Aesir he rules over Asgard and Valhalla and is served by the Valkyrie. Those warriors who prove worthy in life and die in battle may be blessed to be taken to Valhalla, there they rise each morning to fight on the great battle field and then feast every night in the great hall until the time of ragnarok.

the tenants of the All fathers faithful are fearlessness but at the same time wisdom. We have no fear of death, but are not reckless and face our enemies with a plan for victory.

Odin is the slayer of the first giant Ymir, It is a great deed to slay giants as all the giants of Jotunheim are the enemy of the Aesir. And so it is here on Midgard giants are the enemy of followers of the Aesir.

we make offering to the All father in the form of animal sacrifices burnt at the hearth and mead, and of course whatever wealth cna be given to build new shrines and temples to spread his word.

Yes Thor and Balder are both the children of Odin and Freya is his wife. Tyr is also a member of the Aesir and our clergy will all work together on many occasions towards a common goal
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Re: Hilldr and Phil

#4 Post by Rex »


Hildr adds, "To die bravely in battle, fighting for a cause or a reason, be it family, friends, your community and many other things names you a Hero, but to fight without cause, simply for the sake of battle or to harm others who mean you no harm, that is foolish and those who die in such a way are named Fools. Odin does not tolerate fools. No matter our calling, profession, or occupation it is Wisdom that guides our actions and thoughts for without Wisdom to guide us we are rudderless and ultimately doomed to failure."
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Re: Hilldr and Phil

#5 Post by redwarrior »

Phil thanks both the Curate and Hildr. You have given me much to think on and ponder. To fight for a larger purpose....

Not might MAKES right, but might FOR right..... think of it Jenny... :D
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