Campaign Overview

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Campaign Overview

#1 Post by roryb »

Here I’ll list general information about the game and aims.

Proposed Campaign Seed involving a great journey from Minas Tirith to Erebor...

The Silver Mirror
(or, A Lost and Overgrown Path)
(also known as, Stay the F*** Away from This Game, Peter Jackson!)

The king sits idle while a grudging rival lets an old truce decay. The king slumbers day and night, overcome by some nameless grief. His council of attendants search high and low for his beautiful looking glass — a mirror bound in the purest silver into which the king once admired himself and drew strength. This wondrous glass was a gift from the elves and was said to grant long life, wisdom, and rejuvenation. But the king gave it to his only son who embarked on a far away exploration never to return nor send word. Can the heroes seek out whither the prince journeyed, and what happened to him? Can they find and return the mirror to save the kingdom? Either mirror or the prince himself are needed for the realm to endure, for the king left no other heir.

Here are some themes and seeds I’d like to touch upon. If you want to add or nix any of these, do let me know.
  • Everything involves a journey
  • The world has grown wild
  • Places have personalities (and teeth!)
  • Consequences follow every action, for good or ill
  • Havens draw you in
  • Every place has a denizen, even if it seems empty
  • Music, rhyme, and riddle
  • Greed, trust, and fellowship
  • A lost and overgrown path
  • Comic relief
  • Tightening our belts
  • Grudges run deep
  • A barrel of wine, a tun of ale
  • Mushrooms!
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