Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#81 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Let's find a camp site far enough from the water so we're not soaked by spray, or washed away if there's a rise in the river level. It would be nice to find a concealed spot, but I think the best we'll do is just have an overhang above us to keep us dry.

Scanning the surroundings, I ponder each possible location. none looks the best, but we have to deal with what we are dealt. is that a good site? no, too close to the river. Using Thoughtful Trait to earn a check.
I guess I do not need Cu's help, since Beginner's luck is rounded up. And that will keep Cu from being affected by the expected failure.

Obs: unsafe + shelter + party = 2 + 1 +1 = Obs 4

Beginner's Luck (Survivalist)
Health: 3D
Supplies: none
Gear: none

roundup( 3D / 2 ) = 2D

Traits: -1D - using Thoughtful to over-analyze

Persona points:
Fate points:
Tapped Nature:
Fresh: +1D

Unless I tap my Nature, and spend Persona to use my Wise, I don't think I can pass this.

Rolling 2D to get Obs 4.

[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 4

Well, at least I earned a Check.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#82 Post by Marullus »

Cu Aislin works to catch a suitable fish for sacrifice with the help of the others. After some considerable toil, he pulls forth a large, speckled fish, which he deems worthy of the Old Gods. Grimm labors to aid the druid, chatting with Guhnk as he does so. Guhnk tells much of the goblins and humans above. Turn three test here. Success! Tests earned: Cu Aislin (Hunter), Grimm (Laborer). Cu Aislin spends 1 Persona point.

As he intones the prayer, Cu Aislin's words slip between the common tongue and one that is at once sibilant and harsh. His eyes roll back in his mask, and the blade wavers in his hand as he seems to lose track of what he's doing. Finally he shakes his head and plunges the dagger into the belly of the fish, crying out to his gods. Spells are free, test here. Success for Ritualist test. One check earned.

Always suspicious of what goblins deign to throw away, Durganor searches the bank of the river. He finds several pieces of clothing shredded as if by claws and clinging to driftwood along the bank of the stream. Snapping off dry sticks, he winds them and makes some serviceable torches, knowing the dark caves lie ahead. He is pleased to also find a large sack still in useable condition, one a load of mouldy apples is discarded. He drops his torches in. Instinct test. Record a Success for Scavenger skill.

"Look at all this, a rushing river, a cave mouth, this can be the perfect place for some tasty tasty morsels." Haar reaches into his satchel and withdraws one of the small sacks, and after taking another moment to refill his waterskin looks around in hopes of finding new ingredients. He pulls out a small lizard by the foot and quickly smashes its head in with his tenderizer before tossing it in the small sack he had prepared. "You folks will thank me later when we get to eat fresh meat over the fire instead of stale bread, trust me." Instinct test. Mark 1 Persona spent. Mark 1 successful Scavenger test. Sack half-full (1 slot) with dead lizard added to inventory.

Tancred ponders the shoreline, looking for a place for the party to rest with the help of Cu Aislin the Druid. Some of the sites he rejects are likely fine for a small campfire and a mid-day meal, but he proves rather picky. Eventually he settles on a place around the bend - the winch-baskets continue creaking up and down the cliffside but they're at least out of view and all sound is masked by the roaring of the river. It is a cozy little alcove at the cliff's face, but the only place that meets his requirements. Tancred drags all the driftwood and rocks out of it to make it large enough for the group. He is Exhausted, but pleased with his work. Cu Aislin helps and works up an appetite. (Result is Success with Conditions. Tancred is Exhausted and Cu Aislin is Hungry/Thirsty. Both mark a Failed Test for their Survivalist skill. The group gets a +1 to their Camp Events roll.)

Entering camp!
I stated above that the location was "unsafe" and that camping here would be Wilderness but later will be Underground. Those all impact what table we roll on. You get a +1 to this roll because Tancred rolled to improve camp and earned it.
Camp Event [2d6+1] = 7+1 = 8
You have a "Safe Camp." Mechanically, you can proceed with spending your Checks without incident.
Session 1, Turn 4. CAMP PHASE (resets the Grind)

Party: Durganor (Afraid), Clough (Fresh), Tancred (Exhausted), Haar, Ganna, Cú Aislin (Hungry/Thirsty), Grimm (Fresh)

Once camp is set Ganna takes a watch and then rests up. She considers recharging her wand but at the current time has no need. Perhaps her companions will need her healing ministrations. Tabi the cat meows, demanding attention on Ganna's lap by the campfire.Camp is usually Ganna's time to shine as most of her skills (Alchemist, Cook, Enchanter, Healer, Mentor, Scholar) are used only or primarily here.

Once the group makes camp, Grimm tells a story about a fairy pool guarded by three beautiful pixies. The story tells of the brave boy who snuck into the grove with the fairy pool and riddles with the fairies until one falls in love with him. Grimm will put some thought into the story, trying to give the hero a few of Durganor's traits, and give the tale a good bit of bawdy dwarven humor. (Instinct Test. Mark one test for Beginner's Luck with Persuader. Durgenor gets a +1D to recover from Afraid.)

With the late additions, you have 4 Checks. You must take turns spending them. When all four are spent, Camp Phase ends and we return to the Adventure Phase.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#83 Post by shroomofinsanity »

This has been a long day so far, lots of walking, and not a lot of shade, but I guess after we take this breather, we will have all the shade we could ever want. Haar chuckles to no one in particular. He then addresses the goblin, knowing they don't share a language but not really caring: So I hope you are having a great last journey into the roots of the world, and I wonder what culinary treasures you folk left behind?

Haar looks over at his Goblin speaking associate and tries to get his attention.Hey, can you ask this guy what his people tended to cook on the regular? I'm trying to be inspired, maybe a special seasoning or something from down this way? I would like a little heads up on what to look for down there.

Haar is hoping that at some point he can maybe get a leg up on his next scavenger test by learning what the goblins tended to eat/harvest down here.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#84 Post by Rex »


Ganna will go about getting everything ready to make an elixir. Humming to herself as she goes. "Tabi get over here and give me a paw."
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#85 Post by Stirling »

Clough. 'Mouse no' 2'

Scribes into some parchment a rudimentary map, detailing the cliff steps, palisade and movements of the guards from the watch tower and the pagoda. He also checks out the cave mouth and indicates niches and unexplored side tunnels. 'Breeze coming down this one', 'green slime on walls', 'iridescent crystals line wall', 'fetid damp smell, midden heap' and so forth.

Outside he looks at the cliffs and possible alternative climbs via crevices and rock stack formations. Lastly he scouts the local waterways detailing direction, estimates of depth and current flow.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#86 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »


That fire looks mighty enticing Ganna, mind if I sit and warm myself fer a bit? Did anyone pack a cloak or blanket I could use?

Shivering from the chill air coming up from the mountain stream I sit down by the fire and try to warm up, and catch some Z's.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#87 Post by Rex »


"Sit here." Ganna pats a spot next to her. "I am warm by the fire, you can borrow my cloak, its even red for good luck." Hands her infamous red cloak over.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#88 Post by Marullus »

Nice roleplay. :) Crosslink to OOC planning post here.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#89 Post by Enoch »

Cu Aislin

Cu removes his antlered skull-mask, revealing pale blue eyes and a shock of coarse, sandy hair, his relative youth obvious without the mask. He unstoppers his skin and drains it before refilling it from the stream.

When he returns from the riverbank, he settles crosslegged before the fire and beside Grimm. He turns toward the dwarf and says, "Your story is entertaining, Grimm, but I fear the Fair Folk are far more subtle and dangerous than the children's stories you tell. Sit, and listen, and I will tell you my people's lore of the faerie." He continues in a waspish tone: "Tancred, you may wish to listen; these are the stories of your people as well." He replaces his mask and begins to speak.
Cu removes the Hungry and Thirsty condition and refills the skin.

He will use his Check to make a Mentor test. Mentor is an interesting skill, and it works a little differently than other skills: the Obstacle is the student's Nature (in this case, Grimm's Nature is 4, so the test is Ob 4). If the test is successful, you can grant the student a Passed or Failed test (teacher's choice), or a Beginner's Luck check if they don't have the skill, in any skill the teacher has at a higher rating than the student. In this case, Cu has Lore Master 4, which is higher than Grimm's Lore Master 2.

However, I only have Mentor 2, so I can't pass an Ob 4 test. I could narrate Cu emphasizing the druids' role in history or battling the faeries or something, and do something cool called Tapping Your Nature: if Marullus agreed it fit the Human Nature of Boasting, I could spend a Persona and add my Nature to my Mentor. However, that would still only give me 5 dice against Ob 4, and I'm out of Persona anyway. I'm just going to fail this test.

Another note about Instincts and Camp: while tests in Camp or made by Instinct don't advance the Grind, they do still have consequences. When I fail this test, Marullus can either allow me to succeed but gain a Condition, or have me fail with a twist.

Mentor test:
2D: [1d6] = 4, [1d6] = 6
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#90 Post by drpete »

Grimm listens to Cu's darker tale of the faerie, watching to see how interested others are in the story. Though he appreciates Cu sharing, maybe he is not so much in a learning mood as a story telling mood, and he follows it up with a story of his own, about brownies tormenting a human who didn't respect the faerie "rules"
My understanding is that the Mentor roll is going to fail... I figure, maybe if there's a few sitting around listening to Cu, maybe Grimm turns it into a storytelling contest instead of listening? Sort of instinct vs instinct? If that works, how would we do it? If not, maybe Grimm just tries to entertain everyone instead of paying deep attention to Cu's lore?

(I'm assuming trying to tell the story of this place, with a loremaster roll is not an option...?)
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#91 Post by Marullus »

Remember that I decide whether failure results in "success with a condition" or "failure with a twist." It is still possible to get the effect of success with a greater cost.
Cu Aislin believes he is imparting serious, life and death material... The true knowledge of his order. Grimm's desire to be flippant with providing his entertainment and Tancred's lack of concern about his own Fate frustrate the druid, leaving him irritated and Angry, knowing he will need to adjust his approach to meet his duty.
Cu Aislin records a failed Mentor test and the Angry condition.
Grimm records a Pass or Fail for advancement of Loremaster (Cu Aislin's choice.)
Go ahead and roleplay from there.

No, you don't have a Check to do a Loremaster test on the history of this place; you can do it in the adventure phase and advance the Grind.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#92 Post by Enoch »

Cu Aislin

After exchanging stories for an hour, Cu throws up his hands in disgust, removing his mask and stalking away from the fire. Though his stories are well-told, it's clear they are not having their desired effect.

A failed Lore Master test seems most appropriate here for Grimm.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#93 Post by Marullus »

Remaining tests (details in OOC thread):
[Camp] Clough: Cartographer.
[Camp] Tancred: Health.
[Camp] Durgenor Health OR Ganna Alchemist (depending on Durganor's IC roleplay choice)
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#94 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »


Sitting by the fire, wrapped in a warm cloak, listening to Cu's story, soon the sound of snoring is heard. I take comfort knowing that extra work involved to find this hiding place was worth it, even if it feels like it was a rushed job. (Using Steadfast trait as a bonus). It feels good to be helping these new friends.
(Tapping Nature: Running - probably outside of the Nature, so risking losing Nature).

Health + Supplies + Trait (Steadfast) + Nature (Running)
3D +1D +1D
1 Persona used
Nature reduced by 1

Health roll:
Health: [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 1

Nature roll:
Nature: [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6
Tancred soon falls into a deep restful sleep, not snoring loudly at all, and awakes for his watch time feeling like a new man.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#95 Post by Stirling »


Calls to Durganor to assist him in surveying the cave mouths as he preps a detailed map. He tries to encourage the dwarf by pointing out side tunnels that show obvious signs of excavation. "They might look redundant now but maybe still flecks of quartz and fluorspar decorate the copper veins. How would your friend Baltor feel in such a place, labouring as he did in hope of hitting the Motherlode?"
Not sure what needs to be rolled. Is this macro correct?

Clough map makes [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 5 dice of help? [1d6] = 1
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#96 Post by Marullus »

Tancred slumbers deeply under Ganna's red riding cloak, warm and cozy. He feels better. (Exhausted removed)

Sitting by the fireside, Clough sketches out the route down the cliff-side and the layout of the palisade above and the river below. As others help correct small details, they all agree it is a worthy rendition.

Clough is making an Ob2 test with his Cartographer 2 skill. He cannot use a trait against himself to earn a check while in camp, but can spend his traits positively. Ganna can help with Scholar and Tancred can help with Pathfinder. If Durganor is recovered first, he can help with Cartographer or Pathfinder. Clough can go ahead and roll and roleplay when ready.
If you used a trait positively and all assumed help, you could have rolled up to six dice. Since you succeeded with three, we don't need anything more. I will still allow Tancred and Ganna to narrate help if they like. (Durgenor isn't healed yet, so can't benefit from helping. He can always RP, though. I like how you engaged him!)
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#97 Post by rossik »


The dwarf sits by the fire, staring at the flames. The crack sounds seems to whip painful memories back to present time. He clench his fists till they turn white, and he tries to remember a old dwarven song from his youth:

Oh come all you young fellers so young and so fine
Seek not your fortune in a dark dreary mine
It'll form as a habit and seep in your soul
Till the stream of your blood runs as black as the coal
Where it's dark as a dungeon damp as the dew danger is double pleasures are few
Where the rain never falls the sun never shines
It's a dark as a dungeon way down in the mine

Durganor tries to shake the fear from his bones, but its not that easy...
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#98 Post by Marullus »

One success short!

There's no extra penalty to failing a recovery test... It is bad enough that you used up your wine, Grimm's tale, and a Check and then still need to continue living with the condition until you camp again.

However! This is where we talk about ways you can push for a win AFTER dice are rolled. In this case, you can spend your Fate and Persona points to activate your Wises.

Durgenor has shelter-wise (Tancred made sure this camp was fully sheltered... does that help your fears in some way?) and goblin-wise (what does he know that overcomes goblins as his source of fear?)

You can spend 1 Fate point (you have three) and activate "deeper understanding" from your Wise and reroll 1 die (so a 50/50 shot). You can also spend 1 Persona point (you have one) to activate "Of Course!" From your Wise which rerolls all failed dice. (You can spend a fate and then a persona but not the other way around).

Fate and Persona are like XP and are the awards you will get more of at the end of each session. You need to SPEND a certain number of each to level up. So spending them is good, especially in a circumstance that matters. (You can see an example where Cu Aislin used "Of Course!"Above in this thread.)

Decide what you do and roll more dice and let's see if you can pull out one more success. :)
For those who don't know it... :)

Sing-a-long with Durgenor.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#99 Post by Stirling »


Plays along with his harmonica.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#100 Post by rossik »


"But...wait!" the voice in his head speaks. "goblins are strong only in bands. This one is alone, and afraid. And weak. His neck looks like a twig, and i shall break it as one"
[1d6] = 6, spent a Fate point

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