What's Happened So Far....

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Ranger Knight
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What's Happened So Far....

#1 Post by AQuebman »

Brave adventurous people from the town of Cinton have gathered together as a merry band to investigate nightly disappearances of their townspeople. Reports of beastial creatures of enormous size come in the middle of the night and drag townspeople up into the keep on the hill never to be seen again.

These brave adventurers have found more than enough danger from these beast creatures along with several surprises including a foul temple and a magical well that deformed a few members of the party with foul magics. The brave party drove off and slaughtered these beast creatures and even thwarted an attack on Cinton but not without a few casualties along the way.

They then found a pool filled with floating and glowing skulls in a room with robes emblazoned with chaos symbols. One of their lot unknowingly pulled the plug on the pool and was sucked down into a water filled cavern along with the skulls. Some of his companions climbed down to follow him into the cave while the others took the stairs. The cave and the stairs ended up connecting meeting out at a mysterious underground beach front with an enormous menhir.

The Menhir is engraved with large circular patterns and is topped with a basin with an unlit candle. It stares right out towards a dragon prowed ship and then off in the distance what appears to be a large ziggurat. The party took to smashing several of the glowing skulls they had found and noticed the spirits were all floating off toward the ziggurat. Unsure of what to do next a few brave souls swam into the sea to climb aboard this dragon prowed ship only to be attacked by a giant multi tentacled monster that hid it's true form deep under that sea.

The giant multiple tentacled monster grabbed a hold of three members of the party. One of which, the brave Burt the radish farmer was pulled under the water and ripped into bits of flesh and a pool of blood. It wasn't until Fruldrick, Halfling Haberdasherhit one of the tentacles breaking a companion free to fall into the water and the other captured party member broke free through strength alone. Rolfo the Dwarven Herder then got the bright idea of lighting the candle atop the menhir. When the candle was lit the tentacle beast moved away from the shore off into the middle awaiting patiently and the dragon prowed ship moved of it's own accord up to the shore.

During this seemingly calmer period Heltel the shaman and Aengus the ditch digger inspect the runes on the menhir. The effect of doing so made them both go mad seeking to offer their nearest companions heart as an offering to the great tentacle beast. All hell broke loss as the entire party split between investigating the boat and getting involved with this sudden in fighting. Aengus succeeded in breaking the compulsion and in a last ditch effort Aengus's brother Bronn called upon the Lawful God of War, Klazath to command Heltel to run off. It started to work as the shaman doubled over in intense pain fighting against the unknown force. Unfortunately The effort ultimately failed as some unknown cyclopean entity in a misty form appeared cackling and the compulsion regained control of Heltel. Heltel then turn and with an unnaturally powerful blow crushed Aengus's skull sending bone and blood flying all around him.

Now the shaman has begun dragging the ditch digger's corpse toward the sea. A few of his companions engaged him while the others watched in terror. He nearly killed his dear friend Rolfo but Darvin a human cooper already corrupted from this dungeon of terror grabbed his spear and skewered the enthralled shaman in the torso and leaving him lifelessly held up by the spear. The threat of their companion was gone but the party was another man down and the psychological and emotional pain amongst the party was very real. Yet still they struggled on, the tentacle beast still awaited a sacrifice.

As things calmed down the party allowed the tentacle beast to take the shaman into it's control. Once it had grabbed it's prize it disappeared under the depths. The brave heroes then boarded the dragon prowed ship and sailed to the ziggurat to find a horrible scene. The same cyclopean figure appeared in a shadow at the top as oddly deformed beast creatures shoved townsfolk from Cinton and other prisoners up to the top all to be sacrificed. Screams and the smell of burning flesh fills the air as the beasts chant excitedly.

The brave companions disgusted by what they saw rush in and engage the beast creature's prepared to end this evil with the messy straightforward approach

....To Be Continued

DM: Hope this helps to explain what has happened so far for new players
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