Pirates and Carib background. Island information

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Pirates and Carib background. Island information

#1 Post by Spearmint »

I admit to spending hours of unadulterated fun playing Sid Meiers 2004 classic Pirates x-box game and this campaign is inspired largely due to those midnight hours dancing with govnors' daughters, chasing Baron Raymondo and looting buried treasure. The following is a good link to the game, already a couple of you have admitted to being fans of it.


In this campaign world I want you to imagine the Caribbean nations of the mid 17th century. This was the height of piracy in the region and the backdrop to the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise. To keep the familiar setting I am using the islands and ports by name as much as possible with a few twists as necessary and the setting of colonial nations at war. Add into the mix the fantasy Dungeons and Dragons ethos and you can create a wondrous place to adventure.

Did you know Barbados literally meant, Island of the Bearded. What better place for native dwarven folk to live.

This game is designed to be an 'open world' project. At the beginning the player characters are 1st level land lubbers signing on to escape hum drum existence, seek adventure or to just plainly run away from the law. At this level the game is lead by the actions and will of the ships captain. The party will learn and develop their sailing, navigational, trading and gunnery skills. Ultimately, through capturing another vessel, through crew mutiny or by surviving when all else around fall, the players will become masters of their own vessel, or indeed vessels, and masters of their own destiny. What you do then, who do you raid, who do you protect, where do you sail, who becomes captain and who swabs the decks will all be character driven choices.

I am naming these regions of mainland and islands the Carib. People and races have co-existed in these islands for centuries before their discovery by colonial powers some 200 years ago. Intent on trade and empire building, the colonial powers of Breton, Gauloise, Iberian and Haldane moved to take control over island ports and subsequent trade routes. Native folk were either enslaved into plantation work or driven off altogether. On some islands revolt took place and the colonial powers were overthrown. In other places the ports grew into thriving major towns and places of colonial governance. As the nations bickered and warred, it created the space for 'privateers' to sail under 'Letters of Marque', the authority from one colonial power to attack and raid the shipping and assets of another power. Piracy grew until it flourished beyond the ability of local militia or naval powers to completely reign it in.

The Carib area offers much in the way of golden treasure, wondrous riches and luxury artifacts from the mainland continent. It is into this backdrop that the player characters live. I hope we enjoy it together and thank you for your participation.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: About the game: Pirates and Carib background.

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Here is a Map of the Carib

some guys mentioned they couldn't open it so here is a link: http://i.imgur.com/njtANZS.jpg

Pirates Carib Map.jpg
Pirates Carib Map.jpg (290.92 KiB) Viewed 2825 times
Rider of Rohan
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Re: About the game: Pirates and Carib background.

#3 Post by Spearmint »

Here are some notes on major ports known about at the start of the game

You character will have a very basic geographic and demographic knowledge of the places below. To know more just visit...

Cities or Ports owned by Nation:

* Haldanes

o St. Martin. small island in the eastern Carib. Fortified town, few trading shops, With the new cultivation of cotton, tobacco, and sugar, mass numbers of slaves were imported to work on the plantations. The slave population quickly grew larger than that of the land owners. Slaves revolted and overthrew Iberian rule and they became naturalised Haldanes. The small fishing village of Oysterpond, lies on the easternmost side of the island, trading in blue oysters and deep sea pearls.

o Curacao Large port town. The island populated by large native settlements, the island grew because of close proximity to the mainland. Many plantations and diverse trade, with the fort being used for the security of families who work on the continent or the schooling of children.

o St. Eustatius the island is saddle shaped with a small fort occupying a high point on the crest of a dormant volcano at one end and a forested hill of tall trees on the other. In the saddle at sea level lies the town of St Eustace. On the western island side is Eustace Bay, guarded by a horsehoe of rocks to nurture a safe deepwater harbour. The other eastern side has old warehouses and stone built small fishermens' cottages which lie underwater due to land slippage and the rising ocean level. Few go to this side of the island, it is rumoured to be haunted. Characters are on this island at the start of the campaign.

* Bretons

o Port Royale The largest city in the Carib, functioning as their centre of shipping and commerce. The seat of Breton governance for the whole Carib, major port and fortifications. Home to 'privateers' who work under 'letters of marque' for the crown and home to the largest military garrison. Port Royal also home to trained blue dragons, several cathedrals and schools of magic are built inside.

o Grand Bahama Grand Bahama's existence for almost two centuries was largely governed by the nature of the "Great Shallows" - the huge coral reefs surrounding the island. Very treacherous, naturally attracting pirates, who would lure ships onto the reefs where they would run aground and be plundered. Long thin island with long sandy beaches and lots of coconut trees. Two small ports and one native village and well known mission station.

o St. Kitts small island, local native populace driven into plantation slavery. Island famed for healing honey coming from hives of giant bees. Single fort and scattered farms.

o St Nevis sister island to St Kitts. Single fort and small fishing settlements. Home to large community of ½ orc immigrants and ex-prisoners living in exile farming in the interior.

o Eleuthera It is long and thin—110 miles (180 km) long and in some places little more than 1 mile (1,600 m) wide. The topography of the island varies from wide rolling pink sand beaches to large outcrops of ancient coral reefs. The eastern side of the island faces the Atlantic Ocean while the western side faces the Great Bahama Bank reef. Home to many giant crab and sea serpents in the reef. Also on the island is an ancient elvish blood cult known as the Majere Solaris. Little is known of their ways but even pirates fear to tread upon the island preferring to anchor offshore.

Trinidad. Large island currently undergoing an uprising against the ruling Breton colonial power. The fortified settlements on the island are besieged by Iberian invasion forces who are using humanoid mercenaries brought from the mainland.

Tobago. Former Breton colony now an independent island state supposedly but rumour is it is run by pirates. Breton powers paying privateers to harass Iberian merchants and shipping in an effort to break the siege in Trinidad.

Antigua The island was inhabited with a couple of major ports. However these towns were sacked and razed to the ground by dragons decades ago. Occasionally dragons may be seen flying eastwards to hunt migrating whales. Scattered remnants of folk still live on the coastline fringe in deep caves, eeking out a living. A large lighthouse, on the eastern side remains standing, the reef around it dangerous so few go to explore there.

Nassau. Small island often blighted by hurricanes. Much devastation. The Breton's are slowly rebuilding the port and major town but constant pirate and native troubles hamper their efforts.


o Barbados or the 'island of the bearded ones'. This is the main dwarven city state and home to a large city and several smaller industrial settlements. The island is run on a loose feudalism with clans vying for supremacy. However they have no 'none dwarven' captained pirate havens here though ships are welcome to port. Certain parts of the island are strictly forbidden, rumours dwarven war smiths are developing a futuristic naval fleet.

* Gauloise

o Petit-Goave coastal fishing and trading community. No fort, local militia maintain law. Notable pirate haven, often raided by military bounty hunters looking for pirate flotillas. Multicultural the town is run by a council made up of a native indian chiefs, senior clerics and envoys of the Pirate Brethren.

o Port-du-Paix provincial town opposite island of Tortuga. Known for exportation of crops, coffee, coconut and spices. A pirate watching spy ring is known to exist in the town but so far efforts to root them out have proved difficult. The town also boasts a superior infirmary. This often caters for wounded pirates and thus that service secures the town from being plundered by the pirate haven nearby. If you need a hook hand, eye patch or wooden leg, you might end up here...

o Florida Keys Cajun central, the Keys are several small isolated islands that flood with the tide creating huge mangrove swamps. The area is littered with shipwrecks and the reef here is very dangerous. Inland natives are also very aggressive. Despite the numerous dangers from crocs, large reptiles and poisonous snakes, several small fishing villages have a prosperous existence here, free from governmental rule on the whole. Whatever you want to buy, you can get...eventually from the Florida Keys. Home to strange cults, mages, mystics and small pirate boats. The largest boats like frigates will struggle to get in and out because of the reefs.

o Martinique Large fort and garrison. Governing the other cities. Major port and small fishing villages. Lots of trade leaves here to go east across the oceans so there are lots of escort vessels to protect national shipping and keeping maritime routes free of piracy.

o Guadelupe. Sister island to Montserrat, it has a smaller population and only one major port. The island does have an active volcano and this is constantly spewing lava into the sea on the eastern side. The island is mined for renowned minerals, obsidian and marble. The reef is also home to a race of aquatic elves who war with another aquatic reptilian/fish race who dominate on several islands further out to sea.

Montserrat Scattered fishing villages around the coastline. The interior is rich in natural products but is threatened by an active volcano which has constant minor eruptions. Gauloise supported privateers have a pirate haven here, Pont du Avignon.

* Iberians

o Rio de la Hacha 'River of the Axe' mainland town, colonized by plantation owners. Port has room for many galleons and though the fort is small the fort overlooks a long wide bay and entry to and from the town is certainly to be seen. Many races from the interior have occupied the city, small enclaves of goblin, orc and ogres live in a fragile peace with immigrant dwarven, elven and human settlers. A large 1/2ling and dwarven population is based here. They started the place by literally chopping their way through the jungle upriver.

o Maracaibo big imposing fort and town at the head of the entrance to 'Lake Maracaibo' Home to many trading ships of all designs. The cannons of the fort here can reach across the entire bay and there is a giant boom stretched across the waters to entangle unauthorized shipping.

o Gibraltar Town on the eastern shore of Lake Maracaibo. Often in quarantine because of deadly epidemics which come from the inhabitants of the inland jungle. Rich in woods and food supplies, native rangers bring a constant supply of bushmeat, both known and unknown creatures.

o Coro port on the mainland. Inland to the port is not wild jungle but desolate, dry barren land. Lots of minerals and ore are excavated from mines inland. Harsh, barren, dry, very flat and featureless landscape for a least a hundred miles in each direction. The ore and stones collected is rich though and highly sought after. Especially the fine grain powder used to improve the blasting power of cannons. Military galleons jealously guard the explosive stockpiles.

o Puerto Bello 'Beautiful Port', home to silversmiths and artisans. Seen as a nice place to retire with many large villas in town. Fortifed by mercenary militias, home to a private fleet of pirate mages.

o St. Augustine most northerly port used in the campaign so far. Religious settlement. Actually native presence is the biggest and trade has been established with interior peoples. Such races as centaurs, lizard men and gnoll and ogres and giant folk inhabit the interior. Rumours of an ancient nomadic civilization who roam the plains. Dinosaur bones and ivory main trade from interior folk.

o Havana Major town on island, lots of trading ships carrying goods from the interior. Loosly under government control, privateers abound here with letters of marque.

o Santo Domingo seat of Iberian colonial rule in the Carib. Major city on island. Large castle, governmental offices and cathedral. Numerous galleons come and go and this is one of the busiest trading ports. Every kind of ship can be found here, rich pickings for a lucky pirate vessel but many bounty hunting privateers and national fleet. Interior of the island is wild, native settlements and deep forest. Most upgrades can be bought in many of the smaller ports nearby.

o Santiago large town, fortified, has large 'indentured' labourers working inland. Major elven town, who would like to have their own city state not under govt' rule.

o Veracruz westernmost port known at start of game. Trading in goods and spices. Native temples inside the interior, dragons proliferate along the coastline.

o Campeche Multi cultural town, home to many trading ships and galleons. Favourite hangout of pirates with money to spend....

o Santa Catalina: Very mountainous island, with a large flat plateau. A religious sect established a colony to follow their unique values, but it quickly became a base for sugarcane production, rum, and gemstone mining. The Iberian attacked with a naval fleet and enslaved nearly all the population to dig for all the quality gemstones. It is home to a huge prison, rumours are several pirates have been imprisoned here and are forced to work in the mines. The sect still has a small town of settlers living a communal existence under watchful eyes. The caverns are home to giant bats, huge crustaceans and an ancient deep dwelling underground race. Several privateers are based here.

Pirate havens: ones known about at least...

o Tortuga very mountainous and rocky, turtle shaped island off Haiti. Tortuga is the major center and haven of Carib piracy. Many small coves and caves, inland havens through cavernous tunnels that a ship can sail through. Most notorious pirates are based here and non pirates are very seldom lucky enough to escape.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: About the game: Pirates and Carib background.

#4 Post by Spearmint »

The Cay of Monte Verde, is about 40 miles north of the island of Nassau in the Bahamas.

Monte Verde Cay.jpg
Monte Verde Cay.jpg (474.67 KiB) Viewed 2764 times
Rider of Rohan
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Re: About the game: Pirates and Carib background.

#5 Post by Spearmint »

Iggways' report on Monte Verde:

The mission station of Padre dr Lautrere' is on the high point of the island, a clean swept white tiled structure built around a large open courtyard. Chapel with bell tower one end, manse and convent infirmary the other. The infirmary is set up for basic health care programmes, maternity unit and a laboratory where snake venom is extricated or stored. This is subsequently turned into potions which brings an income in to sustain the mission. Iggway was studying this process before she fled the island to bring word to Captain Lazarus of the missions' need.

The mission is surrounded by a few farmhouses and thick forest with either small swampy quicksand jungle or beautiful beachcomber bays on the island perimeter in equal measure. The island is an odd serrated blade shape, about 14 miles long and four wide. Several hundred native families live in scattered communities under the leadership of chief Pachucapatl. They hold fast to a snake worshiping deity. An 'incarnate form' of this god is rumoured to exist on this island or another smaller one further offshore. The natives have been blamed for several abductions from Nassau, farmers taken in the dead of night and shipped off in war canoes, something which Pachucapatl strictly denies.

The settlers on the island are Gauloise and the island has been claimed by the Gauloise government though this is disputed by local Breton claims to the region. Due to serious devastation from hurricanes in other nearby islands, the Bretonian government have concentrated their efforts to rebuild elsewhere leaving the island to prosper in its' native outreach programmme. The settlers have a simple life of fishing, managing small orchards or pig farming and live either close to the mission or near to the wide beachfront. A smaller hamlet exists closer to the native villages. One of the cays further along the coast has been visited by raiding ogres recently, canoeing in huge boats from the mainland continent.

Recently a few shipwrecked settlers washed up on the island and came under the care of the mission. However the natives blame these folk for bringing smallpox to the island which blighted the indigenous population. The natives have become restless and in recent weeks assaulted the mission station to kill these settlers. An intense stand off and precarious peace was agreed but the Padre fears that with the approaching new moon, the natives will try to strike again. Despite asking local Breton and Gauloise governors for aid, he has been rebuffed due to the fear the settlers will further spread this deadly disease to other new world communities.

The island is overrun with venomous snakes who habit the interior and sea serpents lair in the deep coral reefs.+
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: About the game: Pirates and Carib background.

#6 Post by Spearmint »

Turks and Caicos Islands a report by Pocc.

What Pocc will know as a marine biologist in training is that near to the main T and C islands are two smaller cays known as the Ambergris Cays. So named after the deposits of Ambergris frequently found on the shore. This is a pungent smelly substance, not a rock, that is formed in the guts of whales and washed up on beaches as they vomit it out. Very highly prized in perfume making, arcane compounds and native rites.

here is a small map for you to orient yourself. Around these islands are notorious reefs, but the whales migrate and mate or calve in the waters around here. It may have been nursing whales which attacked the ship that Elijah was on, to protect their young. If the sloop goes on the east side of the island, the current may take you further into the Atlantic and going west may be more dangerous as the area is frequent by privateers and trading ships with armed escort vessels.

North , Middle and East Caicos all have a small settlement on, each acting as an independent township. The islands are predominantly made up of freed or escaped slaves from Iberian colonies. Middle Caicos has a small fort, heavily defended with a large granary built into a cliff face to withstand any invasion. The Turkmen' as they are known, support a pirate confederacy and at least one 'privateer' is always circumnavigating the islands to fend of naval vessels.

In another affront to their former Iberian colonial masters, the Turks, have a reputation for enchanting items as arcane magic rather than divine faith is encouraged to be practised.

Several surrounding smaller Cays are home to isolated family groups, sea gypsies who roam nomadically across the Carib hawking lucky coral charms, fenced plundered goods or offering soothsaying practices through palm reafing, card decks and crystal balls.

Turks and Caicos.png
Turks and Caicos.png (8.18 KiB) Viewed 2732 times
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: About the game: Pirates and Carib background.

#7 Post by Spearmint »

A map of the Bahamas: the sea journey from the Turks and Caicos to Monte Verde (40miles north of Nassau.).

Bahamas map..jpg
Bahamas map..jpg (29.4 KiB) Viewed 2682 times
Rider of Rohan
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Re: About the game: Pirates and Carib background.

#8 Post by Spearmint »

An aerial view of Andros Island.

The island is about 100 miles long and 40 wide at the furthest points. Only the eastern side of the island is habited, or should I say civilized. There are two main towns, Nicholls Freeport which is located on the north east coast and Owens Town which is in the central mangrove swamp and main frontier settlement for the swamp hunters. The Gauloise have a small military base here, namded Mangrove Fort which is located on the south island and placed in the middle of the swamp and bights. They have an old ruined fort and train their naval academy cadets the arts of sailing here. The fleet consists of an old training brig, a few barques and small coastal cutters. A watchtower guards the anchorage.

Alongside the eastern coastline population and business hives are numerous dotted around creeks and inlets, most of which are claimed territorially for small individual farming clans and plantations. Though it claims to act as a 'freeport', Nicholls FP, is actually governed loosely by the Gauloise nation. A small militia of local conscripts is garrisoned in the main Freeport. Nicholl's Freeport is also home to a mage arcanium, a Gauloise wizard college.

The farmland extends roughly halfway across the islands and then it fads into the hundreds of small islets and cays connected by mangrove estuaries and tidal swamps. The two main islands are separated by "bights",estuaries that trifurcate the island, connecting the island's east and west coasts. The western mangroves are thick and dense. Tall trees provide a lush canopy overhead and the marshland is treacherous. No single safe pathway stays the same for long, with the constant moving of the boggy ground and silt. The mangroves are reputedly home to black dragons among other more natural denizens. The waters around the island are clear and blue. A rich abundant sea life inhabits the east reef which stretches a couple of miles off shore. The island is formed mostly of calciferous carbonate which has lead to the formations of large underwater sea tunnels and caverns which dot the interior.

The island is famed for a certain unique gemstone named as 'Blue-Jeune', a quartz like gypsum mined for it's decorative properties. Blue John is also the name of a notorious pirate who has a hideout in the western mangroves.

aerial view of Andros.jpg
aerial view of Andros.jpg (155.36 KiB) Viewed 2603 times
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Pirates and Carib background. Island information

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Here is a more detailed map of Andros, as used by Captain Lazarus to plan the 'dummy run' raid on the Gauloise training vessels prior to an attack on Nassau in the 'Cockleshell Heroes' thread.

Nautical features such as cays and inlets are typed in black while the various scattered settlements are typed in red. The main town of Nicholl's Freeport is located on the north-east coast at the top of the island. The settlements vary in size from a few dozen small shacks to larger walled towns. The dotted blue spots are local mines which excavate the Blue-Jeune decorative quartz fluorspar.

Mangrove Fort is an old ruined stronghold on Guana Cay, a cay surrounded by swamp areas located in the central part of Mangrove Cay, which makes up the smaller of the three main islands of the Andros Archipelago. This is the place used by the Gauloise to train their sailing academy and naval cadets. An old rickety brig is stationed here for them to learn the arts of sailing and seamanship along with a few military barques and small coastal cutters. The anchorage is between the small creek between Guana Cay and Alcorine Cay

The green is mostly thick mangroves or forest area while he shaded areas are more dangerous swamps. The bights between islands are navigable by small craft. The western side of the Andros Islands is home to very dangerous shoals and reefs, hence most ships avoid that area. Sirens are rumoured to have lured several vessels to shipwreck along the crescent shaped swamp and reefs of the north west coast.

Detail of Andros Island, settlements and mines..png
Detail of Andros Island, settlements and mines..png (341.04 KiB) Viewed 1972 times
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