House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

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Which Rules?

#2 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Which Rules?
My “old-school” games are run using the 1981 Moldvay/Cook Basic/Expert (or “B/X” as they are often called) rules. The 1984 Mentzer “BECMI” rules and the compiled Rules Cyclopedia are virtually identical and may be referenced as well. Technically, I'm using Old-School Essentials (OSE) - a modern 100% compatible “clone” of B/X by Necrotic Gnome. I highly recommend these for their far superior organization and design.

The following list of OSE books are all that might be required for player reference in my games:
  • Old-School Essentials Basic Rules (FREE at DriveThruRPG)
  • Old-School Essentials Core Rules
  • Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy Genre Rules (Classes & Equipment)
  • Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Genre Rules (Additional Classes)
  • Old-School Essentials Cleric & Magic-User Spells
  • Old-School Essentials Druid & Illusionist Spells
The OSE books are available in view-only on my Google Drive >HERE<. (with the publisher's permission, to be clear)

UPDATE: There is now a full SRD of the Core and Classic Fantasy rules. Note that that the content from the two Advanced Fantasy books is not included, as those were not released by Necrotic Gnome as open content. https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgno ... /Main_Page
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Character Creation Rules

#3 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Character Creation
For myself, much of the fun of playing this style game comes from the randomness of the dice, and the challenge of trying to make something interesting from whatever results. That said, I acknowledge that play style may not appeal to everyone and offer some concessions and houserules to make the experience more acceptable to players used to more control over the character creation process

Ability Scores:
  • Option 1 - Straight 3d6 (By the book)
    • Rolled using 3d6 in order (S-I-W-D-C-Ch)
    • You may substitute a 15 for ONE roll to help play a specific desired class.
    • Scores may also be adjusted per the guidelines in the book.
  • Option 2 - 4d6 Arranged to Taste
    • For players desiring more say in their character, you can use the more liberal method of rolling 4d6/drop lowest six times and arranging as desired.
    • These can NOT be further modified.
Available Classes:
While OSE does provide rules for separating race from class, we will be using the BX standard of race-as-class for the various demi-human races. While this could change at some point in the future, I want to start things off with a more "pure" BX play experience.
  • All seven "Core" classes - Cleric, Fighter, Magic-User, Thief, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling
  • For those that have access to the AD&D conversions from the OSE "Advanced Fantasy" book, for now I'm going to allow everything except for assassins, half-orcs and the few "evil" Underdark races. We'll see how things work out.
  • For the most part, I'd prefer to stick to those options as I feel they allow PLENTY of variety. that said, there are a lot of other B/X classes and races out there by other authors. If you are a more experienced player and do have something from another source you'd like to play, feel free to run it by me and we can talk it out.
Hit Points:
All characters start with maximum hit points at 1st level. Additional hp gained upon leveling up are then rolled, but you may re-roll any 1s or 2s. Believe me, it's still easy enough to die...

Starting Languages:
There is no universal Common language. Humans from Karameikos should be either native Traladaran or of Thyatian descent, and speak Thyatian as ”common.” The additional languages available are: Bugbear, Doppelgänger, Dragon, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gargoyle, Gnoll, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling (Hin), Harpy, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lizard man, Medusa, Minotaur, Ogre, Orcish, Pixie, Traladaran or other human dialect
Last edited by Koren n'Rhys on Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:30 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Religions in Karameikos

#4 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

The Immortals of Mystara are many, from all races and spread across the many nations of the world. For characters in my campaigns based in or near Karameikos, the following Immortals are the most typically worshiped. Clerics may choose to follow either a Church and it’s full pantheon, or become a specialty priest of a specific Immortal.

Church of Traladara
The Church of Traladara dates back nearly six centuries to the Traldar Age of Heroes. The Church of Traladara primarily worships the three Great Heroes, Halav, Petra and Zirchev. None of the three is given precedence over the other, as the church stresses the importance of cooperation and strength found in unity. Approximately 70% of the human population of Karameikos follow the old faith.
  • Halav (M) - Patron of Traladara, Warfare & Weaponsmiths, Bane of the Humanoids
  • Petra (F) - Patroness of Defenders and Besieged Cities, Warden of Traladara
  • Zirchev the Huntsman (M) - Patron of Hunting, Protector of the Sylvan Races
Church of Karameikos
The Church of Karameikos is a modern cult with roots in Thyatian theology and philosophy. It is the religion followed by the vast majority of Thyatian-blooded Karameikans, as well as by many Karameikans of mixed blood, and some Traladarans. It includes a variety of Immortal patrons chosen by the founders to appeal to Thyatians who come to Karameikos, as a variant of the Church of Thyatis, as well as the demi-human inhabitants of the Grand Duchy, though with very limited success, as the demihumans have a very different view of religion, more related to personal or family worship than to public, ritualistic worship.
  • Asterius (M) - Patron of Trade, Money and Communication, Protector of Merchants and Thieves
  • Tarastia (F) - Patroness of Justice and Revenge, Mistress of Truth and Order
  • Valerias (F) - Patroness of Love, Passion & Desire, Lady of Charity
  • Vanya (F) - Patroness of War and Conquerors,
  • Ilsundal the Wise (M) - Patron of Elves and Magic, Protector of Nature
  • Kagyar the Artisan (M) - Patron of Dwarves, Craftsmen and Protector of Miners
I do like the idea of a cleric's choice of deity actually having some effect in play. My intention is to create some sort of "specialty priest" variations for each - though being a "standard" cleric of either church is always still an option. If a player has an interest in playing such a priest, I'll determine just what that means at that point.
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Class Modifications

#5 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Class Modifications:
For some of the base classes, I've added a few small changes and perks. Again, many of these serve to offer more "meat" to players who may be used to having many more class abilities to draw on in play.
  • Cleric (& Druid)
    • Free Casting: Clerics do not need to memorize specific spells each day. Instead they may freely cast any spells available to them on the Cleric Spell List, subject only to the limitations imposed by remaining spell slots at the time of casting.
    • Bonus Spells: Clerics receive bonus spell slots based on their Wisdom score. Clerics with a Wisdom of 13+ can cast an extra 1st level spell (available at 1st level). With a Wisdom of 16+ an extra 2nd level spell (at 4th level), and with a Wisdom of 18 can cast an extra 3rd level spell (at 6th level).
  • Fighter
    • Cleave: When an opponent is slain in combat, the fighter may make an immediate free attack against an adjacent opponent.
    • Weapon Specialization: Fighters may choose one broad weapon group to specialize in - swords, axes, bows, polearms, etc. When attacking with a specialized weapon, the character gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • Magic-User (& Illusionist)
    • Starting Spells: Magic-users begin play with Read Magic, plus 3 + INT modifier additional spells in their spell book, chosen by the player.
    • Bonus Spells: Magic-users receive bonus spell slots based on their Intelligence score. Magic-users with an Intelligence of 13+ can cast an extra 1st level spell. With a 16+ an extra 2nd level spell (at 3rd level), and with an 18 can cast an extra 3rd level spell (at 5th level).
    • Arcane Bolt: Once per round, the magic-user may make a magical ranged attack requiring a to-hit roll against the target and using the magic-user’s INT modifier. This attack has a range of 10/20/30 and does 1d3 damage, and is NOT considered magical against monsters which can only be hit by magical attacks.
    • Combat: In addition to daggers, as detailed in the standard rules, magic-users may wield a staff as a melee weapon.
    • NOTE: I might also add a free cantrip-type minor magic ability. Still thinking on that.
  • Thief
    • HD Improvement: Use 1d6 HD rather than 1d4.
    • Thief Skill Bonus: Thieves improve their chances with all percentile skill rolls based on their Dexterity score. Thieves with a Dexterity of 13+ add 5% to their chances of success. This increases to a 10% bonus with a 16+ and a 15% bonus with an 18.
  • Elf
    • Starting Spells: Like magic-users, elves begin play with Read Magic, plus 3 + INT modifier additional spells in their spell book, chosen by the player.
  • Elf, Dwarf & Halfling Traits:
    • A WIP idea to play with. >HERE<
Last edited by Koren n'Rhys on Wed Oct 30, 2019 6:46 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Optional Rules in Use

#6 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Optional Rules in Use:

Ascending Armor Class
We will be using the optional rules for AAC as presented in the OSE core rules. AC values for the various armor types are shown in brackets in the equipment tables (or use 19-AC if using another BX ruleset) and the attack bonuses are listed on the class tables in the THAC0 column. DEX bonus adds to AC this way.

Variable Weapon Damage
Is in use. I prefer the variety over the simplicity of straight d6 damage.

Two-Weapon Fighting
Characters with a Dexterity of 13+ may fight using a second (light) weapon in their off-hand. Make a single attack roll and add the better of any magic bonuses for the weapons, then roll damage for both weapons on a successful hit and take the higher of the two damage rolls. If damage from magic, silver, etc, matters, use that damage result.

I don't want to be bothered with detailed encumbrance and tracking all those coins and such. We'll be using the "Basic Encumbrance" option which is based on armor worn, as follows:

Code: Select all

ARMOR WORN                        BASE MOVE        LOADED MOVE*
Unarmored                         120' (40')        90' (30')
Leather Armor                      90' (30')        60' (20')
Metal Armor (Chain or Plate)       60' (20')        30' (10')
* "Loaded" means use common sense. Carrying a REASONABLE amount of gear and treasure
  won't decrease your speed, but carrying too much coin and whatever will, bumping
  you one movement level, or even two for extreme loads.
Last edited by Koren n'Rhys on Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:59 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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DM Rulings & Clarifications

#7 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

DM Rulings & Clarifications:

TBD as things come up in play
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Re: House Rules

#8 Post by aronbc »

Are we using variable weapon damage (B25) or standard d6? Does Str mod thrown weapon damage?
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Re: House Rules

#9 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

aronbc wrote:Are we using variable weapon damage (B25) or standard d6? Does Str mod thrown weapon damage?
Variable damage, yes, but no to STR mod on thrown. I found it in the Rules Cyclopedia, but it wasn't a BX rule. Let's keep it simple.
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