Oggle > Riders of Nesme

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Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Early morning, Mirtul 5th, 1358 DR

The surviving Riders of Nesme leave Grunwald in a chill, misty rain, heading east into the open hills, bound for home. Captain Truman sits the saddle as easily as he did a few weeks ago when they rode out on this excursion and Sgt. Broon rides close on his right. Next comes a trio of dwarves > Oggle Steambottle, Thurgrum Hammerfel, and Darlond Barmalk > the latter two having decided to follow Oggle to Nesme and see about joining the Riders.
"I think those barbarians are hiding something," the usually stoic Darlond mutters, pulling his cloak a little tighter around his neck. "While the rest of you hunted for a cure for the king, I spent a lot of time talking to the old barbarian, Finn. He said the entire town was built over an old, abandoned dwarven stronghold. I aim to return one day and see if it's true."

"You'll get yer chance soon enough," Steen interjects; he and Cullen are bringing up the rear. "When the king pisses off those werewolves, they'll come back and clean everybody out. Then, you can go in and look all you want!" He laughs and spits, then pulls a biscuit out of his pack and begins to gnaw on it.

Cullen says nothing, as usual, and the group of seven rides on into the hills. Captain Truman breaks for a late lunch, picking a spot on a hillside with good visibility all around. A lone maple tree stands atop the hill - its branches just beginning to leaf out.
During lunch, the captain talks about where exactly to travel > north of Griffon's Nest or south of Griffon's nest. "If we go north, we run the risk of confrontation with Kralgar's warriors again. If we veer south through the hills, we will eventually come to Mornbryn's Shield and travel upriver from there. Of course, that route takes us longer, but..."
Truman scratches at the newly healed scar on his shoulder and says, "What say the rest of you?"

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

AQuebman wrote:Before he leaves Oggle gathers a week's worth of rations and one quiver of arrows for his longbow
Rations are free, and a quiver of arrows will set you back 5 silver.
Please check out my edited post above - apologies for the delay.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#4 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle stays relatively silent at the banter taking it all in and enjoying a bit of peace as they ride back home. It's not until the Captain asks for opinions that Oggle breaks his silence. Captain, I think the long route may be best. Were refreshed on rations and freshly scarred from our recent battles. I think it would be wise to avoid conflict until we can regroup with the rest of the Riders. Kralgar will get his due soon enough. Oggle's voice growls a bit as he says the name of Kralgar, his body still remembering the scars from their last encounter.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

After several more minutes of talking and planning, Captain Truman decides to heed Oggle's advice and head south through the hills. The group travels for the remainder of the day and as night approaches, Truman begins looking for a suitable place to camp. Finding a shallow cave in the Surbrin Hills, west of Griffon's Nest, the group makes camp. Truman sends out Steen and Cullen to do some reconnaissance to make sure the area is safe...and the pair return with news of another camp close by.
The group follows the two Riders to a small depression in the hills where a low fire can be seen. Around the fire are several figures, definitely Orcs from the looks of them and another figure, much bigger, barking orders at the others. Something...sizzles over the fire (you're afraid to wonder what it is) and the Orcs are laughing and seem to be having a good time, getting fired up by the bigger figure talking to them. You count a dozen at least.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#6 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle turns towards his commanding officer and whispers "Captain, I traveled with Nokrugh the Half-Orc long enough to know first hand these creatures are fierce. It's your call i'll follow you no matter your decision. Perhaps we should wait and see what they are discussing, that bigger figure I can't tell who or what he is can you? "
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

"Orog...I think," Cullen says, in answer to Oggle's question; the first words the man has uttered since leaving Grunwald. Thurgrum frowns and looks at the others, and it is Captain Truman who says, "Orc mixed with ogre - makes for a tough, nasty ass fighter. I hate orcs, and I hate to leave them to whatever business they have in these hills."
"No doubt preying on good decent folk!" Sgt. Broon interjects.
"Yeah, Captain, we can't just leave 'em to kill and plunder!" Steen says, walking around all jittery and eager. "I say we catch 'em in the morning when the sun comes up! Ride in and take 'em afore they know what's hit 'em!"
Captain Truman thinks for a few minutes and agrees. "But first, like Oggle, I want to know their plans, if any. This might be a scouting party for a bigger force. Or they might just be a bunch of young warriors out to get bloodied. I'd like to know in case there are others close by. Oggle, take Cullen and get as close as you can - see if you can hear their conversations...and then report back in a couple of hours."

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#8 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle nods in recognition of the Captain's plan and does as ordered doing his best to get close along with Cullen and then reporting back in a few hours.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

It's not difficult getting close to the Orcs and Orog, nor is it hard to make out what they are saying. Oggle understands the Orc tongue...even drunken Orcish! And this is what the Orog and the Orcs are talking about:

Orc: "I say...we work our way through da hills and hit 'em when they sleep!"
Another Orc: "Aye, take 'em in der beds! Females too! Har!! What say ya, Krum?"
Krum (Orog): "Might work, 'slong as they don't be having no guards and such."
Orc: "Driff said twernt nobody around last time he wuz down there. Ain't dat right, Driff?"
Driff: "Yep - alls I seen wuz some lil 'uns and wimmens. Ol' Driff is gonna nail one uv dem wimmens!"
The other Orcs join in and talk about doing the same and then Krum quietens the group.

Krum: "It'll take us a good day to git there - then we go in with steel and let you bastards get good and bloodied on yer first sortie! Maybe get some human cooter too! Heehaw!!"

They go on about raping and pillaging for another hour or so, then four Orcs come out of the darkness, one which was quite close to your position, and four of the Orcs around the fire go out to take their place on guard.

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#10 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle sneaks back to the captain and informs him of the Orc and Orog's plan to attack a human town about a days travel away. "Either we need to go warn the people of this town or handle this business ourselves. It's your call captain i'll follow your lead."
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#11 Post by hedgeknight »

AQuebman wrote:Oggle sneaks back to the captain and informs him of the Orc and Orog's plan to attack a human town about a days travel away. "Either we need to go warn the people of this town or handle this business ourselves. It's your call captain i'll follow your lead."
Captain Truman and Sgt. Broon confer, talking in hushed tones - from their gestures, it is clear that they disagree. Reading their indecision, Steen pipes in, "C'mon, Captain! It's been awhile since we wet our swords - and these are Orcs! We can take 'em!"

With a look, Sgt. Broon silences the man and then finally throws up his hands and walks away to go check on the horses. Captain Truman approaches the group and says, "We're riding to attack the Orcs and prevent them from reaching the town...even though there isn't a town in a day's ride from here...as far as I know. Must be a village in the hills. No matter - our duty as Riders is to protect and serve and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit idle and do otherwise!"

Steen whoops and heads for his horse with Cullen following behind. Then Captain Truman looks at Oggle and says, "Get your blades ready - we're going Orc hunting, boy!"

Within five minutes, the Riders of Nesme are heading toward the Orc camp, trotting slow until Captain sees the light of the fire, then he draws his sword and kicks his horse into a gallop and charges toward the camp.

The Orc sentries are slow to react, but they hear and see the oncoming horsemen as they round a hill and bear down on them. Captain Truman leads the charge and takes a swipe at the Orc sentry (O12 on map) as he rides by, but misses.

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#12 Post by AQuebman »

Are Orcs large or medium? I assume medium so im going to roll 1d8 damage if I hit

Oggle charges in behind his captain his blades ready. He slashes at orcs as he rides in while shouting "By the Platinum Dragon's Claws your death is upon you!
[1d20+3] = 14+3 = 17[1d20+3] = 10+3 = 13 First Round Attacks
[1d8+3] = 1+3 = 4[1d8+3] = 8+3 = 11 First Round Damage
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

AQuebman wrote:Oggle charges in behind his captain his blades ready. He slashes at orcs as he rides in while shouting "By the Platinum Dragon's Claws your death is upon you!
Oggle slashes an Orc in the face (O12) and continues on to meet another, lopping its head clean off! (O9)
Sgt. Broon, Steen, and Cullen ride in stabbing and slashing, but the Orcs duck under or block their attacks...however, their trained horses are more successful, knocking down or slashing three of the Orcs with their hooves!

"Kill the damn horses!" the Orog yells, running to grabbing a glaive from the pile of weapons nearby. The Orcs obey and begin their attacks. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4064812/
(I rolled the Orcs by their number and proximity on the map below - 8 attacks w/ 4 hits)

Truman's horse is wounded (3 pts), and Cullen's takes a minor wound too (1 pt). Steen's horse goes down from a wicked slash to its throat (10 pts), and Oggle's horse is gutted from the side and likewise goes down (10 pts); both Oggle and Steen are able to jump free. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4064813/


Oggle >
Truman >
Broon >
Cullen >
Steen >
O7 > down 4
O8 > down 5
O9 > dead
O12 > down 4
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#14 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle falls off his horse but manages to avoid being crushed under the beast. He tries to gather himself and slash the nearest orc O12 with wild fury. His arms ached from the fall which made his first few swings easy to parry but his third swing landed soundly decapitating the filthy monster where it stood

[1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5[1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5[1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23 Round 2 Attacks

Riders fight together as one! Let the light of the Platinum Dragon guide your blades!

OOC: All lousy attacks except the last one so since it's a crit I don't think I need a damage roll since it's all maxed right? Also I assumed that killed the orc if not i'll change my description.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#15 Post by hedgeknight »

O12 blocks and ducks as best he can, but Oggle's third attack catches the Orc off balance and the dwarf's sword slices through flesh and bone, decapitating his foe with a mighty swing. He calls on Bahamut's name as O5 and O6 charge him screaming in fury.
The nimble dwarf blocks one glaive with his swords and rolls under another, frustrating the Orcs; the Orog watches from the top of a small rise, grinning wickedly, waiting for the dwarf to tire before moving in.
Input: Orcs attack Oggle: [1d20], [1d20], damage with glaive: [1d10], [1d10]
Output: Orcs attack Oggle: [1d20] = 4, [1d20] = 3, damage with glaive: [1d10] = 3, [1d10] = 8

The Riders of Nesme try to heed Oggle's command, with Captain Truman taking off the right arm and most of the lower jaw of O1, and delivering a vicious wound to O4! His horse tramples the Orc, stomping out the rest of its life!
Input: Truman: [1d20+2], [1d20+2], damage with sword: [1d8+4], [1d8+4]
Output: Truman: [1d20+2] = 20+2 = 22, [1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14, damage with sword: [1d8+4] = 5+4 = 9, [1d8+4] = 2+4 = 6
Horse: [1d20] = 18, [1d20] = 3, damage with hooves: [1d4] = 4, [1d4] = 2

Sgt. Broon follows suit, missing O7, but slashing O8 across the face, dropping it to the ground. But his horse, clips O7 in the face, knocking out teeth and breaking its jaw!
Input: Broon: [1d20+2], [1d20+2], damage with sword: [1d8+4], [1d8+4]
Output: Broon: [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3, [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4, damage with sword: [1d8+4] = 4+4 = 8, [1d8+4] = 3+4 = 7
Horse: [1d20] = 13, [1d20] = 13, hoof damage: [1d4] = 1, [1d4] = 4

Laughing and cursing his foes, Steen hacks at O11, but the Orc will not fall!
Input: Steen: [1d20+2], [1d20+2], damage with sword: [1d8+3], [1d8+3]
Output: Steen: [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17, [1d20+2] = 3+2 = 5, damage with sword: [1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10, [1d8+3] = 1+3 = 4

Cullen still ahorse, meets O2 and O3 as they come charging up the hill. His spear skewers O2, flinging the Orc aside, but doesn't kill it. Then his horse rears and clips O3 in the face and head.
Input: Steen: [1d20+2], damage with spear: [1d6+2]
Output: Steen: [1d20+2] = 13+2 = 15, damage with spear: [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6
Horse: [1d20] = 19, [1d20] = 3, hoof damage: [1d4] = 2, [1d4] = 3

OOC: Need to roll Orcs attacks and update Map > will do that later today. AQ - Oggle is up!

Oggle >
Truman >
Broon >
Cullen >
Steen >
O1 > dead
O2 > down 6
O4 > down 6
O7 > down 4
O8 > dead
O9 > dead
O11 > down 9
O12 > dead
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#16 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle continues his flurry on the next nearest orc trying to free up his companions from further attacks.

[1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5[1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20 3rd Round Attacks
[1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9 3rd Round Damage

OOC: Without seeing an updated map Oggle would aim if he could easily for orcs that were on his companions to free them up.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#17 Post by hedgeknight »

The Orcs attack, retaliating against the brutal onslaught from the riders. Cullen's horse takes a nasty wound but manages to stay on its feet, while Steen is nearly gutted by an Orc's glaive!
Orc attacks: [1d20] = 14, [1d20] = 11, [1d20] = 10, [1d20] = 4, [1d20] = 16

Orcs also attack Captain Truman, and O13 moves in a takes a swipe at Oggle, but the dwarf ducks under the glaive meant for his head! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4071946/
Truman's horse, however, takes a serious wound to its flank and nearly goes down. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4071951/

The Orog moves in, trying to catch Truman from behind, but the quick captain of the Riders whirls and blocks the Orog's attack.

Next round...
Oggle continues his flurry of attacks, targeting O5, nearly killing the Orc with a stout blow to its chest (9 pts).
O5 answers with a roar and a slash from its glaive, spilling Oggle's blood on the grass! O13 misses.

"Riders! Attack!" Truman yells, hacking O6 in the face, while Broon kills O7, and Cullen and Steen put down O2 and O11 respectfully.
The warhorses of Truman and Cullen attack next, killing O6 and wounding further O3. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4071960/

"No mercy!" the Orog yells, attacking Truman savagely, chopping at the man until its blade finds purchase in the captain's thigh! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4071962/
Orcs double up on Oggle, but the servant of Bahamut blocks and ducks and comes through unscathed. As does Cullen, who remains astride his horse. But Steen staggers and nearly falls after another vicious attack from O10.

And then battle cries fill the hills as Darlond and Thurgrum, just catching up to the battle, come charging in on foot! Darlond leaps and smashes O13 in the face with his battle axe, cleaving a bloody furrow in the Orc's mug, while Thurgrum hurls a hammer at the Orog, but stumbles and misses. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4071978/

Seeing the arrival of two dwarves, O14 does what most Orcs will do...and runs!


Oggle > down 2
Truman > down 6
Broon >
Cullen >
Steen > down 14
O1 > dead
O2 > dead
O3 > down 4
O4 > dead
O5 > down 9
O6 > dead
O7 > dead
O8 > dead
O9 > dead
O11 > down 9
O12 > dead
O13 > down 7
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#18 Post by AQuebman »

[1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9[1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6[1d20+3] = 13+3 = 16 4th Round Attacks
[1d8+3] = 5+3 = 8 4th Round Attacks

Oggle aims his fury at O13 flailing a bit too wild but struggling to stay focused as the other foes that surround him distract several of his strikes.

OOC:Without my companions the Dice Roller has forsaken me! I need to sacrifice a new small child to appease the golden orb!
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#19 Post by hedgeknight »

Orc Camp Battle - Round 4

Oggle aims his fury at O13 flailing a bit too wild but struggling to stay focused as the other foes that surround him distract several of his strikes. Still, he manages to deliver a backhanded blow with his final attack, opening the belly of O13, gutting the Orc like a fish!
"NESME!" Captain Truman yells, wheeling his horse to face the Orog. His sword slashes into the Orog's shoulder, even as Sgt. Broon rides over the rise and attacks too, but misses. Truman's horse also clips the Orog's head, knocking it back a few steps. Cullen chops down at O3, splitting the Orc's skull, leaving it a bloody ruin on the hill; nearby Steen misses.

Darlond and Thurgrum move in, attacking O5 and the Orog. Darlond misses O5, but Thurgrum manages to smash the Orog in the back with his warhammer! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4078080/
"Lay down yer weapons or die, maggots!" Darlond yells.

"Eat dog shit, half man!" comes the reply from O5 as the Orc brings his glaive to bear on Oggle. But, Oggle easily blocks the clumsy swing and prepares to end this.
The Orog attacks Truman again, but it is easy to tell that the last blow from Thurgrum has weakened the leader of the band.

A few yards away, O10 tries to finish Steen...but misses.

Round 5 Actions!!

Oggle > down 2
Truman > down 6
Broon >
Cullen >
Steen > down 14
O1 > dead
O2 > dead
O3 > dead
O4 > dead
O5 > down 9
O6 > dead
O7 > dead
O8 > dead
O9 > dead
O10 > full hp
O11 > dead
O12 > dead
O13 > dead
Orog > down 11
Orc Camp 4.JPG
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