Act IV: Pandora's Planet

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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Act IV: Pandora's Planet

#421 Post by Starbeard »

Coxa II: The Reactor Core
Stardate 2271.3.24: 2000h (still)

Countdown on Chowdhury's chronometer: 18 minutes


Chowdhury bravely dashes into the reactor chamber, still zipping up his suit as the door whisks shut behind him. His mind a conflagration of memories, questions and regrets, he purges himself of everything beyond the present, just for the moment. "Your orders, Sir?"

The two work in tandem. Through the glass, Chief Endilev monitors energy readings through his tricorder and offers helpful warnings; through their suits, Dr. Ryerson's cool-warm voice buzzes soothingly in their ears, weaving a tall tale of heroic Earth that echoes eerie parallels to their own dire situation.

A tube of wiring sizzles. Chowdhury struggles to keep both ends grounded against their connectors.

A pipe hisses. Nadix tightens it just enough to avoid fracturing.

A console glitters with terrible lights. Endilev warns the others about a faulty automatic pressure governor that threatens to drop the radioactive solutions below stable temperatures.

Wild radiation brushes every surface of the chamber. Ryerson spells the end of Big John.

…A golden coil slides into place—with his last breath Nadix locks it down! "…nOw… cOmMaNdEr…" The Edosian collapses to the floor, no longer seeing the dark gases swirl through the coils, sending their rejuvenating nectar throughout the sickly reactor; nor does he see Endilev rush to the master computer terminal, hammering out executive commands to cancel all processes; deaf to the sound of the entire complex shutting down power; insensate to Chowdhury dragging him out of the reactor chamber to safety.

The crew sit huddled on the floor, in utter darkness, absolute silence; presently, a pale blue emergency light awakens in the ceiling, probably the result of some backup generator that has not been activated in a million years.

Dr. Ryerson, now fully healed, sweeps his scanning apparatus over Nadix. "He's still alive. Barely." Nadix's radiation suit is removed, soaked in sweat. A quick injection stabilizes his vital functions, at least until he can be transported back to the ship.

Slowly, carefully, the three human officers carry their tripedal comrade to the elevating platforms, and out of the claustrophobic confines of the dead Slaver Outpost. Someone flips open his communicator:

"Janus: four to beam up."

4d6 -5 vs MN9 +2 for helpers:
Coil replacement (9+2): [4d6-5] = 13-5 = 8success!

Nadix radiation: [1d6] = 2
Chowdhury radiation: [1d6] = 5 — radiation suit is reduced to 5/10.
  • Gareb Endilev — DX 13 (+1), MN 9, LK 13 (+1), CT 15/15 — HtH 4, plasma pistol (12/12)
  • Nadix Ar Eth — DX 13/16 (+3), MN 9, LK 9, CT 1/12 — HtH 2, phaser II (24/24), Radiation suit (0/10)
  • Dr. Ned Ryerson — DX 12/13 (+0), MN 7 (-2), LK 12, CT 12/12 — HtH 3, phaser II (24/24), Radiation suit (0/10)
  • Ensign Li— DX 13 (+1), MN 9, LK 7 (-2), CT 0/15 — phaser II (24/24) KILLED BY URSUNOID
  • Ensign Chowdhury — DX 11, MN 11, LK 17 (+5), CT 13/13 — phaser II (24/24)
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Act IV: Pandora's Planet

#422 Post by Starbeard »


Captain’s Log, Stardate 2271.3.24: 2100h
The away team has managed to thwart the Romulan Commander’s planned destruction of Coxa II, but at great cost. It feels a hollow victory.

Commander Nadix is in sick bay. His radiation poisoning will recover, in time; but my fear is with his other infliction, the expansion of his optic and cognitive nerves. Dr. Ryerson informs me that the effects should wear off, eventually—but when? Weeks? Months? Years? What will have happened to the Nadix’s mind by then? I have asked the ship’s computer to gather information on previous Star Fleet incidents involving rapidly expanding mental faculties, and the probabilities look grim.

Our distress call has been answered, and the U.S.S. Ptolemy will rendezvous with the Janus in two days to tow us back to Starbase 13. Until then, we must simply wait, and hope Chief Endilev can have both warp nacelles operational in time.

Ensign Chowdhury performed exemplarily. By all accounts he held his own, and sacrificed himself multiple times for the mission and his fellow crewmates. I am putting in an expedited request for his immediate promotion to Lieutenant.

Helmsman Collins is confined to… what remains of the brig… until we reach dock. At that time I will hand over command of the Janus to Admiral Klar—rather than await the inevitable, I have decided to volunteer myself for a disciplinary hearing regarding violation of the Prime Directive under my command; and perhaps by doing so, my testimony on Collins’ behalf will go down better during his own hearing for firing upon the Romulans unprovoked. I will gladly take whatever blame is necessary to see that none of my crew are punished.

But after everything—after the hearings, the disciplinary actions, the Romulan responses and the Federation counterattacks—what of the Coxans? What will become of them?

Cue credits!



Experience Awards
Lives saved/captured: 100
Lives lost: 50
Failed first contact: 100
Saved a scout-class or equivalent ship: 2500
Saved a planet: 20,000
Total: 22750, split evenly between the party

Commendations and bonuses:
All get +20% for performing mission as part of departmental duties.
Chowdhury gets an extra +10% for commendations put in by superior officers.

Total awards:
Commander Nadix — 6,825 xp (total 31,825; promotion to Captain at 50,000)
Commander Endilev — 6,825 xp (total 31,825; promotion to Captain at 50,000)
Lt. Commander Ryerson — 6,825 xp (total 16,825; promotion to Commander at 25,000)
Ensign Chowdhury — 7,394 xp (total 7,394; promoted to Lt. at 1,000, promotion to Lt. Cmdr. at 10,000)
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