Game World and Environs

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Game World and Environs

#1 Post by Zhym »

The game world will not be terribly important in this adventure. As a dungeon crawl, most of it will be spent in the dungeon. But this thread will include some basic information about the the game world that might be helpful.
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Re: Game World and Environs

#2 Post by Zhym »


The human settlement of Townville [1] is a typical outer-range settlement. Its location at the foothills of the Stony Mountains is close enough to the royal city of Kingstown [2] to fall under the kingdom's protection but distant enough to avoid any interference more imposing than the tax man's quarterly visits. It's also far enough away that no one is quite sure who the current king is. Richard the Something, maybe. Or Robert. It doesn't really matter that much out here.

Townville is officially the property of some duke or other, but for all practical purposes it is governed by a town council. The twelve-person council includes representatives of the crown, the duke, and the various trades, guilds, and professions. Ostensibly, all council members are equal, but everyone knows that Constance Mulligan, guildmistress of the Amalgamated Union of Escorts, Consorts, and Other Persons of Negotiable Affection, holds the real power. [3]

Most services an adventurer could want [4] are available in town at the prices listed in the rule books. Specific locations will be added below as needed:

The Burnt Umber Hulk Inn is a tavern and lodging house. It offers the following:
Room and board:
  • Shared room with common meals: 5 cp/day
    Private room with good meals: 1 gp/day
Ale, beer, mead, and wine of various qualities: 5 cp - 1 gp

The Stables: Offers lodging for mounts and pack animals. Mounts can also be purchased here at listed prices (note that only mules will enter a dungeon):
  • Stabling: 5 sp/day (includes feed)
    Feed: 5 cp/day
    Mule: 30 gp
    Draft horse: 40 gp
    Riding horse: 75 gp
    War horse: 250 gp
[1] Humans are not known for their wildly imaginative naming practices. The town founder named it after his girlfriend at first, but the name didn't last long after his wife discovered who the "Alyssa" behind "Alyssaville" was.
[2] See footnote [1] regarding humans naming things.
[3] Thus her family's motto, "Qua habeas sphera, habeas orbis" ("Who holds the balls, holds the world.")
[4] Including the ones supplied by the guild referenced above.
Last edited by Zhym on Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game World and Environs

#3 Post by Zhym »


Outpost is a small—well, outpost—located off a mostly disused back road. It has little more than a simple inn, a market for local merchants and farmers, and a bored sheriff. It has the advantage, however, of being about an hour's ride from Big Stone Mountain. Not that anyone in Outpost would be caught dead near Big Stone Mountain [1].

Services in Outpost are extremely limited. It doesn't even have its own brothel! But it's a perfectly cromulent place for an adventurer to rest and recover between adventures.

The Mudlark Inn and Gathering House is a tavern and inn that doubles as the town's meeting hall. Marc Mudlark is the stereotypically rotund and rosy-cheeked proprietor. His establishment offers the following:
  • Room and board (includes simple but filling meals):
    • Shared room: 1 sp/night
      Private room: 5 sp/night
      Owner's suite [2]: 5 gp/night
    Watery ale: 1 sp
    Stabling: 1 sp/night
The Outpost Store has a limited selection of supplies and provisions available at exorbitant prices:
  • Iron rations (1 wk): 20 gp
    Standard rations (1 wk): 7 gp, 5 sp
    Iron spikes (12): 2 gp
    Oil (flask): 2 gp
    Rope, 50': 2 gp
    Torches (6): 2 gp
    Arrows: 5 sp ea.
    Crossbow quarrels: 7 sp ea.
The Outpost Store does not buy dungeon loot; there's not enough of a market for it here.

[1] Mostly because that's how people tend to get caught near Big Stone Mountain: dead. At least to hear the locals of Outpost tell it.
[2] This is literally the owner's suite: the inkeeper's private rooms. But for 5 gp per night, he'll happily clear out and use one of the private rooms instead.
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