Episode 0: Dahyrst

DM: Dave
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#101 Post by Rex »


Strega calls forth a flame and throws it at the thug leader.

Produce Flame Cantrip
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#102 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Rumble licks his lips, takes two steps forward, then drops to a four-legged run. "I want to see what you had for dinner!" Spittle flies from his mouth as he races towards the Axe Bandit and swings his warhammer at his gut.
Rumble enters Rage
Initiative: [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21
Warhammer attack: [1d20+4] = 13+4 = 17
Warhammer damage: [1d8+4] = 2+4 = 6
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#103 Post by Gerrin »

Tannaris Vethykos

Since these bad guys are right there, I'm assuming I still have my shortswords in hand and didn't draw my bow.

Initiative [1d20+3] = 9+3 = 12

Then charges the sword bandit.

I'm not sure when I need to cast my cantrip booming blade (5E newbie, sorry)
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#104 Post by dmw71 »

Initiative Order
  • 21: Rumble
  • 19: Oskar
  • 13: Tannaris, Thug
  • 11: Strega, Bandits
  • 4: Bren

Round 1
"I want to see what you had for dinner!" Rumble says, licking his lips, as he drops to a four-legged run! Spittle flies from his mouth as he races towards the axe-wielding bandit just off to their right on the outside of the barn entrance. The tabaxi channels his inner-ferociousness and sends the head of his warhammer directly into the midsection of his target; the bandit gasps, the wind at least temporarily knocked from him, and a crunching sound is evidence that at least one rib has been cracked.

"The Tabaxi's hungry..." Oskar starts, then stops realizing the half-cat's simultaneous attack makes his threat ring true. "You guys better run... " the rogue says to the thug leader, brandishing his pair of daggers in readiness for the inevitable.

With the sword-carrying bandit right in front of him, Tannaris utters some arcane words and twirls his pair of short swords in well-practiced motions. The elven fighter lashes out with his first blade, clipping the opposing swordsman on his blade arm, and, with his racial talent, casts his known cantrip and sheathes the bandit in a gloomy, cloudy formation. Continuing his attack, the dual-wielder jabs with his second blade, which sinks into the bandit's gut! The bandit howls in pain as he drops his sword and shield, gripping his stomach, while blood begins to trickle out the side of his mouth. The bandit falls forward, landing face down... which triggers a loud thunder clap as the cloud dissipates around his unmoving form.

The thug leader, watching as Tannaris cuts down one of his companions with a seemingly magic-infused series of attacks, pulls back his arm and sends his spear in the direction of the dual-wielding fighter. The elf catches a glimpse of the incoming projectile in his peripheral vision and ducks out of harms away; a soft crash from behind him suggests the spear stuck harmlessly into the outer wall of the barn behind him. Undeterred, the thug rushes at Tannaris with a newly unsheathed longsword and, clipping the elf's left forearm, draws a bit of blood with a light slash (-3).

Strega, still standing just inside the barn doors, holds her palm up and beings wiggling her fingers in a rhythmic pattern, summoning a flickering flame which dances momentarily in her hand, shedding bright light from her fingertips. Then, flicking all of her fingers out, in the direction of the thug, the albino half-orc sends a burst of bright flame at the leader which results in a painful burn on his left arm. The thug, a fellow half-orc, growls in pain as blows on his wound, attempting to salve the pain, and prevent the hair on his arms from continuing to burn.

The axe-wielding bandit, already engaged in melee with Rumble, slashes down with his battle axe with one hand, but the half-cat barbarian is easily able to avoid the bandit's downswing... but does not notice, hidden around the corner of the barn, another bandit, wielding a spear. This new bandit rushes in and, with a well-placed strike, jabs the tip of his spear an inch or two through the fur of the unsuspecting tabaxi. (-7; -3 halved for 'rage')

On the opposite side of the barn, yet another bandit, this one armed with a shortbow, emerges from around the corner and takes aim at a thoroughly distracted Tannaris. After being struck with a perfectly placed shot, an arrow tears through the leather armor and the tip sinks into the right shoulder of the elven fighter, sending a jolt of stinging pain down his right side. (-7)

"I need a clear path to unleash the fire of the dragon...." Bren says, slinging the pack with the egg more securely to his back, then realizing, after surveying the outcome of the actions before him, he has a clear look at the leader. Inhaling deeply, the dragonborn sorcerer channels his draconic ancestry and unleashes a line of flame at the thug, engulfing him... with a second dose of flame!
G1R1.jpg (47.87 KiB) Viewed 812 times
"Lok'tar ogar!" the highly flammable thug leader roars, despite being heavily damaged. Tannaris, struggling mightily after being slashed by a sword and struck by an arrow, is the only group member that comprehended the thug's battle cry. "Victory or death," he translates aloud, preparing himself, and the others, for an apparent fight to the death.


Moving on to round 2.

Please declare any actions and/or movement.


Date: 07 Kythorn 1489
Time: 21:00
  • Sunrise: 05:56
  • Sunset: 21:03
  • Half
  • Low: 55°
  • High: 71°
  • Precipitation: None
  • Wind: Still
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • Rumble (Rage): 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Spells in Effect:
  • None

Character Status
  • drpete | Oskar Loderr | Dwarf (Mountain) | Rogue (1) | Alignment: Lawful Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 13 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 15
      • Investigation: 14
      • Insight: 13
      Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Thieves' Cant
      Spells: None

      • Dwarven Resilience
        • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
      • Stonecunning:
        • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
      • Tool Proficiency
        • Mason's Tools
      • Expertise: (Perception, Thieves' Tools)
      • Sneak Attack (1d6)
      Background: Clan Crafter (Dwarf)
      • Feature: Respect of the Stout Folk
        • As well respected as clan crafters are among outsiders, no one esteems them quite so highly as dwarves do. You always have free room and board in any place where shield dwarves or gold dwarves dwell, and the individuals in such a settlement might vie among themselves to determine who can offer you (and possibly your compatriots) the finest accommodations and assistance.
  • ravenn4544 | Brenzavur Fyrebrand | Dragonborn (Brass) | Sorcerer (1) | Alignment: Lawful Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 15 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 9
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 11
      Languages: Common, Draconic
      • Spell Attack: +3
      • Save DC: 13
      • Slots: 2
        • 1st: 2
        • 2nd: --
      Spells Known: 2 Cantrips Known: 4 ( Fire Bolt, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation )

      Features: Background: Acolyte
      • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
        • You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith, though you must provide any material components needed for spells.
  • Rex | Strega "the Pale" | Half-Orc | Druid (1) | Alignment: Neutral Good | Gender: Female | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 15 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 14
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 12
      Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Orc
      • Spell Attack: +4
      • Save DC: 12
      • Slots: 2
        • 1st: 2
        • 2nd: --
      Spells Known: 3 (Wisdom modifier + Druid level) Cantrips Known: 2 ( Druidcraft, Produce Flame )

      • Relentless Endurance
        • When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
          Recovery: Long
      • Savage Attacks:
        • When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
      Background: Hermit
      • Feature: Discovery (Details)
        • The quiet seclusion of your extended hermitage gave you access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a great truth about the cosmos, the deities, the powerful beings of the outer planes, or the forces of nature. It could be a site that no one else has ever seen. You might have uncovered a fact that has long been forgotten, or unearthed some relic of the past that could rewrite history. It might be information that would be damaging to the people who or consigned you to exile, and hence the reason for your return to society.
  • Gerrin | Tannaris Vethykos | Elf (High) | Fighter (1) | Alignment: Chaotic Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12-3 = 9-7 = 2 | AC: 14 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 12
      • Investigation: 15
      • Insight: 12
      Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant, Orc
      Spells Features:
      • Fey Ancestry
        • You have advantage on saves against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
      • Trance
        • You don't need to sleep, but meditate semiconsciously for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
      • Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting
        • You add your ability modifier to damage for off-hand attacks.
      • Second Wind:
        • Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 1 HP.
        • Recovery: Short
      Background: Far Traveler
      • Feature:
        • Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.

          You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and peopl
  • Monsieur Rose | Rumbling "Rumble" Mountain | Tabaxi | Barbarian (1) | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d12) | HP: 15-3 = 12 | AC: 17 | SP: 30' (Climb: 20') | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 12
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 10
      Languages: Common, Giant
      Spells: None
      • Feline Agility: 1
        • When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn.
          Recovery: Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
      • Cat’s Claws
        • You have a climbing speed of 20 ft.
        • You deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier (1d4-1).
      • Rage: 2, 1
        • Rage Damage: +2
        • As a bonus action enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).
        • You gain advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with STR weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
        • Your rage ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
        • Recovery: Long
      • Unarmored Defense:
        • While not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + CON modifier + any shield bonus.
      Background: Gladiator
      • Feature: By Popular Demand
        • You can always find a place to perform in any place that features combat for entertainment — perhaps a gladiatorial arena or secret pit fighting club. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.

Last edited by dmw71 on Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edit: Formatting.
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#105 Post by Rex »


Strega tries to finish the thug leader with the same spell again.

Produce Flame Cantrip
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#106 Post by drpete »


Oskar makes his way over to the Thug leader, and knifes him in the side before he can hurt Tannaris.

I *think* that the thug leader is 5 feet forward, since he attacked Tannaris with his sword, and therefore should be susceptible to sneak attack. Only one of those attacks would count the sneak attack damage.

Dagger: [1d20+4] = 10+4 = 14 dam: [1d4+2] = 3+2 = 5 (+sneak attack [1d6] = 2)

Second Dagger: [1d20+4] = 19+4 = 23 dam: [1d4] = 1 (+sneak attack [1d6] = 2)

Edited to change target from Rumbles opponents to the leader...
Last edited by drpete on Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#107 Post by ravenn4544 »

Bren sees the leader still standing and launches a bolt of fire at the treacherous thug.

Fire Bolt [1d20+5] = 9+5 = 14
Fire Bolt Damage [1d10] = 5
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#108 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Having a spear thrust into his unarmored hide causes Rumble to glare at the spear holder. "Now I'm going to eat your face! Stay right there!" Rumble turns his attention back to the axer and swings his mace in an upward strike.
Warhammer: [1d20+4] = 6+4 = 10
It's much less menacing when you don't hit. :lol:
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#109 Post by dmw71 »

Initiative Order
  • 21: Rumble
  • 19: Oskar
  • 13: Tannaris, Thug
  • 11: Strega, Bandits
  • 4: Bren
Death Saves
  • Tannaris
    • - Success: 0
      - Failure: 0

Round 2
"Now I'm going to eat your face! Stay right there!" Rumble roars, the sting of the spear piercing his side still raging. The barbarian, also raging, turns his attention back to the axer and swings his mace in an upward strike, but the bandit, wide-eyed and seemingly genuinely concerned for his face, makes a concerted effort to avoid the angered tabaxi strike.

Oskar sneaks up alongside the leader and sticks one dagger into his side, then another, issuing multiple occasions of sharp piercing damage into the thug's left side.

Tannaris fights through his pain and focuses on the leader. He pokes with both short swords, connecting with the first, and issues another cut into the thug's side.

The thug, equally wounded, swings weakly at Tannaris, looking to end the elf, but finds his blade swiped aside by one of Tannaris' own blades as he returns to a defensive position.

Strega continues to holds her position just inside the barn, and re-summons the flame upon her awaiting palm, then, flicking her fingers in the direction of the thug, sends a burst of bright flame at the leader... who becomes engulfed in flames! After a moment, the thug's pained growl fall silent has his burnt body collapses to the ground, unmoving.

The pair of bandits squaring off against the raging barbarian continue to push their attacks -- but do show a moment of hesitation after watching their leader fall an instant earlier.

The battleaxe bandit, still put off by the tabaxi taunting, swings his axe half-heartedly, but Rumble is able to easily dodge out of its deadly path. Then, in his lower right-side, the barbarian feels a sharp sting as the spear-wielding bandit jabs forcefully, and his effort finds purchase in his back. (-10; -5 halved for 'rage')

On the opposite side of the barn entrance, Tannaris feels the piercing sting of another well-placed arrow... then everything goes black.

Bren watches as the thug falls, then shifts his focus towards the already wounded bandit squaring off against the outnumbered Rumble. He launches a mote of fire at the bandit, setting him aflame, which results in a brief scream of pain... before falling quiet. His grip on his battle axes loosen as his body tumbles to the ground, dead.
G1R2.jpg (81.88 KiB) Viewed 770 times
A look of visible panic crosses the faces of two remaining bandits.


Moving on to round 3.

Gerrin, unfortunately, Tannaris got hit again and fell to zero hit points. Starting in round 3, he will need to begin making death saving throws, which is essentially just a d20 roll -- lower than a 10 is a failure; 10+ is a success.

If anyone is interested in attempting to stabilize Tannaris, here are those rules: Stabilizing a Creature.
"You can use your action to administer first aid to an unconscious creature and attempt to stabilize it, which requires a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check."

Everyone else, please declare any actions and/or movement.


Date: 07 Kythorn 1489
Time: 21:01
  • Sunrise: 05:56
  • Sunset: 21:03
  • Half
  • Low: 55°
  • High: 71°
  • Precipitation: None
  • Wind: Still
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • Rumble (Rage): 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Spells in Effect:
  • None

Character Status
  • drpete | Oskar Loderr | Dwarf (Mountain) | Rogue (1) | Alignment: Lawful Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 13 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 15
      • Investigation: 14
      • Insight: 13
      Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Thieves' Cant
      Spells: None

      • Dwarven Resilience
        • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
      • Stonecunning:
        • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
      • Tool Proficiency
        • Mason's Tools
      • Expertise: (Perception, Thieves' Tools)
      • Sneak Attack (1d6)
      Background: Clan Crafter (Dwarf)
      • Feature: Respect of the Stout Folk
        • As well respected as clan crafters are among outsiders, no one esteems them quite so highly as dwarves do. You always have free room and board in any place where shield dwarves or gold dwarves dwell, and the individuals in such a settlement might vie among themselves to determine who can offer you (and possibly your compatriots) the finest accommodations and assistance.
  • ravenn4544 | Brenzavur Fyrebrand | Dragonborn (Brass) | Sorcerer (1) | Alignment: Lawful Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 15 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 9
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 11
      Languages: Common, Draconic
      • Spell Attack: +3
      • Save DC: 13
      • Slots: 2
        • 1st: 2
        • 2nd: --
      Spells Known: 2 Cantrips Known: 4 ( Fire Bolt, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation )

      Features: Background: Acolyte
      • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
        • You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith, though you must provide any material components needed for spells.
  • Rex | Strega "the Pale" | Half-Orc | Druid (1) | Alignment: Neutral Good | Gender: Female | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 15 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 14
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 12
      Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Orc
      • Spell Attack: +4
      • Save DC: 12
      • Slots: 2
        • 1st: 2
        • 2nd: --
      Spells Known: 3 (Wisdom modifier + Druid level) Cantrips Known: 2 ( Druidcraft, Produce Flame )

      • Relentless Endurance
        • When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
          Recovery: Long
      • Savage Attacks:
        • When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
      Background: Hermit
      • Feature: Discovery (Details)
        • The quiet seclusion of your extended hermitage gave you access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a great truth about the cosmos, the deities, the powerful beings of the outer planes, or the forces of nature. It could be a site that no one else has ever seen. You might have uncovered a fact that has long been forgotten, or unearthed some relic of the past that could rewrite history. It might be information that would be damaging to the people who or consigned you to exile, and hence the reason for your return to society.
  • Gerrin | Tannaris Vethykos | Elf (High) | Fighter (1) | Alignment: Chaotic Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12-3 = 9-7 = 2-6 = 0 | AC: 14 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 12
      • Investigation: 15
      • Insight: 12
      Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant, Orc
      Spells Features:
      • Fey Ancestry
        • You have advantage on saves against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
      • Trance
        • You don't need to sleep, but meditate semiconsciously for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
      • Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting
        • You add your ability modifier to damage for off-hand attacks.
      • Second Wind:
        • Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 1 HP.
        • Recovery: Short
      Background: Far Traveler
      • Feature:
        • Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.

          You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and peopl
  • Monsieur Rose | Rumbling "Rumble" Mountain | Tabaxi | Barbarian (1) | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d12) | HP: 15-3 = 12-5 = 7 | AC: 17 | SP: 30' (Climb: 20') | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 12
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 10
      Languages: Common, Giant
      Spells: None
      • Feline Agility: 1
        • When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn.
          Recovery: Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
      • Cat’s Claws
        • You have a climbing speed of 20 ft.
        • You deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier (1d4-1).
      • Rage: 2, 1
        • Rage Damage: +2
        • As a bonus action enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).
        • You gain advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with STR weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
        • Your rage ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
        • Recovery: Long
      • Unarmored Defense:
        • While not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + CON modifier + any shield bonus.
      Background: Gladiator
      • Feature: By Popular Demand
        • You can always find a place to perform in any place that features combat for entertainment — perhaps a gladiatorial arena or secret pit fighting club. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.

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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#110 Post by ravenn4544 »

Bren watching Tannaris succomb to the ambush throws a fiery bolt at the archer taking aim at Oskar.

Initiative [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16

Fire Bolt [1d20+5] = 9+5 = 14
Fire Bolt Damage [1d10] = 3
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#111 Post by drpete »


Oskar wags his dagger at the bow bandit as he steps over the bodies between them. He approaches the bandit and engages with his daggers.

Dagger: [1d20+4] = 6+4 = 10 dam: [1d4+2] = 3+2 = 5
Second Dagger: [1d20+4] = 4+4 = 8 dam: [1d4] = 1
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#112 Post by Rex »


Strega moves over to Tannaris and casts Cure Wounds on him.
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#113 Post by Gerrin »

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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#114 Post by Monsieur Rose »


The fiery death of the axe bandit allows Rumble to focus on the nearby pain in his ass. "I bet you taste like ale!" Rumble drops his warhammer and grabs the spear holder, attempting to grapple.
Strength Check: [1d20+2] = 17+2 = 19
Advantage Check (from rage): [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9
If grappled, Rumble will drag him east, over to the rest of the group. (15ft)
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#115 Post by dmw71 »

Initiative Order
  • 21: Rumble
  • 19: Oskar
  • 13: Tannaris, Thug
  • 11: Strega, Bandits
  • 4: Bren

Round 3
"I bet you taste like ale!" Rumble roars, inspired by the fiery death of the axe bandit. He drops his warhammer, grabs the spear holder, and after a contested effort, manages to successfully overcome the armed assailant. The barbarian drags him towards the rest of the group, centered just outside of the barn entrance, and wrestles himself into a position on the outside of the man with thoughts of fleeing.

Oskar wags his dagger at the bow bandit as he steps over the bodies between them, including Tannaris. Just as he passes the side of the barn, he lunges out with one dagger strike, then another, but the bowman, already on high alert, manages to deftly avoid both incoming strikes.

The area around Tannaris clears out affording the fighter an opportunity to stave off death, which he does so successfully... until Strega makes her way over to his side, and ends the risk of death -- at least for now -- with the administration of a 'Cure Wounds' spell. The half-orc smiles as she watches the elven skin tone become more flush as her healing revitalizes him.

The spear-toting bandit, firmly in the grips of an enraged barbarian, summons all its might and energy and manages to wrestle himself free from Rumble's clutches. Fearing for his life, and refusing to be captured alive, he turns his back and flees. Rumble reacts quickly, bring his hefty warhammer around, and clubs the fleeing spearman in the hip, hobbling him badly, but the strike does not bring the fleeing man down. Bren, also witnessing the flee attempt, interrupts his planned cantrip attempt to swipe at the potential escapee with his quarterstaff, but connects with nothing but air. The spearman somehow escapes.

The archer, now facing Oskar, takes a clue from his departing companion in arms, makes a concerted effort to disengage from the dwarven rogue and flees as well. Bren, for good measure, sends a mote of flame into the back of the fleeing bowman, eliciting a yelp of pain, but is unable to prevent the escape.
Escape.jpg (133.13 KiB) Viewed 737 times
The party, still fully intact, finds themselves positioned just outside the barn, standing over the dead bodies of the half-orc thug as well as the sword and axe bandits.

The tall brush you used as cover during your approach is roughly 100-yards away. From there, it's maybe a 20-minute or so walk back to town -- if that's your plan.


Nice work, guys. So, what's the plan?


Date: 07 Kythorn 1489
Time: 21:01
  • Sunrise: 05:57
  • Sunset: 21:03
  • Half
  • Low: 55°
  • High: 71°
  • Precipitation: None
  • Wind: Still
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • Rumble (Rage): 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Spells in Effect:
  • None

Character Status
  • drpete | Oskar Loderr | Dwarf (Mountain) | Rogue (1) | Alignment: Lawful Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 11 | AC: 13 | SP: 25' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 15
      • Investigation: 14
      • Insight: 13
      Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Thieves' Cant
      Spells: None

      • Dwarven Resilience
        • You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance against poison damage.
      • Stonecunning:
        • Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
      • Tool Proficiency
        • Mason's Tools
      • Expertise: (Perception, Thieves' Tools)
      • Sneak Attack (1d6)
      Background: Clan Crafter (Dwarf)
      • Feature: Respect of the Stout Folk
        • As well respected as clan crafters are among outsiders, no one esteems them quite so highly as dwarves do. You always have free room and board in any place where shield dwarves or gold dwarves dwell, and the individuals in such a settlement might vie among themselves to determine who can offer you (and possibly your compatriots) the finest accommodations and assistance.
  • ravenn4544 | Brenzavur Fyrebrand | Dragonborn (Brass) | Sorcerer (1) | Alignment: Lawful Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 15 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 9
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 11
      Languages: Common, Draconic
      • Spell Attack: +3
      • Save DC: 13
      • Slots: 2
        • 1st: 2
        • 2nd: --
      Spells Known: 2 Cantrips Known: 4 ( Fire Bolt, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation )

      Features: Background: Acolyte
      • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
        • You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith, though you must provide any material components needed for spells.
  • Rex | Strega "the Pale" | Half-Orc | Druid (1) | Alignment: Neutral Good | Gender: Female | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 15 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 14
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 12
      Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Orc
      • Spell Attack: +4
      • Save DC: 12
      • Slots: 2
        • 1st: 2, 1
        • 2nd: --
      Spells Known: 3 (Wisdom modifier + Druid level) Cantrips Known: 2 ( Druidcraft, Produce Flame )

      • Relentless Endurance
        • When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
          Recovery: Long
      • Savage Attacks:
        • When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
      Background: Hermit
      • Feature: Discovery (Details)
        • The quiet seclusion of your extended hermitage gave you access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a great truth about the cosmos, the deities, the powerful beings of the outer planes, or the forces of nature. It could be a site that no one else has ever seen. You might have uncovered a fact that has long been forgotten, or unearthed some relic of the past that could rewrite history. It might be information that would be damaging to the people who or consigned you to exile, and hence the reason for your return to society.
  • Gerrin | Tannaris Vethykos | Elf (High) | Fighter (1) | Alignment: Chaotic Good | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12-3 = 9-7 = 2-6 = 0+7 = 7 | AC: 14 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 12
      • Investigation: 15
      • Insight: 12
      Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant, Orc
      Spells Features:
      • Fey Ancestry
        • You have advantage on saves against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
      • Trance
        • You don't need to sleep, but meditate semiconsciously for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
      • Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting
        • You add your ability modifier to damage for off-hand attacks.
      • Second Wind:
        • Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 1 HP.
        • Recovery: Short
      Background: Far Traveler
      • Feature:
        • Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.

          You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and peopl
  • Monsieur Rose | Rumbling "Rumble" Mountain | Tabaxi | Barbarian (1) | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral | Gender: Male | HD: 1 (1d12) | HP: 15-3 = 12-5 = 7 | AC: 17 | SP: 30' (Climb: 20') | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: Yes
    • Passive Senses
      • Perception: 12
      • Investigation: 9
      • Insight: 10
      Languages: Common, Giant
      Spells: None
      • Feline Agility: 1
        • When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn.
          Recovery: Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
      • Cat’s Claws
        • You have a climbing speed of 20 ft.
        • You deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier (1d4-1).
      • Rage: 2, 1
        • Rage Damage: +2
        • As a bonus action enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).
        • You gain advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with STR weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
        • Your rage ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
        • Recovery: Long
      • Unarmored Defense:
        • While not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + CON modifier + any shield bonus.
      Background: Gladiator
      • Feature: By Popular Demand
        • You can always find a place to perform in any place that features combat for entertainment — perhaps a gladiatorial arena or secret pit fighting club. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.

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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#116 Post by Rex »


"Keep an eye out everybody. Anybody in dire straights injury wise? If not we should search the bodies in case there is a clue to who they are and get out of here."
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#117 Post by ravenn4544 »

Bren takes the opportunity with the battle over to remove the pack and investigate the egg closely. He slowly opens the sack to expose it and runs is hands over it to get a sense of how legitimate this egg truly is.

Perception [1d20] = 1-1=0

His incredibly confused look has him wondering if it is actually an egg at all!
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#118 Post by dmw71 »

ravenn4544 wrote:His incredibly confused look has him wondering if it is actually an egg at all!
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#119 Post by Monsieur Rose »


So for the sake of moving this along, Rumble will not chase down his prey from behind, while saying something like "Running only makes me work up an appetite."

"What! How?" Rumble expresses shock as the spear bandit escapes his clutches. He looks around for another bandit to torment, sees none, and tries to calm down. "Who the hells was that?" He moves to search the axe bandit, and grab his axe.

Rumble ends rage.
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Re: Group 1, Episode 0: Dahyrst

#120 Post by drpete »


Oskar moves over to the thug leader. He wipes his daggers clean on the body, then sheathes them and searches the leader, looking for any clues to the half-orc's identity, or anything on him that might indicate why they are here.

Investigation [1d20+4] = 14+4 = 18

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