The Dwarf Hall

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The Dwarf Hall

#1 Post by Enoch »

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This location provides a dwarf-centric place for PCs to interact and roleplay. Players may ONLY post to this thread while the character they are speaking as is in town (obviously).

Occasionally, NPCs may share information in this thread as well if they happen to be privy to something of interest and think it worth sharing.

A squat stone building with several smoking chimneys, the wide double doors open into a warm and comfortable Great Hall. The smell of baking breads and roasting meats wafts from the kitchen and a large-bellied bald-pated dwarf named Thorin serves rich beers and meads. A round stone stair leads downward to a hallway of rooms for visitors, each lodging room having a cozy bunk and warm lit fireplace. The bunks are comfortably dwarf-sized, but a bit short for a normal human.

It seems likely that every dwarf in the settlement lives and eats in these common halls. The room is full and boisterous at dawn for breakfast, for an hour lunch, and then for dinner after the workday ends. At other times it is virtually empty save a few employees as the laborers tend to their crafting and quarrying.

Wares for sale:
1sp - Heavy-creamed chai tea
2sp - Dwarven stout or lager
5sp - Trombly farm mead
5 sp - A good meals with plenty of meat, fruit, and vegetables (per day)
(They only serve good meals)
3sp - Lodging per night in dwarven chambers

Telling Tales:
A well-done tale goes into the long memory of the dwarves and endures long after the bards have died. There is no bard to gild a tale here, PCs tell the stories themselves. They do, however, get a -4 to +4 modifier based on how well the tale's details align with dwarven law instead of human law. Successful tales here can improve reputation with the dwarven community.
See the rules here. Successful tales still get copied in this thread.
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Rusty Tincanne
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#2 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

A young woman, wearing dwarfish chainmail, enters Idmi d'dum. That she is accompanied by a large mastiff, an owl and a giant badger (pulling a sledge) earns her many strange looks. The group heads directly to the Dwarf Hall. The bar-dwarf attempts to speak with the girl, but she defers all conversation to the Badger, introducing him first. This is Clay Weatherwax, the reborn Druid of Beith.

Clay stands on his hind feet and holds out a paw. He is not surprised when the dwarf acts like he is having a joke played on him, so he explains. It's true. I met my goddess recently, and this was her gift to me. I'll tell you about it, but I'd prefer to also tell your master artificer, as well. Lifetimes nervously tick by as Clay waits for Thanrir to arrive. He has practiced the story in his head, But how do you break this type of news? He remembers how it felt to lose his mentor, Dror, and tries to channel that grief. He distracts himself by ordering two chai teas, One in a bowl, if you don't mind... I can't use mugs so much, anymore. He regrets it immediately, knowing he has just lost all sense of dignity.

In an attempt to compose himself, Clay rises and bows as Thanrir enters. Thanrir, master artificer, head of the Blackhelm Clan, father of Thundred. I'm Clay Weatherwax, Druid of Beith... I'm a badger now. This is not going as well as he had hoped. I've been here before and did business with Duegar. The dwarfs I hired through him, well they instructed me to come to you with my grievous news. Clay takes a brief, steadying breath, but blurts the next sentence out anyway. Thundred's host was lost in battle. I am SO sorry. He pauses another moment, relieved that dwarf-folk are more stoic than humans, but he still sees deep grief in the slumped shoulders of this dwarf. A light dimming in his eyes. He wishes he could disappear by crawling in a hole, literally, but he suspects any culture in the world would want more of an explanation. I am no bard, but I feel bound pay my respects to the Blackhelm clan, and to tell you what I can of their deaths. He invites Thanrir to sit at a table with him and Clarabelle.

Two weeks ago, several of us from Gaul hoped to end the life of the Goblin King - the one that had been raiding caravans with undead soldiers. Clay tells the names of each of the people he traveled with, and the mounts. We went into the wilderness and were soon attacked by a pack of wolves, led by a warg. We won the fight with the help of an ancient dwarf heirloom. An elegant horn that summoned earthen warriors in dwarf form - they made short work of the wolves. And I know you must have heard the horn, because within a day our small group was approached by Thundred and his kins-dwarfs. There was a brief misunderstanding, where he assumed we would know what summoned him, but that was quickly forgotten and we sat together by a campfire. He identified the warhorn as the Horn of Jarkul. He was surprised I hadn't died using it. And I told him how I recovered it from an ancient cellar after a deadly battle with ghouls. In exchange, Thundred kindly educated me in the basics your clan's history, and how, in dwarf law, when it heirlooms are always supposed to go to the next of kin, no matter where they came from. I respected that and handed the Horn of Jarkul to Thundred - it's rightful owner. Clay paused again, making sure every dwarf knew he had freely handed over the Horn to Thundred without any expectation of payment. Then he continued.

In an act of gratitude and friendship, Thundred and his company chose to help us in our assault on the Goblin King. The plan was for the Blackhelm dwarfs - assisted by a family of ogres - to siege the goblin palisades, allowing those of us from Gaul - and your clan-dwarf, Shortbread - to locate a secret, rear entrance and attack the King directly. Once the entrance was found, Shortbread identified the warren as an old dwarf hold, and the Goblin King sent his Shaman of Sdubok and his acolytes at us, and undead dwarfs, awakened from their deaths by a foul artifact. Our small band managed to defeat all these enemies, and as we prepared to storm the King's chambers, Shortbread took up a rhythm on an ancient set of dwarf drums we found in the hold. His rhythm emboldened us and sent fear through the ranks of goblins. We stormed in right behind flaming barrels, filled with fish. Baxtaw, the elf, put some of the trembling goblins to sleep as the others used arrows to thin the ranks against us. And I used my goddesses magic to keep the Goblin King form sumoming more skeletons or fleeing. But even as I turned some of the skeletons from battle, more came for us, as well as a hellhound. The last thing I remembered was the hellhound being killed by my companions, because right after that I was cut down by your long-dead brethren, animated by the Goblin King. When I returned from meeting my goddess - in this form - the King was beheaded and the artifact he had used had been destroyed. There was a dreadful rumble in the mountain, so we mustered our strength and hastily made our way back toward the battle at the pallisades. As injured as we were, we'd hoped to find the goblins broken after the death of their King. Instead... we found the dwarfs and ogres dead, their bodies surrounded by countless dead wolves, goblins and skeletons.

Shortbread mentored us in making a proper pyre for your clans-dwarfs, thus insuring they would join their ancestors in the after world, and not rise again to fight their kin. We were dismayed when the pyre drew the attention of an ancient red dragon, Scatha. That was the the source of the mountain rumbling. Three of us were foolish enough to stand face to face with the dragon. By doing so, we learned that Jarkul and his people had lived in that very hold. Scatha claimed responsibility for destroying Jarkul's people, and said he had slept there ever since. Until the drums Shortbread had been beating woke it back up. In the mountain we had recovered a goblin prisoner, a dwarf named C'ang. He charged the dragon Scatha, wounding it's hand. The dragon tried to eat him, but lost a tooth in the process, as it slammed it's own snout into the bare rock. But a dwarf against a dragon... he didn't last long. And knowing that, with our injuries, we would die with our knowledge... well. We all rushed to the woods to recover our animals.
Clay pauses, looking as sorrowful as a giant badger can, while slurping some Chai from his bowl.

The cave only contained our dead hirelings. Our animals were all gone. We stayed one night, and Shortbread was attacked and killed by a troglodyte while he was on guard duty. It rushed back through a crevice that we'd thought was too small to hold anything. The last thing Shortbread had done before building the pyre was to gather up important things from his kins-dwarfs. It was a long slog back dragging that sledge, so we split the party and some got harassed more by the dragon. I got here with everything I could, taking only an extra day to seek the advice of the dwarfs I'd hired, so I could try and do all this right by you. Clay then had the sledge dragged in and asked that Thanrir pass out the items to their owners. I wish I'd had more time to get to know each of those dwarfs. They were all so brave, which is what allowed Shortbread and the rest of us to get in the back way and kill the Goblin King and destroy the thing that made him able to raise your dead.

After the last of the items had been passed out, Clay fumbled with the backpack, taking out a bundle of cloth with his teeth. He placed it on the table by Thanrir. Thundred and those dwarfs risked their life for this. And as I said, Thundred taught me that it needs to go to the next of kin, so... Here is the Horn of Jarkul. It's yours, of course.

At some point, if the dwarfs don't kill him first, Clay would buy meals for himself, Clarabelle and Thanrir, as well as a lager for the dwarf.

Paid: 2gp for two heavy-creamed chai teas, one Dwarf lager, and three good meals

Deducted: Thundred's shield, Horn of Jarkul, dwarf memorabilia.

And, of course, as the evening wears on, Clay will mention how brave the pack animals were, especially Peck. And he leaves out most of the antagonizing behavior of Ms. O'Hare. ;)
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#3 Post by Marullus »

[3d6] = 10 CHA

The dwarves do indeed seem confused by this human girl and her menagerie and her deference to this giant badger. Dwarves, you understand, don't normally have good relations with giant burrowing creatures who move in near their building foundations. That is, until the Badger talks. The eloquent speech of the talking badger that is Clay leaves them awestruck and lends credence to his tale that follows. This is a man literally touched by the Gods.

They dwarves file in from the quarry as the afternoon wanes, the growing crowd listening reverently as the talking badger tells the tale of the glory and honor of Thundred's men, the first of their clan to foray into the lost reaches of this lost land. That they besieged a goblin fortification. That one among them -- the least of their warriors in fact, who baked their shortbreads -- braved the way and saw a lost Dwarfhome of Jarkul's line. That they raised the sound of dwarfdrums in halls of old and caused fear to wake their dragon-foe from slumber (many chests swell at this part of the story). That they died gloriously in battle, facing the undead horrors which would make mockery of their kin's remains.

When Clay produces the gravegoods of each of the fallen dwarves, emotion overcomes the stoic dwarves. Belongings are distributed to the brothers, uncles, and cousins of the fifteen slain warriors who answered the call; for a time the story is paused for the tears, shouts, and grief which fill the hall as each dwarf honors his fallen friends and kinfolk. Dwarf after dwarf come and humble themselves on a knee, requesting Clay lay a badger-paw on their shoulder as a sign of respect. It is awkward at first, but having done so, the red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained cheeks of the dwarves look on him with gratitude. (For returning the gravegoods, Clay has Friendly relations with Blackhelm dwarves.)

[3d6] = 8 CHA

Clay then turns to Thanrir, the master artificer, and produces the Horn of Jarkul. He tells the specific deeds of his son, Thundred, and nephew, known as Shortbread to those unable to master the syllables of the dwarven language. The aged dwarf weeps openly, pulling on his beard, showing his grief for his loss.

"My son, my son," he weeps, "...was the bravest dwarf! A leader of our kind!
He was my only son. My daughter's sons are not yet of age to carry the burdens off our line. To add deeds to the legacy."

Thanrir steps forward before those gathered and offers the horn back to Clay. "You have proven yourself friend to our family, and honorable beyond the nature of man..." he pauses, considering you are now a Badger as he looks you over, then clears his throat as he decides to continue. "The horn recognizes your honor and allowed you to call on our blood. Carry it to honor us and add to its deeds, that my grandsons will have greater tales to tell when it passes to them."

[3d6] = 17 CHA

When Clay then offers the shield with his family crest upon it, Thanrir bows his head and again expresses his deep remorse. He takes the shied and passes it to what you think is one of his daughters based on the delicate bows braided into her beard. He keeps the shield and thanks you for your integrity once more, in honoring their clan and laws.

The evening continues with Clay being much the center of attention until he decides to depart, many dwarves coming one after another to ask questions of him about the dwarfhome they delved, about what they saw of Jarkul's descendants, about how he tends his fur when it is time to shed, and if he can explain anything about badger behavior and their delving under building foundations.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#4 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay bows deeply when the Horn is offered. Wow. Really? I'll do what I can to keep this safe, but please, when you have an heir come of age, please have him come get this back. He smiles (and immediately hopes it doesn't look like a snarl), Badgers aren't my type, so... He immediately regrets making such a lewd comment in front of Clarabelle but shrugs it off. Later, he asks Thanrir what he knows of the Horn's powers. Clearly it is loud. And it summons dwarf warriors from Earth and Stone. Do your tales tell of more?

As the evening progresses, Clay describes the sun-chambers, long since filled with soil, the beautiful pathways hewn from the earth, and remarkable stonework. He apologizes for not being able to give more information, explaining he was determined to kill the Goblin King, and once that was complete, he was determined to get back to the battle. to each dwarf, he says, I hope that you may walk the halls of your kin some day. After saying this 30 or so times, he tells Thanrir of Scatha's demands for Gaul. There is precious little time to prepare before Scatha demands his first maiden. I wonder if the town can manage to defeat it on its own. I will do what I can, of course. He hopes the dwarfs will offer aid, but refrains from asking directly. Their friendship is with Clay, not the Archduke.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#5 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw arrives at the great Dwarven hall. He walks up to the dwarf that appears to be in charge. Lord, I am here to request from your bravest warriors.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#6 Post by Marullus »

Seneschal Duegar is summoned and enters to hear your request. He looks dour, wiping some grime from the day's work from his hands with a towel. "Perhaps my nephew, then, who was slain answering the Horn of Jarkul, then? Or my work crews, supping in the human's town, who were compelled to their fiery deaths at the dragon's hands?" he frowns as he regards the elf. "Our warriors are thin... many brothers, uncles, and cousins have died even in the last month. We Blackhelms have spent more time mourning since our association with the neighboring humans of Gaul than ever in the southern hills. We have no further ranks or armies that we might spare. What is your need, elf, that should inspire our bravest to aid you? What great prize would inspire them as reward for such risk with so many already gone?"

Pitch the quest. Make your offer of payment, then you can make recruiting rolls.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#7 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw- I am deeply sorrowed in the loss of your brave man. I have come to request aid in defeating the dragon Scatha. The dragon is wounded and fled back to lair which is a old dwarven hold. If we kill Scatha you will have the hold. Your warriors may also have their fair share of the dragons hoard. I had this weapon created from his tooth it help me in defeating the dragon. He shows Seneschal Duegar the sword. I am still in need of wizards and clerics.

1st roll
Cha check[4d6] = 12(7)= Decline

2nd roll
Cha check[4d6] = 12(7)=Reroll

Cha check[4d6] = 12(7)=Decline

3rd roll
Cha check[4d6] = 12(7)=Accept
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#8 Post by Marullus »

Fixing the record - those are the wrong rolls. These are your actual rolls:
Check roll[2d6+1] = 11+1 = 12
Check roll[2d6+1] = 7+1 = 8
Check roll[2d6+1] = 9+1 = 10
Check roll[2d6+1] = 3+1 = 4

Seneschal Duegar listens to Baxtaw, a mix of emotions on his face. He asks questions about the dwarven hall which Baxtaw promises will be given to the Blackhelm Clan. Once Baxtaw has described the sun-fields, chapel, library, and throne chamber, the aged dwarf nods solemnly. "It is a proper dwarfhome, and one which our dwindled clan would be glad to restore, and there are certainly those who have sworn oaths against the dragon. Not only the immortal foe of our kind, but the personal bringer of devastation to so many of our clan. But we have no armies to send against it, already culled of so many brave lives by human treachery. We honor your oath, elf, to return is the Hall, and I condone any who wish to swear to join you individually." A heavily muscled dwarf with a twin-braided beard of rich black hair stands forward. "I, Dorbeck of the Blackhelm Clan, will join the elf. I lost my wife and son to the human treachery, and will stand against the wyrm, reclaiming this dwarfhome for the honor of my kin."

Seneschal Duegar takes down the shield Thundred, son of Thanrir which hangs over the fireplace mantel in the Dwarf Hall and hands it to Dorbeck, who bows at the honor. "I shall carry the shield of my cousin, Thundred, to avenge his name, or add my death to its honor and deeds," swears Dorbeck, then he rises.

Dorbeck goes to prepare for the expedition, returning with chainmail, his battleaxe, Thundred's Shield, and his pack. He is ready to depart with Baxtaw, his face solemn.
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 [1d10] = 6; Level 2 Dwarf
HD: [1d8+1] = 8+1 = 9 [1d8+1] = 5+1 = 6; HP: 15 / 15
Stats: STR:17, CON:15, DEX:15, INT:12, WIS:7, CHR:10
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#9 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw bows to Dorbeck giving him thanks for his bravery. It will be a great honor to fight beside a brave dwarf. We will need more help. Let us look to the White Tower I heard that their may be one that may join us.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#10 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Galmit Treasurebrewer trudges in and heads like an arrow to Thorin takes out a flask and says "Fill er up with the good stuff. Humans no clue what a good ale or stout is like us dwarves." he says with a wink and a grin. "I'll give yah another silver just because you got the good stuff like any respectable dwarf would." he places an additional silver piece down and slides it to Thorin. "Whats the word round here? Any word of adventures to be had that ya heard of?" he asks.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#11 Post by Marullus »

August 19

Thorin welcomes the new kinsdwarf from the southlands, serving a foaming mug of proper dwarvish drink. "Good to see more kin coming north; most trade goes on to Gaul, where the humans call home. Things 'ave been a bit more tense the last month or so, since a human used sorcery to lead a good number of our clan to their deaths by tretchery -- charging unarmed and unarmored into dragon fire under enchantment. If you see the dark-skinned lumberjack, spit upon his boots." He nods solemnly, then continues. "Some others be fair in helpin' the dwarves regain our holdings in this land, many carved from rock and stone by King Jarkul's folk themselves... you know we're related to 'im, the Blackhelm dwarves. Our folk have gone personally with human aid to reclaim a watchtower which secures the trailhead to the south and also the Vardun Mines, where the dragon has lain on its hoard. There's also the servant of the gods, Caspar White, who has been finding more 'bout what Jarkul's kin built in the north - their holds were a few days east from here, he tells, for when we get crews ready to go that way. With so many of our own dead and the winter coming, I don't expect full dwarven exploration but perhaps you can find fortune with companions of your own." He points out the windows to the solitary peak which rises to the north on the horizon. "Of course, that spire calls as well... if I had my druthers, I'd bet the dwarves of the past delved there, too. Though, rumors tell of orc tribes dominating the mountain at present. Not to mention a whole dark forest between here an' there." He leans in and whispers, "Worst, though, is the humans meddlin' in things not to be meddled with. A hell gate, they tell, right near their own city of Gaul, spilling forth minions from its depths. Be careful going forth near their town of Gaul, hmm?"
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#12 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Galmit nods listening to the tale "Hmm sounds like there be plenty of adventure ta be had 'round here." he takes the now full flask and puts it back in his pocket. "I'll be avoidin' Gaul for sure." then thinking for a bit "What was that 'bout spitting on the lunmberjack's boots? Some sorta inside joke eh?" he asks not sure to laugh or to take this literally and spit on the man's boots should he see him. "I'd be willing ta agree with ya on the spire. Our kin would likely not leave a place like that untouched. No telling what treasures she holds for us." admiring the peak out the window then after a few moments shaking his head to clear his thoughts "Well me names Galmit Treasurebrew and I'm thinking that either helping with that watchtower or the Vardun Mines would be in me best interests. I say let them humans deal with their own demons in Gaul." he waves a hand as if dismissing the idea of helping fight off demons in a human settlement. "What ya know 'bout a fella by the name Neegan? Was told ta talk with that one once I got here."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#13 Post by Marullus »

(The mines and watchtower are expeditions currently out - they need to conclude for the timelines to catch up is all. I asked Neegan to post here directly. :) )

"I mean to literally spit on 'im," he says solemnly. "The lumberjack named Amistad, owns the mill by the Frogmorton Ford. He's the one that used enchantment to lead my son an' cousin to their deaths. No dwarf should pay him heed, even if the human Duke forgives the 'mistake.'"
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#14 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Galmit looks mad hearing the tale "Don't worry I'll spit on 'em alright. Might give 'em a swift kick too." shaking his head about the injustice of the tale "No self respectin' Duke should leave a man like that unpunished tell yah we wouldn't go soft on 'em down south." Alright I wasn't aware that those were both done. Guess I'll figure out what next then once Neegan arrives. ;) "Well guess I'll order another stout this time for here and I'll sit an' chat it up with a fellow dwarf." he places another 2 sp on the bar for Thorin. "Ya know I took ta brewin' me own stout back home." he tells Thorin.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#15 Post by Marullus »

Clarabelle -- an oddly-innocent looking young human girl in her mid-teens -- is having a chai tea at a table. She overhears you asking about Neegan's quest to get rid of the orb and offers the following information about it which she and "her mentor, Clay" learned of it.
Rusty Tincanne wrote:Clay locates Neegan in the Tavern and relates all he knows: please consider all the following said IC. I've just summarized it for ease of reading.
- A bunch of artifacts were recovered by Fingers, et al. in May 2021 after a battle with a bunch of ghouls
- Caspar the White later identified it as The Orb of Endless Suffering, an ancient artifact created by the Dreadlord Zhint, a necromancing willworker
- The Orb is banned from entering the walls of Gaul
- Pierpont laid out some of its powers:
"The Dreadlord Zhint succeeded in sealing a pocket dimension of the negative material in the orb; something that should never exist on this plane...
- It causes an exponential increase in the effectiveness of a warlock's necromantic spells.
- It also will infect the land around it, causing any corpses to spontaneously rise.
- It ... siphons the life from any too long in it's presence, like a wight, ghost, or vampire. In fact, it can replace the life force of anyone with... Well, death force, turning the living into progenitor undead of higher types. A warlock's could cause this intentionally and on command..."

When you ask how to destroy it, he shakes his head. "Any attempt to destroy the orb would release the negative material plane into the word, which is catastrophic. Destroy the energy within is catastrophic. Letting it fall into the wrong hands is catastrophic. Pray that none know it has resurfaced... The safest... would be to wish it away, magically of course, by altering reality such that it doesn't exist anymore. Otherwise, and with what is known? That volcanic mountain could destroy it, but the consequences would be severe and unknown. Or, lock it away where it cannot be found or retrieved and hope for the best?
That, at least, was the dwarves plan."
- Caspar the White (here and here) describes the way to the Spiral Vault:
"Finding the Spiral Vault is difficult, as they intentionally do not write details of it. I can surmise that it is east of the river from here, on a jut of the southern mountain range halfway from the river to the dwarven citadel from which Jarkul ruled. They placed the vault so that they could deposit the dangerous magical items there without bringing them into their main holdings further east. It appears that Jarkul's citadel should be about 25 miles east of the river, so that is a guide to finding this hidden vault."

"Of course, the entrance to the vault will be hidden. But it will also have an 'ancestral lock' upon it. You best bring dwarves with you to help you in your duties, as it will try to recognize its own before it yields and opens.

...The spiral vault is... hazardous. As I said, it is meant to be secure from all but righteous dwarves, by whatever 'ancestral locks' are. By building its subteranean vaults along a corkscrew passage, it can ensure that so much bedrock lies between each chamber and the next that magic is of no avail, and they've done their work to contain whatever enchanted items they placed within. Though he doesn't speak of what they entombed, he just couldn't resist bragging a little bit about their dwarven ingenuity in this.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#16 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Galmit drinks the rest of his stout and listens to the girl Clarabelle nodding as she talks "Warlocks an orbs an undead. Then that spiral vault sounds a bit ominous." the dwarf summarises simply "Thank ya for the information now might there be a group seeking this spiral vault hereabouts?" he asks.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#17 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Neegan is organizing a group. He's doing so out of the tavern in Gaul though.
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

well crap the one place I didn't want to go demon hunting... :shock:
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#19 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Galmit turns back to the bartender "Well guess I'm gonna head ta Gual after all I'll go spit on the lumberjack for ya before I go." he says with a sly wink.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: The Dwarf Hall

#20 Post by Dram »

G.W. have Galmit stay here drink beer there are only 3 of us so far I may need to request Dwarven NPC's for support.
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