Admin Requests

This forum is for users to make requests of the admins. This includes starting new campaigns, archiving old campaigns, adding player sub-forums to existing campaigns, and anything else that the user cannot do and must be completed by admins.
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Admin Requests

#1 Post by dmw71 »

This new forum is for users to make requests of the admins. This includes starting new campaigns, archiving old campaigns, adding player sub-forums to existing campaigns, and anything else that the user cannot do and must be completed by admins.
  • New Campaigns
    If you'd like to run a play-by-post game at these forums, first please add a recruitment post in the 'Looking for players or games' forum. State your game type and rules you plan to use. Give a background to the story and any other information you feel would be good for your potential players to know. This will allow you to gauge interest in your campaign first.

    Once you have sufficient interest and are ready to get started, add a post here outlining the following:
    • Name of your campaign.
    • The ruleset you plan on using: e.g. '1ed', 'OSRIC', 'BECMI', 'Traveller', etc.
    • A link to your recruiting thread in the 'Looking for players and games' forum.
    • Any private forums you'd also like created.
    Once your campaign forum is set up, you will have full moderator permissions in your forum, giving you the ability to add other forum users (your players) to the campaign group, start threads and make sticky posts.

    You can run any kind of game you want, as long as it's an RPG.

    Keep in mind that play by post games can take a HELL of a long time to complete. Thus, we request that if at some point you can no longer run the game you started, please let your players know that you have to quit entirely or that you have to put the game on hold. Don't just leave them hanging not knowing what has happened. All it takes is a quick post stating your situation, and everyone will understand. Abandoning your games only makes you as a GM and the forums as a whole look bad.
  • Archiving Existing Games
    You can let us know of any games that might need to be archived here as well. Previously, these requests were captured here: Are there any games that should be archived?
  • Other Requests
    Anything else (e.g. requesting player sub-forums, etc...) can also be requested here.

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