Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#61 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

okay we dig in. A long hard day but we cannot move without Renvell being stabilised. So rig up concentric circles of straw, dry grass and tumble weed bonfires. Set at marked out paces of 150'yards, 100 and 50. effectively at the three stages for short-bow fire. We light a small camp fire in a scraped out pit so as to lessen the bright alert and take turns to watch, mounted and patrolling between the lines.

Dangers? More shuffling zombies but by the drag marks that assumes just a mindless following in one aimless direction. Kobolds may investigate off the mountain, Scatha doing a nightly patrol? Gruumilda might spy us but we are possibly over the horizon unless she is on the spur.

Foxy has some crazy thoughts about heading further west? the Undead and blight might be too much for us and offer little knowledge in return. The Monoc mage cult though is still active since the giants confirm the occasional travel. And Foxy is privy to some knowledge that the mages may not know about but seek.

Deducted a further days rations for ourselves and the horses. How are the horses grazing on the blighted grass and roots? Also Foxy will take a few cuttings of different affected briars and odd misshapen fungi, ears of corn etc, perhaps Clay would be interested in studying these further. I guess none of the zombies had purses of gold or rings of value? Did they all look human in size and shape, bearing in mind the area was a dwarven hold pre-cataclysm.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#62 Post by Marullus »

Foxy prepares her campsite carefully and takes the first watch. She examines the bodies and determines they are all human-sized, but they don't resemble humans as much as she'd want to be comfortable. They ashen, rotted insides, the distorted and gaunt flesh... there is definitely something wrong with them.

Foxy stares out into the dark across the plains. She alerted by a guttural, canine growling noise: loud and only 30' away. It takes her a moment to realize it is too close for her fire rings already. As she involuntarily jumps in her surprise, she hears it snarl again, this time mocking and almost-chortling, like laughter. She sees a pair of large dark-orange eyes glowing with their own light. The creature paces sideways, a mishappen wolfish shape, but easily larger than a bear. It is eying her, jowls dripping.

Date: 11:04pm, 24 July 2021
Light: Campfire
Distance Travelled: ~5 miles
Injuries: Renvell (dying, unconscious), Tocen (Grievous wound), Foxy's horse (moderate wound), Renvell's horse (moderate wound, fleeing), Tocen's horse (minor wound), Foxy (Superficial wound)
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#63 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Foxy stands aside from her horse who is gathered in and reined with the riding horses and fixed to a stake in the ground. She buckles her shield over her left arm and draws her fiery scimitar, pacing a few steps towards the great warg. Something in its' makeup and approach causes her to think of some fabled were-creature or savage wolverine. Certainly not something the goblins or kobolds would likely tame. She tries to utter some 'chaotic' speech, hoarse throaty growls to communicate with the beast.

"Hunts-master, you prowl under the silvery moon but only find only a grizzly bear with her cubs. I am She, who put the crimson dragon to flight, limping back in the night sky to its lick its wounds. She who slew the Hounds from Hell that travel the Red Robes Road, look upon the blighted Undead that rest eternally from the edge of my blade. I seek not to claim upon your territory, leave us in peace and we shall be gone by sunrise."

She hopes the beast will have some territorial knowledge and some cognisance of other dangers that stalk the area as well as some above average communication skills to understand her.

Tocen nocks an arrow waiting for a signal to shoot at the beast or set alight one of the tumbleweed bonfires.

not sure if you need any roll so here are two: Foxy charisma roll [2d6] = 5, Charisma roll [3d6] = 10
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#64 Post by Marullus »

The beast's growl sounds like a chortle. "Then your flesh will be savored and I will eat the power of your deeds," the creature replies in a husky-accented common tongue. "You have a companion near death, leave him for my meal and I will let you depart back to your human-town."
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#65 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"Ah!, my deeds will only give you 'the shits'. But I cannot abandon my charges to flee, besides the town I seek lies west. I prowl beneath the jaws of the dragon to the jaws of the wolf and to the very jaws of the Abyss. Do these Red Robes hunt you also with their fiery hounds?"

Foxy asks while still shielding her companions. Tocun lights a nearby bonfire to shed a little more light on this creature. Foxy takes a ploy to try and provoke the creatures interest, not in dinner or fight but maybe (long shots but not implausible 'on your feet thinking'), the beast has some common hatred for the Monoc's.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#66 Post by Marullus »

Tocun stokes the fire. It's offer refused, the creature's pacing brings it incrementally closer and closer. It doesn't look like you'd expect of a werewolf; there is something more unwholesome about it. It is far larger, with features blended of both wargs and goblins. It's eyes glow with their own orange light, not reflecting your fire. It's pacing on all fours seems a bit affected - it's powerful forearms are too long and the hunch in it's back alludes to it's hindquarters being better bipedal.

"...that you do, morsel. That you do," it chortles in response to her brag. "As for the wizards you seek, their hounds are the children of the Abyss and know to pay me homage. When they awaken the greater one, he shall teach them many things, many lessons." The horses whinny in protest at it's proximity. "I would rather eat three than one,
if you cannot offer your companion willingly. I sought to consume the possibilities of tender young children but your 'Monocs' failed me. There are few humans to slake my need, in the last centuries."

If you think you have a tempting offer, you can make another [3d6] check, or [4d6] to intimidate.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#67 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Foxy listens with much trepidation and interest. "Tocun, put down your bow and calm the mares. Your arrows will only be a splinter in our guests hide.", she signals for the trooper to look after the horses.

"Scatha too sought to satisfy his flesh upon the virtue of these young maidens. I sent him scurrying back to his lair. Dreadlord Zhint? His fingers were removed and taken to the same dwarven mine but the Monoc's got hold of them and then traded them for these maidens. Giving the goblins infernal powers with only your banqueting in return? It makes little sense. You are a Great One, that is plain to see, but there remains a Greater One! I am like you in many ways. I make a name for myself yet remain under authority. I serve a command to go here, a command to go there."

Foxy walks closer to the beast.

"I cannot surrender my troopers no will I willingly offer my steeds. However for their three lives I will give you three choicest nuggets of knowledge to digest upon ... There are three items of power taken from that siege that may be accounted for. The Orb of Endless Suffering, used by Dreadlord Zhint himself to command the dead, is in the possession of the Beithian clerics. The Soul-Tome of Dreadlord Zhint, is in the possession of Baxtaw, an elven spell-blade. I believe he leads an expedition to the lair of the crimson dragon. Offering the book in exchange for a truce over Gaul. And finally, the Soul-Tome of the Arch Priest, Thanul. A Gwanwen priest has looked into book and he lives within the dwarfhold at Idmi. They raise an army to reconquer the mines."

Foxy charisma roll [3d6] = 13
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#68 Post by Marullus »

"The orb..." growls the beast, rolling the word on his tongue as if tasting it, his interest clearly piqued. "Tell me... where do I find these Beithian clerics? Tell me, and I will let you live for your leal service."

Date: 11:15pm, 24 July 2021
Light: Campfire
Distance Travelled: ~5 miles
Injuries: Renvell (dying, unconscious), Tocen (Grievous wound), Foxy's horse (moderate wound), Renvell's horse (moderate wound, fleeing), Tocen's horse (minor wound), Foxy (Superficial wound)
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#69 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"They may be hardest to find. Lovers of nature, they take the shape of beasts and trees. One has planted himself in Gaul central to blossom as an 'ever watching oak' or so I heard. There are towers guarded by stone golems NW of Gaul, past those in the ruins of the old goblin lairs. These troopers with me sow their seed to Gwanwen as well as the towns wenches. I walked Eruanna's path. What do we care for the tree-huggers and cauldron stirrers."

So glad we never took up an offer to accept any Beith symbols so we could enter the Witchwood if need be. Is Foxy the architect of the blood circle doom?
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#70 Post by Marullus »

The beast emits a pleased growl. "Your cleverness and riddles do not disguise what I wish to know. You serve well, flaming warrior. I will savor your soul when I consume you." Its eyes still glowing like orange coals, the beast bounds off into the night. Tocen sighs audibly, relaxing as the tension flows from him. He winces and holds his own grievous wound, glad not to engage in further battle.

The rest of the night continues without interruption. When the dawn comes, Tocen announces that Renvell appears more stable, but it will still be a difficult trip. Rather than a bumpy sledge, he arranges a sling made of their cloaks, hung between both of their horses. He sadly expresses a moment of regret for Sephanne, as well. "I did not think to leave with three and return alone," he says, changing his bandages.

The horses easily bear the weight of the unconscious Renvell, and Tocen walks, leading both steeds forward. You give up your northward arc and take the most direct route back to town, across the scantly wooded foothills and grasslands due west. You walk through the day, Tocen silent as he focuses on the painful moans of Renvell. You camp in the foothills, this time without incident, and finally come upon the Merchant Road a few miles south of Gaul. You are through the gates and to safety in mid-afternoon. Renvell's condition is dire - he could not have survived another day on the trail. He clings on the edge of life as you reach the Infirmary, where he is carefully tended to.

You didn't roll any encounters on the return trip - lucky! Go ahead and re-enter town, posting information you feel appropriate. Enjoy your trip!

Date: 3:00pm, 26 July 2021
Light: Sunlight
Distance Travelled: ~30 miles since last encounter
Injuries: Renvell (dying, unconscious), Tocen (Grievous wound), Foxy's horse (moderate wound), Renvell's horse (moderate wound, fleeing), Tocen's horse (minor wound), Foxy (Superficial wound)
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#71 Post by Marullus »

Expedition Summary

Encounter: Ghouls on the Zhint Plains
Location: The Kobolds Ambush
Encounter: The Kobolds Revenge
Encounter: The Hill Giant's Overlook
Encounter: Albino Apes in the Night
Encounter: The Shambling Horde
Encounter: The Barghest Guest

Expedition Length: 4 days
Expedition Distance: 12 Hexes

(No treasure)

Foxy: 9,971 character XP / 4,985 item XP
Renvell and Tocen: 4,985 character XP / 2,493 item XP
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Re: Expedition: Foxy Rides Northwest - 22 July 2021

#72 Post by Marullus »

Morale Renvell [2d6] = 11 Tocen [2d6] = 3

After getting carried home on the stretcher, Renvell is greatly sobered and not interested in further rides with Foxy. Tocen was inspired by her dedication to getting them all home, though, and is willing to consider the next adventure.

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