Port Grimsand

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Port Grimsand

#1 Post by Tamerlaine »

After a short and somber service in which the deceased sailor is given a burial at sea, the sail is hoisted and the Drown’d Bride continues on its way. The vessel enters a thick veil of fog, seemingly preternatural in its appearance and feel despite the clear skies and bright sun. Soon the ship broaches the fog and with the island in view, you marvel at the colossal columns of black basaltic rock that reach out of the water toward the blue sky above. The towering rocky spires loom above you, its surface carved by eons of rain and wind.

“The Fingers!” Raf cries out as you pass between two of them. “Some say they are the fingers of a dead ancient god unknown to man.”

Onwards the vessel sails, her jib pointing to the island beyond. Slowly it grows, the tall, sheer cliffs rising higher and higher until you realize just how impressive the heights of the cliffs are. From what you can see the majestic cliffs seem to ring the island like some skirt or curtain of rock. Only the location that the vessel rapidly approaches show the only break in the rocky face. A jumble of modest buildings of wood on thick pilings hug the rocks and small beach of black sand. Those with sharp eyes can see boats both unloading and loading cargo with ropes through trapdoors at the bottom of several buildings set over the water. A lone jetty juts out from this mess, the walkway resting on sealed casks to provide buoyancy.

Beyond this appears to be a sinuous path climbing up the cliff. There are only a few wooden structures built precariously where the path widens enough or where there is a switchback. At the top you know from what Raf has told you, is the colony proper made from the ancient stones of an old city long lost to the vagaries of age.

Under the hawk-like eyes of Raf and his sharp tongue, the crew scurry about the deck in preparation to bring the Drown’d Bride about in good place to moor her. Boats are being released and brought over her sides to the water below while men scurry to and from the ship's hold hauling cargo.

“My friends, we must now part,”Raf states with a wide beaming smile. “I have brought you to your destination. Now you must leave. A boat will deliver you to yon jetty where you will embark upon the next phase of your journey. Ah, to be young again! How I would join my fate with yours. But alas, I'm now an old and lazy coward that likes to make his coin the easy way. Rel bless you my brave friends and may Xathoqqua find you unworthy of his attention!”

He braces each of you in his way before watching from the rail as you are ferried across to the jetty.
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Re: Port Grimsand

#2 Post by shaidar »

Xenos ponders their fate as they approach the island, looking with interest as the details of their destination become clearer.

After Raf says his goodbyes.. Thank you Raf for delivering us safely to our destination, I hope we shall meet again. May the gods smile upon you and your crew in your journeys he turns to Kenway "Now my friend, the fun really begins" he grins a feral smile
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Re: Port Grimsand

#3 Post by ybn1197 »

"Unless by fun you mean a brothel with a bottomless mug of ale, then your definition does not equal mine," Kenway says with a wink to Raf. "Lead the way my friend, there are challenges to overcome and gold to be heartily spent once we have absconded with it."
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Re: Port Grimsand

#4 Post by Tamerlaine »

With no other way to go but inland, the two of you walk along the jetty and pass through a couple of warehouses (5 on the map). Beyond this you come to a blockhouse (6) where several armed men are located; A couple are guarding the gateway while three more are playing a game of dice within the shade. They don't look like the guards you see in the cities and towns you've visited. These men and women wear a mantle of animal skin, brown with darker, almost black spots, scale mail, and helms. The two at the gate carry swords and glare at you while the ones playing dice hardly look up.

"Fresh meat, it looks like," one of the guards quip while the other simply nods slowly in agreement, take a moment to spit at near your feet. "Gaeris! Drop your jug and git yer sorry hide out 'ere!"

Scant seconds later a wizened scribe in dirty robes with a narrow face and scabbed-over nose scurries out from the blockhouse, his hands carrying papers, a quill and ink. "I uh erm, welcome to Port Grimsand," he blusters with a boozy breath while dapping a quill in a ink pot. "I'm going to need your name and the purpose of your visit. This must be done before you are allowed entry into the colony."

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Re: Port Grimsand

#5 Post by shaidar »

My name is Xenos, and I am an explorer and treasure hunter
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Re: Port Grimsand

#6 Post by Tamerlaine »

The quill in Gaeris' hand scratches away, pausing only to dab the nib into the small clay jar containing ink. He nods with each answer, scribbling away until he has all the information. He mutters something about enjoying your stay and scampers off up the hill as a looming figure appears before you. He's massive with a deep chest and wide shoulders covered with a mantle of skin; a pelt of white with black spots. His face is gruesome as one side of his face, from crown to jaw, is a mass of livid scarring. It looks as if his face was terribly clawed, one corner of his mouth twisted in a permanent sneer while dull iron peers out from the puckered scar of one eye.

The guards within the block house stiffen rigidly to attention, the game of dice forgotten as the tall scarred man pauses to look at you with his one good eye.

"You come in with the Drown'd Bride," he states, his voice heavy. It isn't a question. "I'm Zalbar, commander of the garrison. Come on then. There's no use of standing around here."

He turns and without looking back to see if you're following, heads up the steep trail and meanders up the cliff. The trail appears to have once been an animal trail expanded and improved upon over time. The walk is tiring yet Zalbar hasn't broken a sweat as he ignores any inquiries. Once at the gate at the top of the Sheerway, he turns to you. "You've got an audience with his lordship first thing in the morning. Someone will come and get you. Until then, stay out of trouble."


Think back to the things Raf told you guys regarding places to stay and carouse. Please ignore the names of the various shrines as labeled on the map. I will be replacing them with the names of gods from the AS&SH pantheon. Are you guys fine with how things are progressing or do you wish to step things up? There's a lot of background, local color, personalities that can help or hinder you if you ask around. Otherwise you can forgo all this and start outside the gate that leads into the island.
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Re: Port Grimsand

#7 Post by ybn1197 »

I'm fine with the pace. As for where to go, I am ok with starting at the main gate the next day.
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Re: Port Grimsand

#8 Post by shaidar »

pace is good for me too, and I'm happy to move forward to the main gate as well.
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