The Infirmary of Eruanna

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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#81 Post by Marullus »

There is a general stir at the casual, hind-legged Badger trying to stroll into the chapel. You are a man of great faith, Mylo nods deferentially to Clay after Clay speaks of their adventures, Worshipping and remaining loyal to a God who would place you in this base form.

Eruanna's grace and mercy is not predicated upon works, he explains in response. If it we're,
it would cease to be grace. Though, Ms. O'Hare does have far to come in her spiritual journey. The skills of humility, self-examination, and personal responsibility are paramount and not always easy to come to without first experiencing life-altering tragedy. There is the easy road and the hard road, and some choose the latter.

A bell rings in an adjacent room. Ahh, perhaps that presages an update on her....
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#82 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

After resting a few days in the care of the Infirmary, Foxy is well enough to be on her feet again. Still dressed in the patient nightgown even though it is day, she enters the main chapel room genuflecting with ritual palm devotions.

"Brother Mylo, grace and peace to you. I see druid Clay retains his naturist form. Grace and peace to you also. I understand I should thank you both for my safe return to Gaul and my return to health."
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#83 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Marullus wrote:You are a man of great faith... Worshipping and remaining loyal to a God who would place you in this base form
Clay does not understand Brother Mylo's comment. How could he not admire Clay's new body?Beith's given me a second chance at life, and a renewed purpose for it. Her dominion is natural and magical creatures. I am pleased she saw fit to grace me with this body. There're some things that will take time to get used to, but when attacked by goblins or humans, I'll be thankful for the thick hide and the ability to dig a hole quickly.

Clay is pleased Ms. O'Hare is not a drooling buffoon, though her words seem more measured than he is used to.I was worried about you when I heard what Scatha did. We should head to the inn and find out what the others told the Duke. And Grizzly and I have your kit, which you'll need, I guess. He pauses to see if she will come, following he across town. If she doesn't, he will mention his own time in town will be brief because of their debt (of sorts) to Shortbread.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#84 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"drooling buffoons? plenty of those in town already. What did this Scatha do? I hear the town is abuzz with news of his goadings?"

Foxy is unaware that she had a spell cast on her or what her state of mind was like when she came back to Gaul. She has only been told she was unwell and that the Sisters looked after her until, as far as she is concerned, her 'fever' broke. Was it more than that? She waits for the priests to reply while she crunches on a pocketed apple.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#85 Post by Marullus »

Mylo nods respectfully to Foxy as she joins him and Clay Weatherwax. "I am glad you have emerged,
Ms. O'Hare. I thank you for having helped me with my own self-reflection at your last visit. I had offered you a private contrition as a courtesy and didn't surmise that this laxity from our normal custom might cause you discomfort. I fear we Eruannites are not sticklers for rules. I have offered my own contrition on this."
He gestures to the small gathering of parishioners. "The truth is known," the group replies in unison. "Your accusations that I tresure such confessions to titillate myself while I fondle young children was... Rather unkind. I was a bit rash in my anger at such statements, for which I apologize. Lies of this kind cannot stand before Eruanna and one must not give them heed." The group of parishioners intones again, "The truth is known." Brother Mylo nods to them, accepting their grace for his confessions. "Nonetheless, your contrition will all be public now,
for your comfort."

He listens to the brief conversation between Foxy and Clay. "Ms. O'Hare, it was not only your body which returned injured this time. Raising the ire of the dragon caused it to inflict you with a powerful curse -- it stole your mind. You were less aware than a newborn lamb. You owe much to your companions for your care, and to Eruanna for healing you from such a state, through her Grace.
Are you prepared to confess? What have you learned about yourself in this journey?"
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#86 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay is both fearful and amused at Ms. O'Hare's pending response. And curious to see if she will embrace her goddess at last.

The Badger-Druid has never seen an Eruannan cleric at work, nor witnessed a "confession" and toys with the idea of offering one of his own. Having recently faced his goddess directly, there would be much to reveal. Surely these parishioners would be interested to know of the great wilderness in which Beith resides. But would they accept it as truth?
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#87 Post by Stirling »

"The penitent of heart may approach the public chapel at any time, this cell is hardly the appropriate time and place Brother Mylo. On my journey I found folk had already searched through my 'ladies personals'. Or are you another of these types who like to jerk themselves off alone while a young lady reveals all?"
Foxy smiles remembering her accusation of the Eruannic priest."My apologises for my previous outburst Brother Mylo, it was said in anger and unwarranted. I was angry that the Templars had stormed into my room and in my view I was being held against my will, subject to rendition. I did not recognize that the solace room was not a cell since an guard armed stood by the door. Furthermore I held the wrong opinion that your invitation to a private confession was nothing more than an interrogation and I spoke out of turn to rebuff you. I had been on my way to confession at the Infirmary but the carnal lure of some respite with champagne and bubbles took my fancy first. I believe it was Brother Clay of Beith, who initiated concerns that some infernal influence had overshadowed me since our encounter with the Mages of Monoc for I had indeed spoken of nightmarish dreams whilst recuperating at the Farrows Farm. I am glad that you destroyed the book bound of human skin which I brought back from there. It was highly perfumed and had an allure which must have come from the female mage I slew. It was the bones of her hand also which you put into the fire. My motives were wrong at the time and I was wrong also to question yours."

Foxy takes a moment while the penitents weigh up the confession and intone grace over her.

"Bones and Fire. That brings us to my last quest. Neither mercenary nor Duke's man betrothed themselves to join my expedition save for my brave comrades who accompanied me to fight wolf riders and wargs, corpses of the long dead and fiery hounds of Hell. Bravely we defeated the goblin king in his innermost sanctuary. The dread Fingers were cast into the furnace and burned to ashes. None of us came away unscathed, we all bear still the scars of that victory, none more so than Brother Clay here whose mortal bleeding body was claimed by the earth to rise anew in his present form. The dragon also rose anew from his lair deep in the netherworld caverns. Awoken by the beating of dwarven wardrums, he came famished and hungry, looking for both a fight and a feast. I tried in my pride to talk of noble deeds with the great wrym, but it's passions for the delights of the flesh was more than I could sate. I was glad one dwarf, a gully native, sacrificially came to my rescue. The dragon followed our escape from the halls but I remember little of that sojourn. I admit that I started the expedition in pride and anger Brother Mylo. I was offended when the Duke's captain scorned our request for aid and also when those savages of Idmi Dum threatened to raid our party of possessions and attacked me personally. I had not wanted to fight with them but was reluctantly forced to draw my blade and defend myself. The ire of this renegade dwarf burned hot and was only quenched when I slew one of his warriors and stood my ground against the fierce brigands who surrounded me. I earned their respect and Brother Clay intoned prayers for the restoration of the warrior. These Blackhelm's then stood as the 'shield of forlorn hope' to distract the palisade goblins and allow us secret passage into the catacombs. I still hold grudges in my heart for what was said and done at the ridge but I should pay my respects for the willingness of these warriors to give their all, standing their ground for noble deeds and duty rather than filthy lucre of gold which had caught the eye of some ogres I hired. They who fled the battle soon after it began.

I confess Brother Mylo, my words to the dragon of exalting his name in the saga's of men if he would only but help my own personal quest seemed to inflame his desire to bring terror to Gaul. Had dreamed of the glory of flying to Gaul upon his back not driven mercilessly by his tail."

With that, Foxy falls silent.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#88 Post by Marullus »

There is a long silence in the chapel as Foxy finishes her confession, standing in the white linen nightgown of a patient and penitent.

"The truth is known," intone the penitents, finally breaking the silence.

"I am glad for this humbleness in your heart, Ms. O'Hare. That you admit these failings shows growth as you move along Eruanna's path." Brother Mylo lays a hand on her head. The glowing mark disappears and her scarring heals, leaving her forehead unmarred.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#89 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"Mercy triumphs over judgement as always Brother Mylo." says Foxy, acknowledging the priests ministrations and the penitents chorus. With her mind and body healed she has no reason to loiter within the Infirmary so makes her doxology blessing to the assembled folk and leaves to the Golden Tooth tavern with Clay the Badger-Man.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#90 Post by Zhym »

Fingers approaches the temple, commanding his dog to sit while he goes inside.

He blows his nose loudly on his sleeve and approaches the first person he sees who looks clerical. "Um, hi. So, you guys can check things to see if they're evil or have demon spirits or stuff, right? Well, I've got a thing." He holds out a clear glass orb about four inches in diameter. "If I look into this thing, you think I'm gonna get my soul sucked out or something?"
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#91 Post by Marullus »

21 July 2021
One of the acolytes takes the orb back to the Templar Order. Fingers waits while it is investigated. The acolyte returns and presents the orb back to Fingers. "We sense no workings of the infernal in this item. It appears to be crafted by mortal willworkers for some form of divination, and could be used by one of the same. Ensure it is used for the cause of good only."
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#92 Post by Zhym »

Fingers thanks the acolyte and leaves, wondering where he could find a wizard who might be willing to join up in exchange for a shiny ball.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#93 Post by Alethan »

Zhym wrote:Fingers thanks the acolyte and leaves, wondering where he could find a wizard who might be willing to join up in exchange for a shiny ball.
"...a shiny ball? Hmmm..." you hear a youthful voice in your head mutter to himself as he ventures below the halls of a dwarven tower. "Now THAT might be an useful thing to have."
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#94 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Alethan wrote:
Zhym wrote:Fingers thanks the acolyte and leaves, wondering where he could find a wizard who might be willing to join up in exchange for a shiny ball.
"...a shiny ball? Hmmm..." you hear a youthful voice in your head mutter to himself as he ventures below the halls of a dwarven tower. "Now THAT might be an useful thing to have."
Though Fingers isn't sure if it a youthful male or a very comely, charismatic witch's voice.

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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#95 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

July 15-23, 2021
Ablesforth spends the week assisting with tending to the poor and ill, and to townsfolk that need a strong back. When he has Brother Mylo handy, he offers details of the recent expedition. Then he asks, Brother, I got this scroll for protection from the undead. Knowing what we know about these sniffers, will that do any good?
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#96 Post by Marullus »

After Ablesforth is recovered from his severe injuries, Brother Mylo is grateful for his skilled help with the other wounded. When asked about the Ward versus Undead scroll, Brother Mylo shakes his head. "Regrettably, I expect it would be ineffective. The half-heads are a low class of demon, and thus wholly extraplanar in their make-up. While Erunanna's grace protects you from them for that reason, the are likewise dissimilar from undead."
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#97 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

11 August 2021
Clay walks directly back through Gaul without making any stops. He then send Clarabelle back to the Infirmary and requests Brother Mylo visit him outside the town gates. After casting Speak to Animals, he waited patiently under a tree while talking to, and petting Morr.

If Brother Mylo arrives, Clay explains the situation: that he and some others found the Orb of Endless Suffering, which can spoil land and soul, raise the dead spontaneously, etc, due to it being a piece of the negative material plane. Pierpont says a wish spell is the best way to deal with it. He also suggested burying it or tossing it in a volcano, but he isn't sure what destroying it will do. Do you have any ideas. Maybe you can convince the Templars or Ms. O'Hare to deal with it? I've already got a geas on me.

If Mylo doesn't come, Clay will leave the orb with Clarabelle and head into town on his own and find Mylo at the Infirmary.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#98 Post by Marullus »

11 August 2021
"Regrettably, our most effective Templars are already engaged in ending a demonic threat," answers Mylo. "An open door to hell remains more pressing than a sealed pocket of the negative material." He will, however, see if they can engage on the issue once their current tasks are done. If asked, he lets you know that he doesn't have the facilities to house such an object. "Where can I have them find you and the orb?"
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#99 Post by Marullus »

11 August 2021

Rumors and worry spread among the townsfolk as actual demons from hell are whispered to be roaming the land. Followers of Eruanna are more thickly gathering, worshiping the infirmary's chapel in greater numbers. Meanwhile, followers of Baudh in the town have become more caustic to the Eruannites, anger flaring up from time to time on the streets outside the infirmary.

Brother Mylo is otherwise pre-occupied with private meetings with a group of Templars and their allies.
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Re: The Infirmary of Eruanna

#100 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

23 July

Able returns to Brother Mylo on the evening he had set out, visibly disturbed. He gives a full, truthful report of what he witnessed, describing the dungeon rooms (runes, traps, talking statue, collapsing floors, poison traps, etc), roaming packs of half-headed demons that regenerate unless wounded with silver (though they can be Held, or melted with holy water). He reminds Brother Mylo of the packs of goblins complicating matters, and how they mentioned piles of gemstones being held by the demons. Able also tells of what happened when he tried to use ESP on the sniffers. Things're right bad down in the Hole, Brother M. We done our best, but it weren't as good as I'd hoped. And 'cause I'd led them others inta the Hole not knowin' what t'expect, puttin' their lives an' souls t'risk, I felt obliged t'protect 'em when the sniffers come along. But it won't happen again. I warned the lot of 'em that next time, if'n they wanna come along, their safety is gonna be mostly on them. Me an' the other Templars are goin' down t'getter done. I sure hope they'll join us again, but I don't figger they will. He reminds Brother Mylo that he has one stick of incense left, and he can make a bunch of holy water to take with them - 10 flasks to a man. Maybe kegs... You gived Brother Idriss that scroll fer dispellin' magic, and he isn't comin' back, but that's no matter. I can feel Eruanna's peers in me growin' and reckon I can dispel it on my own. He also speaks on behalf of Pendleton. He says he ain't one t'take a vow, but says he thinks he can ward hisself against the infernal. And I can use Erruana's power t'offer him some protection beyond that, I reckon. He's askin' fer some spells from the restricted section of the library, just so y'know. He might come askin'.

The truth is known.

Able excuses himself to prepare for a third expedition into the Demon Hole.

Edit: Able stays at the Infirmary from 23 July to 19 August. He spends the time creating holy water and tending to the ill.
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