House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by dmw71 »

House Rules
The below list is the current set of house rules, or rule interpretations. It should be considered a work in progress, and is subject to revision:
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Die Rolls

#2 Post by dmw71 »

Die Rolls
  • Only rolls made in the Unseen Servant die roller will be accepted.
  • Please create a character, link it to campaign ID 423.
  • Only rolls made using the requested macros and linked to the campaign will be accepted.
    (The 'Roll Stats' button is NOT allowed under any circumstances.)
  • Any required rolls not provided by the player will be produced by the DM (If you think a roll might be needed, make it.)
  • I do not carry over or "bank" rolls. Any roll posted but not used will be considered burnt and will not carry over to a future round.
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Ability Scores

#3 Post by dmw71 »

Ability Scores
  • 1d6 + 1d8 + 4, in order (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha)
    STR: [1d6] + [1d8] + 4
    DEX: [1d6] + [1d8] + 4
    CON: [1d6] + [1d8] + 4
    INT: [1d6] + [1d8] + 4
    WIS: [1d6] + [1d8] + 4
    CHA: [1d6] + [1d8] + 4
  • The modifiers for Charisma will be the same as every other ability score:
    • 6-8: +1
      13-15: -1
      16-17: -2
      18: -3

Ability Score Adjustments
By the book:
LL,7: Choosing a Class wrote:"Sometimes, a player will
choose a certain class and the character does not have a
prime requisite high enough to receive the experience bonus.
In these cases, 2 ability points may be sacrificed from one
ability to raise one prime requisite ability 1 point. This may be
done more than once, but no ability can be lowered below 9.
There are certain restrictions on how to raise or lower abilities.
No ability may be lowered if it is also a prime requisite for the
class, even if there are a few points to spare above the
minimum required score. Dexterity can only be raised, never
lowered. Constitution and Charisma are the only abilities that
may not be modified in any way."
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Hit Dice

#4 Post by dmw71 »

Hit Dice
  • d4: M-U
    d6: Cleric, Elf, Halfling, Thief
    d8: Dwarf
    d10: Fighter
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Starting Hit Points

#5 Post by dmw71 »

Starting Hit Points (LL, 7)
  • [1d2+2]: Magic-User
    [1d3+3]: Cleric, Elf, Halfling, Thief
    [1d4+4]: Dwarf
    [1d5+5]: Fighter
All starting hit points are to be adjusted by any Constitution score modifiers, if applicable.
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Death, Dying, and Healing

#6 Post by dmw71 »

Death & Dying (LL: 7)
If a PC is reduced to exactly 0 hit points, they are allowed a saving throw versus Death.
  • Success: The character survives, but falls unconscious.
  • Failure: The character succumbs to their injuries and dies.
    (Note: In the event of a PC death, that players is welcome to create a replacement character.)
Monsters and NPCs are automatically considered dead at 0 or fewer hit points.

Healing (LL: 54) (Added: Thursday, May 18, 2017)
LL: 54 wrote:"All beings recover hit points through rest. For each full day of
complete rest, a character or monster will recover 1d3 hp. If
the rest is interrupted, the character or monster will not heal
that day."
This "full day" requirement will be reduced to 8-hours (to match the resting requirements for spell casters), and, like my 'Spells' house rule, a resting character can still benefit from rest after a single interruption (but there will be no healing if the rest is interrupted two or more times).
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#7 Post by dmw71 »

Beginning Spells (LL: 19)
  • Beginning Clerics do begin with a 1st level spell.
  • Clerics are not required to memorize any 'cure' spells, but can memorize any other spell for that level and automatically replace their memorized spell with the 'cure' equivalent. (See: 'Class Specific Rules' for additional details).
  • Magic-Users automatically begin the game knowing the 'Read Magic' spell, plus:
    LL,19 wrote:"The player may choose two first level spells and one second
    level spell, but any other spells can only be added to a spell
    book through game play."
Spell Recovery (LL: 19)
LL, 19 wrote:All spell casters can memorize or pray for new spells after 8
hours of rest. It takes one hour to memorize all spells the
character is capable of learning.
Regarding spell restoration, the rule does not indicate that the sleep needs to be continuous, so I will allow spell casters to split their sleep and still be able to recover their spells... but they will need to complete the 8 hours required (plus the extra hour to memorize their spell once they wake) in order to do so.

More than one interruption in a single night will prevent spells from being recovered, regardless of how much sleep they are able to manage.

Spell Sharing (Ruling)
I don't have any problems with spell sharing.

If you want to do it in the middle of an adventure, it is time the entire group will need to spend waiting, and risking wandering encounters. It will require 'Read Magic' in order to be able to translate the arcane words and symbols of the other magic user, and we'll say it will take 1d3 hours per spell level to actually copy the spell. In town, between adventures, it can be done freely.
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#8 Post by dmw71 »

Weapons (LL: 15)
  • The 'variable damage' will be used (not all weapons deal 1d6 damage).
  • Brightontip Arrows (Added: Monday, September 25, 2017; after being introduced here.)

    Cost: 30 gold pieces for a quiver of 20.

    Brightontip arrows are broader than normal arrows but are crafted of thinner steel which collapses when it hits bones.

    These arrows cannot be retrieved and re-used because they are destroyed in their use as the collapsing broad arrowhead tears tissue and wraps around bone.

    They do 1d10 damage if fired from a long bow or 1d8 damage if fired from a short bow.

    Against foes wearing chainmail or greater armor, the arrow only does 1d6 damage (regardless of what type of bow fires them); they’re just not designed for that kind of foe.

    Regarding their usage, anyone who intends on using one of these specialty arrows must declare so before any attack roll is made (a special macro can be created for this). If no designation is made, a normal arrow will be assumed to have been used.
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Class Specific Rules

#9 Post by dmw71 »

Clerics (LL: 8)
  • The Turn Undead ability may only be attempted once per encounter (unless new undead are introduced; in which case, a new turning can be attempted against just those new undead).
  • Clerics are not required to memorize any 'cure' spells, but can memorize any other spell for that level and automatically replace their memorized spell with the 'cure' equivalent.

    Automatic Spells
    • 1st: Cure Light Wounds
      3rd: Cure Disease
      4th: Cure Serious Wounds
      5th: Cure Critical Wounds
For example, a 1st level cleric can memorize any other 1st level spell (e.g. Light), and will have the choice of casting either 'Light' as prepared, or converting it to 'Cure Light Wounds' as their single spell for the day.

Dwarves (LL: 10, 15)
Dwarves cannot use two-handed weapons except the battle axe.

Thieves (LL: 6, 12-14)
All thieves at 1st level receive 50 discretionary percentage points that they can add to their base thieving skill scores, subject to the following rules:
  • The 'Hear Noise' ability can not be adjusted.
  • No more than 30 points can be assigned to any single skill.
Each time the thief rises a level in experience, the player receives another 20 points to add to their various thieving skills, subject to the following rules:
  • The 'Hear Noise' ability can not be adjusted.
  • No more than 10 points per level can be assigned to a single skill.
  • No skill can be raised above 95 percent.
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Experience Points

#10 Post by dmw71 »

Experience Points
  • The experience point bonus for having a high prime requisite is awarded up front each level.
  • Monster XP will be awarded at a rate of 100xp per hit die of defeated monster instead of following values provided in book (each "+" or "-" will count as 1/4 or .25). (Added: Monday, July 3, 2017; per this suggestion.)
    • Examples:
      Fire Beetle @ 1+2 HD = 1.50 (e.g. 1.5 * 100 = 150xp)
      Goblin @ 1-1 HD = 0.75 (e.g. 0.75 * 100 = 75xp)
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#11 Post by dmw71 »

Encumbrance (LL: 44)
  • 50 coins: 1 pound.
  • Encumbrance will tracked, but simplified. Your encumbrance will be the total weight of:
    • Armor
    • Shield
    • Weapons
    • 20 pounds for starting equipment
    • Treasure
    (Note: Magic armor and weapons weigh half as much as their normal counterparts.)
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Ranged Combat into Melee

#12 Post by dmw71 »

Ranged Combat into Melee (LL: 54)
  • No risk of friendly fire except on a natural 1 (see: Natural 20's & 1's); "cover" penalties may be applied, however.
  • Any projectile that has been fired is considered broken or lost and cannot be recovered.
  • If you declare a ranged attack, and combat takes place that round, deduct an arrow (the only way to avoid this expenditure is if combat is completely avoided). (Added: Wednesday, April 5, 2017; per this clarification.)
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Torches & Flaming Oil

#13 Post by dmw71 »

  • A torch used as a weapon will do 1d3 damage, or 1d3+1 if lit.
  • A lit torch used as a weapon that misses by more than 5 will become extinguished.
Flaming Oil (LL, 54)
Flaming oil in this game will work as follows:
  • Round 1: 2d4 damage
  • Round 2: 1d4 damage
  • Round 3: Extinguished
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#14 Post by dmw71 »

Initiative (LL: 6, 11, 52)
  • DM rolls for both sides after all actions have been declared.
  • Group initiative will be used, but will be individually modified as appropriate.
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Natural 20's & 1's

#15 Post by dmw71 »

Natural 20's and 1's
  • Note that critical hits and misses apply to both player characters and monsters alike.
Natural 20
On a roll of a natural 20, the attacking character will:
  1. Be awarded 20 experience points
  2. Roll a second damage die, which is handled as follows:
    • Fighters total the two damage dice
    • All non-Fighters (including monsters and NPCs) take the most beneficial of the two damage dice.

      (Note: In the event of "friendly fire," and PCs accidentally injuring another PC, the "most beneficial" (e.g. lower) damage result will still be used.... except for Fighters, who will use the "least beneficial" of the two damage rolls.)
      (Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017; per this discussion.)
Natural 1
Melee Attacks
In melee, a roll of a natural 1 will allow the target of the missed attack a single free counter-attack, typically with their primary weapon. In all cases, logic will dictate the situation. This free attack is in addition to any attacks the counter attacker may have (or have had) that round.

For example, a single orc is actively engaged in melee with two PCs. If PC #1 is attacking the orc and rolls a natural 1, the orc will get a single free attack against PC #1. If PC #2 rolls a natural 1 when attempting to hit the orc, the orc will get a free attack against PC #2. If the orc rolls a natural 1, whichever PC the orc was targeting with the missed attack will get a single free attack against the orc (not both PCs).

Ranged Attacks
If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character and roll a natural 1, there is a 50% chance (1-3, d6) that the shot will target the friend. The DM will roll to determine the target and, if the friend, the DM will also make another to-hit, using the same modifiers of the attacking character, to see if the friend is hit and takes damage.

The damage from friendly fire will be the damage rolled by the player, if provided. If not, the DM will roll for damage. Similarly, in the event of a critical hit in a friendly fire situation, the DM will roll for any missing damage (e.g. if the player provides regular and critical damage, both those results will be used; if only normal damage, the DM will roll once for the critical damage; if neither damage roll is provided by the player, the DM will make both rolls). (Added: Thursday, May 4, 2017; per this discussion.)

DM discretion and logic will dictate on a case-by-case basis whether "friendly fire" can result from a natural 1 when the friend is is not engaged in melee. This will mostly (but not necessarily exclusively) apply to slings. (Added: Friday, January 19, 2018; per this situation/discussion.)
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Multiple Characters

#16 Post by dmw71 »

Multiple Characters
A player is welcome to control up to two characters simultaneously.
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#17 Post by dmw71 »

Combat Movement
Encounter movement is 1/3 of normal movement (e.g. 90-feet = 30-feet), and a character can move and attack in the same round (but movement must be declared before initiative is determined).
LL: 53 wrote:"Players must announce that their characters will move during
a melee round, and they must make this announcement prior
to the initiative roll."
LL: 54 wrote:"Characters may move and make a missile weapon attack, or
move and make a hand-to-hand melee attack in one round."
Any player can attempt to have their character attempt whatever they'd like, but, as always, I, as LL, will have final say over what ultimately is and is not possible.
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#18 Post by dmw71 »

Infravision (Added: 10/05/2017)
This interpretation, which was first publicly mulled here, will allow characters with infravision to see in the dark as easily as they are able to see in the light, without reliance on heat sources.
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