Prolog/Chapter 1: The Company forms

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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#201 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi offers to interview the locksmiths.

I am in favor of selling the gem for 1,100 gp.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#202 Post by Lamech »

Willow takes the price! She returns to the group to split it straight away.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#203 Post by tymir »

Jaskar wants to have a wild time. He encourages his new friends to join in. We saved the children, burned the evil shrine and collected our reward! When a caravan completed its journey it is customary to celebrate with your friends and companions from the journey!

Hamiya is going along to learn about this strange Kuntani custom. She is less enthusiastic.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#204 Post by drpete »

Willow sells the gem for what seems an excellent price, and hurries back to share their good fortune with the others.

Jaskar and Hamiya go out for a few hours with Aderfi. He takes them to a tavern called the Rusty Barrel, which is near the gate and is frequented by various travellers and caravan guards. Patrons are seated at several long tables, and barmaid come by with pitchers of ale. They are there for a few hours, and see several fistfights break out between drunken patrons, but for good or bad, they don't end up in any fights themselves. After a few hours, they head home, having had a nice, but not totally wild evening.

Jaskar spends 5 gp, Hamiya spends 7. Any xp Hamiya earns in the next week gets a 5% bonus. I rolled for money spent, and chances of having something (like a fight or other adventure) happening, but nothing came up.
If others want to go out on future nights, let me know.

The next day, Hazrahi interviews a few locksmiths. Two come by. One, a man called Tolgar, has a floppy hat and a bit of a rough look about him. He is possibly interested, if the price is right. Another man, named Mansoor, is a no nonsense middle-aged man with rough hands who tells you his fee will depend on how tough the job is... if it's a regular lock, with no trap, he'll open it for 10 gp. More if there's a trap or other problem.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#205 Post by Rex »

Pay the smith, seems fair.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#206 Post by tymir »

I am in favor of paying the smith. We likely come out ahead because we can sell the box.

I've deducted expenses for the night out.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#207 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi hires Mansoor.

Do you have a shop or somewhere else private where we can open this?
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#208 Post by drpete »

Mansour nods calmly to Hazrahi, and offers to take him there. He leads Hazrahi through the winding streets of the city, through a heavy door which leads into a short passage. After about 20 feet, the passage opens into a courtyard where two women are doing laundry. He leads him across this courtyard into another tunnel which leads to another courtyard where some boys are playing ball, and then to some stairs, up to a small red door. Opening the door, you enter a small workshop filled with various types of keys and locks.

Mansour places the box on a workbench, and begins investigating it carefully. After investigating it closely for a bit, he pulls out some tools and begins poking gently at the lock. After about 10 minutes, he curses under his breath, having snapped the tool he was using. "Apologies, sir, but this lock is more difficult than expected. I'm afraid I'm going to have to charge you a bit more." He pulls out another set of picks, and continues his work, and after a few more minutes, you hear the soft *click* of the lock mechanism turning.

Mansour smiles, and gently begins to open the lid of the box. As he does so, he winces, and points out a little needle in the lock to Hazrahi. "The Fates have smiled on us. That needle could have been deadly. Easily enough dealt with, now... alright, given lock difficulty, the needle... I'm afraid I must charge you 50 gold for this work, sir." He holds a hand over the box, preparing to open it once terms are arrived at.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#209 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi agrees to the terms and hands over the 50 gp.

If you don't mind, good sir, I'd like to open this in private.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#210 Post by drpete »

Mansour nods, accepting the gold, and gives Hazrahi the unlocked, de-trapped chest.

Hazrahi takes the chest back to the others and opens it, revealing...

two small vials, one pink and one black (value ??)
three more of the red, agate pendants (value 25 gp each)
one blue, azurite pendant (value 10 gp)
finely carved wooden box (value 40 gp)
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#211 Post by tymir »

Hamiya will attempt to id the potions. She has 1 rank of alchemy.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#212 Post by drpete »

Some investigation reveals that the pink vial contains what seems to be a fine perfume (value 50 gp), not a potion. The black vial, on the other hand, seems to contain a potion of healing (500 gp value).

(Note: if you sell the potion, you will get full xp for it. If you keep it, I'll give you 1/10 xp, so 50). This would include keeping it for alchemy/sample purposes.)
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#213 Post by Lamech »

Willow supports selling the potion. If we want healing we can buy hire a witch or something for a lot less. Actually I think we need to be level 2 first. We get 50 Comfrey doses though. Woundwort is good too. Willow has a whole array of suggestions for useful stuff to do with a 500gp.

Also Willow suggests dispersing 200 gp to all members as their share of the take.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#214 Post by drpete »

Willow takes the miscellaneous treasure, and attempts to sell it. Most of the things go fairly easily. There is not enough demand for the azurite amulets to sell them all right away, but she does sell two of them.

The group divides the treasure up into shares, keeping one for party expenses, and the group goes out to spend their treasure.

Hamiya and Jaskar buy medium riding horses, saddles and tack. (cost: 50 gp each)
Jaskar buys a shield and a set of chainmail (cost: 50 gp).
Jaskar also goes to talk to his contacts to see about hiring a mule driver. A few gp and a few conversations later, Jaskar has found a 15 year old boy named Etti who will come with you and haul things with his mule. He'll need to be paid 0.5 gp per day, or 3.5 gp/week. (cost: 3.5 gp, including pay for rest of the week).

Hamiya: 50 gp
Jaskar: 103.5 gp

Willow puts 100 gp in the bank, and arranges a password with the banker. (again, let me know if you want a ransom pin for this).
She spends 100 gp on an anonymous gift to her Academy. (this will count as excess upkeep for the month. You'll still need to pay base upkeep, but you'll get a 10% bonus to xp for the month. Also reserve xp).
15 darts (6 gp)
2 weeks rations (4 gp) *note: this is 2 stones of encumbrance, and takes up half of your pack. Be sure to recompute encumbrance*
Willow: 210 gp.
Remaining gp are about 1 item's worth of encumbrance. You can convert them to platinum for a 1% fee.

2 weeks rations (4 gp) *note: this is 2 stones of encumbrance, and takes up half of your pack. Be sure to recompute encumbrance*
Donation to Brotherhood: 250 gp. (this will count as excess upkeep for the month. You'll still need to pay base upkeep, but you'll get a 15% bonus to xp for the month. Also reserve xp).

2 weeks rations (4 gp) *note: this is 2 stones of encumbrance, and takes up half of your pack. Be sure to recompute encumbrance*

Plate mail: 60 gp.
Sword: 10 gp.
Silver Dagger: 30 gp
3 10 gp gems: 33 gp. (These also have a little seal on them indicating the value and appraiser, so they can be used as money in Kuntan)
Donation to Church: 120 gp (this will count as excess upkeep for the month. You'll still need to pay base upkeep, but you'll get a 10% bonus to xp for the month. Also reserve xp).
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#215 Post by drpete »

Aghilas consults with his friend, and finds that he in fact has a fine bay charger that he's been looking to sell. He's a bit high strung, but your friend is confident that you'd be able to handle him. Aghilas sees that it's a fine horse, and it takes a clear liking to him. Aghilas can have the horse, saddle and tack for 175 gp, if he wants it.

Aghilas looks into getting some light lion themed armor. Asking around, he is directed to a smith who seems to specialize in high end armors... he has various fine armor pieces around his shop... a heavy helmet which looks like a dog's face, a breastplate with a dragon engraved on it, and so on. He agrees to take on your job, but warns you that it will take about a week to make. He charges 30 gp for the armor.

Aghilas also gets:
a blanket (2 gp)
2 weeks of standard rations with coffee/tea (2.4 gp) *note the encumbrance of these, 1 stone per week*
2 waterskins (1.2 gp)

Aghilas then visits with his mother, Tziri, who is overjoyed at his good fortune, but warns him to be careful with these strangers. She asks him how long he'll be gone, and paints his face with charms of protection. Would the arrangements with her involve giving her any of the upkeep/money...?
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Re: Prolog/Chapter 1: The Company forms

#216 Post by CharlesDM »

Aghilas accepts his friend's offer with glee, but says I will need saddlebags as well, if you have any to sell.

To his mother he says Do not worry, I do not expect to be gone long. But in case I am delayed a week or three, take this to keep you until I return. He hands her 35gp.
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Re: Prolog/Chapter 1: The Company forms

#217 Post by drpete »

He is pleased to give you saddlebags for a standard 5 gp.

Your mother is very excited about the money, which she takes and stores it away to support herself (Aghilas' upkeep for himself and his family is on track to be equivalent to a 2nd level character, so Aghilas gets an extra 5% bonus on xp earned for this month.)
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