Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#241 Post by Pulpatoon »

Portal Room
Horton and Wikerus attempt to lull the pirates, while Flintlock fades into the background.
I'll use Wikerus' WIL (16): [1d20] = 19
Oh! Tough break!
The pirates are not placated and surround Horton and Wikerus: two pirates to each, one in front, one behind. A pirate with one nostril missing barks at Horton (in their piratical language), "Treachery fore and aft! Did ye witch 'em? Did ye feed 'em to yer hole-in-the-world?" Pointing to the portal, he says to his companions, "Toss 'em in—let's see what befalls 'em."

Rag Room
Splinters and Jake rush to tend the Princess, binding her wounds and unstoppering some water for her to drink. Full recovery of HP (2), but STR remains at injured levels (also 2).

Outside the room, the sound of many feet descending the stairs can be heard. Eld reinforcements! They will be here very soon.

Deet and Schroff continue to lie, unconscious, among the mouldering rags and rat bones.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#242 Post by Urson »


Jake looks from the Princess to the door, worried. Shite! More company!

Jake scans the room for something bulky to block the door- and sees nothing but the ape. He grunts and strains, trying to roll the massive, hairy corpse in front of the door before the Eld arrive.

IF he sees that this is a waste of time, he'll abandon the idea and prepare to meet the Eld face-to-face in the doorway, where they can only attack one at a time.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#243 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

With as much stealth as he can muster, Flintlock creeps up behind one of the pirates near Wickerus and tries to thump the salty dog.

Maul [1d8] = 1
Utterly useless...
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#245 Post by coil23 »

Idiots! Always have to blame someone else for your own mistakes! Horton attacks the pirate behind him, not the one in front, with his wooden sword.

[1d6] = 1

( :roll: Into the void we go!)
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#246 Post by Pulpatoon »

Portal Room
Given that Flintlock is camouflaged and attacking from behind, I'm going allow this to be an Enhanced attack:[1d12] = 4
Better, but not enough to turn the tide.

Let's have some contested STR rolls!
Pirates 1 & 2: [1d20] = 19 [1d20] = 16
vs. Wikerus (12): [1d20] = 17
Everyone failed, but the pirates failed by more than Wikerus did.

Pirates 3 & 4: [1d20] = 4 [1d20] = 1
vs. Horton (14): [1d20] = 10
Everyone succeeded, but the pirates succeeded by more than Horton.
The pirates easily dodge a few hasty blows from Horton and Wikerus, as they attempt to manhandle the two. Flintlock steps out of the shadows, swinging his maul at the pirates grabbing Wikerus. He misses, but prevents the pirates from being able to get a good grip, and Wikerus wiggles free.

Horton puts up a valiant struggle, but his wooden limbs aren't as limber as one might hope. His arms are pinned to his sides and he is pushed into the Void. Fortunately, his struggles were such that the pirates weren't able to toss him so much as tip him, and he does not go very far into the empty expanse on the other side of the portal.

Both pirates, while grappling Horton, swear as their hands pass through the portal. They pulls them back and shake their hands violently, sticking them in their armpits for warmth.
"It's cold enough to burn! This is no passage! It's death!"
Horton floats in blackness, just outside the window back into the room. His wooden body is impervious to the cold of the void, but his flailing limbs have no purchase by which to maneuver back through it.

The pirates who froze their hands will stay out of combat for a round as they nurse their injury. The other two pirates are ready to square off with Wikerus and Flintlock.

The running footfalls of 2 more pirates coming from the Rag Room can be heard right outside.

Rag Room
The remaining pirates help Jake roll the fallen body of the ape against the door, while Splinters keeps his musket trained on the door. The beast's bulk makes an effective doorstop. Loud banging ensues from the other side. The two pirates confer in their language. Their tone and gestures convey a lack of confidence in the permanency of this solution.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#247 Post by Starbeard »

"Good show my stalwart men, good show!" exclaims The Princess Dormillon as they help her up, hand pressed to her aching head. "Never have I seen such bravery, or felt such thrill for mortal, swift life. Indeed, I feel newborn, baptized as I have been in blood of battle. We may still have the weak body of a Princess, but now We have the heart and stomach of a King!"

She follows Jake and tries as best she can to help keep the door blocked. "That's it, noble peasants! To arms! To arms! They shall not have us!" She begins to sing loudly the royal anthem of Franceland to bolster spirits.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#248 Post by Urson »


Jake gives the Princess a strange look- simultaneously flattered by her praise and annoyed at being called a 'peasant'.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#249 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Flintlock, again, tries to swing his maul, but the effect of how scrawny limbs is more comical than dangerous.

Maul [1d8] = 2 :( (but 100%better than my last roll! :D )

Edit: is Wickerus close enough that he could hook his sword jus inside the edge of the screen, thereby giving him some leverage to pull himself back through? Maybe a DEX check?
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#250 Post by kensanata »

Splinters keeps his musket pointed at the door but slowly shuffles sideways towards Deet and Schroff. Are they dead, he wonders. He taps them with his foot. Hey, guys? Guys?
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#251 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"Hang on, Horton!" yells Wikerus. He also gives 100 percent more effort, determined to lightly graze the pirate in front of him, possibly resulting in some sort of infection if not properly washed and bandaged: Another strength roll (if needed):
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#252 Post by Pulpatoon »

In the Rag Room
Splinters rouses Deet, who is groggy and uncertain, but manages to get to his feet. He picks up Schroff, and tucks him under his left arm. He looks wonderingly at the fallen ape.

The last two remaining pirates say something in their language, and, casting a worried look at the door, leave the Rag Room, heading towards the Portal Room. Only the PCs remain in the Rag Room.

In the Portal Room
Pirate 1 Crit Dmg Check: [1d20] = 2
Although it is an awkward, glancing blow, even a graze from a maul can do damage. Flintlock taps a pirate on the head. The pirate reels, holding his head. "OW!" he spits.

Wikerus brandishes his axe, but to little effect.

Two more pirates enter the room, bringing the total up to six, with the sounds of two more coming along behind them. Except for the one holding a rapidly-swelling bump on his forehead, they all point their various cutlasses and tridents at Flintlock and Wikerus. One snaps an order in the pirate language:
"Drop yer weapons, scurvy devils!"
Horton, meanwhile, is drifting slowly away from the gray rectangle of the portal. Ferns of frost paint his outstretched hands.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#253 Post by Urson »

Jake follows the pirates to the portal room, a few steps behind. I don't remember who else may be in the Rag room. If he's the last one out of the rag room, he'll close the door.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#254 Post by Pulpatoon »

With Jake's exit, Deet, Schroff, Splinters, and the Princess Dormillion remain in the Rag Room.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#255 Post by kensanata »

Splinters is at the door and says, Let's follow Jake! There might be more eld and apes coming.

He follows Jake.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#256 Post by Starbeard »

The Princess follows Jake as well. "Yes! Stay together, fight together, love together, die together! No apes or elds shall have us!"

She marches toward the portal room a few steps behind the pirates. If or when she sees them brandish arms against her comrades, she comes to her senses and touches herself with the wand of invisibility. (are there any pirates standing close enough to the portal to be pushed in from behind?)
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#257 Post by Pulpatoon »

The party member from the Rag Room head into the hallway. The last two pirates to have left the Rag Room are currently blocking the door into the Portal Room. One of them says something gruff in the pirate tongue, and they draw their weapons on you.

Behind you, you hear a loud banging at the ape-blocked door, and shouting Eldish voices.

Inside the Portal Room, Wikerus and Flintlock are outnumbered 3 to 1. Flintlock's camouflage does little help him now that he is surrounded.
Let's have some STR contests to see how easily they grapple our lads:
Pirates 1-3 vs. Wikerus (12) [1d20] = 8 [1d20] = 5 [1d20] = 5 [1d20] = 20
Pirates 4-6 vs. Flintlock (3) [1d20] = 10 [1d20] = 7 [1d20] = 7 [1d20] = 2
Whoa! That one was closer than I ever would have expected!
The pirates easily overpower Wikerus, but have a surprisingly difficult time dealing with the long, ductile arms of Flintlock. In the end, they succeed in pinning both adventurers.

"We got the slippery eels! What shall we do, then? Slit their necks, or feed' elm to the hole-in-the-world?"
Horton continues to drift, floating in a most peculiar way. He is still close enough to the portal to clearly see the events transpiring therein. If only he could reach them!

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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#258 Post by Pulpatoon »

The party member from the Rag Room head into the hallway. The last two pirates to have left the Rag Room are currently blocking the door into the Portal Room. One of them says something gruff in the pirate tongue, and they draw their weapons on you.

Behind you, you hear a loud banging at the ape-blocked door, and shouting Eldish voices.

Inside the Portal Room, Wikerus and Flintlock are outnumbered 3 to 1. Flintlock's camouflage does little help him now that he is surrounded.
Let's have some STR contests to see how easily they grapple our lads:
Pirates 1-3 vs. Wikerus (12) [1d20] = 8 [1d20] = 5 [1d20] = 5 [1d20] = 20
Pirates 4-6 vs. Flintlock (3) [1d20] = 10 [1d20] = 7 [1d20] = 7 [1d20] = 2
Whoa! That one was closer than I ever would have expected!
The pirates easily overpower Wikerus, but have a surprisingly difficult time dealing with the long, ductile arms of Flintlock. In the end, they succeed in pinning both adventurers.

"We got the slippery eels! What shall we do, then? Slit their necks, or feed' elm to the hole-in-the-world?"
Horton continues to drift, floating in a most peculiar way. He is still close enough to the portal to clearly see the events transpiring therein. If only he could reach them!

More on Wednesday!
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#259 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Flintlock curses at the filthy pirates. He grapples onto one of the pirates holding him, refusing to let go.If they toss you into the hole, take one or two with you, Wickerus! Hang on tight!
Or talk them out of this!

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