Prolog/Chapter 1: The Company forms

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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#101 Post by drpete »

The small spiders, though technically not *all* dead, are sufficiently burned up that theyre not much of a threat. The summoned berserkers are more-or-less in front of the opening. Jaskar is in the stream "behind" them, in the center of the room. Hazrahi and Hamiya are at the bridge on the west side, and Aghilas is behind them, and can fairly easilly move to go over the other bridge, sure. He wouldn't be able to "charge" (in the game sense) the opening very easily, at least this round, because the room isn't huge (just 30x30). If he wanted a formal "charge" it would probably need to involve backing up to the back wall this round, then charging and leaping the stream next round.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#102 Post by Rex »

Khawaji will try to get back down the ladder as fast as possible, once down he will move to engage the larger spider with his sword. I am on my way!

Solomon will descend after Khawaji to act as back up, plan is to remain near the ladder until he is needed.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#103 Post by tymir »

Jaskar will hang back with his bow in case an avenue to shoot opens up.

Hamiya will place her torch on the ground and attempt to attack with her spear from the second row.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#104 Post by Lamech »

Willow will try and find a line of fire from the top of the ladder down to the opening of the room, in the assumption big spiders are coming and she'll be able to throw darts at them.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#105 Post by drpete »

Round 4

Aghilas works his way around to the spiders from the back while Khawaji and Solomon make their way down the ladder and Khawaji makes his way over to one of the bridges. And boom, after just a moment's respite, the giant spiders come barreling through the web!

Willow's summoned berserkers are ready, and they attack the spiders with their spears. Their blows skitter off of the spider shells, but don't seem to have much effect (Spider #1 takes 2 damage from spear hits). Willow finds it extremely hard to throw a dart at the spiders, as the berserkers are in the way. If she was unconcerned about the summoned warriors, Hamiya also moves into the shot, hoping to attack the spiders.

Jaskar climbs out of the river and readies his bow, but like Willow, he finds no opening to attack. Aghilas, though, dives onto the spider that the berserkers attacked and manages to immobilize it in his net. (7 control points- incapacitated).

Hazrahi steps up to squash the other spider with his warhammer, but the spider ducks out of the way of the mighty attack at the last moment.

The free spider nips at one of the barbarians, who fends it off at the last moment with his torch (1 damage, save successful). The other spider, fortunately, is secure inside of Aghilas' net.

Aghilas, Hazrahi, Hamiya and the berserkers are right in the thick of things, though Aghilas is somewhat hampered by needing to hold onto the spider. Jaskar, Khawaji and Solomon are all close enough that it would be easy to get into the action next round. Willow is still upstairs.


Technical/Dice Stuff
Init 2:
Aghilas move init: [1d4] = 2
Khawaji move init: [1d3] = 2
Solomon move init: [1d4] = 2
Giant Spider Web move init [1d4] = 2
Giant Spider Web move init [1d4] = 2

Init 4:
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 4 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 16-8 = 8 Damage [1d6] = 1
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 4 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 13-8 = 5 Damage [1d6] = 1
Hamiya move init: [1d4] = 4
Willow dart: init [1d4] = 4 hit AC (med range, cover, Dex -2) [1d20-16] = 13-16 = -3 dam [1d4] = 1 (spiders are engaged, so no attack)
Hazrahi move init: [1d4] = 4

Init 5:
Jaskar move init [1d6] = 5 (spiders are engaged, so no attack)
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 5 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 3-8 = -5 Damage [1d6] = 2
Aghilas Net init: [1d6] = 3 Hit AC : [1d20-6] = 8-6 = 2 Grapple effect [1d8+3] = 4+3 = 7
Net acts as +2 to hit on Grapple. Damage depends on class build and strength. Grapple effect yields control points. With 7, the spider is incapacitated and unable to move. Aghilas is effectively at -2 to hit/AC/etc while maintaining his grip.

Hamiya spear: init [1d6] = 1 hit AC [1d20-19] = 18-19 = -1 Damage [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3

Init 6:
Berserker spear: init [1d6] = 6 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 7-8 = -1 Damage [1d6] = 3
Hazrahi Warhammer: Init [1d6] = 2 Hit AC [1d20-8] = 9-8 = 1 Damage [1d6+3] = 3+3 = 6

Init 10:
Giant Spider Attack: init [1d8] = 8 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 17-9 = 8 Damage [1d8] = 1 (grappled, cannot act)
Giant Spider Attack: init [1d8] = 8 Hit AC [1d20-9] = 13-9 = 4 Damage [1d8] = 1
Poison Save [1d20] = 14 (success!)

Note: As hp damage is not technically "wounds" the descriptions are somewhat less bloody than might be customary.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#106 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi tucks his warhammer into his belt and punches the spider!

This is the spider not caught up in our net. Attempting to do non-lethal damage.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#107 Post by tymir »

Hamiya strikes at the spiders with the butt of her spear, attempting to do non lethal damage.

Jaskar will continue to monitor the fight from the back with his bow in hand.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#108 Post by Rex »

Khawaji moves to engage the free spider with his net, attempting to gain control of it.

Solomon moves up and attempts to secure an edge of the net that has the first spider so it can't get free.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#109 Post by CharlesDM »

Aghilas is estatic to have captured a spider! Then realizes there's not much he can do but hold the spider ...
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#110 Post by drpete »

Round 5

Seeing itself surrounded by fire, and its mate captured, the spider sitters back toward the web, while you try to beat it down.

Taking their cue from the Paladin, Hamiya and the berserkers try to pummel the spider as it retreats, but though a few of the spear butts contact the spider, none seems to much harm.

As the spider retreats into its web, Jaskar and Willow are ready, and let fly- Jaskar with his bow, and Willow with her dart. Both hit the escaping spider, but do not stop its retreat (2 damage, 1 damage to retreating spider). Before Jaskar can get the net over it, it is deep in the web.

Somewhat preoccupied with the spider he has caught, Aghilas is happy to have Hamiya come assist him in securing the caught spider in his net.

Technical Stuff:
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#111 Post by Lamech »

"Berserkers, follow the fleeing spider and finish it!" Willow yells out. She's not sure if they have any real chance to pull it off, but they might as well try.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#112 Post by Rex »

Solomon will continue to help keep the captured spider under control.

Khawaji will keep watch for other spiders or the return of the wounded one.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#113 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi says, Give me the other net. I will try to capture the spider if the summoned warriors fail.

Once he has the net, Hazrahi follows the retreating spider.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#114 Post by tymir »

Hamiya and Jaskar will retrieve their torches. Jaskar will help clear webs with his sword while Hamiya remains vigilant with her spear.

They will let the beserkers take the lead for as long as they are here.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#115 Post by Rex »

Khawaji passes the net off to Hazrahi and takes a torch then follows along to help him.

Solomon will stay with the other group to control the captured spider.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#116 Post by drpete »

Round 6

Willow shouts "Berserkers, follow the fleeing spider and finish it!" Hearing a clear order to follow and kill the spider, they flip their spears around, and run into the northern opening, hoping to push their way through the webs to reach the spider. They find that the web here is actually extremely strong, and they are quickly entangled by it. Three of them seem stuck fast, but the biggest of the berserkers puts on a huge show of strength and forces his way deeper. He manages to force a path for himself through the web, disappearing from view. You can see the glow of his torchlight through the web.

Do you want to follow them in trying to push through the web?

Technical stuff:
Web Control: [3d10] = 24 vs 4 (incapacitated)
Web Control: [3d10] = 13 vs 2 (incapacitated)
Web Control: [3d10] = 12 vs 5 (incapacitated)
Web Control: [3d10] = 7 vs 9 (restrained)
Web applies 3d10 control to those in it, which is compared to control maximum. One berserker is not completely immobilized.

Berserker break free: init [1d6] = 5 Hit AC [1d20-14] = 10-14 = -4 Damage [1d8] = 2
Berserker break free: init [1d6] = 1 Hit AC [1d20-14] = 9-14 = -5 Damage [1d8] = 8
Berserker break free: init [1d6] = 2 Hit AC [1d20-14] = 11-14 = -3 Damage [1d8] = 3
Berserker break free: init [1d6] = 6 Hit AC [1d20-14] = 19-14 = 5 Damage [1d8] = 7
Give each berserker a roll to see if they can impact their confinement. Restrained is at -5. Incapacitated should be at worse penalty, but none of those warriors come close to reducing control anyway. Restrained one (#4) actually shrugs off all 7 points of control on him!

Note: with the berserkers leading the charge and getting pretty stuck in the web, I paused the PC advance to let them decide whether or not to go up against the web.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#117 Post by sulldawga »

Hazrahi pauses and holds position, hoping to catch sight of the other spider and nab it with his net.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#118 Post by Rex »

Khawaji starts to help free the trapped.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#119 Post by tymir »

Hamiya will hold back, providing light as the other work to free the berserkers.

If there is room Jaskar will attempt to push through and follow the 1 berserker who made it.
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Re: Prolog: The Company forms

#120 Post by CharlesDM »

Satisfied that the captured spider is secured in the net, Aghilas draws a curved dagger and moves to the entrance through which the other spider escaped to see how he might assist.
How far does our torchlight reach into the next room? Aghilas scans the room for any child-size bundles in the webs. If he spots any, he will try to cut his way through the webs toward the bundle.
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