House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

House Rules:

Let me start out by saying that I am not a hardcore purist when it comes to rules or interpretations of said rules. When I mentioned that I would be going "by the book", I was only referring to the character generation phase. I know that there is a lot of "grey area" when it comes to First Edition, but I don't like allowing players to use that to their advantage.

I like things that make sense to me, so I don't pretend to follow or even know every rule in the book. There are a lot of rules that will be simplified to my liking and others that will simply not be used at all in this game. If you would rather argue about rules instead of having fun creating an amazing story together, then please reconsider getting into this game.
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Re: House Rules

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The most important house rule will be the d6 ability checks. Instead of rolling a d20 for atribute checks, I will put a difficulty level on the action you choose to attempt and success will be determined by rolling your attribute (STR,DEX) or lower on that number of d6's as follows:

Easy 2d6
Normal 3d6
Hard 4d6
Very Hard 5d6
Nearly Impossible 6d6

(example....your fighter wants to climb up a giant crabs leg and crawl across his back in order to chop at his eyestalks in order to blind it. I would then decide how difficult the action is, in this case I would say it is Very Hard. So, the fighter would need to roll a DEX check at 5d6, getting his DEX or lower to succeed in climbing the leg. In order to hang on to the live crab he may also need to make a STR check in the same fashion and so on.)
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Re: House Rules

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Death and Dying:

I find it unrealistic that everyone should be treated to the same (very forgiving) -10 hit points = death equation. I think that rule is a bit lenient and forgets about one super important factor...........Constitution! If Con. is truly a measurement of your characters hardiness and stamina, I would think that should definitely also apply to grasping on to your last bit of life while unconscious. So......

The standard for death we'll use will be when you are brought to -3hp. You will get a -1 to that number for every 2 points of Constitution that you have above 8. (average) Example: -4/10 -5/12 -6/14 -7/16 -8/18 etc.

You are still knocked unconscious at 0. If you have injuries that will cause you to continue bleeding, you lose 1 hp per round until you can be properly stabilized. If you are knocked unconscious but have no compounding circumstances, you don't continue to lose hp. If you bleed out or are injured to below your limit, you die.
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Re: House Rules

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »


I like to keep the main game thread free of clutter that isn't game related. I don't mind if you post "out of character" if you have to, but please don't use it as a chat room. That is what the OOC thread is for. Thanks.

I would also like everyone to post their characters dialogue in blue, (dialogue button in full editor) and any OOC comments or questions in red. (ooc button) Anything else can be in normal type.
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Re: House Rules

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Combat Initiative

I usually use a d10 roll to determine the individual initiative order each round and adjust them accordingly. However, in certain situations I will use a smaller die to simulate close combat in small areas, fighting multiple opponents, etc. If you want to roll your own initiative that is fine with me. Just include a d10 roll with your attack rolls and I will adjust it as necessary.

Please post your attack rolls and damage rolls along with you actions during combat.

Sample macro:
Attack with Longsword [1d20+1] Damage [1d8+1]

When I post the rounds actions, I usually try to stick to the initiative order as it happens. However, sometimes it is easier to adjust the order in which things are occurring so it makes more sense while reading it. I'm only telling you this to prevent any possible confusion in the future.
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Re: House Rules

#6 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Natural 20's and Natural 1's (crits and shits)

I will treat rolls of 20 as double the rolled damage. (not double on any bonus) There is a slight chance of some random extra stuff happening as well.

Rolls of 1 will always be a miss. There is a random, yet very small chance of something unfortunate also happening as a result.

I have a system that is still in development for extra effects, good and bad, that I might implement later in this game.
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Re: House Rules

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Spells Slots and Starting Spells:

I will be using spell slots in this game. You wont need to pick your spells daily. If you are able to cast three first level spells per day, you can cast ANY three spells of that level (Cleric/Druid), or any three spells that you have in your spell books of that level. (M.U./Ill)

Magic Users will start out with a total of 7 spells in their books. The three required spells will be Read Magic, Detect Magic, and Comprehend Languages. (Illusionists will receive Read Magic (as M.U) and Detect Illusion for their free starter spells) The other 4 spells can be chosen by the player.

The 3 required spells can each be cast once per day without using up a spell slot on them.

You will be allowed to pick one more spell each time you level. That spell, and any others that you acquire through adventuring, will then be subject to the Intelligence rules.

Reversing of spells will not be allowed unless your intentions to cast them in reverse is mentioned just after rest periods. If you want to cast the reverse of a certain spell, you have to let me know that when you are studying, praying, etc. Just like you would normally do if we weren't using spell slots.

We will not be using the UA as far as starting spells go. However, it is possible that you may find some of those spells in books or on scrolls during gameplay, and possibly some of the magic items from that tome as well.
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Re: House Rules

#8 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Trading Spell Slots:

Balancing magic power is generally tricky business. Just ask anyone who drinks 2 different magic potions at the same time. :?

Using your Spell Slots to cast a lower level spell from a higher level slot is indeed possible, but doing so will come at a potential risk. Depending on the situation, a caster will be allowed to bridge the unknown magical divide between spell levels, for example, casting a first level spell in the place of a higher slot, but there may be some unexpected and unwanted consequences from such an action. (think potion miscibility chart) Any dangerous results will vary based on the complexity of the situation, likely limiting the use of such powers to only the most dire of situations.

Trading multiple lower level Spell Slots to move up to a higher level spell will not be allowed.
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Re: House Rules

#9 Post by OGRE MAGE »


Most of my update posts will contain a title header with the current date and approximate time of the day. It will also contain any other information that might affect the groups actions. (weather, location, etc.)

With multiple groups playing at once, In-game time will obviously vary from party to party according to posting rates. If there is ever a need to align timelines, I may need to adjust it by advancing the slower groups ahead in time a bit, suggesting a situationally appropriate reason for their in game downtime. (stuck in the mud, malaria, etc.) But this will happen only if and when it is absolutely necessary.

The first group arrives on the nineteenth of Reaping, in the year of our King, 1389.

Greyhawk Calendar:

There are 28 days in each month.

Fireseek (Jan)



Sunsebb (Dec)

Days of the Week:

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Re: House Rules

#10 Post by OGRE MAGE »


I would like each player to keep track of the weight of the gear that their characters are carrying.

Please keep in mind that weight is not the same as bulk when it comes to strength bonuses.

Anyone who has read through the encumbrance rules must be almost as confused as I am about how to calculate movement in accordance with weight, armor, and bulk. There seems to be a lot of contradiction. (good ol' 1E)

Normal is 35# or less gear = Non Bulky = 12” move = can run normally
Heavy is 36-75# of gear = Fairly Bulky = 9” move = can make a lumbering run
Very Heavy is 76-105# of gear = Bulky = 6” = can trot for short distances
Encumbered is 106# or more gear = Very Bulky = 3” = no running allowed

Strength Bonus weight allowances apply to how much maximum weight you can carry and still move, but have nothing to do with the Bulk of the gear you can carry or the speed you can move. However, I will allow a character with a Strength of 17 or better to reduce the Bulk category of either their armor or their gear weight by one place for the purpose of movement. For Example: Someone with Banded Mail (Bulky) carrying a Bulky amount of gear (76-105 #'s) will move at 6". But if that same character had a STR of 17+, they could reduce their encumbrance designation by one place, allowing them to move at 9" instead. (Banded = 9" and the Very Heavy Bulk of his gear could be reduced to Heavy, bumping the move up to 9") Just ask me if you have questions about this muck. :D

Leather = Non Bulky (15#) = 12” move
Studded Leather = Fairly Bulky = 9” move
Ring Mail = Fairly Bulky (25#) = 9” move
Chain Mail = Fairly Bulky (30#+) = 9” move
Banded Mail = Bulky (35#+) = 9” move
Scale Mail = Fairly Bulky (40#+) = 6” move
Splint Mail = Bulky (40#+) = 6” move
Plate Mail = Bulky (45#) = 6” move
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Re: House Rules

#11 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Spell Range:

For this game I will be using the sage advice of "Sage Advice". (Dragon #47)

For reasons that I cannot divulge, we will only be using the "indoor" scale for spell effects.

Range and Area of Effect of all spells will be as listed in the book and not converted into yards outdoors.
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Re: House Rules

#12 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Movement in Combat:

If you can get to your target in half of your movement rate or less, you can still make one attack. If the distance to the enemy is more than one half of your rate, you can only move during the round and will not be able to make an attack. If you have an attack that allows multiple shots, (bows, daggers, darts, etc.) any necessary movement will negate the ability to get the second (or third) shot off.

You can move up to 10 feet and still cast a spell. Any movement of over ten feet will not allow you enough time to get the spell off in the same round.

Switching weapons mid round will only be allowed if the first weapon is dropped and not stored or sheathed. Fleeing a battle after switching in this fashion will likely result in the loss of the dropped weapon.
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Re: House Rules

#13 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Movement and Charging:

You may run (charge) at double your movement rate which will be limited by your armor worn and encumbrance. Indoor and outdoor movement will be computed as the same rate.

Charging an opponent will give you a +2 advantage to hit while taking away your AC Dexterity bonus. (or weakening it by one) Only one charge can be made per turn.

Any character in bulky armor or carrying a bulky amount of gear (105 lbs. or more) is unable to charge due to encumbrance.
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Re: House Rules

#14 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Ammunition Recovery:

I will keep this as simple as possible and rule that every other arrow or bolt shot can be found and reused, whether they hit or not.

Metal weapons like darts and daggers unless thrown into water or a deep chasm etc. can always be found, but they are damaged beyond usefulness on any roll of a natural 1.
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Re: House Rules

#15 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Spell Recovery:

A full 8 hours of rest is necessary to retrieve any spells and abilities. If you can rest somewhat comfortably, with no disruptions like battle etc., you can recover all spells and spell related abilities, (lay hands, etc.) regardless of your current level. (M.U.'s and Ill's. will obviously need a viable light source to read by) This can only be done once in a 24 hour period. I don't allow multiple rest periods in the same day. You can rest as much as you like for as many hours as you like, but you will only get one set of spells per 24 hour period.

I know that isn't exactly BtB, but I think it will help out considerably for maintaining the flow of the game and it should be especially helpful once (if) you get to higher levels.
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Re: House Rules

#16 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Recovering Health Naturally:

With a minimum of 8 hours of comfortable rest (not necessarily sleeping) you will regain 2 hit points naturally. This will happen once in each 24 hour period, if you take a comfortable rest. Resting in unsavory conditions (cold and damp dungeon floor etc.) will result in only gaining 1 hit point back. Resting in unfavorable conditions (like an insect infested jungle) will negate any natural healing and may even cause you more damage in the very worst of situations.

Due to physical exhaustion, not resting in a 24 hour period will result in no natural healing at all and will also incur a penalty of -1 on all die rolls per 10 hours past the first 24, up to a total of 64 hours, at which point you will simply pass out from physical and mental exhaustion.
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Re: House Rules

#17 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Movement And Range For Missile Fire:

Using any ranged weapon that allows a fire rate of greater than one, you can shoot 1 arrow, dagger, dart, etc. and still take half of your movement rate. (or vise versa)

You can only move up to 10 feet (similar to spell casting) and still fire your full compliment of missiles. (2 arrows, 2 daggers, 3 darts, etc.)

Range for missile fire will be figured in yards outdoors and feet inside.

Any shots from medium range will incur a "to hit" penalty of -2. Any missiles fired/thrown from long range will be at -5 to hit.
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Re: House Rules

#18 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Flaming Arrows:

In combat, it takes a round to get a torch out and lit.

Also, arrows don't just burn very well on their own, especially after being shot through the air. They must have an accelerant (oil) applied to them first. This also takes a round.

Arrow shafts are thin and wont burn for very long before they become useless. (1-2 rounds)
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Re: House Rules

#19 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Spell Research, Copying Spells, Scribing Scrolls:

Spell research for the creation of new or modified existing spells is not only allowed, but highly encouraged. If done intelligently, following enough “in character” actions presented by the DM, successful attempts will be rewarded with not only your very own shiny new spell to cast, but will also come with a nice XP award for your troubles. This will be handled on a “per instance” basis, so if you have any ideas, just let me know. We can discuss things like that in your private threads, beginning preparations as soon as you are ready to present your ideas.

Any spells found in books or on scrolls can also be copied into ones own book. It will take one full day per spell level to transcribe a spell into your own book, and in certain rare circumstances, the DM may appoint a special task or quest to complete the job. A roll will still need to be made to see if the caster can actually learn the new spell, but a failed roll will not result in the loss of the written spell, only that the mage cant learn it. A successful attempt to copy the spell somewhere else will cause the initial writing to magically vanish from existence.

Creation of new spells will be handled similarly, with one full day of research required to complete the experimentation and writing of the spell. It is far more likely that the DM will require some specific portion of the new research to be obtained through some kind of quest or mission, but that will depend largely on the difficulty and/or complexity of the new magic. Only one spell creation will be allowed per character per level.
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Re: House Rules

#20 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Running Multiple Characters:

I am going to allow any solid players that continue to post regularly in this game the chance to run two separate characters. Unless there is a way to connect those two characters, (husband/wife, brothers, etc.) there will be no blatant sharing of items or resources between them. In that same regard, any player who wishes to run an extra character should be careful not to allow their two separate characters to share information, money, or magic that the other character might not be a part of or even privy to.

This next bit is temporarily on hold.
Unless very specific occurrences call for it, two characters run by the same player will never be allowed to operate in the same adventuring group at the same time. They will of course be allowed to work towards the same outcome of any particular issue, but never while in the same group.
There may be more rules made up for this as time goes by.

Like this one:

I am going to enact a 3 PC limit for each player for the foreseeable future. This may change again eventually, but I think I am at the max that I can handle for right now. Thanks!

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