TREEHOUSE (tavern)

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#41 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Jernau35 wrote:Questions for Ogre Mage:
1. Have the Logger-bound crew left yet? If yes, how long ago?
You have only been involved in dialogue here so, if they have left, they wouldn't be very far away yet.
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#42 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger follows the Half-Elven Druid to Saracen.
They could have spent a while trying to learn a few things before they set off. In my experience, you show that kind of disrespect to Nature, then Nature will surely teach you a few things, probably something you didn't want to learn.
Now THAT's good thinking! The Hobbits eyes grow wide and sharp, and he snaps his fingers in agreement. Part of my initial plan was to garner knowledge from the locals before we head out into the unknown. Treat them with respect, and we have allies. Disrespect is likewise normally returned unpleasantly. He smiles knowingly, Meet ya at the hut!
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#43 Post by Jernau35 »


"Now, for the sake of young Jack, I suppose we should at least make an attempt to warn the others." Wes looks out over the beach from his vantage point near the rail. If he sees any of the Logging Camp-bound adventurers, he calls to them to try and warn them about the monkoons before they depart. If they are not visible, he asks Saracen and Lightfinger: "Will you accompany me along the trail a little way to find them?"
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#44 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Wes spots the brave if tiny expedition party just as they begin their treck into the unknown jungle. He sees Monocar position himself in front of the girls as little Jack sprints off ahead of the others.

The group disappears out of the druids line of sight, almost as if they were suddenly swallowed up by the formidable tropical forest.
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#45 Post by tkrexx »

Will you accompany me along the trail a little way to find them?
Lightfinger comes to a screeching halt before leaving the Treehouse.

Well, yes, of course, He stammers, then nods his head toward Saracen. Um, He's coming with us, right?
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#46 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen guffaws heartily showing his feral snaggletooth and slaps the halfling in the back good naturedly.

"Though my god is a lord of light, I move like a snail at the best of times. If you want to catch anyone that is actually moving its best you leave me here yes!" he chuckles with a deep throated growl.
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#47 Post by Jernau35 »

"Fair enough," Wes acknowledges to Saracen. "We'll never catch 'em with you in tow. And Lightfinger won't go in there without you (can't say I blame him). And I'm not fool enough to go in there alone."

Wes looks towards the spot where Monocar and the others disappeared, and whispers a prayer for Obad-Hai to watch over them.
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#48 Post by tkrexx »

Only Lightfinger's phenomenal dexterity keeps him from face-planting.

OOOF! He staggers a bit and looks back to Saracen. Heh heh, glad to see you're as friendly as you are uglStrong. But I think it's only fair to at least try to warn them. Especially since Jack is with them. They can't be moving too fast with that walking mountain in the lead. Come on! Those Monkoons, they may have been watching our comrades as they entered the forest, planning some sort of ambush!
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#49 Post by OGRE MAGE »

After a quick change of heart, the halfling convinces Wes that they should indeed go after the others to warn them about the flying monkoons.

They both race out of the tavern and rush after the eager group, leaving Saracen there to watch the race from the platform. This pair also soon disappears out of sight into the deep foliage.
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#50 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Chauncey the Adequate

Chauncey struggles the last few remaining rungs and enters the Treehouse. He turns around, panting and examines the room, squinting suspiciously. After a moment he notices the half-orc. "Saracen! There you are. Where has everyone else gone? They certainly haven't rented any rooms at the Hi-Lo, I've just come from there." He squints again and looks around like he's looking for something. Or maybe has indigestion.
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#51 Post by Storm11 »

"Welcome magician, I believe some of the eager members of the new arrivals have set off already for the logging camp to see if they can find out any more information about what dangers are faced here upon the island. Lightfinger and the Druid hurried to warn the others about these strange watching half-monkeys that hunt the settlement eagerly. Perhaps the Druid hopes to communicate with them at some point and find out what they are after. Broker a kind of
Truce perhaps?"
the orange robed half-orc shrugs. "Several of us have agreed to lodge together to conserve costs. How is the expedition to track the undead menace progressing? Will we be ready upon the morrow do you think? Who is coming along with us?" Saracen asks intrigued.
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#52 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Chauncey is perplexed. "Just like that, they're off into the wild? No, gathering of information. No resupplying? It all seems quite ill-advised." He only then seems to take in the fact that Waesfaren has gone with them. "Drat - I was hoping to catch the Druid, Wesley. He seemed a useful sort with the vines and the...," he waggles his fingers, "...well, it can't be helped. At any rate, we seem to have the following members joining us on our venture, in addition to you, sir, and myself: Ferris the Gnome, a shrewd bargainer and jewel miner, Luther and Raythan, both quite capable zombie fighters, I've seen it first-hand, and I asked Brufrig, but he seemed intent on feeding candy to orphans as part of some Dwarven ritual and seeking out puddles of flammable goo. Perhaps he can still be convinced..." Chauncey sits with his fingers steepled for a moment, lost in thought. "Tomorrow morning seems a fine time to leave, if that suits you... have you learned anything from the owner of this establishment? On the way over here, I ran into Luther and he told me the last zombie simply vanished... What do you make of that?"
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#53 Post by Storm11 »

"Hmmmm it sounds suspiciously like dark jungle magic to me!" grunts the half-orc thoughtfully. He agrees with the wizard about rushing off into the treeline without gathering some information.

"Mr Nehru suggested that there have been people gone missing from this township, but as to what takes them there was no answer. Food is in short supply, and the leader will pay for large game killed and brought back to town. Fruits, fish and nuts are the staple here in Beachtown these days it seems. There are some wizardly and priestly residents in the town at present. Who they are or what they can do remains a mystery however. No one seems to know where the zombies are coming from, but it seems to be that they are probably ancient tribal natives and have been brought back to unlife for a long time. Tomorrow morning seems most suitable."
Last edited by Storm11 on Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#54 Post by Urson »


The ranger listens to the discussion so far. My main intent is to try and bag some meat for these folks. If ya don't mind, I'd like to tag along with your group- at least until I find some game trails.
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#55 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Urson wrote:Luther

The ranger listens to the discussion so far. My main intent is to try and bag some meat for these folks. If ya don't mind, I'd like to tag along with your group- at least until I find some game trails.
"By all means, sir! I thought we had already agreed on this at the Hi-Lo. However that may be, I , for one would be delighted to have you along," says Chauncey before excusing himself for a moment.
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#56 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Saracen and Luther keep an eye on the trail as Chauncey wanders around near the back of the platform.

It doesn't take long to see Wes and Lightfinger return from out of the jungle. They seem to have been able to talk at least one member of the team to follow them back as Jack also comes skipping down the trail towards them.
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#57 Post by Jernau35 »


Wes hauls himself back up into the Treehouse. Huffing and blowing from the effort, he leans against the bar. "A cup of grog here if you please Randall". Once served, he turns to address Saracen, Chauncey and Luthor. "Thirsty work that, gentlemen. It's hotter under those trees than out here. No wind, y'see? Best make sure we take plenty of water when we head out there".

"Now, talking of heading out there, Chauncey, have you made any progress putting a team together to go zombie hunting? You could do worse than the fella's you got standing around here right now. Between me ,you and Saracen, we've got three different kinds of magic to protect us, as well as Saracen's faith to shield us against the undead. Luthor and I have got plenty of woodcraft between us, and he's a dab hand with a bow too. As is young Jack over there. And finally there's brave Lightfinger, a man of intelligence, charm and resourcefulness."
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#58 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Wes and Jack also make their return to town. Wes heads right back up to the bar, of course.

There he finds Saracen and Luther watching the whole scene play out from the railing of the Treehouse platform. He begins telling Chauncey that there are plenty of good options standing around right here for a skilled zombie hunting party. He even begins naming off possible members, listing a half dozen prospects.
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#59 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger follows Wes into the Treehouse.
Chauncey, have you made any progress putting a team together to go zombie hunting? You could do worse than the fella's you got standing around here right now. Between me ,you and Saracen, we've got three different kinds of magic to protect us, as well as Saracen's faith to shield us against the undead. Luthor and I have got plenty of woodcraft between us, and he's a dab hand with a bow too. As is young Jack over there. And finally there's brave Lightfinger, a man of intelligence, charm and resourcefulness.
Whoa, wo, wo, wo. Gentlemen! He holds his hands in the air to stop this line of conversation, and addresses the Druid. We tried to halt those foolhardy enough to traipse into that murk too early, without the benefit of knowledge. Let's not go and make the same mistake, right? He turns to the remaining adventurers present. We need more word from the townsfolk, and from those of us who have been wise enough to seek such word. He looks around, The Dwarf, and the Gnome, for instance, and that weird Half-Elf, what's his name? Rayband? What does he do, anyway? The Halfling shakes his head and waves his hands, wanting to stay on topic. If we have two separate search parties, we must divide our resources accordingly. We have one, two, three... Five fighting Men, and Jack, who can cut daisies at 50 yards with his bow, Saracen here is a Priest as well as a Warrior, and I think that Ray-guy is also. Wes is a Wood Priest, and you, Bear Man, What's your name again? You're a woodsman also, right? Chauncey's a Wizard of some renown, the 2 Ladies and I... Well, we're slippery.

The point is, Heading off with most of the Warriors and most the magic leaves the rest of us a little... Short changed, if you will. There must be a better way. At any rate, I will leave you gentlemen to discuss this, now that I've had my say. I have an old Geezer to find. If I run into any of the others, I'll send them this way, so we can all be heard.
With a smile and a wink, he turns and quickly scurries from the Treehouse.
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