OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#21 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin "Can't say as if I care to stay here any longer than we need to but unless we get a new ship or the engine parts we need we may as well try to save those good people if they yet live. As for what a shadow spider is clearly anything in this otherspace is foreign to me. Best be on our guard as we have but many foes around us."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#22 Post by kipper »

Clark nods. "If they're still alive, we'll find them."
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#23 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Zuul pauses for a moment.

"Iss there a way to detect a working engine nearby? Maybe with some sort of scanner?"

Zuul checks the area to see if he can find tracks of the dragged chief engineer.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#24 Post by max_vale »

First Level of Strange alien ship/station in Otherspace

The team of Rebel Agents, after taking a moment to honor the fallen Rebel Captain Jemma Gryphon; decide to move on to try and find her missing crew members. No signs of the missing crewmen can be seen; so the party picks a direction and follows it….

After a few moments of walking through the strange, rocky 'terrain' filled with the odd pods and tendrils splayed about here and there in no pattern anyone can recognize; eventually a 2 meter wide 'path' can be found, leading towards a different area of the ship/station they found themselves on. This area had none of the strange, tendril-filled pods and was relatively flat though odd meter high jagged rocks seemed to rise up here and there in random fashion. The path ended at a large, gaping hole that stretched for dozens of meters in all directions and from which glowing light seemed to radiate. When the Rebels walked to the edge and looked down, they could see a blood-red mist seemingly trapped behind some kind of mostly-transparent membrane about a dozen meters below thier level….though occasionally, bubbles of swirling mist seems to break through and float slowly up….

At about that moment a bearded man wielding a Heavy Blaster pistol in one hand and a meter-long sword with a mono-filiament edge known as a 'Blaze Cutlass' stood up from behind a rock formation about 5 meters slightly behind and to the right of the Rebels. At the same time, two more humans, one male and one female, both wearing Rebel Naval Crewmen jumpsuits and wielding Blaster pistols rose from a hidden position about 5 meters away and slightly behind as well, though to the left. All three had a somewhat 'unhinged' look in thier eyes and Jackson immediately recognized the bearded man as the pirate Cellis Mott and the two crewmen as Connors (the female) and Qualendo (the male). Cellis hailed them…..

"I KNEW you blasted, traitorous dogs were following us! Let them have it mates!"; he said as he fired off a blast from his Heavy Blaster pistol that zipped through the group of Rebels and narrowly missed several of the band but hit no one. The two former crewmen of the Celestial likewise opened fire; one bolt leaving a stinging graze scar on Zuul's hard shoulder while the other missed Clark's head by centimeters. As suddenly as it started however, Mott's face seemed to change from a mask of hatred to one of bemusement and friendliness…

"Wait a gol-damn minute….you aren't those scurvy bastards at all….why, you're felow pirates, ain't ya? Sorry about that; but you can't be too careful in a cursed place like this, can you? What might you say to a team-up to get out of this forsaken rock?"; he says while still ducking behind the rock, but lowering his weapons and asking with what certainly seems to be sincerity in his voice. Likewise, Connors and Qualendo apologize and lower thier weapons while staying behind cover; though when they look over at Crodowski, no recoginition is in thier not-quite-right eyes….

Cellis Mott:
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#25 Post by kipper »

"Sure, we can team up. But who are the traitorous dogs you mentioned, and do you know where they are holed up?" Clark asks.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#26 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson whispers to Gavin, "I understand the necessity of teaming up with him, but we need to keep an eye on him at all times. I'd sooner trust a Gundark with a infant than letting him lead us anywhere."
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#27 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin whispered reply to Jackson "No doubt to that in my mind at all this is a very unique and strange circumstance, I'd never turn my back to them at any time. Be on high alert as their minds are not well."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#28 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Zinn looks around, noting spots with good cover, and taking in various firing angles and whatnot, especially in relation to the newly-discovered survivors. He takes up a position that allows him to cover these seemingly-deranged individuals, while providing him the opportunity to quickly duck behind cover.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#29 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Zuul narrows his eyes and hisses softly...

"What are they playing at? Are they friend or foe?"

Zuul notices a relaxing of his companions, and lets the scene play out.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#30 Post by max_vale »

First Level of Strange alien ship/station in Otherspace

Mott, in full dashing pirate leader style now, smiles and steps out to join the Rebels, his 'mates' Connors and Qualendo joining him. He breezily explains how 'that slimy rat Ravik and his right-hand pet Nothos' led the escape from the Celestial; and then turned on them and abandonded them to thier fate. His face contorts into a terrible grimace for a moment and his eyes flash anger and hatred; Connors and Qualendo suddenly taking on similar expressions for a moment as he talks about Ravik….and then it fades and he is once again his charming self….

Jackson recognizes the name Ravik as a reference to Imperial Moff Granvin Ravik; the number one prisoner on the Celestial; and most of the Rebels recognize the name of Nothos to refer to Imperial Naval officer Commander Bane Nothos. Crodowski takes a couple of moments here and there to try and engage Connors and Qualendo in conversation, but thier stilted responses and blank expressions in thier eyes reveals that whatever has happened to them, it seems to have wiped thier memories of serving as Rebel crewmen with Jackson on the Celestial….

The group wanders a bit on the first level, eventually coming to a tunnel that either had been cut out of the rock-like material this ship/station was made of or was a natural cavern….it was impossible to tell….After walking for about 20 meters, the tunnel opened into a chamber, one that had several columns that rose to a ceiling some 20 or so meters overhead. The columns are long and thin, made from the same rocky material as the rest of the ship/station. Stuck to the columns by the same kind of 'webbing' seen on the Celestial are dozens of hexagonal pods, made of an impossible to recognize material, jutting out at various angles here and there and of differing sizes…

As most of the Rebels stare at the strange pods in fascination, Zuul and Clark notice Cellis Mott and his two companions falling back slightly and starting to draw weapons….
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#31 Post by kipper »

"Heads up!" Clark growls to his companions, drawing his blaster carbine. He also falls back, so as to remain behind Mott and his cronies.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#32 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Zuul raises his weapon at the pirates

"What are you planning Mott? We are not your enemiess."

He turns to the rest of his party in confusion:"Right?"
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#33 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin draws his weapon preparing for the worst "Hard to say they appear to be unable to decide if we are or aren't their enemies."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#34 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson draws and readies his blaster as well.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#35 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Zinn has a bad feeling about this whole setup. Eyeing the pods warily, still brandishing his blaster carbine, he moves to a position where he can keep one eye on Mott, and the other eye on the pods.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#36 Post by Starbeard »

Vale Starcloud, aspiring young Jedi, looks up at the hexagonal pods and furrows his brow.

"I recognize that webbing from onboard the Rebel ship. Remember how that poor woman mentioned something about being attacked by 'spider-shadows'? It is possible that this webbing is their doing… but if so, how did they get onto our ships? It doesn't seem that anyone was in danger until we landed, so I doubt they could have spun this material…"

Vale does not look convinced by his own logic, and retrieves his lightsaber while watching the pods.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#37 Post by max_vale »

First Level of Strange alien ship/station in Otherspace

Cellis Mott; face now contorted into hate/rage again, growls; "You BASTARDS left us to rot in this place, well this is REVENGE!" as he snaps off a shot with his Heavy Blaster pistol at Zinn and a moment later, slashes out with his Blaze Cutlass at Vale. The bolt from his blaster slams into Zinn's thigh and though his armor absorbs much of the impact, enough force is left to burn through and into the muscle of his upper leg, causing the pilot to drop to one knee and let out a hiss of pain*. Likewise, Vale Starcloud is able to move enough so that the Blaze-cutlass doesn't cut him in half, but instead leaves a painful cut along his ribs**....

Connors and Qualendo, faces contorted in the same rage and hate at Mott's; also raise their weapons and take aim at Zuul and Clark respectively. Zuul is able to duck under a blast that tears into one of the strange pod shape; the bolt peeling enough of the semi-organic(?) material to revel a hydrospanner (i.e. a common tool like a wrench), probably taken from one of the numerous 'ship-wrecks' on this thing. Clark is able to avoid taking a bolt in the chest and instead only receives a stinging graze along his shoulder as he moves quickly out of the way and raises his own weapon in return....

Jackson and Storm both turn and draw weapons as the battle starts, alerted by Clark's and Zuul's comments...

As the Rebels and the clearly-not-in-thier-right-mind-pirates/crewmen engage in combat, a strange reddish mist slowly moves up the tunnel towards the two groups...

*Zinn is WOUNDED; he is at -1D for all actions until treated
**Ditto for Vale
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#38 Post by kipper »

"Get a hold of yourselves! We're not your enemies!" Clark shouts. However, at the same time he fires his Laser Carbine at Cellis Mott (if he has an open shot, otherwise he'll target Qualendo).
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#39 Post by ybn1197 »

"That mist looks less friendly than our gun-happy ingrates there!" Jackson begins to make a cover fire retreat away from the mist.
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Re: OTHERSPACE: Episode Three: DESOLATE Awaits

#40 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin starts to fight back but is concerned of the strange reddish mist closes in "What the hell is that red mist? Might I suggest we run to higher ground?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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