[ARCHIVE] 02 - The Hunt Begins

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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#101 Post by mithrandir138 »

Round 2 Combat Resolution:
The decimal after your initiative is your DEX score, it helps me resolve ties.

Filibert: [1d10] = 1.14 | Yorick: [1d10] = 6.14 | Arot: [1d10] = 9.10 | Tomas: [1d10] = 1.10
Alias: [1d10] = 10.15 | Embiri: [1d10] = 2.9 | Vax: [1d10] = 5.16 | Luna [1d10] = 6.11
Crocodiles: [1d10] = 7 | Blink Dogs: [1d10] = 4

Actions, in order:

Lies limp and lifeless on the ground with blood leaving his body. He is unconscious and cannot take any actions.

Arot quickly loops the rope around what looks to be part of a fallen old tree that is greyed and worn from the sun and years of rising and lowering of the river. He dives back in and makes his way to the crocodiles on the other side of the river.
At the beginning of the next round he should be making it to the other side of the river and should be able to come out of the water and take an action. No checks are needed because of your Deerstalker class ability.

C1: Dead, its corpse starting its journey down the river.
C2 and C3: Are beginning to snap at the panicked and hopping deer who appears to be scared, that oddly isn’t running away. Naturally they hit nothing with their snaps, but they are definitely pre-occupied.

Yorick positions himself on the shore of the river between Filbert and the crocodiles. He seems to be watching them in case they decide to jump into the water and finish off his friend.

Luna, at first,looks like he is going to assist Filbert but seeing he is alive and attempting to move towards the shore on his own, he thinks it better to watch from the shore just in case.

Vax stands with his sling in his hand and at the ready. He seems to be observing the situation. He is fixed on the Crocodiles clamoring for deer meat and he has a smirk of satisfaction on his face.
Sorry, no stated action within 48 hours, I had to move on.

Blink Dogs
BD2, BD3, and BD4 all continue to yelp at the sight of the deer, hesitate to engage, and periodically look out towards the water to see if their assistance of BD1 is needed. They seem confused and torn between attacking the deer or performing some other helpful action. (Suffering from sensory overload.)

BD1: Is dog paddling towards Filibert and makes it to him. He whines and starts licking his face. His sign of affection is welcomed by a stuggling Filibert, but you can tell that the halfling has swimming and making it to shore on his mind above all else.

Embiri will continues to concentrate on the image of the deer, with a smile showing on his face.

Filibert, feeling the croc let go of him, tries to right himself and head for the surface. As his head breaks above the water, he tries to make for the shore while at the same time trying to conserve his energy (not knowing how seriously he is hurt). Seeing Tomas running along the bank he will try to angle towards the shore, letting the current carry him as much as possible.

Strenght check to swim in the current: [1d20] = 12 : PRIME SUCCESS Actually a 13 because I forgot to add your level to the check.

He thankfully does not move any further downstream and begins to make it to the shore. On the beginning of the next round he will be stumbling out of the water, with a wet Blink Dog closely behind him.

Tomas runs along the bank and try to get ahead of Filibert in case he starts to float down stream. It seems that he wants to get in position for a rescue in case something happens on Filibert’s swim to shore.

Poor Alias is bleeding out on the ground, will anyone help? The crocodiles, thankfully, seem to be preoccupied. The battered halfling adventurer seems to be making it ashore with a overly-friendly Blink Dog paddling behind. The other dogs are contemplating their next move, or are they playing it safe?

Next actions?
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#102 Post by max_vale »

Vax snaps out of his reverie and moves to the fallen Alias while calling out to his companions; "Quick; get a rope thrown to the other side of the water while the beasts are chasing after imaginary food." With that, he knells down next to Alias; holds his Holy Symbol in one hand and whispers out a quick prayer to call for his God's aid in healing his companions.

OOC: Casting Cure Light Wounds; Heals 1d8 pts of damage; Roll: [1d8] = 6
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#103 Post by moorcrys »

The illusionist continues concentrating. His smile slips slightly as he spares a brief glance to assess his companions' situations.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#104 Post by Blazeguard »

Filibert weakly paddles towards shore and then drags himself up onto solid ground. He lies there catching his breath as the dog sniffs and licks him and nuzzles him to see if he's ok. His thoughts are erratic as he wonders about the dog. "It was obviously trying to protect me...but where did it come from? Wait a minute...no, it can't be! That was years ago. But...it must be." His thoughts roll back to a dog that he rescued from a trap and nursed back to health. "It took several months for him to completely heal up but once I released him, he disappeared and I never saw him again. Has he been shadowing me all this time?"
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#105 Post by NJWilliam »

Arot continues at top speed to the crocodile bank.

When he reaches the bank,

(1) if his equipment pile is within a few yards, he will grab his bearded axe, and make a running leaping two handed bearded axe attack on the nearest living crocodile. If both crocodiles are already dead when he gets there, he will do the same - aiming to behead the beast for good measure. If any living crocodiles remain within 15 feet of Arot, he will let loose his best crocodile-terrifying roar.

(2) if his equipment is not within reach to be able to grab it and attack this round, Arot will hurl his hatchet at the nearest crocodile (unless his companions are too close and he would hit them), and sprint to his bearded axe.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#106 Post by Mondego »

Yorick attacks the closer of the two crocodiles making sure to keep his eye on the second beast to ensure that he is not outflanked.

To hit: [1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11, damage with sword: [1d8+2] = 1+2 = 3
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#107 Post by Dogma »

The bard grabs Filibert by the arms and helps him out of the water and to his feet. 'Come my soggy friend, I believe the others still require our aid. You're not too hurt, are you? I hope not...though 'gravely wounded' always sounds better in a song than "twas just a flesh wound'. More heroic. And the women love a man with a scar and a good story don't you know."

After making sure Filibert isn't gravely wounded, Tomas heads back to the fight with the crocodile, calling back to the halfling, "And you must tell me the story behind this most unusual friend of yours. I sense a good tale in the making."

Tomas will look for a spot wehre he can get a clear shot with his bow at the crocs.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#108 Post by mithrandir138 »

Round 3 Combat Resolution:
The decimal after your initiative is your DEX score, it helps me resolve ties.

Filibert: [1d10] = 10.14 | Yorick: [1d10] = 7.14 | Arot: [1d10] = 4.10 | Tomas: [1d10] = 9.10
Alias: [1d10] = 5.15 | Embiri: [1d10] = 1.9 | Vax: [1d10] = 10.16 | Luna [1d10] = 3.11
Crocodiles: [1d10] = 3 | Blink Dogs: [1d10] = 2

Actions, in order:

Vax snaps out of his reverie and moves to the fallen Alias while calling out to his companions; "Quick; get a rope thrown to the other side of the water while the beasts are chasing after imaginary food." With that, he kneels down next to Alias; holds his Holy Symbol in one hand and whispers out a quick prayer to call for his God's aid in healing his companions.

Instantly, the wounds caused by the crocodile begin to be covered by small, bloody, sinuous tendrils of flesh that shoot out from Alias’s skin. Alias, though unconscious, is jerked back from blackness and falls into a dreamlike state as he feels intense pain, then a warming sensation all over, and finally a feeling of general euphoria. To the others, it appears that his wounds are completely healed, with the only sign of any damage being the still-wet blood on his skin and clothing. It appears that even though Alias is not a worshipper, Vax’s god (being keen on trickery and subterfuge) is somewhat pleased by Alias’ past deeds and does not require any tribute from him to save his life.

Filibert weakly paddles towards shore and then drags himself up onto solid ground, with the help of Tomas. He lies there catching his breath as the dog sniffs and licks him and nuzzles him to see if he's ok. His thoughts are erratic as he wonders about the dog. "It was obviously trying to protect me...but where did it come from? Wait a minute...no, it can't be! That was years ago. But...it must be." His thoughts roll back to a dog that he rescued from a trap and nursed back to health. "It took several months for him to completely heal up but once I released him, he disappeared and I never saw him again. Has he been shadowing me all this time?"

Filbert may attack the next round, if he chooses.

The bard grabs Filibert by the arms and helps him to his feet. 'Come my soggy friend, I believe the others still require our aid. You're not too hurt, are you? I hope not...though 'gravely wounded' always sounds better in a song than "twas just a flesh wound'. More heroic. And the women love a man with a scar and a good story don't you know."

After making sure Filibert isn't gravely wounded, Tomas heads back to the fight with the crocodile, calling back to the halfling, "And you must tell me the story behind this most unusual friend of yours. I sense a good tale in the making."

Tomas looks for a spot where he can get a clear shot with his bow at the crocs.

Tomas may attack the next round, if he chooses.

Yorick attempts an attack on Crocodile C2, making sure to keep his eye on the second beast to ensure that he is not outflanked. Unfortunately the crocodile sees him out of the corner of his eye and jerks out of the way. He is now focused on the paladin, and is ignoring the image of the deer.

Remains unconscious on the ground, but is stable and his wounds have been healed. He appears to almost be sleeping instead of dying.

Arot reaches the bank near his equiment and grabs his bearded axe. He lets out a primal scream and makes a running, leaping, two handed attack on Crocodile C3.
Charging attack with bearded axe: [1d20] = 18 - Damage: [3d4+2] = 5+2 = 7

Crocodile C3 hisses in pain as the barbarians bearded axe rends its flesh. However, it is still alive and is no longer paying any attention to the image of the wounded deer. It is now squarely focused on the barbarian.

I know you wanted to Intimidate on that round, too, but you are only technically allowed a single action on your turn (the closest to two actions you get is moving half their movement rate and performing an action). I have abstracted movement greatly in this game, but I couldn’t allow that many actions in a round. You may try to use your intimidate ability on your next round, if you want to.

Luna reaches for his darts and flings one at Crocodile C2:
Attack with Dart: [1d20+1] = 4+1 = 5 - Damage: [1d3] = 1
However the dart sails over the Crocodile, and it doesn’t even notice it was in danger of being hit.

Crocodile C2 retaliates against Yorick:
Bite against AC 11: [1d20+3] = 13+3 = 16 - Damage: [2d4] = 3
STR Check: [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3 PRIME FAILED

Yorick is bitten by Crocodile C2 and is pulled to the ground. Not much blood is shed, but the crushing of the reptile’s maw causes great pain and Yorick begins to scream. The beast appears to be trying to drag the paladin back into the water.

A bleeding Crocodile C3 retaliates against Arot:
Bite against a mostly naked barbarian with a -4 AC for charging: [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6 - Damage: [2d4] = 6
STR Check: [1d20] = 1 PRIME
MAN! How unlucky can you be? It just barely grabs you (the attack equals your very low AC), and you roll a 1 on your STR check to stay standing. Sorry, man.

The crocodile lunges and grabs the arm of the barbarian and drags him to the ground, and quite a bit of blood gushes forth from its mouth. Luckily, Arot's axe was in his other hand, at the time and he still has it in his grasp. The large reptile begins to walk backwards, dragging the barbarian towards the water.

Blink Dogs:
BD2 and BD3 are still preoccupied by the image of a bleeding deer bouncing around. BD4 begins to focus back on

The illusionist continues concentrating. His smile slips slightly as he spares a brief glance to assess his companions' situations. He moves the deer around to attempt to distract the crocodiles, but they do not appear to be interested any longer.

Next actions?

Please take the time to vote on the way initiative is being handled. I think it adds a more "gamelike" quality to the adventure. It's a lot of work, but I think it is worth it. I want to make sure it is still fun for you guys, though. viewtopic.php?f=62&t=1169
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#109 Post by moorcrys »

With a flourish, Embiri releases the magic of the silent image, causing the wounded deer to bound into the nearest croc as it fades into shadow, hoping to redirect the slack-jawed dogs' attention to a living target. He then takes several steps back away from the melee, reaching for his dagger as he does so.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#110 Post by Blazeguard »

Filibert shakes his head to clear it and with a little encouragement from Tomas is able to get back on his feet. He quickly pulls his bow, nocks an arrow, and aims for C3 while calling to Tomas, "Aim for the one that's got Yorick, I've got the other one."

To Hit [1d20] = 7
Damage (Bow) [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4

Edit: Not that it matters but I forgot to add my DEX modifier to my To Hit roll so it should actually be 8 instead of 7
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#111 Post by Mondego »

Yorick struggles to release himself from the grasp of the crocodile knowing that if the beast manages to drag him underwater it will be his end.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#112 Post by NJWilliam »

Arot, pleased that the croc has some fight in it (and that he still has his axe), strikes at the crocodile.

Arot, bearded axe attack: to hit [1d20] = 16, damage [3d4] = 8

Since there's a -2 to hit modifier due to Arot allowing the crocodile to bite his arm, to hit = 14.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#113 Post by mithrandir138 »

Round 4 Combat Resolution:
The decimal after your initiative is your DEX score, it helps me resolve ties.

Filibert: [1d10] = 4.14 | Yorick: [1d10] = 8.14 | Arot: [1d10] = 3.10 | Tomas: [1d10] = 8.10
Alias: [1d10] = 3.15 | Embiri: [1d10] = 3.9 | Vax: [1d10] = 3.16 | Luna [1d10] = 1.11
Crocodiles: [1d10] = 8 - Blink Dogs: [1d10] = 2

Actions, in order:

Grappling attack: [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18

Yorick takes the palms of his hands and slaps the crocodile squarely on the eyes, he then quickly drives his thumbs into the nostrils of the reptile and pushes outward from his body. The crocodile loosens its grasp enough for him to escape. He rolls away 5 feet grabbing his sword as he goes. Though he is still prone, he is in the process of getting up.
At the beginning of your next turn, Yorick will be getting up, and you will be ready to take an action, if you wish.

Tomas, seeing his partner is free, takes aim at crocodile C2 (as it reels from being smacked in the eyes) and he lets loose an arrow.
Attack with bow: [1d20+2] = 5+2 = 7 - Damage: [1d6] = 6

The arrow sails over the crocodile and the arrow lands in the brush.

Crocodile C2 is reeling from getting his eyes boxed and doesn’t take any action.

Crocodile C3 jerks and wrenches Arots arm and chomps down harder to ensure it has as good hold on him. Bite damage: [2d4] = 3 I believe that’s 9 total. So Arot has 5HP left.

Arot is losing a fair amount of blood, if this were happening to a lesser man, he would already be dead, or at least passed out and white as a sheet. However, Arot still has fight in him and this crocodile is raising his ire -- the look on his face is not of pain, but of sheer rage. The croc drags him another 5 feet. It’s tail is in the water, but the rest of its body is ashore. On the next round, Arot and the crocodile (if it lives) will be in the water.

Filibert shakes his head to clear it and with a little encouragement from Tomas is able to get back on his feet. He quickly pulls his bow, nocks an arrow, and aims for C3 and begins to call to Tomas for him to attack the other crocodile, but sees that he has already done so. He smirks and thinks to himself ”It appears that great minds DO think alike!”

He lets loose his arrow, but it falls short and sticks into the wet sandy shore just short of the crocodile wrenching the arm of his barbarian companion.

Vax is still standing over Alias with basking in the rush of power imbued in him by his god. His eyes roll back in his head slightly as he reels from the religious experience. He snaps back to the moment, and continues to try to revive Alias and ensure that no further harm comes to his unconscious companion.
Sorry, max_vale, I didn’t get a confirmation on what you wanted to do today, I had to move on.

Alias lies unconscious. In his vivid dreamlike state, he searches his thoughts to try to recollect any part of his previous life. If he were to die, who would mourn? Who would his adventuring companions contact? What would become of his remains? Why was there nothing but blackness as he was dying? He didn’t know the answers to any of these questions.

Suddenly he hears a chant in his mind, as if being shouted by a crowd of people. In the blackness of his thoughts he hears: “CRNA RUK! CRNA RUK! CRNA RUK!” The blackness fades and swirls to red, all except for the image of a black hand. “CRNA RUK! CRNA RUK! CRNA RUK!”…. He then understands the words: “BLACK HAND! BLACK HAND! BLACK HAND!” It stirs a feeling of belonging and brotherhood within him. Then the chants quiets, and he sinks deeper into unconsciousness.

Arot becomes blind with rage. Unable to focus, he violently swings his axe at the crocodile wrenching his arm, tearing at his flesh and cracking bone. However, his blows do not taste the flesh they crave.

With a flourish, Embiri releases the magic of the silent image, causing the wounded deer to bound into the nearest croc as it fades into shadow, hoping to redirect the slack-jawed dogs' attention to a living target. He then takes several steps back away from the melee, reaching for his dagger as he does so.

Blink Dogs:
As the image of the deer fades, the dogs snap out of their primal compulsions. Seeing that crocodile C2 is wide open, BD2 rushes in and attacks: (this croc is semi-blinded and too distracted to dodge, it is defenseless this round, so the bites will autohit)
Autohit/Charging bite damage: [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4

BD3 follows to C2:
Autohit/Charging bite damage: [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4

BD4 begins to charge, phases out of existence, then instantly reappears next to crocodile C3, attacking it’s hindquarters:
Charging bite attack: [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17 - Damage: [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7

The dogs teeth sink in with a vicious bite. The crocodile lets go of Arot, and he rolls free. The crocodile curls its body to look back at the attacking dog.
Arot is still prone, but no longer in the gnashing maw of the croc.

Running as an NPC per instruction/blessing of jdluna:
Slings another dart at his previous target, C2:
Dart attack: [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6 - Damage: [1d3] = 3

He misses again, with frustration on his face and shouts “BAH! I can’t even hit a lame target the size of a small pony!” (he exaggerates the size of the croc in his anger.)

Next actions?
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#114 Post by Blazeguard »

Without thinking, Filibert draws another arrow and again, lets it fly, aiming and C3.

To Hit (Bow) [1d20+1] = 2+1 = 3 Are you serious?!? :shock: The dice really do hate me! :(
Damage (Bow) [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#115 Post by mithrandir138 »

Blazeguard wrote:Without thinking, Filibert draws another arrow and again, lets it fly, aiming and C3.

To Hit (Bow) [1d20+1] = 2+1 = 3 Are you serious?!? :shock: The dice really do hate me! :(
Damage (Bow) [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4
If this stuff keeps happening, I am going to have to start handing out bennies or hero points or something so you guys can reroll crappy results!

The funny thing is, this appears to be a pandemic that has stricken all online dice rollers lately. My Google+/Roll20 Pathfinder game that I play in always has awesome rolls for the GM and total crap for us poor players. Our GM just laughs and says "CHEAT MODE ENABLED!" though, I am sure he is joking...... maybe..... :) Rest assured I have no control of the Unseen Servant Dice roller, it is a harsh mistress :)
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#116 Post by Dogma »

As Tomas pulls another arrow from his quiver and fits it to his bow. AS he sights and fires on the same croc as before he begins to sing, hoping to inspire his companions.

"When we went to the field of war
and to our weapons saw,
With true design to serve our king
and chase our fears away

And when our army was drawn up,
The bravest ever I did saw
We did not doubt to run them rout
And win the day and all

When bravely they attacked our left,
Our front and flank and all
Our bold commander on the field
Our fears their left did call
And there the greatest slaughter made
That ever we did saw,

First when they saw our Highlands mob,
They swore they'd slay us all
But we drove them back to Bonnybrigs,
Dragoons and foot and all

And when their general view our lines
And them in order saw,
He straight did march into town
And back his left did draw.

And then we rallied on the hills
And bravely up did draw,
But if you ask who won the day,
I'll tell you what I saw:
We both did fight and both were beat
And both did run away."

I was going to use his Exalt class ability to add to someones "to Hit" but I don't think I can after reading the description again.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#117 Post by mithrandir138 »

What to be able to re-roll bad results? Go vote: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=1172

For instance, our Bard would get an extra Bennie for great roleplaying because of what he just did.
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#118 Post by mithrandir138 »

Dogma wrote: I was going to use his Exalt class ability to add to someones "to Hit" but I don't think I can after reading the description again.
Yeah, it sucks that Exalt doesn't do that. It seems like there should be a variant (like a Skald or Warlord) that can do that. If there isn't something like that, there needs to be!

Great roleplaying BTW. If we institute Bennies, you will definitely get one for that. I am also thinking of a Bennie/XP exchange rate. "Cash in your chips for more XP" :)
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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#119 Post by max_vale »

Vax puts a bullet to his sling and takes aim and releases at the croc that just released Arot from his jaws....

Attack roll: [1d20+2] = 8+2 = 10

(Sigh...I doubt that hits; but here's hoping), Damage roll: [1d4] = 1

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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

#120 Post by NJWilliam »

Arot lets his rage engulf him and his roll free of the crocodile turns into a leap back to attack C3, which has foolishly turned its gaze away from him on onto the blink dog.

Arot, bearded axe attack: to hit [1d20] = 15, damage [3d4] = 7
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