OTHERSPACE: Opening Adventure Script

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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OTHERSPACE: Opening Adventure Script

#1 Post by max_vale »

1st Rebel: Hyperspace is so beautiful. The colors remind me of a Kallakean rainbow

2nd Rebel: We get a priority assignment from Alliance Sector Command and you're thinking about rainbows?

3rd Rebel: Some assignment. So far, all we got is some jump coordinates and a holodisk.

4th Rebel: Speaking of the holodisk, it's time to play it and get our orders.

-A holo-image appears before you and Admiral Avalon of Sector Command addresses you. "As you approach the end of your hyperspace jump, be advised that you are to meet the Alliance Transport Celestial. You are to dock with the ship and stay with it until it arrives at its final destination. Further coordinates will be provided in due course.

5th Rebel: How come they never tell us everything at once? How are we supposed to work like this?

6th Rebel: Would you rather jeopardize the mission needlessly by knowing too much? That would work out great for an Imperial Interrogator if you got captured.

-The holo-image of Admiral Avalon continues. "The Celestial carries a cargo of food and supplies for an Alliance safe-world and in addition, several very valubale Imperial prisoners who will be incarcerated at the Safe-world in a secure facility. Guard them well. Good luck and may the Force be with you all." The holo-image fades out.

3rd Rebel: Imperial prisoners! This is a bigger mission than I thought.

5th Rebel: And a more dangerous one. One slip-up and we could be leading Imperials right to one of our safe-worlds.

1st Rebel: Back-up a second….what's a safe-world?

4th Rebel: How long did you say you've been with the Rebellion again? A safe-world is a planet that's unknown to the Empire and where the Alliance maintains facilities for housing families of Rebel troops, agents, pilots, crewmen, etc.

6th Rebel: On each safe-world, men, women, children; any non-combatants remain safely in hiding.

2nd Rebel: They stay safe and those of us on the front-lines don't have to worry about the Empire retaliating against them since they don't know where they are.

5th Rebel: Okay, let's get ready. We're about to come out of hyperspace.

1st Rebel: Sigh….real-space is so dull compared to the shifting colors of hyperspace.

2nd Rebel: Look out! We've emerged in the middle of some kind of uncharted meteor storm or something! And YOU thought real-space was going to be boring!

-A round object smashes into the rear-section of the ship, then goes spinning away in flames. Warning lights flash, but the ship's systems seem to remain on-line.

4th Rebel: Those aren't meteors! They're TIE fighters! At least a dozen of them!

3rd Rebel: Looks like a full squadron. Uh-oh…..and over there is where they came from….an Imperial Star-Destroyer!

6th Rebel: I don't see any sign of the Celestial; but those TIEs have certainly noticed us since we rammed into one. Strap in, I'm about take evasive action!
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