The Final Fun Facts to Find

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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#261 Post by Storm11 »

Angella (apologising as she hasn't been getting the updates emails grrrr) watches the cape fall to the floor. Did it appear to fall off the woman's shoulder or through it. The monk smells an illusion and looks at the "Demoness" questioningly.

"Are these women even real?" she asks, gazing at them both and disbelieving their existence.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#262 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"Step aside, worms!" commands Ozwaldeness, his eyes flashing with fiery light, "My slaves and I have business with the master and will not be impeded by filth such as you!"
Do either of the emaciated women look familiar? Like, say, people we're supposed to save? :)
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#263 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Bane of Brotherton Revealed
Round 1

Not sure what's happened to Scott. :(

Even after everything that has happened, Angella still thinks that something seems off to her eyes. She tries to focus her trained mind to see through any illusionary images present. Everything seems exactly as it is. The cloak must have fallen to the floor simply because there is nothing left of these two skinny female figures to hang something over.

Orando is glad to have the demons thoughts out of his mind. His relief seems to be Brother Tomas' pain now, however. The elf contemplates simply leaving this overwhelmingly dangerous situation behind altogether but instead he commands his porter to fly over the girls heads and fling flour around the room as he takes the torch and charges into the emaciated guards.

The halforc noble pulls the modified form of Ozwaldus close to the frail women. After a convincing belittling from the illusionist, he still sees no reaction from the girls whatsoever. He decides that he will now let his sword speak for him. He chops at one of them, his conscious getting the better of his attack.

Epi steps back and fires an arrow into one girl. The arrow sticks into her frail form, nearly penetrating all the way through her skinny body. She gasps for air as bright red blood pours out of the wound. The girl takes in her last breath as Orando hits her with his lit torch and bounds inside, past her fallen form. Epi's second arrow catches the elf in the back, (4 dam) proving for the 7,325th time, that it is always a bad idea to fire missiles into a melee battle. ;) The remaining zombi-like guard shouts out as she turns around to face the red room. Master! They have killed Tressa! I cannot stop them!

Father Dowling watches on as Brother Tomas fights hard to regain control of his own mind. The old priest clenches up his fists and grits his teeth hard. Suddenly his eyes bulge out wide and he screams out in obvious pain. APRIL!!! NO!!! After a second, his eyes gloss over and he takes a step backwards. He begins the motions of casting a spell.

Inside the room Orando sees more of the heavy red mist in the air that makes even elven visibility difficult. A lot more so now that his flying porter is dousing the place with flour. He can still hear the sounds of many chains clinking and what sounds like heavy chewing and chomping, followed by more female screaming. The elf squints to barely make out a huge oval form lying directly in front of him. This seems to be where the noises are coming from so he starts moving in a bit closer with Sir Ugghra following closely behind. Two more emaciated females, looking even more haggard than the first pair, step out of the mist and try to grab at the arms of Orando and Ugghra as they move through the dense red fog.


Could everyone include a save vs. Spells in their next post please? Thanks.
image.jpeg (559.17 KiB) Viewed 330 times
Orando 12/16
Epi 27/33
Father Dowling 22/24
Sir Ugghra 29/29
Ozwaldus 10/12
Angella 10/20
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#264 Post by Storm11 »

Save V's spell's [1d20] = 16

Angella follows the others into the room and circumvents the next two emaciated women, seeing if she can make out what's happening within the chamber.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#265 Post by Cauchy »


Might as well get the failed save out of the way: [1d20] = 15 Ummm...needed a 16, is the protection from evil still functioning and appropriate?
proving for the 7,325th time, that it is always a bad idea to fire missiles into a melee battle. ;)
Or in this case that is a bad idea to jump in front of an archer loosing arrows. :D
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#266 Post by Grognardsw »

Not having a Protection from Evil upon Orando, or possessing a magic weapon, it wasn't his intent to enter the room but just open the way for the Protected fighters and have the flour maybe reveal any invisible foes.
"There Ugghra," Orando points to the oval in the mist.

"Panguine - to me!"

The elf backs backs out of the room, sees what Brother Tomas is doing, and barrels into the priest.

Save vs Magic (12) [1d20] = 6
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#267 Post by Cauchy »


These "women" bleed when wounded? Could they somehow be alive? She calls out to Orando as he sprints back and forth, "Sorry." She ignores the "women", draws her sword and charges into next room. Mist? Now what? She sighs, takes a deep breath which she holds, and charges into the mist to blindly swing at what she does not know.
Attack: [1d20+3] = 1+3 = 4 [Yeah right]
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#268 Post by Scott308 »

Father Dowling

The tubby friar will return to action, after standing and doing nothing for no apparent reason. He takes the opportunity to cast Sanctuary upon himself.
He also takes the opportunity to fail a saving throw.

Save vs Spells (14): [1d20] = 6
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#270 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Bane of Brotherton Revealed
Round 2

Brother Tomas continues with his spell that seems to be precariously aimed at your group. He tries to target the duo of Epi and Sir Ugghra, for what should by now be obvious reasons. Just as he finishes his spell, Orando runs back out of the doorway and plows into the elderly man, knocking them both to the floor in the process. No negative effect seems to come from the priests spell as he wrestles with the elf, trying to get back to his feet.

Epi takes a deep breath, hoping to avoid inhaling any of the red mist. She rushes into the room to see what the half-orc has found in there. Angella follows closely behind. Father Dowling finally snaps out of his funk and begins casting a spell upon himself. Ozwaldous gets no satisfaction whatsoever from his rather convincing disguise so he also rushes into the room behind the others.

The four investigators inside the room become enveloped in the strange otherworldly thick red misty vapor as they search the place. The smell inside of this room is even worse than the grisly laboratory. The place seems to be mostly empty except for a small water well in one corner and a large cage that is partially recessed into the floor of the room. There are sounds of chains and a woman suffering badly coming from the obscured cage.

The most noticeable thing you detect inside is a huge form of a massively bloated figure lying on a makeshift bed of disgusting rags and other filthy fabrics. The giant blob of pink skin and bloody gore doesn’t seem to be moving around that much but the sounds of chewing and chomping are obviously coming from whatever this thing is. Its head and arms are at the very edge of the bars of the cage and it looks like it is pulling a chained figure towards its massive gaping maw.
image.jpeg (8.74 KiB) Viewed 323 times
You see a few more of the emaciated women in the room. They continue to claw and pull at you as you approach the obese figure. They are in such a weakened state that they can do no real harm to any of you but they still try to get into your way and stop you from reaching the "master". There is one naked woman sitting on top of the blob of skin and flab, she seems to be looking for something on the figure. One of them shouts out to the others but, it is hard to tell which one said it through the thick mist.

Patty! Cindy! Keep these invaders away from the master!


Can I get a save vs. Spells from Ozzy, Angella, Epi, and Ugghra in your next posts, please? Thanks.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#271 Post by Storm11 »

The monk recoils a little at the sight of it all.

"We must either put this creature out of its misery or free the chained women!" the fiery haired sister states sincerely

[1d20] = 1

that would not only be a no bit a HELLS no
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#273 Post by Cauchy »


The ranger pauses and looks with disgust at the thing in the cage trying to determine what is going on. "Can anyone tell me what in the name of all that is good is going on here?" Can she reach the thing in the cage with her long sword?
Saving Throw: [1d20] = 19 Saved.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#274 Post by Scott308 »

Father Dowling

Trying to determine what exactly is going on, Father Dowling will cast Detect Evil in order to ascertain exactly who or what needs to be eliminated.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#275 Post by OGRE MAGE »

My apologies folks!!! I read that again and I couldn't even figure out what I was talking about. :lol:

The recessed cage in the corner (please see the square on the map in the former post) holds what appears to be another emaciated woman. She is chained at her wrists and ankles. The amorphous blob is outside of the cage, lying on a filthy bed and stinking of someone who hasn't cleaned himself for a few decades. The blob is pulling on the chains, drawing the caged woman towards him. He appears to be chewing on one of the woman's legs as you approach.

I hope that is more clear. Please feel free to alter or completely redo your posts if you want to.
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#276 Post by Cauchy »

Epi Revisited

Well in that case, Epi will attempt to stab the woman munching blob.
Not sure how she could miss, but she may well have.

Attack: [1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5
Damage: [1d8+4] = 4+4 = 8
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#277 Post by Grognardsw »

Orando gets up.

"Father, are you yourself?" he asks.

Not possessing a magic weapon, the elf stays out of the room.

He hands the torch to Panguine. "Drop that on whatever the orc-man is attacking."
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#278 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Bane of Brotherton Revealed
Round 3

Orando hands the torch to his porter as he attempts to ascertain the mental health of the good Brother Tomas. The old priest glares at him for a moment with hatred in his eyes that quickly vanishes, revealing a new look of honest concern.

Good heavens! What have I done? I hope I didn't hurt anyone!

Several of the emaciated women all seem to coordinate their actions suddenly, as if they were being controlled telepathically. They quickly surround Ozwaldus as he prepares his attack. There are five of them on him in total but, their frail condition prevents them from doing anything other than hanging on him and disrupting his actions at the moment.

Ugghra and Epi realize that they need to attack this feasting blob. Epi's sword slaps down into a patch of flab and doesn't even seem to cut into it. Sir Ugghra's blow is much more effective bringing forth a splash of bloody orange ichor that spews out from a large gash made by the nobleorc's magical blade. The demonic beast lets out a low growl and stops chewing on his chained snack momentarily. The woman in the cage looks vaguely familiar to you now that you are closer. Half of her body seems to be chewed away yet somehow she still lives.

Angella's psyche is blasted with a pure evil like she has never experienced before. She hears the words from the blob clearly in her mind now. She suddenly has a strong urge to protect the blob at any cost to her own wellbeing. She must do something to stop these ruffians who are trying to hurt the "master".

Father Dowling spends his entire time casting another of his detection spells. At the end of his prayers, his senses are overwhelmed by the evil that is emanating from the amorphous round blob. Nothing else that he sees gives off any indication of evil other than the huge demonic figure lying in the red mist.

image.jpeg (492.49 KiB) Viewed 311 times
Orando 12/16
Epi 27/33
Father Dowling 22/24
Sir Ugghra 29/29
Ozwaldus 10/12
Angella 10/20
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#279 Post by Cauchy »


The ranger pauses to get a sure grip on her sword and drives it into the monstrosity. "Time to end this evil."

Attack: [1d20+3] = 12+3 = 15
Damage (not that is matters much but depending on the blob's size):
Small/Medium = [1d8+4] = 6+4 = 10
Large = [1d12+4] = 7+4 = 11
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Re: The Final Fun Facts to Find

#280 Post by Storm11 »

Angella will leap at the half-orc with her halberd.

[1d20] = 8 : [1d10+1] = 5+1 = 6 : [2d6+1] = 6+1 = 7
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