Rules, Rulings, House Rules, and How to Roll a Character

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Rules, Rulings, House Rules, and How to Roll a Character

#1 Post by Bhart »

We will post all our answers to rules questions here along with any house rules. That way everyone has one place to go for answers to FAQ.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#2 Post by Bhart »

I'll move all the answers from the "ask the DMs" forums here. It might take me a little while.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#3 Post by Bhart »

Answers in REDbelow:
NJWilliam wrote:1. a. Can magic-users and clerics be assumed to have scrolls that they have made for themselves?
b. If so, how many?
I'm going to say no to this. Just because there is time and cost associated with such things. If Bill thinks it reasonable then I'll bend toward that way.
Bill: Yes and No, we will award scrolls as part of your magic items. Some of them will have undetermined content. It is up to you to choose which of your spells you want on the scroll.

2. Can magic-users roll for their own familiar?
One of us will do that for ya, let us know when you'd like the result.

3. Should we record the HP roll for each level gained (in the event of level draining and such)?
Great question, I say go ahead. If you haven't already, then we'll just use the tried and true method of subtracting a HD when this happens.
Bill:If you don't track your HP per level then in the case of level drain we will roll to determine the number lost. The roll will have a min result of half your hit die (e.g. d8 will result in 4-8hp lost).
max_vale wrote:Does a Cleric's 'Silence' spell effectively make it impossible for monsters who have innate spell-casting ability to utilize those spells? Or; to word it differently; Does a monster that can cast spells innately have to use a Verbal component when 'casting'?
Unless it specifies that they need to use a verbal component, then "no" Silence does not stop their innate ability to cast. Silence stops any sound from getting in, or getting out.
Argennian wrote:Yes, was also curious about the 2 to 1 point trade as well. Is that just to qualify for a partricular class or can we use that to raise one of our character's prime attributes?
You can definitely use it to raise a prime attribute. Within reason and DM approval of course.

Going with a dwarf cleric9/thief11 for mine. Can he be a Gray Dwarf? :)
Yup! It's by the book! The UA book that is. ;)
Vargr1105 wrote:How does dual-wielding work when you have 3/2 base attack per round?
Just the main, specialized, weapon gets the extra attack.
Bill: See below for the final ruling on dual wielding.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#4 Post by Bhart »

NJWilliam wrote:Are the 1st level minimum hit points in Unearthed Arcana being used?

(Worren's first level HP roll was a 1, so it makes a bit of a difference for him).

Yes they are.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#5 Post by Bhart »

rredmond wrote:I knew what you were asking. Apparently the main hand is the only one that gets the extra attack. I'm researching that though. I'll talk to Bill too. I always though it would be four attacks but recently heard different. If I can't find the reference then we will go to the dual wielder having four attacks every other round.
On page 63 of the DMG Gary wrote this (emphasis added by me)...
Note that a routine is the attack or attacks usual to the creature concerned, i.e. a weapon (or weapons) for a character, a claw/claw/bite routine for a bear (with incidental damage assessed as it occurs — the hug, for example). A 12th level fighter is allowed attack routines twice in every odd numbered melee round, for example, and this moves up to three per round if a haste spell is cast upon the fighter.
I've always interpreted this to mean that EGG intended that an attack routine for a dual wielder would include both attacks. So, 2 melee attacks per round for a dual wielder would be 4 attack rolls.

The rule that the off hand weapon only ever gives one extra attack is a popular house rule for many DMs and was made official in 2E i believe.

DMBill: To answer Vargr's original question...If you are dual wielding and your attack rate is 3/2 you will alternate # of attacks each round. Your first round will be 2 attack routines (4 attack rolls) then the next round you get 1 attack routine(2 attack rolls). OR to look at it another way, each weapon gets the same 3/2 attack rate.
In the case of weapon specialization you can have your primary and off hand weapon attacking at different rates. If you were wielding a longsword(specialized) and a dagger, the sword might attack twice every round (due to specialization) while the dagger attacks alternate between 2 and 1.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#6 Post by Bhart »

1 Missile fire into melee.
You attack with a penalty; -0, -2, -4, -6 based on the size difference between your target and nearest ally. If you miss then roll a second attack against the nearest ally.

2 Multiple opponents in melee.
The rule in the DMG is being ignored. Players may decide who they are directing their attacks against.

3 Multiple attacks impact on initiative.
Having more attacks than your enemy does not guarantee you go first. Initiative determines the timing of the first attack. Additional attacks are resolved at the end of the round.

4 Spell components
Material components do not have to be tracked. As long as you have a pouch designated as your "component pouch" on you then I assume you have what is needed to cast. The only exception are compents that are given a gp value in the spell description. Those you must have.

5 Magic User/Illusionist Spell books
All spell books are considered to be "traveling" books described in UA. Using those rules as a basis I have come up with the following weight to storage requirements. Each spell requires 1lb of book if it is 1-3 level ; 2 lbs if level4-6; and 3 lbs if level 7-9. Due to the large number of players we are managing here I've decided to drop this house rule to keep things simple. Magic Users must carry a single spellbook that weighs 20#. We will just assume all of your known spells fit in it.

6 weapon vs ac adjustment
We are ignoring this rule.

7 Parry
Apply the entire bonus to hit as a penalty against your opponents attack, not just strength.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#7 Post by Bhart »

Encumbrance will be calculated using the OSRIC rules since it has a more complete listing than the DMG. If an item cannot be found in OSRIC we will refer back to the DMG.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#8 Post by AQuebman »

In regards to languages known should I pick from the list listed in the book or are you going with those are the languages we have the "potential" to learn. Just want to make sure before I start picking some out.
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#9 Post by Bhart »

AQuebman wrote:In regards to languages known should I pick from the list listed in the book or are you going with those are the languages we have the "potential" to learn. Just want to make sure before I start picking some out.
Just take the racial languages in the book. There's not much to talk to inside the tomb so it won't have much of an impact on the game.
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Re: How to Create a Character

#10 Post by Bhart »

Magic Item Time!

Ok I have the following bundles of magic items. Each PC can claim one, first come first served. Once you post I'll send you a list of the contents.

Fighter 1a: Tkrexx
Fighter 2a
Fighter 3a: Dogma
Fighter 4a: Distorted Humor
Fighter 5a
Fighter 6a
Fighter 7a: Vargr
Fighter 8a
Fighter 9a
Fighter 10a

Cleric 1a: Zebediah
Cleric 2a: gray mouser
Cleric 3a: Dumnbunny
Cleric 4a: MAx vale
Cleric 5a

Magic User 1a
Magic User 2a
Magic User 3a: NJWilliam
Magic User 4a: Alethian
Magic User 5a

Thief 1a: Sparkles
Thief 2a
Thief 3a: Mr Hemlocks
Thief 4a
Thief 5a: Stirling

Monk 1a
Monk 2a: Nuke66
Monk 3a

Fighter 1wl
Fighter 2wl
Fighter 3wl
Fighter 4wl
Fighter 5wl
Fighter 6wl
Fighter 7wl
Fighter 8wl
Fighter 9wl
Fighter 10wl

Cleric 1wl
Cleric 2wl
Cleric 3wl
Cleric 4wl: Halfarion
Cleric 5wl

Magic User 1wl
Magic User 2wl
Magic User 3wl
Magic User 4wl
Magic User 5wl

Thief 1wl
Thief 2wl
Thief 3wl: Argennian
Thief 4wl
Thief 5wl

Monk 1wl: AQuebman
Monk 2wl
Monk 3wl
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Re: How to Create a Character

#11 Post by Bhart »

Character Creation rules...

We are playing AD&D(1e). Classes and races from PHB and UA are allowed. All racial class and level limits from UA are applied.

Roll 6 ability scores using 4d6 drop the lowest. You may place them where you want. Scores can be adjusted using 2 for 1 trading but they are still subject to the usual racial min/max limits. Make all rolls using the Unseen Servant dice roller. Our campaign ID is 97.

Start with 600,000 experience points.

Start with 1,000 gp to purchase equipment.

Max Hp at first level then roll for each level after.

Choose or roll a secondary skill.

Be sure to list weapon proficiencies and languages on the sheet.

Pick a magic item bundle from the list above. PM me and I'll send you the contents

If you are in one of the parties post your sheet in that party's character forum. If you are on the wait list post it in the General Character creation forum. When ready post "WAITING FOR DM APPROVAL" above the sheet and send a PM to me and rredmond both, so we know to look it over.

There are a bunch of rulings from me and Ron spread over several threads. If I've missed something please feel free to post it here. Thanks!
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Re: Rules. Rulings, and House Rules

#12 Post by Bhart »

Followers, Henchmen, and Hirelings
Due to the reputation and location of the tomb it is extremely difficult to find any hired help willing to sign on to your expedition. The few you can find are expensive. So...

If you qualify for a follower you may bring only one. Their loyalty will never exceed 75 and you must give them 50% of your treasure. EDIT: My mistake. Followers are always loyal and work for free.

If you do not bring a follower you may hire hirelings/henchmen. There are only 5 available to the group as a whole. They demand an equal share of treasure and their loyalty will never exceed 60 (-30 penalty due to the rep of the tomb)
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