Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

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Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#1 Post by AleBelly »

New topic - to chronicle the visit of our adventurers to the Sambords
Marullus wrote:
She listens with pity to Sarge's words. "I look forward to Jobin's coming. Remind him, I wish to see the progress with the ghost-children of the Orcs." She pauses. "Have you planted your winter wheat? I would see your fields to aid you, as well."
"I'll let Jobin address that tomorrow" replies the Sarge, looking a bit uncomfortable. "For now, I hope you all sleep well. You'll be safe here for the night. Now, I must check on the wall patrols. No dull moments up there these days" he says, quickly excusing himself.

Hellebore lends her healing touch to Hyde, and he appears fully restored. Shifts are set, but nothing untoward happens, and the party sleeps deeply. Except for Arnulf. He thrashes about in his sleep, yelling out much so that the guards in the receiving area wake him at least once to make sure he's OK.

Just at sunrise, Jobin visits the group. He looks the group over. "I see we have some new faces. And some old ones are missing. I must admit, our conversation will be made easier without your elf with the sour disposition" he chuckles. "So, do you bring good tidings to our people? Oh, um, forgive me. May I have the names of your new members?"

All, please deduct one day's rations.

Date: 19 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 07:00
Conditions: 32F, light fog, SSE breeze at 5 mph, 6 inches of snow on the ground
Known Spells in Effect:
Light bearers: Sunrise
Intended Direction of Travel:
Injury Status: none
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#2 Post by Zhym »

Angus steps forward. "Lots of things go easier without Elf Bitch around," he answers with a smile, "but fightin' ain't one of them. You'd be powerful glad to have her sword on your side. And from what they tell me, she's even mellowed a bit from when y'all met her."

"Name's Angus," he says. "I reckon you know Arnulf, Hellebore, Hyde, and Yenny. The half-orc what's all prettied up is called Dandelion. Tempus and Galan are the short fellows. The elf's Lorilee. She's better company than Elf Bitch, mostly because she don't say much."

He pauses, and looks around before continuing. "Wish we had good news for you, but most of it's bad. First, I'm sorry, but your messenger's dead. We found him near a tower a ways from here, lying in the snow. We ain't sure what killed him. Might have been them batsquitos what seem to be all over these lands. Anyways, we found your message and sent it off to Alleborg. Sent two copies—one on a bird, and a couple of folks went to deliver it personal-like. Bird came back without a response, and we ain't seen our people yet. We were kind of hoping they'd be waiting for us here."

"After we sent your message to Alleborg, we set off for your fort. I know them Alleborgians, and I got me a pretty good idea what their response will be. Hide their heads in their city, like as not. And if they did do anything, it'd just be to send us. Might even decide to tell us not to come here, to use us for something they care more about than y'all. So we figured we might as well come directly. Sorry we ain't an army, or even a squad of soldiers. I can't speak for my friends here, but I promise you this: I'll do all I can to help you put down them orcs what've been bothering you."

"Oh, one more thing," he adds. "On the way here, we came by a place the orcs seem to call 'Town No Go.' A whole flock of them batsquitos was calling the old church tower home, but that don't explain all the dead bodies lying around town, not to my thinking. We looked into the town and found us a grisly sight—a whole passel of men, long dead, hanged. And some orcs on the floor that died a touch more recently. That last part weren't so bad, but there was also a couple of dead bodies what rose and attacked us—and kept on attacking when we thought we'd put 'em down. Now, I know y'all got enough to worry about, but we'd be mighty obliged if you could tell us anything you know about that place. Something terrible went down there, a long time ago."
Last edited by Zhym on Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#3 Post by Zorroroaster »

Arnulf wakes up screaming silently. He's still clutching his spellbook to his chest, and his knuckles are white with tension. He lays still, his ragged breathing slowly returning to normal. He looks around, hoping his distress has gone unnoticed. He sits up stiffly, his body aching from a terrible night's rest.

"Please, please, please..." He whispers to himself as he finds a quiet corner, sits down and holds his spellbook out in front of him. The cover seems to stare back at him accusingly. He takes a deep breath and opens it. Tries to read. His vision swims immediately as the writing snakes and writhes about on the page, completely incomprehensible.

Arnulf feels his gorge start to rise, and he is instantly, violently sick. He makes it to the night soil bucket in time to vomit loudly. When the heaves begin to subside he wipes his face with one hand, damp hair clinging to clammy flesh. He looks over to where the book lays open, discarded. His eyes well with tears again, and he screws them shut for a moment.

Arnulf takes a deep breath, walks to his spellbook and tips the cover closed with one foot. He picks it up and with trembling fingers places it gently in his satchel.

He lies back down and pretends to sleep until the rest of his comrades are awake.

He listens to the group talk to Jobin, offering little. His eyes are distant, tortured.
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
[]-Arnulf The Banal, Manchild SuperMage-[] The Lone City in the Wildlands (OSRIC)
[]-Nai Tnam, Dwarven Cleric-[] Lair of the Black Druid - OSRIC
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#4 Post by Marullus »

Hellebore rises before the others and meditates, as is normal for her. She watches Arnulf's episode with sad eyes, but says nothing to him in his grief. She stands solemnly beside Angus as he relays the fundamentals of their coming to the fort. She remains silent and impassive until Jobin answers Angus' questions before adding her own.

(Last Two torches deducted. Two standard rations deducted, covering Hellebore, the wolf, and eagle, after the hunted from meat from yesterday expires.)
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#5 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion prances and curtsies when her name is called. Other than saying a quick, Honored to meet you. she stays quiet, awaiting answers to the questions thrown to the townsman.

She looks over at confused amusement at Arnulf, who seems to either be pantomiming or playing Charades. At a time like this. Oooh, ah, "Throw (up) the (spell) Book at 'em? she asks?
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#6 Post by tkrexx »

Hyde simply stands at attention and smiles at Jobin during the conversation. Upon Angus' update, he clears his throat politely (For a Half-Orc), and says: Is there someone here who could maybe do something for our Mage, Arnulf? He done a brave thing, and it cost him bad, yeahh, real bad.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#7 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus arises with Hellebore and communes with the land for the renewal of his growing powers.

He nods at the mention of his name (and pipes up quietly "and fluffy!") but remains quiet awaiting a response.

To the burly half-orc the halfling merely shakes his head. h"he needs to get out of his own way, nothing is preventing him from casting his magic but his own guilt. Give him time, he's obviously very ..... Sensitive.."
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#8 Post by tkrexx »

He's obviously very ..... Sensitive
Hyde raises one sideways eyebrow at Tempus, and speaks quietly with a smirk, There's a mouthful.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#9 Post by »

Yenny can be seen walking about the room. She seems to be individually greeting each of the Sambords, asking each a small question or making a small comment. After making the rounds, she steps back and surveys the group. She seems less bubbly than normal during the morning chit chat.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#10 Post by AleBelly »

Zhym wrote:Angus steps forward. "Lots of things go easier without Elf Bitch around," he answers with a smile, "but fightin' ain't one of them. You'd be powerful glad to have her sword on your side. And from what they tell me, she's even mellowed a bit from when y'all met her."

"Name's Angus," he says. "I reckon you know Arnulf, Hellebore, Hyde, and Yenny. The half-orc what's all prettied up is called Dandelion. Tempus and Galan are the short fellows. The elf's Lorilee. She's better company than Elf Bitch, mostly because she don't say much."
He nods at this introduction, and at those of the others. He looks puzzled at Dandelion's introduction, but says nothing. "Thank you. And for those new to our settlement, I am Jobin. I oversee things here. You are most welcome here, but for reasons of security, I must ask that you stay within our visitors' area for the duration of your visit. And, as you have been informed, we are very low on provisions. This has been a cruel winter, and the orcs have become bolder. Both have conspired to starve us."
Zhym wrote:He pauses, and looks around before continuing. "Wish we had good news for you, but most of it's bad. First, I'm sorry, but your messenger's dead. We found him near a tower a ways from here, lying in the snow. We ain't sure what killed him. Might have been them batsquitos what seem to be all over these lands. Anyways, we found your message and sent it off to Alleborg. Sent two copies—one on a bird, and a couple of folks went to deliver it personal-like. Bird came back without a response, and we ain't seen our people yet. We were kind of hoping they'd be waiting for us here."
Jobin's face drops, and one of the guards groans, barely audibly. He says nothing for a minute. "That is bad news indeed. But I thank you for finalizing the delivery of our message. A clever idea, having a bird deliver it. With no allies, we have not had the need to train creatures in such a manner. Tell me, though, why deliver the message twice? We have seen no signs of your friends."
Zhym wrote:"After we sent your message to Alleborg, we set off for your fort. I know them Alleborgians, and I got me a pretty good idea what their response will be. Hide their heads in their city, like as not. And if they did do anything, it'd just be to send us. Might even decide to tell us not to come here, to use us for something they care more about than y'all. So we figured we might as well come directly. Sorry we ain't an army, or even a squad of soldiers. I can't speak for my friends here, but I promise you this: I'll do all I can to help you put down them orcs what've been bothering you."
"Perhaps. But your freeing of slaves has raised the ire of those orcs. They roam in larger packs, and more frequently. I am surprised you encountered none on your way here. Or if you did, you are more powerful than you look, as you sport no wounds. I would be surprised if they haven't struck against your people too. And don't take offense to this, but I hope they are. For if they wipe us out, they will focus on your people, and then I fear it will be too late."

He looks over the entire group. "Your offer is generous. But we seek an alliance with Alleborg for a full assault on the orc city. We do not number enough to mount a meaningful assault. But if your leadership could be persuaded to match our numbers, we have a chance." He thinks for a moment. "But you seem capable adventurers. Perhaps you could form a special team to attack from a different direction." He sighs. "But it is all for naught if we do not receive aid from Alleborg."

Zhym wrote:"Oh, one more thing," he adds. "On the way here, we came by a place the orcs seem to call 'Town No Go.' A whole flock of them batsquitos was calling the old church tower home, but that don't explain all the dead bodies lying around town, not to my thinking. We looked into the town and found us a grisly sight—a whole passel of men, long dead, hanged. And some orcs on the floor that died a touch more recently. That last part weren't so bad, but there was also a couple of dead bodies what rose and attacked us—and kept on attacking when we thought we'd put 'em down. Now, I know y'all got enough to worry about, but we'd be mighty obliged if you could tell us anything you know about that place. Something terrible went down there, a long time ago."
"You mean the town to the north? Yes, this was a site of great treachery. Linked to the downfall of the kingdom. The local barons were summoned..."

at this point, Yenny completes her morning prayers, and in a semi-trancelike state shakes the hand or touches Jobin and the half dozen guards. Jobin looks on, bemused, and when the gnome has finished her business, he looks at her, unsmiling. "I trust your questions have been answered, my bold gnomish friend? In the old days, such actions would be considered quite offensive. I suppose in these times one cannot be too careful."

He removes his sword and scabbard from his belt and hands it to one of his escorts. Jobin then prays in a chanting voice. When done he begins to walk to each member of the party. He starts with Yenny, placing his hand on her head...

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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#11 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus will pipe in "How many orc's are in the city do you estimate? We could at least prepare some traps and help secure your borders somewhat, and maybe hunt these advance hunting packs ourselves."

The halfling will stand by and accept the divination if the chap comes near to him.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#12 Post by »

Yenny looks up at Jobin with a big smile on her face. "We look within as we look without. I hope we can share and share alike"
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#13 Post by Marullus »

"For reasons of security? What reasons do we have to fear for security while in the home of an ally?" asks Hellebore, her tone smooth and firm. "It bespeaks a lack of trust and poor hospitality to require us confined. You will remember that you already promised that I could see the progress and care of the ghost-children born among the orcs, who you are rehabilitating, when I returned."

She frowns as he mentions the lack of food. "Have you no druids among you?". What has happened to your crop? Have you down your winter wheat?"

She watches Yenny closely, both as she acts then also as she reacts to Jobin in resoonse. As he approaches her, Qatkir leaps forward, snarling viciously. Hellebore stands, stoic and cold, and places a calming hand on the wolf before looking him squarely in the eye and allowing his touch.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#14 Post by Zhym »

Angus whips his head around at Yenny with a look of confusion and annoyance. "What in tarnation did you just do?" he asks.

When Jobin comes around, Angus raises a hand, palm out, and steps back. "Terrible sorry, but someone's got to explain what's going on before I let you do whatever it is you got in mind."
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#15 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion quickly realizes she was wrong to speak of games. She does ask, hoping to sound more intelligent than her appearance portrays,

How many arms do you feel are needed, my good man? If I recall, nothing in the message we relayed mentioned the rationale for Alleborg to assist now versus simply fortifying their own defense. A more urgent message is prudent. But, a small tactical operation now may slow the orcs' raids long enough to buy us the time we need for the recruitment.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#16 Post by »

Yenny looks towards Angus, still slightly blushing, "We are performing the initial feeling out that is common when groups meet in wartime. Passing our bona fides and checking each other's swords for poison. You should have nothing to fear from the touch of this holy man."
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#17 Post by Zhym »

"Passing our bona fides?" echoes Angus. "I don't recall giving my say-so to showing you mine if you show me yours. My bona fides are gonna stay in right here in my pants where they belong."

"I apologize for what Yenny done," he tells Jobin. "But I had no part in that. Y'all what talk to your gods every morning may have a different way of saying howdy than most of us, but I ain't having anyone checking my 'sword' without a nice dinner and getting to know each other first. So you can just keep that bad touch to yourself."

"I came here to offer you my help. Sorry if it ain't the kind of help you were hoping for. But y'all are in a hell of a fix. Me, if I was getting starved out of my own home by a bunch of orcs, I'd welcome every new friend I could get instead of treating 'em like spies. But it's your fort. Don't want my help? Say the word and I'll be on my merry. But you gotta decide whether you want it without feeling up my 'bona fides.'"
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#18 Post by Storm11 »

"You will have to excuse some of my companions, they are somewhat ... High maintenance and highly strung. Course humans tend to be like big children, I think it's the long legs that make you feel so self important and unreasoning." the Druid shrugs in a 'what can you do' kinda way.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#19 Post by tkrexx »

Hyde jumps to the forefront, hoping to calm any hostilities. No wait! It's my fault! What Yenny done, I asked her to, yeahh. I was worried, yeahh, real worried, 'cuz we all got marks on us, the kinda marks people get paid to kill for. I was trying to look out for us. He turns his gaze to Angus. I asked Yenny to check everyone out, especially when we got here, his huge eyes pleading, 'Cuz I don't want any of my good pals to wind up dead in the night. These Sambords, they fight for the same thing we do, but they recruit FIGHTERS! Recruiting fighting Men can often attract bad sorts, hah? Sell-Swords? Please, Angus, as my good pal, allow Jobin to see your true collas. He'll approve, I know it!

His head snaps to the Druid. Hellebore, I know I shoulda told you at least, yeahh, but the trust issue is mine. Somebody gonna come afta us, and they likely be pretending to be a good pal! Be easia to put a dagger in our ribs that way, or slip a poison in our drink. Ain't no way to watch for that unless ya know some things. That's what I asked of Yenny, 'cuz I don't know how to know these things, no.

Jobin, put your hand on me now, hah? You will know I had the right intent when I asked this of our Priestess. We done got rid of them Goblins a while back, and someone in Alleborg don't like it, no, don't like it at all, and they be willing to kill the "Heroes of Alleborg" lest we find them, too. I ain't letting any more of my good pals die for a city that holds that kind of decay.
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Re: Chapter 9 - At the Sambords

#20 Post by Zhym »

Angus looks at Hyde sadly and shakes his head. "I know y'all meant well," he says, "but you done a bad thing. A man's privates are his own or they ain't private. You got no right to go peeking at everyone's willy-nillies. Not even if you think it'll help find them that's out to get us. When someone's in trouble, I don't go looking for their bona fides before I try to help. And I sure don't expect them to want to see mine before they'll have it. The help, I mean. "

"And y'all may be putting too much faith in that prayer o' Yenny's," he continues, "if you think looking into a man's bona fides'll tell you what's he's gonna do. Evil men, some of them's done good deeds, and there's been no shortage of horrors committed by men what thought they had one o' the gods on their side. And I reckon history's full of examples of good men fighting other men just as good because of different viewpoints or misunderstandings or, hell, a plot of land. You keep relying on that prayer, you'll get stabbed in the back by someone you were sure was a friend. You want to know a man, you gotta look at what he does."

He turns to Jobin, a resolute look on the woodsman's cracked brown face. "If your tribe ain't in a bad enough spot to accept help from strangers, I ain't forcing it on you. I'll be gone and no hard feelings. A man's gotta do what he's gotta do to protect his own, whether that's his people or his privates. I know that what little help I can give might not be worth much, but I offered it without condition. I'd be mighty grateful if you'd take it or leave it on the same terms."

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