MI70's character creation thread

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MI70's character creation thread

#1 Post by ken-do-nim »

MI70 can create his characters here.
Posts: 62
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:39 pm

Re: MI70's character creation thread

#2 Post by MI70 »

Jedidiah "Jed" Culpepper

S 10
Con 12
Size 12
Int 11
Power 6
Dex 9
App 7
Edu 14

Earnings level 49
HP 12

Skill points
Electric Repair +20
First Aid +20
Mechanical Repair +30
Natural History +30
Operate Heavy Machinery +10
Rifle +70
Track +50
Spot Hidden [78] +50 (+3 EoD)

Conceal +10
Ride +10
Sneak +15
Hide +15
Listen +20
Shotgun +20
Navigate +10
Craft (Distilling/Moonshining) +10

Library Use [26] (+1 EoD)
Cthulhu Mythos [6] (+6 EoD)

Jed is a woodsman, handyman, farmer from the backwoods of Maine. He is used to roughing it outdoors and it shows (45 years old, he easily looks 60). He is sharp eyed and cagey, saying little to most people until he knows them well and suspicious of town folk and the law. Fairly average in build, he has a scraggly beard and teeth yellowed by near constant chewing of tobacco or smoking his favorite pipe. None too pretty to look at, Jed is almost always dressed in a beat up fedora hat, hunting coat, flannel shirt, boots, and overalls. His voluminous overall pockets are filled with his "walking emporium" - all kinds of items that he uses to fix things: bailing wire, pocket knife, twine, small hand tools, nails, chewing tobacco, matches, hip flask of home-brewed moonshine, and his trusty pipe.

Jed is smarter than he looks (not a tough job, he would joke) having gone through two years of community tech school to try to become a mechanic before being called back to the family farm to help his aging parents.

Not having much use for organized school, Jed indulged his childhood passion for hunting and fishing in the Maine woods - occasionally out of season or on public land. A crack shot with his trusty 30 aught six, his respectable income comes from supplementing the struggling farm with work as a general handyman and Mr. Fix It around Miskatonic U., selling furs, and reviving his grandfather's old moonshine recipe for sale in town from the hidden still on his farm.

Jed did housework for Prof. Merriweather and the two bonded over several too many glasses of Jed's grandpappy's special 'shine and the professor's high quality pipe tobacco, becoming unlikely friends. They had even planned a trip to Jed's favorite fishing hole near an old Indian burial ground. The professor was impressed with Jed's knowledge of the woods and the old legends of the area (apparently Maine is full of ancient burial grounds where strange events have happened - who knew?).

After hearing how Jed built a hidden shelf in his kitchen for booze, the professor asked Jed to build one in his bookcase. Thinking it was for booze and needing the money, Jed did so, but perhaps the Professor had other ideas for the hiding place . . .

Surprised to hear from the Professor, Jed came to see him, saddened that they may never get to make that fishing trip.
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