Dramatis Personae

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Dramatis Personae

#1 Post by Urson »

All character writeups will go here, as well as details about major NPCs. Please feel free to add photos/drawings of your character, their vehicle, or any cool stuff they have.
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Re: Dramatis Personae

#2 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel, Antiquarian Engineer
Tel comes from an interstellar civilization where technology has advanced to the point of being practically invisible and intuitive—so simple and reliable that there is no need to know how to work it or why it works.

A brilliant engineer in an age without engineering, Tel has developed a fascination for technology that can be worked and repaired by human hands. Tel has made a career of collecting and restoring Pre-Singularity technology.

Tel is presently genderless and asexual, with no strong preferences in terms of pronouns—“he,” “she,” and “it” are all acceptable.

Tel drives an immaculate gas-powered front-wheel drive, six-cylinder 1936 Citroën sedan.

Tel has a Flying Knife: a personal defense device that hovers alongside Tel and can deliver electric shocks to assailants.

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Re: Dramatis Personae

#3 Post by Spectreman17 »

Bait, Desert Runner

Both car and Body are built for speed, he's a short, skinny guy with a shaved head and face. really greasy from working on his own car all the time, and probably hasn't bathed in his life time. He bears a short coach gun (side by side sawn off shotgun) on a chest harness so it's always in easy reach.

The car is a raised (about 5 inches for offroad clearance) 1990 Chevy Camaro with a rusted out bumper guard thata been welded to the frame and spiked for aggressive ramming. The roof of the car has a broken mount that used to have some weapon mounted to it. The Gunners stand is where the thrunk used to be, which has been replaced with a pair of side bars so the gunner can ride as if it were a chariot.
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Re: Dramatis Personae

#4 Post by ylinett »

Blue Eyes...

His appearance:
Of average height and average weight, he appears somewhere between his late twenties and fifties. Brown hair with the slightest salt and pepper adorn his expressive face. Wearing a blue pin striped tropical three piece wool suit, a pale blue shirt with french cuffs, and oxblood red wingtip shoes.
http://www.bachrach.com/2b-peak-slim-pi ... Am8L8P8HAQ
https://antonalexander.com/shop/dress-s ... nch-cuffs/
http://www.dillards.com/p/Johnston-Murp ... AhaT8P8HAQ

His ride:
1970 Chevy El Camino LS6 454/450 HP 4 Speed. Gold with black stripes.
http://elcaminostuff.macswebs.com/7072/ ... ry/58b.jpg

His weapon:
Colt 1911 .45 with Novak style tritium night sights, cleaning kit, level 2 retention holster, and two spare magazines.
http://www.amazon.com/Novak-Style-Fully ... B00XLS9N6A
http://www.blackhawk.com/Products/Holst ... lster.aspx
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Re: Dramatis Personae

#5 Post by Grognardsw »

Name: Isaac C. Heinlein (Ike)
Occupation: Explorer-for-hire
Past Service: Scout, three terms, mustered out
Homeworld: Trantor
Height: 6'3" Weight: 225 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Age: 30

Keywords: exploration, science, mystery.

Sub-plot: Science

Hook: Not Using Real Identity, And If You Knew You'd Be Really Surprised

Story Behind the Hook: Isaac's brain is co-habitated by an alien conscious. It can exert influence and provide extra-terrestial intelligence in times of great need (or whatever the GM would like.) During his second term of service, while scouting strange alien ruins of a dead planet (later designated HPL6966-Yuggoth), Ike came upon a chamber of jar-enclosed brains. He mind was invaded, but not conquered. The alien intelligence resides in a symbiosis of sentience, an integration of id, a paradox of psyche. Only later did the Scout Service realize something was amiss with Isaac Heinlein. He started revealing unusual insights and revelations of science and biology which, when pressed on how, he could not explain. The Service at first thought he was plagarizing or spying to achieve such information, but surveillance over time showed this was not the case. Neural research was done and the alien brainwaves were detected. The alien intelligence could not be isolated or controlled. The Service could not risk this unpredictable and unknown alien intelligence inside the Scouts, so Ike was mustered out. Ike learned that the government had more devious plans for him. The alien intelligence enabled him to plot an escape, identity change, and occupation. Ike is privately concerned what the ultimate purpose of his alien mind inhabitor is. He would like to excise the alien consciousness, but does not know how. He does not trust the government to do it, if they even can. Ike occasionally thinks about returning to Yuggoth to seek more answers.

Planet HPL6966-Yuggoth

A mind invaded... 
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Re: Dramatis Personae

#6 Post by Stirling »

Ash Cranepool: anti-hero traveller.

Ash Cranepool is loosely based upon the surviving hero of the iconic 80's horror Evil Dead. Fleeing a wilderness cabin after summoning upon the spirits of the dead; reading from a flesh bound, blood written book and chanting a mantra from a 'white noise' tape recorder proved never to be a good idea. Ash survived despite having his arm amputated from the elbow. (Left arm for my character).


Cyborg implants and home-made agricultural adjustments made, Ash now has a petrol driven mini-chainsaw attachment fitted, one rip cord away from slashing and hacking revenge on further manifestations of zombie apocalypse. Ash is now subsequently cursed to wander the infinite possibilities of the Highway, seeking out to destroy further 'Tomes of Doom' and ritual occult practices.

Ash also keeps his still severed and now decayed arm in a leather bound scroll case. The arm is fully 'zombie animated' but loosely controllable by Ash to achieve various menial tasks from opening a beer can, putting the car into high gear, playing a piano and slinking off between jail bars to strangle the sleeping deputy and crawling back with stolen keys. However much Ash tried to bury or rid himself of the hand, 'Fingers' as Ash affectionately pets him; always seemed to reappear, crawling unseen through the netherworld to find him. There is a limited empathy between the pair, to the extent that when the hand gets damaged, such as nailed to the floor, Ash feels the pain too.

Currently Ash drives an all-terrain buggy. Proudly gleaning in shimmering black and shining chrome, the rig has integral switches which enable hub spoke blades and 'souped up' flamethrower.

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Re: Dramatis Personae

#7 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Axel "The Honey Badger" Kings
He easily passes for human, 5'8" 160lb, fit, salt and pepper dark hair, dark blue eyes, 50 years old. Bears a resemblance to a certain Danny Ocean.

Axel hails from a world where magic and technology have blended into a dark dystopian husk. Corporations and governments have gained control of the populace, through any and all means. Surveillance is everywhere, and privacy is reserved for those with power. Axel worked for one of the major 4 corporations as a fixer, with a specialization in information retrieval. His learned magical powers helped him extract information from unwilling participants when normal means failed to get results. In his personal life, Axel is charismatic, magnetic, and the life of the underground party.

After many years of leading a double life, he has used the information gained to amass a decent nest egg, and had plans to 'retire' on some remote island. One of the last subjects of his services offered up information on a highway. A highway with roads to anywhere. Axel saw an opportunity, gathered his things, and found that highway.

His first stop was a huge culture shock. Bright lights, clean-ish air, and thousands of beautiful people walking about as if they were allowed to. He headed down the street towards a giant black pyramid with a stone cat thing out front. A giant tour bus with a black bunny on the side pulled up, and dozens of beautiful women piled out. After asking the driver about how this came to be, Axel "asked" the driver to allow him to drive, then headed for the open road. Eager to see where else the highway would take him, Axel decided that retirement could wait.

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Re: Dramatis Personae

#8 Post by Pulpatoon »

I drew a picture of Tel and the Flying Knife:

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Re: Dramatis Personae

#9 Post by jugularjosh »

Becky Sage

She looks like a wealthy college student taking off her senior year to find herself.

She drives a car that looks like a bright red MINI Cooper, but is from a C 28 specialty shop which manufactures facsimiles for clients who want modern convenience in a retro package.

She's perhaps a little shorter than average, very pretty in a wholesome way and tends to bright colors in her wardrobe. She smiles often and laughs easily.
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Re: Dramatis Personae

#10 Post by Urson »

Harry himself
Harry himself
Harry Steele 5.jpg (67.07 KiB) Viewed 1583 times
This is Harry Steele. He's about 6' tall, lean, weatherbeaten. He speaks with a definite Texas drawl. He either _is_ an Old West cowboy, or he works hard to maintain the image of one. He's typically dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, with a .45 revolver on his right hip and a rifle slung over his shoulder. If the weather calls for it, he'll drag a canvas duster out of his truck to wear. He doesn't talk much about his origins, but he's obviously been on The Highway for many years, as he knows almost everything about how it works and where certain things can be found along it.

He drives an army-surplus 5-ton, similar to the one in the photo, but with a cargo box on the back- the type you usually see delivering appliances from 'big-box' stores. He refers to his truck as 'Mother Beast'. Inside the cargo box, he has a small room divided off and locked. Most of his personal gear is kept there, along with tools, spare parts, weapons, ammo, and attachments he can temporarily mount for specific purposes.
Mother Beast, Harry's truck
Mother Beast, Harry's truck
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Re: Dramatis Personae

#11 Post by Zhym »

Marlowe Spade, Private Dick
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Marlowe keeps a Smith & Wesson .38 snubby in a shoulder holster and a shotgun in the car.

He drives a Tucker 48. It still has an internal combustion engine that generates almost as much smoke as Marlowe himself does.
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Re: Dramatis Personae- Tess

#12 Post by Urson »

Tess is a young woman from Alabama. She is a Displaced Person- she was brought onto The Road by a Traveller, raped, and abandoned. She was working as a waitress until she was 'adopted' by the mysterious man we refer to as 'The Breeze'.

She's smart, but poorly educated. She can cook, drive a variety of vehicles, sing, and handle a firearm (poorly).
Tess.jpg (22.4 KiB) Viewed 1497 times
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