Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#41 Post by FantasyChic »

Name: Íreth


The clan must come first.

That's all she ever heard. From her parents, from her friends, from her King. The needs of the clan must surpass the needs of the individual. But what if the needs of the clan weren't being met? Surely one would do whatever possible to make sure those needs were met. Yet, here they were, constantly traveling, making homes in unknown lands, avoiding conflict, and doing whatever possible to stay away from their homeland.

Íreth didn't understand it. They were capable fighters, hunters, gatherers; men and women who excelled in areas others wished they could. Yet, they were dealt a heavy loss from the Necromancer's onslaught on their home. That much was clear.

She knows what the King wants and why he does what he does. She gets it. However, there are things that could be done, places to go see, people to talk to. They don't have to keep running and hiding like a bunch of scared children. They were elves, this was beneath them.

Faeldor and her often went on walks in the forest together. Ever since their mother died, Faeldor took over the responsabilities of the family, much to Íreth's desires. He looked out for her and she appreciated it, but she knew she could do more.

"No," Faeldor said, "I will not have you running off to fight a losing battle. If the King were to find out, he would exile you, no question. You would have no home to come back to, even if you win."

"You don't know that," Íreth said, "We can't keep this up. We will have no home to run to if we keep moving. We need to start fighting back. You know it as much as I do."

Faeldor was silent. She could see it in his eyes, as if he was saying "Yes, but how?" She continued, "Just let me try. I can do this. I can go out, find allies who will help, gather information, and come back. If things go wrong, I'll return."

Faeldor sighed, "No matter what I say, you will just go out and do it anyway. You have always been stubborn, just like Mother." He nodded, "All right, I can keep the clan at bay for a time, maybe gather some allies here who can vouch for you, but that is all I can promise. If the King finds out, I cannot promise he will be lenient."

With that said, Íreth packed her things and went out. The journey towards the fight wasn't tough, but her thoughts weighed heavily on her. She was doing something she knew was wrong, but felt was right. That was the struggle in her head.

She camped often. She liked watching the forest. Listening to the songs of the flora and fauna around her. She would dance occasionally to their music, singing along as she did. She had little trouble, save for a hungry animal or two who didn't know better.

It wasn't until a few weeks of travels led her to an unknown land. It was there that she head the Dragon's roar...

Lifepaths: Born Wilder Elf, Forester, Lead to Protector, Ranger, Bowyer

Age : 176

Stats: Wi: B5, Pe: B5, Po: B4, Fo: B5, Ag: B6, Sp: B5, Stride: 8

Attributes: Ref: B5, Ste: B6, Hes: 5, Hea: B7, MW: B10, Grief: B4, Circles: B2, Resources: B0

PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B6 Mi: B7 Se: B8 Tr: B9 Mo: B10


-There is nothing worse than abandoning your home to evil. I will convince the dwarves to stay and face their ancient foe.

-Family is important. I will strive to keep families together of any race, no matter the difficulty.

-Evil must not win. I will fight the Necromancer and his forces by gathering allies


-Never goes days without a bath

-Never backs down from confrontation, especially when it's a man

-Always puts others needs before her own (making sure someone is fed before her, making sure wounds are healed before hers.)

Traits: [Char] Born Under the Silver Stars, [Char] Circumspect, [Char] Drop-Dead Gorgeous, [Dt] Essence of the Earth, [Char] Fair and Statuesque, [Dt] First Born, [Char] Gray Mantle, [Dt] Grief, [Char] Joan of Arc, [Dt] Keen Sight, [Char] Stern

Skills: Animal Husbandry B3, Bow G4, Bow-wise B2, Bowcraft B2, Ceremony-Wise B2, Dance B2, Elven Script B2, Forest-wise B2, Lyric of Healing B3, Observation B2, Sing B3, Song of Arbors B2, Stealthy B3, Weather-wise B3, Foraging B2



-Minor Reputation (1D) (7pts): She is known pretty well in her clan as the headstrong elven girl who wants to take up this costly duty of getting their home back. Some people support her while others think she is doing it for the wrong reasons.


-Relationship (minor, relative)(4pt): She has a brother who, like her, wants the best for her clan and supports her in her endeavors. He is the one who stayed behind to keep the clan in check and protected should her adventures bring unwanted attention to them.

-Relationship (minor, hateful) (3pt): There is another elven ranger, Deluon, who wants to see her fail. He doesn't support her goal and wants the clan to remain where they are. They've also had a rivalry in their ranger days on who is the better and she has come out on top on more than one occasion.

-Elven Bow (5pts), Reinforced leather breastplate (3pts), Elven clothes (2pt), Travelling gear (2pt), Nice boots (1pt)

-Personal Item (1pt): She carries a song her mother wrote her when she was a young child elf. It's a song that shows the lengths she would go to protect her daughter and is one of the driving forces of her getting their racial home back.



-Lyric of Healing

-Song of Arbors


-Elven Bow

-Utility Knife (0 Power, 2 WS, 1 Add)
Last edited by FantasyChic on Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#42 Post by Marullus »

Traits and Attributes
You opted to not take the Exiled trait for 2 trait points. That means you haven't (yet) been censured for defying the King and can (as part of our story) return to the Woodland Realm to plead for action.

Please post the results of the Health and Steel questions, as they influence her story. It looks like she is "an elf" and "healthy and active" but not not frail, not from a clean or squalorly place, and was never wounded, captured or enslaved? I can't reverse-engineer the Steel.

Skills: Animal Husbandry B3, Bow G4, Bow-wise B2, Bowcraft B2, Ceremony-Wise B2, Dance B2, Elven Script B2, Forest-wise B2, Lyric of Healing B3, Observation B2, Sing B3, Song of Arbors B2, Stealthy B3, Weather-wise B3, Foraging B2
That is 20/23 points and all general points spent, you can upgrade these, or add:
I have all points spent, not three remaining.
Required: 2 on Sing, 2 on Song of Arbors, 1 on Observation, 2 on Bowcraft.
Optional: 6 on Bow, 1 on Elven Script, 1 on Foraging, 2 on Stealthy, 1 on Bow-Wise, 1 on Forest-Wise, 1 on Weather-Wise (to enhance beyond the free point). 3 on Lyric of Healing.
General: 2 on Animal Husbandry, 1 on Ceremony-wise, 1 on Dance.

You have Forest-Wise, so you know about natural forests. You did not take Mirkwood-wise, so you are not specifically knowledgeable of the evil which has consumed the forest since your childhood. You can talk about natural things, but not what evil does to them, evil creatures who live there, etc.

Resource Points
I recommend you accept the proposal below. If you just answer the questions in Italics, she's equipped and done with that part.

Gear: Elven Bow (5pts), Reinforced leather breastplate (3pts), Elven clothes (2pt), Travelling gear (2pt), Nice boots (1pt)
Personal Item (1pt):Define one item she keeps for sentimental value.
Minor Reputation (1D) (7pts): How are you known?
Relationship (minor, relative)(4pt): Define a relative who remains in contact with you and supports you.
Relationship (minor, hateful) (3pt): Define someone who either hates you or is your rival in your main goal.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#43 Post by Spectreman17 »

Do you live in squalor or filth?
-She lived with her clan as a Wilder Elf, not sure if that meant being dirty but I imagine they cleaned up in rivers and streams when they could. She would do so on the road too.
Are you frail or sickly?
-She is a healthy, young woman (young for an elf, at least). She is active and maintains good health.
Were you severely wounded in the past?
-In a hunting party, she was wounded by a bear in a battle, and maintains a scar on her hip. It isn't a huge gash. (I interpreted to No)
Have you been tortured and enslaved?
-Thankfully not, having been with her clan for most of her life, she has avoided capture.
Are you athletic and active?
-As above, she is very active and likes to go out and explore, hunt, and just travel around.
Do you live in a really clean and happy place, like the hills in the sound of music?
-Again, I would assume living with her clan was relatively clean and happy. She was happy to be with them, even though she wanted more. As years went on she wanted better for her clan, which may mean she became unhappy. Traveling though perks her up.

Have you taken a conscript, soldier, bandit, squire or knight type lifepath?
-Yes, Bowyer/Ranger are soldier paths
Have you ever been severely wounded?
-Close to, but no.
Have you ever murdered or killed by your own hand?
-Depends, she has hunted before, but never hunted other people unless they attacked her and her family. I would say she has probably killed those who meant to do her or her clan harm.
Have you been tortured, enslaved or beaten terribly over time?
-No, and doesn't plan to start!
Have you led a sheltered life, free from violence and pain?
-No, she has gone though violence and pain before. She has lost good friends to the constant battle and running away, and has been hurt on more than one occasion.
Have you been raised in a competitive (but non-violent) culture - sports, debate, strategy games, courting?
-Depends on what her clan did. I imagine thy may have participated in sport, she would naturally go along with them.
Have you given birth to a child?
-No. She has been with men before, but never gotten pregnant. Not sure how Wilder Elf courting works but I imagine her family wanted her to be with someone and now she is on this quest. She isn't opposed to finding someone to be with, but she doesn't want to be tied down as a housewife (or hutwife..not sure how they live. Tree-Wife?)

Does your history include tragedy?
-Doesn't all history? She has suffered loss and the moving of her clan toils heavily on her, especially when she feels they could do so much good if they would only try.
Have you lived among non-Elven people?
-Up until the start of this, no she has been surrounded by her own people. This adventure will be the start of her living among a different race than her own. She is both excited and curious to see what happens.

And that is all 23, she forgot to delete my directions :p
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#44 Post by FantasyChic »

You all expect too much of me :o

But yeah, I did.

Also didn't know the Exiled trait meant that, I would assume, as you said, they haven't exiled her yet because they hope she does manage to complete her goal. The King may not be on board however, and she may eventually be Exiled.

Gear: Elven Bow (5pts), Reinforced leather breastplate (3pts), Elven clothes (2pt), Travelling gear (2pt), Nice boots (1pt)
Personal Item (1pt): She carries a song her mother wrote her when she was a young child elf. It's a song that shows the lengths she would go to protect her daughter and is one of the driving forces of her getting their racial home back.
Minor Reputation (1D) (7pts): She is known pretty well in her clan as the headstrong elven girl who wants to take up this costly duty of getting their home back. Some people support her while others think she is doing it for the wrong reasons.
Relationship (minor, relative)(4pt): She has a brother who, like her, wants the best for her clan and supports her in her endeavors. He is the one who stayed behind to keep the clan in check and protected should her adventures bring unwanted attention to them.
Relationship (minor, hateful) (3pt): There is another elven ranger, Deluon, who wants to see her fail. He doesn't support her goal and wants the clan to remain where they are. They've also had a rivalry in their ranger days on who is the better and she has come out on top on more than one occasion.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#45 Post by Marullus »

You are doing a great job! :) Learning the new system is hard. The hope is that all the questions result in a deeper and more flavorful character that you have fun playing. You are almost done!

Let's name your brother Faeldor.
Meaning: Generous (fael) Brother (tôr) (fael+tôr)
It sounds like your mother is gone. Did she die? Did she leave for the West due to too much grief?

The last step is Beliefs (with goals) and Instincts.

I like to make a strong statement of belief, and then say what near-term goal it drives. These are freeform and your choice - you need three of them.

Examples for you:
* Evil must be opposed, not fled from, to keep one's home. I will push back the spiders from Mirkwood's boughs.
* Evil must be opposed, not fled from, to keep one's home. I will convince King Thranduil to act to (specify end state).
* To save the Greenwood, I need help from beyond the Woodland Realm. I will convince the Dwarven refugees to come to the Mountains of Mirkwood.
* We are responsible to protect all weaker than ourselves. I will heal those injured by Smaug.
* There is nothing worse than abandoning your home to evil. I will convince the dwarves to stay and face their ancient foe.

Pick and choose, right your own, think about what is most important to her.

Things you always do, things you never do. You need three of them, and they should add flavor.

Always sing my mother's song in full to the rising sun.
Always watch boughs above when in the forest. (Prevent surprise)
Never miss an opportunity to dance to music.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#46 Post by FantasyChic »

Hmm, never gave it much thought, but yeah, her Mother did die. She died while the elves were moving away from the Necromancer, it allowed her brother and her to escape.

I should also mention it's her older brother, he's been her caretaker up until recently.

As for beliefs....

-There is nothing worse than abandoning your home to evil. I will convince the dwarves to stay and face their ancient foe. (I like this one too much so I'm gonna steal it ;) )
-Family is important. I will strive to keep families together of any race, no matter the difficulty.
-Evil must not win. I will fight the Necromancer and his forces, with help or not, if it means the safety of my clan and the well-being of others.

And instincts...

-Never goes days without a bath
-Always strives to put others before herself
-Never backs down from confrontation, especially when it's a man

Hope those work. If my answer to the mother question changes my steel questions, we can change it.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#47 Post by Marullus »

FantasyChic wrote: -There is nothing worse than abandoning your home to evil. I will convince the dwarves to stay and face their ancient foe. (I like this one too much so I'm gonna steal it ;) )
Cool. :)
FantasyChic wrote:-Family is important. I will strive to keep families together of any race, no matter the difficulty.
This is general, but I can go with it. It is achieved each time you prevent a fracturing relationship from falling apart. I like it because it allows you to insert yourself in each other PCs scenes and Relationships. :)
FantasyChic wrote: -Evil must not win. I will fight the Necromancer and his forces, with help or not, if it means the safety of my clan and the well-being of others.
This goal is too broad or too long. You aren't going to "fight the Necromancer" personally any time soon. What is the first step? Gather weapons? Gather allies? Gather information? Establish a foothold/base in Mirkwood? Reclaim a portion of the forest for good?
FantasyChic wrote:And instincts...
-Never goes days without a bath
-Never backs down from confrontation, especially when it's a man
They work for me.
FantasyChic wrote:-Always strives to put others before herself
Too nebulous. How do you do this specifically?
FantasyChic wrote:Hope those work. If my answer to the mother question changes my steel questions, we can change it.
No worries! Doesn't hurt anything. It seems key enough to your character to specify ahead.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#48 Post by FantasyChic »

Ok let's fix.

Change the Necromancer one to

--Evil must not win. I will fight the Necromancer and his forces by gathering allies (and information, if I can do both)

And change the instinct to

--Always puts others needs before her own (making sure someone is fed before her, making sure wounds are healed before hers.)
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#49 Post by Marullus »

FantasyChic wrote: --Evil must not win. I will fight the Necromancer and his forces by gathering allies (and information, if I can do both)
You want to do them sequentially, not together, so you get awards for completing each piece.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#50 Post by FantasyChic »

Stick with allies first then
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#51 Post by Marullus »

Okay, please help me out - pull your complete character sheet together and post it here in one spot with all revisions made. I'll take a final look, then you can move it to the "Final Sheets" thread. I want you to post it there once approved, as that will let you edit it as gameplay progresses. You'll be responsible for keeping it current.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#52 Post by FantasyChic »

I edited the sheet on top. Let me know if that's ok and I'll transfer it over.
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#53 Post by Marullus »

Looks good!

Add a knife to your weapons and list its statistics from the house rules. It is designed for non-combat use - describe it. (Simple utility knife, skinning knife, mother's kitchen knife, etc.)
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#54 Post by FantasyChic »

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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#55 Post by Marullus »

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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#56 Post by Marullus »

If you haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend watching "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug." I watched it last night (on-demand for free with HBO) and it is right in line for your elf. :) Great visuals, great reflection on the Woodland Realm and King Thranduil. (The movie is just 170 years after our story.)
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Re: Characer Burning - Female Elven Ranger

#57 Post by Marullus »

I think we spent all her resource points and didn't record her special elven arrow type. Please add this to her sheet:

Hunting Head Arrows: I: B4, M: B8, S: B11, VA: 2
Elven Bow: Optimal 3D, Extreme 3D; Max Range 250 paces

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