Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

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Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#1 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - An Attack Thwarted, Revenge is a Cold Dish, like Sushi!

Along the edge of the Brecellian forest and the Southron Hills lies a small valley, surrounded by trees that hide a small lake from view. The small area seems almost cut off from the outside world and as such evokes a sense of peace that can only be found deep within nature, while in view of the worlds hidden beauty. Beside this small body of water, nestled on top of a large rock that overlooks the valley, sits a young woman; With flowing blonde hair and eyes that seem to hold the light and majestic blue sky within their depths. The cool night breeze slowly flows through her hair as the reflection of the moon paints a picturesque scene along the waters surface.

The woman is currently transfixed on an object, a golden pin, that she rolls in her hand. The pin itself seems to be of elegant design, made of gold material and inlayed with complex designs, woven through the designs and sitting in the middle of the pin is a symbol that she finds familiar; the symbol belonging to a prominent Orlesian house, known as the House of Gelinaux. The sense of familiarity also brings feelings of rage and despair to the woman, the name Gelinaux was one of the chief forces behind the investigation that brought about the ruin of her old life, a loyal lap dog to the royalty that so viciously destroyed her life. Hopping off of the boulder she was currently resting on the woman turns back and walks towards the tree's edge, two cloaked corpses laying on the ground in their own respective pools of blood, dagger wounds permeating all over their bodies, while the third attacker lays propped up along a tree, broken and bloodied but still alive. The mans whines faintly fill the night and only get louder as the woman approaches, his eyes widening in fear as his mind races to all of the things she will most likely do to him.

As the woman studies the man features she catches a hint of recognition. Drudging up old memories she remembers seeing him at several banquets when she was younger, the mans name was... Marcuise Gelinaux! a very minor noble and distant cousin to the main Gelinaux family. He is known as a sniveling coward, the type of man that would be the first one to grovel at the feet of his superiors and then just as quickly stab them in the back once the opportunity suited him. As the woman stares at him he finally builds up the nerve to speak, his whole body shaking in fright.

"Ah... Ah... Nic, Nic, Nicolette! Ah, um... P-P-Please, spare me! I-I ca, can explain! This, Uhm.. This is all j-j-just a mistake!" His eyes keep nervously glancing to the twin daggers hooked to Nicolette's waist.

Welcome to the show! It looks like you were attacked or something but didn't die! Woot!!

Feel free to post your actions now!

Will you kill the man where he lays? Interrogate him on knowledge that I will be making up as I go?!?! Binding his wounds and then challenging the knave to a dance battle?!????

Also! Let me know how you like my writing, if I need to add more detail to things or if I'm not explaining stuff properly!
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#2 Post by FantasyChic »

Nicollette looked over the man. Her eyes glared at him, instilling as much fear as he could muster. She was sure his fallen comrades added to his fear. And he begged for his like. Men, she thought to herself, they were like children sometimes.

She flipped out one of her daggers and twirled it in her fingers. "Oh. Not your fault?" she asked. Her voice sounded like a dainty, Orlesian lady, but the blood that caked on her daggers was anything but dainty, "Not your fault. I find that hard to believe Marcuise. See, fault is a funny thing. I don't think it was my sister's fault she fell in love with your cousin, yet she was killed for that. And here you are, intent on killing me, whining about how it isn't your fault.

She slammed her dagger into the tree, inches from the man's neck. His whimper put a smile on her face. "Tell you what, Marcuise, I won't kill you. I'll let you stumble back to the filth drop you call a home, but I want you to leave a message to your bitch of an aunt. Tell her, she failed and she made me mad. No one wants to see me mad. Tell her I am coming for her and that I welcome for her to try to stop me. I want her to see you, see what I am capable of. Do that for me, please? she asked, and pecked the man on the cheek before taking her dagger and putting it back. With a flick of her cloak, she turned around and headed out of the serene, peaceful area. She would miss it.

(Truth be told, I like your writing style. This is definitely fine with me)
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#3 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - A Wild MonkeyWrench Has Appeared! It Casts Railroad! It's Super Choo Choo!

Marcuise's whole body shakes in both fear and now relief as he tries to scramble up and away from Nicolette. stumbling several times in pain from the treatment he received from her. He quickly tries to stammer out his acceptance at the task but his jaw seems to be shaking so much that he can't quite get the words out.

Before leaving the grove Nicolette takes a brief moment to clean her daggers of blood, using one of the assassins cloaks. Taking that moment to also inspect the gear of the assassins, taking what she wants and leaving the rest. Among the items found Nicolette finds a folded letter resting inside one of the belt pockets, the royal wax seal emblazoned on the front, already cracked as the assassin must have read from it previously. Taking the letter in hand she reads the contents,
Assassins Letter wrote:The target was last seen in the region of Fereldon traveling the Brecilian Passage road, having taken a path through the Hinterlands.

Find the target and eliminate her, by any means necessary. Once completed bring suitable evidence to the contact for the rest of your payment.

The contact can be found in the town of Vintiver, located in the local Inn. Once the contact is found and the pass phrase is given, answer with "So the midnight crow can fly."

With a steel resolve Nicolette walks out of the grove, headed north towards a small logging town known as Vintiver. As she leaves the serene and peaceful grove she takes a moment to jot it down on the map, she'll miss this grove and one day may want to come back...

Gonna post a quick list here of the items that the assassins had, let me know what you'd like to keep. The rest can be worm food.

Loot: Assassins x2
Hooded Cloak (Bloodied) x2
Leather Armor (Damaged) x2
Heavy Boots x2
Orlesian Styled Daggers x4
Sack of Coins x2: Silver: [2d6x10] = 9x10 = 90
Gold locket x1: piece of hair held within

Next post will be travel information! Don't want to make this post too big.
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#4 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post 2 - We're On The Road Again!

Nicolette travels down the Brecilian Passage road, the road itself being only used by merchants, adventurers, Loggers, and Farmers. Due to it's proximity to the ancient forest the road itself is known to have it's own fair share of bandit attacks but through years of experience in remaining unseen the young female traveler has no troubles travelling along the road. Nicolette safely makes it to a fairly large farming community, responsible for feeding the town of Vintiver as well as sending any remaining goods with the loggers as they make their way to the larger cities and town for market.

The area itself seems to be quiet, only a few farmers left tilling the field as the others, such as the wives and children, remain indoors but look through their windows at the stranger travelling down their main road. Trying to get any information from these folk is met with suspicion and disregard, no one seeming to want to speak to a stranger, especially someone that looks like a fighter and travels alone. Seeing no benefit here Nicolette makes her way towards the town itself, finding the road leave the farms and stretch through a brief period of woods before opening out into the town.

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Nicolette walks into the town itself, finding the place to be quite typical. As she walks down the town road, looking for the inn, she passes by the local blacksmith. The man tending to the forge quickly steps out into her path, a scowl present on his face and he looks her up and down. With a suspicious tone the man says, "And what are you doing here? Eh? We've lost our taste for travelers here, especially knife-ears." He regards the hood covering Nicolettes head, "You ain't one of them knife-ears, eh?" His hand clenches the hammer he carries, his knuckles turning white as he waits for the woman to speak.

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Actions! Challenge the knave to a dance battle!!!
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#5 Post by FantasyChic »

(Nicolette takes the money and the gold locket. The rest can be for the worms.)

Traveling the road to Vintiver was easily done. The shadows, unknown to most people, could be manipulated easily if you knew what to do. Any dangers she could have seen were completely unaware of her presence. Not that she would have had any trouble, but she did just get done taking on a group of assassins. A lady can only do so much.

Vintiver was what she expected; small, secluded, and wary of strangers. "Fair enough", she thought to herself, "I won't be long here anyway."

She noticed the wayward glances of the citizens. She kept her head forward, but her eyes danced around, catching every gaze she could. Almost as if issuing a warning, or perhaps a reassurance she wasn't there for ill to the town.

Upon nearing the Blacksmith, a rather stocky man came out and spoke to her. His words dripped with venom that would make even her weary. Knife-Ears, he called them. She knew the reactions to elves, she didn't care for it either way. As far as she was concerned, they are just another group of people trying to make do for themselves. She had to give them credit, though, they had it tough.

"What does it matter if I am a...Knife-Ear, as you call it? I have no business with you or with anyone really. I am here to see a friend at the inn and then I will be on my way. She issue this as cooly as she could, but she could tell by the man's grip on his hammer that he wouldn't like it any other way.
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#6 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - Bigots Are People Too, Just Dumber

The blacksmith's eyes widen for a moment before returning to their scowled formation, "No business eh? Well I got plenty of business for a Knife-ear and any other Knife-ear lovers!" As the mans voice raises more townsfolk start to peak around and join in, some simply looking to watch but others taking the blacksmiths side. So far it seems to be a small gathering of people, around 4 villagers join on the Blacksmiths side while a few others simply stand to the side.

Before things can escalate an gruff and thick voice comes out, silencing the whole crowd, "What is going on here?!?" The towns folk look to the direction of the voice and find and older man pushing his way through the small crowd. While older in years he has the build of a veteran that has seen more than his own share of battlefields. The man sports a well sized but trimmed beard, perhaps to offset the lack of hair atop his head, and carries a halberd and a set leather with a heavily worn and old metal breastplate. He looks among the crowd, his eyes stopping at Nicolette for a moment before turning to the blacksmith. At the sight of the smith the old warrior gives a stern glare before walking over, standing beside Nicolette as he speaks to the man first in an overly stern tone, "Coalan, why is it that I'm not surprised to find you here, stirring up trouble and," He takes a quick glance down to you, "Harassing travelling women-folk?"

Old Warrior:
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The blacksmith, now known as Coalan, speaks up in a defiant tone, "Ain't no trouble here sir. I was just talkin' to this stranger, seeing who she was is all." The old warrior looks at Coalan with squinted eyes, "Yes, I bet that's all that was happening. Well, now that I'm here there's no need for you," or looks to the rest of the crowd, "Or any of you all! to be here. Go on and get back to your lives, there's nothing interesting here to see!" As the crowd disperses, some while muttering under their breath, the old warrior looks down to Nicolette; his face still stern but the annoyed look plain to all seems to have left with the crowd. When he speaks it is with a normal tone, a bit gruff but that is probably due to the man himself and not his disposition to Nicolette, "Now then, I apologize for the rough treatment. Vintiver... has seen better days. I am Tarl Dale, Vintiver's warden and chief authority. Now, who are you and what brings you to our little town?" The man beckons Nicolette to follow him as he walks, the destination seems to be the local tavern.

Ohhh snap! Someone tell the GM to get out of the spotlight! Drama island up in here!

But yeah... Actions!
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#7 Post by FantasyChic »

Nicolette watched as the man gathered a crowd around him. She also noticed the villagers readiness to jump on board to the man's side against her. Before she could speak, another voice sounded. It sounded authoratative and important.

The man stepped forward. Nicolette could immediately tell he was a prominant figure, one who expected respect and appreciated it. He told off the blacksmith and dispersed the crowd. Nicolette followed the man after he offered.

"I did not mean to cause a scene, Sir Dale. I just don't feel my business here is anyone's but mine. I am sorry if I sound unappreciative, thank you for your help." Her voice sounded as kind as she could muster. His help was appreciated, but she also didn't like owing anybody anything. She noticed the man was leading her to the tavern. Exactly where she needed to be. "You are actually leading me exactly where I need to be. It seems I have an old friend waiting at the tavern. I have a message to give him. After that, I will be on my way and your village can resume it's daily life.

She had hoped he wouldn't question just what exactly she had planned. Truth be told, she didn't know either. She just knew she wanted to meet the target and see who he. or could it be she, was.
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#8 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - A Chance Encounter? Or Perhaps The Start Of A Job?

Tarl Dale continues to walk towards the tavern with Nicolette, nodding along to her answers, "Of Course, I don't mean to intrude on someone's privacy." his brow furrows a bit as he continues, "Coalan, as much of a bastard as he is, does have some reason for acting that way. We've had problems here, strange things that have left the people very distrustful of strangers and down right hostile towards Elves, especially the Dalish..." He looks down to Nicolette as she walks beside him, giving her another look, "I see that you traveled here alone, armed and healthy no less. I take it you can hold your own in combat? Once you are finished with your business at the tavern I would ask that you seek me out, I have a request that I believe you may be able to help with." He holds up one hand, pointing up to provide an additional incentive, "I can promise payment, we aren't the richest town in Ferelden but I believe we can find a reasonable sum for you, depending on your answer of course."

After seeing her to the tavern Tarl Dale gives Nicolette a last nod before resuming his duty of patrolling the town, allowing Nicolette to enter the tavern. Upon entering Nicolette see's a standard tavern design. The entrance opens up into a large room, a bar area dominates most of the whole left wall with a door at the far end wall leading off into what is most probably the kitchen. Adjacent to the bar at the far end wall is a hallway that seems to have a door on the left side, half way down the wall, that is most likely how the staff brings out the food and retrieves dishes. Further down is two more doors on either side of each other, possibly restrooms for either sex which is quite surprising for a small town tavern. Dominating all of the space that is not the bar is a littering of tables and chairs, situated into rows for ease of movement for the staff and patrons. A small stage is set up in the far right-hand corner that currently sits idle. Against the right side wall, adjacent to the entrance, lies a set of stairs that go up to either more seating or bed rooms for patrons choosing to sleep here. Currently the building has only a few patrons, spread out along the main area either eating their dinner or nursing a mug, some doing both. The general mood of the whole place seems quite dower.

Sitting in a corner table is a man with a heavy coat on and sits with a single mug that he is not touching, from what Nicolette can tell from her first look of the place the man stands out the most. When her eyes fall on him and he looks back to her there is no hint of recognition, perhaps he is not the man she is looking for? Or perhaps he simply does not know who she is.

A bartender sits behind the bar, cleaning a mug with a large rag. When Nicolette walks in he gives her a look-over before calling out, "Nother stranger? Well, sit down at the bar and let me know what you'd like, or get yourself a seat at the table and one of the girls will be around to take an order..."

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What will happen next?! I have no idea!! I'm making this all up as I go!

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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#9 Post by FantasyChic »

Nicolette nods at Tarl's words. His recounting of the city's troubles is nothing she hasn't heard before. The Dalish Elves, dependant on position and community, could be savage and dangerous or friendly and comforting. All of them, however, were territorial. The town may be in some trouble if the Dales have their way.

"If my business is done in satisfaction, I will consider your offer." She walked into the tavern and noted the clientele. She never knew taverns to be so desolate and depressing. The stage, she noticed, looked welcoming, but if she had to bed, she'd say it hadn't seen entertainment for a long while.

The other clients paid her no mind, which she preferred given her recent encounter with the locals. One man in particular struck her. He appeared different than the villagers, and that's what drew her attention. The man glanced at her, but didn't recognizer her. "Good," she thought to herself, "If he is my man, anonymity is my greatest asset."

The bartender called over to her, she just nodded and made her way over to the man. Sitting down at the man's table, she would wait for him to speak, hoping that he will state what she wants to hear: the code phrase to get down to business.
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#10 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - A Drunk's Quest For Love!

As Nicolette sits down at the table, giving the man a neutral and steady look, the man's eyes widen as he takes in the woman's face and features. His gaze pulls away for a time before coming back to rest on her, his cheeks beginning to redden as whatever is going through his mind throws off the brakes and speeds off into the fantastical horizon. When he starts to speak he sputters a bit, clearly nervous, when he regains proper function of his mouth he says, "W-Well... how, uh, how forward of you! Is, uh, is this how the small town girls do it?" He quickly brings up a hand, waving it through the air in a vain attempt to dissipate any misconceptions, "I-I, Uh, mean I wouldn't want to assume!" His voice lowers and falls into a state of mutterings, "Normally a man would have to pay for such things... as it were."

As the man continues to give Nicolette bashful looks and mutter about "womanly advances" and "proper payment" which all seem to give a very wide and detailed introspection of the man's previous love life, Nicolette spots another man entering the tavern. The man walks with a soldiers posture, wielding a finely made sword and wearing a worn but sturdy looking set of heavy leather armor. The man scans the room, his eyes falling on Nicolette and the love drunk fool. When the warrior spots the man sitting at the table his eyes narrow into a glare and he begins to walk towards the table, the man sitting with Nicolette see's the man and all at once loses all pretense of both inebriation and foolishness. He quickly stands up, sending his chair clattering behind him, making a mad dash to the hallway door that leads to the kitchen, most likely looking for a back entrance. The warrior yells after the man and begins running through the tavern to catch him, a brief look to see what Nicolette was doing through this is all he spares for her.

Unknown Warrior:
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As the man draws his blade and runs after the supposed drunk the other patrons of the tavern yell in fear and try to get out of the way, sending chairs and tables over as the whole area devolves into a panic.

What a twist! Actions!!

Man this place is so jam packed with action I wonder if Mel Gibson will make an appearance!
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#11 Post by FantasyChic »

It was slowly becoming apparent that the man was not her contact, or if he was he is quite the actor. Feeling a growing sense of dread, she began to stand up, until another man walked into the tavern. The man looked over at the poor drunk bastard sitting across from her and that sent the man into a whirlwind, quickly leaping from his seat and running.

The warrior gave chase, glancing at her as he sped up. The other patrons of the tavern quickly shot up too and made mad dashes out of the tavern.

Feeling more unease as the situation got out of hand without her being involved (she didn't like that one bit), Nicolette follows the men into the kitchen, keeping a hand on her blades in case the situation were to get more intense than it already was.
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#12 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - Wait, What? Things Are Not As They Appear!

Nicolette comes bursting through the tavern after the commotion, her hands gripped along the handles of her sheathed twin daggers. Running through the hallway as she dodges the panicked patrons, barely making it to the door unscathed, she see's the door to the kitchen bashed open and the entire area trashed. Pots, pans, ladles, and a multitude of other cooking wares are laying along the floor and other surfaces. The place seems void of any cooks, most likely the bartender doubles as the cook for the small town tavern.

Following the trail of mayhem at a cautious of fast pace Nicolette finds the larger back door, presumably used to carry the different stocks of meats, vegetables, fruits, and other necessary ingredients the kitchen will need for their meals. The door itself is closed and looks to be a swinging door, with two holding pieces along the frame and a thick wooden bar laying against the wall nearby the best bet for how the establishment keeps out thieves and loiterers. Nicolette opens the door leading out, in hopes to catch up to the fleeing fake drunkard and his armed chaser, she quickly surveys the scene outside and finds the unknown warrior with his sword unsheathed as he searches the surrounding area.

Roll me a Dexterity plus Perception roll!!

Since you're using the Unseen Dice Roller, thank you for that by the way, go ahead and make a macro using the scheme I set out. It should look something like this:

Dex+Per Roll: [1d6], [1d6], [1d6+?]

The important bits are the bracket rolls so you can do whatever you want for the words, whatever helps you the most. As for the +? for this particular roll you'd add your dexterity and perception together and then use that as a modifier. So in your case it'd be 2+2 for 4.

In the future, all rolls that can be used for stunt points are made in this manner, so attack rolls using your daggers, which use Dex if I remember correctly, would be [1d6], [1d6], [1d6+2] as a base, the middle bracket roll would serve at the "dragon die" if the two outside rolls were the same in base number.

If you have any questions at all regarding to the macros or mechanics of the game don't hesitate to ask me! It's most likely I didn't explain it right anyway :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chapter 1C - A Nobles Revenge, An Assassins Quest

#13 Post by FantasyChic »

[1d6] = 3, [1d6] = 3, [1d6+4] = 4+4 = 8

Nicollette scans the scene in front of her.
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!

-Dr. Seuss
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