[Completed] - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

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[Completed] - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#1 Post by Keehnelf »

Rhodri and Kennit head east out of Vaul in search of treasure.

Placeholder for now.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#2 Post by Spartakos »

Rhodri is whistling a slow, mournful tune as he and Kennit head eastward over the moors; the elf's bow is in his left hand, and he idly twirls an arrow in the fingers of his right as he walks. Occasionally he glances northward toward the Finger.

We'll head east for about a day, then bear to the northeast; Rhodri will be attentive for any sign of fire, or of large groups.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#3 Post by KingOfCowards »

After he is satisfied that he has enough trail rations, Kennit is ready to leave. He meets Rhodri near the gates of town and follows along, periodically requiring him to quicken his pace in order to keep up.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#4 Post by Keehnelf »

May 5, 1 VC - 2:20am

Rhodri and Kennit head east from Vaul, two lonely travelers in the wilds now largely free of the dangers of the roaming packs of wolves that once made the moors their home. Now, of course, reports were in about bands of hobgoblins and gnolls, and a force of goblinoids on the march toward Vaul. All of this weighs heavily on the pair's minds as they pick their way carefully along the muddy track east that so many bands had followed over the past months.

As the sun lowers in the west that evening, the pair spot signs of illumination off to the north. Amid the hanging cloud of smoke and ash that hovers around the ruined Finger of Doom, flickers of some kind of glow in the forest peaks can be seen. The beginnings of what would become a relentless inferno overtaking much of the eastern half of the forest in the coming days.

They spot, as well, signs of trouble ahead. When topping a rise just before dusk, they see far out on the horizon signs of bonfires or campfires burning, a multitude of small lights on the horizon--perhaps two dozen. Before they settle down for the night, they begin to steer their course toward the north, hoping to thread the opening between the forest and the oncoming horde.

The pair keep an uneasy watch over one another as they take turns resting that night. Kennit is on watch, nestled under a lee of rock and out of the elements, the boredom of the quiet night finally overtaking him. He dozes for just a moment, but it is just long enough: his eye pop open as he hears the quiet sound of a hobnailed boot scuffing against stone somewhere nearby. His gaze darts about the area, and a group of shadows materialize out of the darkness around the dying glow of the campfire: three hobgoblins and three gnolls, in a loose semicircle arrayed about the sleeping form of Rhodri. Their weapons are slung but the hobgoblins have hands to the hilts of their sturdy swords. One of the them turns to the others and smiles. In the chaotic tongue, he breathes: "Look what we've got here--a handsome prize, or a tasty morsel? Too soon to tell."

The hobgoblin begins making signs to the others to apprehend Rhodri. Because of Kennit's position, it seems that they haven't noticed him yet, nor have they yet noticed that there is a second bedroll, lying empty, near the campfire as well.

On watch 1 = Kennit, 2 = Rhodri [1d2] = 1

Kennit hidden 90% [1d100] = 10

Surprise roll: Monsters: [1d6] = 6, Party: [1d6] = 1

Please deduct one day's rations apiece.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#5 Post by KingOfCowards »

Kennit walks out from behind the rock, nonchalantly dusting his hands and trying his best not to look nervous.
"Oi boyos. Hands off the elf if you don't mind. I hired him as a guide, and I'd hate to return empty handed. What are a fine troop of soldiers like yerselves doing this far east?"
1 day rations deducted
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#6 Post by Keehnelf »

NPC Reaction Check [2d6] = 8 Modified by one up for Kennit's low CHA.

The hobgoblins sneer. "Oh, you hired him, eh?" responds the one who had spoken before. He bows quickly, "Well, yer lordship, we won't detain you long." The other two hobgoblins chuckle while one of the gnolls can't help but emit a quick bark of sharp laughter.

Rhodri wakes 1-3 [1d6] = 5

Rhodri stirs slightly in his sleep and the goblinoids fall quiet once again. In a low voice, the hobgoblin continues: "I should better ask the same question of you. You have the look of a raider out of the man-city up to no good. Give me one reason I should let my companions gut you and leave you to die alone here while we carry off your elf friend here to make the captain some stew?"
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#7 Post by KingOfCowards »

"Splendid, I'd hate to be detained. It's true I'm from the man-city, and if you want to call me a raider...well, I've been called worse. The elf's been further west than myself, and it so happens we were after some easy gold. You could let us live, I've got a fair amount of coin if that interests you and I'm not so attached to it that I'm willing to lose my life over it. But if you can't be bought, I'll warn you that I'm a tougher meal than you've had in a long while."
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#8 Post by Keehnelf »

The hobgoblin just smiles. "I think you've been stumbled upon by the wrong group for talk like that. I have my orders--to kill or imprison anyone from the man-city we find while ranging, and bring survivors back to the commander. On the other hand, my companions--" he indicates the gnolls. "Would definitely prefer to kill you and eat you before we return. Will you lay down your weapons and come willingly, or will they get their wish?"
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#9 Post by KingOfCowards »

Kennit shrugs, "I'm greatly sorry to hear that, but a Buckthorn doesn't go down without a fight."

Kennit draws his sword and lunges at whichever hobgoblin is doing the speaking.
Initiative: [1d6] = 2
Attack with Shortsword: [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4, Damage: [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7

I'd say we try to improve on that initiative, but with an attack roll like that, its not likely to make a difference.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#10 Post by Keehnelf »

Ballsy moves from Kennit!

Enemy Initiative [1d6] = 4

The hobgoblins seem unsurprised by the halfling's violent turn, and they have their blades swiftly out as Kennit closes with them. At a barked order from the presumed leader, they turn the flats of their blades against him in the hope of subduing the little man. Kennit ducks under two of the deft attacks and gets in range of a thrust with his sword, just before the third blade comes around on a backswing and strikes him heavily across the shoulder. He hears a slight grinding of the shoulder joint as it is driven forcefully together by the blow, and his wits are shaken for a moment--just long enough for the lead hobgoblin to duck back out of the range of his attack. (Kennit takes 5 points of non-lethal damage)

Hobgoblin beatings [1d20-2] = 7-2 = 5, [1d20-2] = 14-2 = 12, [1d20-2] = 20-2 = 18
Subdual damage [1d6] = 5

The gnolls snicker and yip eagerly but keep their distance. They lick their chops, and Kennit is sure there is a fair chance that someone might end up in trouble if blood is spilled. The dog-men appear frantic with hunger and excitement. Rhodri, meanwhile, snoozes on.

Rhodri wakes up 1-3 [1d6] = 6

The hobgoblin raises a hand toward Kennit, his gaze flitting to the gnolls periodically as he speaks. "Now, let's calm down and avoid any unnecessary mess, here. Toss down that sword while you can."

Action and initiative!
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#11 Post by KingOfCowards »

Kennit grunts as his shoulder explodes in pain, and then begins going numb. He'll start backing up (10' per round) while slashing at his assailants whenever they get within range.
Initiative: [1d6] = 2
Attack with Shortsword: [1d20+1] = 11+1 = 12, Damage: [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#12 Post by Spartakos »

Rhodri, who is apparently having the best night's sleep of his life, dreams of Kennit strangling Numen to death for running off with that magic sword.

Initiative: [1d6] = 5

EDIT Also deducted 1 day rations
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#13 Post by Keehnelf »

The lead hobgoblin throws up his hands as Kennit retreats with sword in hand, menacing. Once Kennit has retreated to the far side of the campsite, well out of range of the enemy's melee weapons, he sees the creature grin and motion to the gnolls, who rush forward to grapple the sleeping elf.

Rhodri wakes up from a somewhat pleasant killing dream into an entirely different waking reality...two gnolls are currently grappling him while one stands nearby, ready to grab him should he break free and start to flee.

Actions and Initiative!
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#14 Post by KingOfCowards »

Are there any suitable hiding places around apart from the rock that Kennit was originally behind?
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#15 Post by Keehnelf »

Once he gets past the edge of the firelight (he's almost there), there are plenty of options big enough to provide cover for a halfling.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#16 Post by Spartakos »

What are my options while grappled? Any chance Rhodri can break free, cast a spell, or reach a weapon?
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#17 Post by Keehnelf »

You'd need to break free of the grapple in order to do any of those, which would be an opposed unarmed attack roll. If you succeed and the enemy doesn't, you break free. If you both succeed, nothing changes but the enemy is occupied trying to keep you held. If only the opponent succeeds, then they can elect to hurt you if they want to dedicate their round to intensifying the hold, or they can keep you grappled while doing other minor things like dragging you off, begin tying you up, etc.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#18 Post by Spartakos »

Yeah, that doesn't give me a lot of hope; 2 of them on me now, and another ready to grab me even if I do break loose. Maybe I can try sweet reason.

Seeing himself beset by many foes--and not seeing Kennit in the hurly-burly--Rhodri stops struggling after a few seconds and gives a great sigh of resignation. "The curse shows itself again," he mutters in elvish, then continues speaking in a monotone, in hobgoblin.

"All right, you've got me. Though I'm not sure what good I'll be to you. I'm stringy and tough, and it would take an unreasonable amount of seasoning to make me palatable. My skin would make awful leather, and my scalp is fairly unimpressive. Not much use as a slave, either...I don't have many talents, I'm scrawny and not a good worker, and I'm prone to infectious diseases. About the only thing I'd be useful for is conversation...I do know quite a few things. About the town of Vaul, and the local lands...that mess at the great mountain, for instance, or dwarven treasures..." He trails off and shrugs, then gives the hobgoblin a blank look.

Save yourself, Kennit! And then maybe save me, if you can.
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#19 Post by Keehnelf »

The hobgoblin grins. "Well, an elf who likes to talk! You've made my day, especially as your friend didn't prove so forthcoming. Come along, and we'll have a chat with the commander about these things..." He steps forward with a length of cord to tie Rhodri up before tossing a glance at the gnolls. "Once we're away with the prisoner, find the halfling and dispose of it however you like."
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Re: Expedition - Rhodri/East - 4 May, 1 VC

#20 Post by KingOfCowards »

Yeah, Kennit will try to escape to the trees. If he can flee without opening himself to attacks of opportunity, he will. Otherwise he will keep backing up until he reaches suitable distance. As soon as he creates some breathing room, he will try to hide.

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