Stuff That You Know

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Stuff That You Know

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Wearhouse
Brother Tomas:

"How large is this town? Are there political factions within?"

The town itself is small with maybe two hundred permanent residents, but there are also hundreds of farmers dotting this whole area that come to sell their wares and frequent most of the establishments.

We have no political structure.

"Why the sense of secrecy around our mission if the town is experiencing this known 'terror'?"

It is my belief that these disappearances are not the work of one man or one creature. There has to be several factions involved in this. Therefore, if someone sees a new group in town, asking questions and such, the people involved could get word of it.

"How many disappeared and in what timeframe?"

There is no way to know really, but I suspect the number is large. There are a lot of travelers that pass through Brotherton you see. They are around for a few days and then move on up the road. It would be impossible to tell an exact number but there are at least ten people that I know personally who are presently unaccounted for. The Lady Moyor will have a list of victims names for you.

"In what manner did they disappear?"
"Were there ever any witnesses? Or people who returned? Or showed up dead?"
"Are there commonalities between the missing persons? Families, religion, trade, class, politics, philosophies?"

No commonalities that we could ever come up with. They don't show up dead, or ever come back, they are simply gone. One day they are leading a normal life and the next day......they're just gone.

Nobody has actually ever seen or heard anyone being abducted and we have virtually no evidence to go on, other than the missing people.

"Were those who were acting strangely the ones who disappeared?"

I have a theory about the "lookers", but I would rather not discuss that right now if you catch my meaning. The old mans eyes get bigger and he motions them back and forth towards Ernie. Perhaps in our next meeting then?

"What is the history of this Mortimer the wizard? How was he evil?"
"Are there witnesses to this alleged ghost of Mortimer that we can talk with?"

I would prefer you stopped bringing up his name if you don't mind. Half the folk in this town think that old wizard has something to do with this. It's ridiculous!!! There is no ghost! I don't even know if it's true that he was evil, and I don't care! He has been dead for years and never had anything to do with Brotherton in the first place. When folk get scared, they need someone to blame. Someone made up this ghost nonsense and now it's all I hear about.

Tomas takes another uncomfortably long and close look at Epi.

Please don't be offended my dear but, I could swear that I somehow remember you, but I'm not sure how that could be. He continues to answer the groups questions.

Do they disappear singularly or in groups, say an entire family?
How long has this been going on?

It's never more than one person at a time and, unfortunately, this may have been going on for decades. As I said, this wayside town is a hotbed of solo travelers that come and go constantly. I'm embarrassed to say that there is no way of telling when this actually started.

Do the vanishings occur at a certain time, say the new moon or after a rainfall?
Do they happen at a certain place or in a specific area?

After a rainfall? I would like to hear why that would be significant. But, to answer you, no. There is no correlation in time or place that we have noticed.

Is there any evidence of robbery? If someone vanishes are their possessions left behind, valuables remain in their homes?"

No evidence of other crimes has ever been noticed.

Tomas looks at the party, waiting for any other inquiries.

If there is nothing more I can answer right now, I suggest we make haste to meet our Mayor.
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Re: Stuff That You Know

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"Please tell of your past efforts and how you've gotten close before dead-ending."

"As to sabotage, has there been any common element in your investigations so far. A certain person ?

"Who would benefit from these disappearances? Have you any theories on motivation?"

You must understand, this ordeal has been going on over a very long period of time. There have been many theories from a great many of the peoples involved over the years. I myself have suspicions about certain unscrupulous individuals, but we still have NO evidence. There are no common elements at all to my knowledge and everything seems completely random.

We all have our own ideas about what is happening, but so far no one has been able to prove their own theories. That is why you are here. It is my belief that we need a completely new batch of eyes and brains to go at this in hopes of figuring this out

As Mayor I feel I must keep my opinions to myself. At least for the time being anyway. I must ask that you all approach this with open minds and come to your own conclusions.

"Our questions regarding victims and 'lookers' was referred to you. Do you have lists of the former,

I will recite to you a list from memory that has haunted my dreams for many, many years.

and explanation of the latter?"

I have no idea what you are talking about.

"What is your opinion of this Mortimer?"

Mad Mortimer, as he was called by most of the folks around here, was a true enigma. He was the type of person that was only heard about but never really seen by anyone if you catch my meaning. He walked here and there they say.

He has been dead for many years now and the only thing I've heard about him lately is that the ruins of his old tower just north of town here are haunted. More drunken tavern talk if you ask me.

The Mayor pauses for a while and clears her raspy throat. She takes a drink of water and continues.

These are the reported missing persons but, there have been rumors of many others.

The first reported case on record was almost 30 years ago now. A teenaged farmers daughter named Cindy Lou Harrison. Her family still lives out on their farm here in Brotherton. That one was pretty sad.

A year or so after that it was Cassidy Love. A local barmaid from The Weary Traveler. I don't think she has any relation in this area anymore.

Then there was the butchers wife, Patty I think her name was. Boy, she was a loose one. There were more than a few around here that we're sorry to see her go missing. Her husband didn't take her disappearance too well and he too vanished shortly after that. He may have just skipped town though.

We didn't hear of any others for a few years after that so we had hoped that the issue had somehow been resolved. Then things got even worse.

There was another farm girl, Tressa Bird, who was also reported as missing but, she was a dreamer type that may have simply run off with her favorite farm hand or some such thing.

Then it really hit home for me.
The Lady seems to be speaking slowly now while fighting back some tears, and losing. Then my dear friend Gladys Kresty went missing. She was an absolute angel that would do anything for the sake of this town. Sadly, I don't think her husband has ever given up the idea that he will still find her someday.

They set up a community search party for her, and 2 of the men that were helping look for her also went missing a few days later. It was such a tragedy.

Then it stopped completely for quite a while, but recently, it started back up again.

A few people that were just traveling through town went missing and eventually their loved ones showed up here, asking a lot of questions. As we had no evidence, sadly, we couldn't help them either.

Now, our latest victim was the towns only sheriff, Positive Steve. He was a good man too. Very dedicated to finding the missing people. His family moved off shortly after his disappearance. I guess they just couldn't take living around here anymore with the constant reminders of him everywhere.

The mayor drops her head as if she is completely exhausted but continues talking directly into the top of her desk.

If you will excuse me, I must ask that you all take your leave of me now. I implore you to each go out in small groups and learn what you can. Please bring your findings to our priest. If you have further questions for me, please direct them to him.
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Re: Stuff That You Know

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

If anyone wants to keep track of other things you've learned, go ahead and post them here.

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Captain Teneel

#4 Post by Cauchy »

The following was what Epi heard from discussions with Captain Teneel

He came from Crockport following the disappearance of Positive Steve. So a couple of months ago.
He was appointed to his position by the mayor who is his third cousin twice removed.
He does not believe the rumors of the vanishings.
He reports that Positive Steve did not leave any notes of his investigation.
He believes there is some shady business going on at Pitchfork's Tavern.
He is a burly man who I would not trust with my daughter (if I had one). ;)
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Re: Stuff That You Know

#5 Post by Cauchy »

The Missing from Brother Tomas

The first reported case on record was almost 30 years ago now. A teenaged farmers daughter named Cindy Lou Harrison. Her family still lives out on their farm here in Brotherton. They are nice people. DONT harass them!

A year after that it was Cassidy Love. A local barmaid from The Weary Traveler. I don't think she has any relation in this area anymore.

Then two years later there was the butchers wife, Patty. Her husband didn't take her disappearance too well and he too vanished shortly after that.

We didn't hear of any others for a few years so we had hoped that the issue had somehow been resolved.

There was another farm girl, Tressa Bird, who was also reported as missing about 5 years after Patty.

Then after another year, Gladys Kresty went missing. I don't think her husband has ever given up the idea that he will still find her someday. He is the owner of an upscale tavern here in town.

They set up a community search party for her, and 2 of the men that were helping look for her also went missing a few days later.

Then it stopped completely for quite a while. Until about 3 years ago.

That's when the people that were just traveling through town went missing and eventually their loved ones showed up here, asking a lot of questions. As we had no evidence, sadly, we couldn't help them either.

And finally, our latest victim was the towns sheriff, Positive Steve. He's been gone for about 3 months now I'd say. His family already left town.
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Re: Stuff That You Know

#6 Post by Grognardsw »

From the journal of Orando the Magnificent...

"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the horse."
Orando the Brilliant wrote:Curiosities To Investigate

- How do the Pounding Fathers run such a successful business in such a small village. There isn't enough volume of blacksmithing work. Something stinks like half-orc ass (not Ugghra's, which is doubtless perfumed.)

- The mayor girl's young lover, mystery healer, and where are they today?

- Dragon attack of the mayor as girl, undead dragon rumor today.

- Who is the mysterious woman that Ray was enamored with?

My mind hatches a bold ploy.... will the others agree to it?
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Re: Stuff That You Know

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"Too strong? Well it has some unusual ingredients. This what the brewer sent ya? You didn't mix it with something else?"

For a split second, Pitchfork gets a very uncomfortable look on his face. He quickly shakes it off and responds. Oh, no. You must have got a dirty mug! We don't mix anything in the drinks here. Let me get you another tankard full, on the house of course. He takes the mug from you and dumps the contents out. He thoroughly washes it right in front of you. He then fills it from one of the large kegs that line the back bar.
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