Purvan > Epilogue

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Rider of Rohan
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Purvan > Epilogue

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Purvan Vanician has not stopped smiling for weeks. Not since Leesa told him they were going to have a child together. He smiled all the way through Neverwinter Woods to the sleepy logging village of Thundertree and then through the whole ride down the river to the City of Skilled Hands.
Through rain and sleet, while buffeted by cold gusty winds, and while dicing with river men on the barge to Neverwinter. Even when he lost several gold pieces, Purvan never really stopped smiling.

On a particular cold blustery spring day, Leesa asked him, "Why are you always smiling, love?"
Purvan doesn't even hesitate in his answer. "I got sunshine...on a cloudy day. And when it's cold outside...I feel like it's really the month of..."
"Mirtul?" Leesa offers.
"Naw, it doesn't rhyme with 'day.' But there isn't a month that does!" He replies with a frown.

"Ha! There's a frown!" Leesa announces triumphantly. "Finally!"
And that makes Purvan smile again.

Neverwinter engulfed the pair of young lovers into its bosom like grandmother does her grandchildren and soon, Purvan was walking into the House of Knowledge, the temple of Oghma. His mentor, Elder Reader Salyndra Shaern, is there to greet him warmly.
"My dear, Purvan! You have survived the wilds of the Wood! And returned with a friend, I see. Come to my solar. Tea is ready and the fire will knock the chill off on this chilly day. Auril's bite is still holding sway on these parts it seems."

In the solar, everything is familiar as if Purvan had never even been gone. The same smells, the same decorations, the same chairs gathered around the fireplace. Elder Reader Shaern takes her usual chair and beckons her guests to do likewise.
"Now, tell me everything! And especially about this lovely new friend of yours."
Winter is coming...
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