(CLOSED) Eddistone Point

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Re: Eddistone Point

#1141 Post by badams30 »

Gort - Savage

Gort tugs at his beard, considering Gorthak's words. "Hmmmm... Gort no like bandits. Gort no like ghosts. Gort trust Gorthak all the time, so Gort go where Gorthak go." Gort shrugs and says at almost a whisper "Gort never see ghost. Maybe Gort like to see what Ghost does in old house." Glancing quickly at Gorthak he says "Gort go where big friend go. House or bandit guys."

Edit to original post:
If Gort will be staying here, he's going to look for a slightly secluded spot under some trees to camp out. He'll also search for some wood to make a lean to, and some to burn. As long as no one is too close to him, he's fine staying outside somewhere.

OOC: It's either for Gort, with a slight lean toward haunted house. Although when we get to the bottom of it, I'd pay good coin for the culprit to say "And I'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you pesky kids!"
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1142 Post by Antman9 »

Gunther Wilmhest (Netheril's Servant)

Gunther, pleased to assist Seeker in any way he can offer to send a servant to train his new pet for a one time small fee of 5 gp. Upon Seeker's return from his next task, the servant will acclimate the Baby Molerat to Seeker and vice verse.
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1143 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: Backroom Deals and Public Intoxicat.... conversation

Seeker gives Gunther a nod as he sets 5 gold coins in the mans waiting palm. He then turns and heads back towards the group, joining the discussion. "The three choices before us are baby lizards in the sewers, a haunted house, and bandits protecting this cities docks? I should believe the choice obvious, while the lizard may prove interesting for a time and the haunted house may have something worth investigating, the true threat lies with these bandits. Dispatching them and opening the docks for ships to be made, voyages to be planned, and trade to commence seems to be the best course of action in helping this so called master wizard in reclaiming this cities lost pride... I must admit, I have been to many cities and this is a truly poor excuse for one... I remember the last city I was at, Haven I believe it was called; It was much grander then this small shanty town... My own peoples cities outshone even that though, even our small towns held gleaming polished marble and stone towers that reached towards the heavens." He breaks off into a tangent, ultimately quieting as he descends into some kind of nostalgia.
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1144 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Caiden looks at Seeker astonishingly, "I didn't really think you were the type to care about such a town or what the customer's wants other than the presented task.....I suppose you learn something new everyday", he thought hard before asking, "And ummm....not sure if I am intruding too much but....when you say 'my people'...what do you exactly mean?"
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1145 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: Secrets and exposition?

Seeker looks at Caiden, his eyes carefully searching over the young rogues face, "Am I so shallow that the mere hint that I may want others happiness is taken with gasps? Am I to be the villain in your mind? Never caring for others except for myself? Have I told you or anyone here to risk their own lives in pursuit of my own goals? Please, educate me in this "daily learning" exercise that you seem so focused in advertising, yes?" He waits only long enough for the words to fully hit Caiden before exclaiming, "Now then! Let us forget such foolish questions of characters and origins and begin our task in earnest. Do you all need more time to think over such a simple question? All me to ease the burdens from your obviously overwhelmed minds, these Bandits are a threat to the people of this city, a city that has bought our services in order to help clean up so that he may depose of the tyrant currently living here. If that is not enough then I will say this as well, these bandits are either fueled by said tyrant or strong enough to keep their place from the cities guards... I truly hope I do not have to explain the possible challenge and rewards from such a task...."

Misdirection at it finest :D
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1146 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Caiden's face showed confusion for a few seconds, what is Seeker talking about, then he realizes that he simply didn't want to answer and holds his laughs, claps and further questioning out of fear from his rage, "But our employer didn't emphasize on a particular task did he? He simply laid it all out for us to choose from, unless you think he is testing us?", he grins, "Or do you have a special grudge against bandits? Did you have a bad encounter with them in your...hometown of....sorry, I forgot, what was it?", he really couldn't help himself, he knew it would make him mad but his mouth moved on its own.
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1147 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: Bugs are gross

Seeker answers Caiden with a questioning look, "No, I have no ill will towards all bandits, Some I've met have been quite charming, indeed. As for the question of whether our employer is testing us, I doubt it would be so obvious. But whether or not they feel the need to test a bunch they have already hired, foolish as that may be, is inconsequential. We have been given the choice of three options, my belief is they were given to us as a range of difficulty, from menace to threat. The sewer adventure sounds to be the easiest, unless these creatures are not so small as we've been told, the next being the haunted house due to very little being spoken about it but still having some sort of affect on the populace at large, and lastly, and in my opinion the most threatening, is an actual bandit presence within city walls." Seeker waves his hand dismissively, "The actual choice does not matter so much to me, I simply picked the largest threat from our listed options. If everyone want's to do the haunted house or even sewer jobs then I have no qualms over it."

It almost seems as if Seeker is done, yet again ignoring some parts of the Rogues questions, but as he turns to do something else he says almost in a off-handed kind of way, "As for my "hometown", You wouldn't know the name and there aren't any maps left that hold it's location. But I suppose it cannot hurt to let you all know... I was born in the grand city of Takar, formed in a valley along the... I believe you would call it the Khalkist Mountains? It does not matter, for the city was overrun and then destroyed. It was a tragedy really, It would put all that you know to shame in an instant. But as I said, the city was overrun during the rebellion and then later destroyed by the petulant rants of some god-lings, I doubt not even a single piece of rubble survived. It matters not though, I was always a wanderer, I have little in the way of sentimental feelings, I leave those up to fools like Igraine..." Seeker almost seems to descend into a form of melancholy before waving the air about him as if to dissipate a noxious cloud.

He walks away from the group, heading for his Bungalow, "As I have said, the final destination matters not to me. You all know my suggestion, as it is the only option worth noting, you may bicker among yourselves."
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1148 Post by Antman9 »

A New Adventure Awaits

Gunther returns to the meeting hall one hour later with a small cart pulled by powdered and perfumed servants. “Netheril has asked that you see to the haunted house prior to any other actions. It has become a serious problem and must be dealt with now. Ghostly apparitions have been spotted in various homes on the west side of town. You will need to find their source and eradicate it and/or them completely. I might suggest you stop at Bartholomew’s Item Emporium and purchase enhanced weapons before you begin your investigation. If these apparitions are in fact ghosts you will need +1 or better magical weapons to defeat them. He would also prefer that you await the return of Zirus as you will need all the help you can get for this particular task.

Gunther motions to the servants and they remove various items form the cart and lay them out on nearby tables. As they do so Gunther says, “In appreciation of your services Netheril has generously offered to gift you one of these items each. He has chosen them carefully with each of you in mind.” Gunther has the servants lay the items out in sets of two and then points to each set stating who the items were chosen for (see tags below). “You are free to choose any item you wish. He will not think unkindly of you should you choose something other than his suggested items. I must leave now. Good day to you all and God speed on the task ahead.

Gunther leaves the two servants to collect the unchosen items.

Bracers of Truth
When worn these simple steel bracers turn the wearer into their true form; i.e. that of their spirit form. Character assumes the physical size and attributes of their spirit form.

2 hours at 1st level + 1 additional hour every level thereafter.
Axes of Swiftness
These paired, simple looking medium sized masterwork axes grant the user +1 to attacks and damage. In addition they have been magically enhanced to grant the wielder first strike regardless of any single or combined initiative or condition, magical or otherwise.

+1 to attacks and damage
First attack
2 Attacks per round total (each axe swings once)
2d4 damage (each axe)
Cape of Stealth
Made from the supple hide of a Giant Bat and imbued with the essence of an Invisible Stalker this cloak renders the wearer nearly invisible to the naked eye by blending its texture and color with the surrounding environment. The cloak is large enough to completely envelop its wearer but does not block or negate sounds made by the wearer.
Bow of Splitting
This simple shortbow appears unremarkable in every way. However, when an arrow is fired its true power is seen. Each arrow fired splits into two shafts granting the wielder double damage on successful hits. Missed hits can be rerolled to see if the second arrow hits (single arrow damage in this case).
Talisman of Intelligence
This small circular grey stone with a hole in the center and threaded on a Liana cord grants the wearer +9 INT as long as it is worn.
The Orc Slayer
The Orc Slayer is a magically hardened Obsidian axe head mounted to a thick Bois D’arc wood shaft with Liana cord. The extremely sharp nature of obsidian, hardened by magic, and coupled with the resilient tenacity of the Bois D’ark wood makes this a formidable weapon in its own right. It has one additional secret though, when used against Orcs it becomes a cleaving weapon of death. Any successful attack against an Orc of equal or lessor level than that of the wielder instantly cleaves the Orc in two. Any attack on an Orc whose level is over that of the wielder does double damage.

Normal Damage: 2d6
Staff of Souls
This long wood staff, crafted from the hardened limb of a Bois D’arc tree, and has an ugly old man’s face carved at the upper end. The staff comes to life when wielded and grants them power over the dead. The staff has in innate intelligence of 18 and a rather nasty attitude with a mind of its own. In fact it talks a great deal, all the time, never shuts up, curses the wielder, curses pretty much anyone in sight. An attempt could, probably should, be made to silence the thing: A gag to the mouth, casting a silence spell on it, etc. The danger of using this staff is that it will give your position away, especially if the party is trying to be quiet.

The staff acts as life force reservoir. When the command phrase “anima mea” is invoked a crimson ray shoots forth from the staff’s mouth to the intended target and extracts and stores HP at the rate of 1d6 per round (a successful attack roll must be made).

Once enough life force has been extracted the staff can be used to reanimate dead creatures by invoking the phrase “anima mea.” A green ray of light shoots forth and animates the creature desired. Each animated creature requires 1 hp per round per HD (So a 1 HD creature would require 1 hp for 1 round; a 2HD creature would require 2 hp for 1 rounds of animation). The creature will obey any and all commands from the wielder. If the staff is released the animated creature immediately falls prone (back to its dead state).
Mimic Spike
This seemingly unremarkable common looking spike, typically gnarled and twisted, has been impregnated with a powerful ability. It is crafted from the branch of a Bloodwood tree, cut to 6” in length, hardened slowly in a smithy kiln, stripped of its outer bark, ribbed on one end, and sharpened to a fine point on the other, and wrapped in simple hide.

To activate the Stick of Command the wielder must stab himself, inflicting 1 hp of damage, and then impale their intended victim. As long as the stick remains embedded the wielder can control their physical actions, as a puppet. Once impaled the victim is paralyzed until the wielder invokes the command phrase: “si diis placet.” Once the command phrase has been issued the victim will act out every move the wielder makes, effectively mimicking the wielder until the stop command of “cessabis” is given. The victim remains paralyzed and can be turned off or on until the spike is removed or they have been reduced to zero hp through combat or other injury.
Wand of Wonders
This small, simple, wooden wand will grant the user 3 wonders per day. The wielder need only point and command. The wielder can describe or otherwise invoke their intended effects followed by the command word “praesta.” A wonder can be in the form of an object, animal, action, command, or pretty much anything the wielder can think of. Be careful when and how you use this device as it has a mind of its own. You never know what you’ll actually get. (DM determines the outcome)


The Party:


11:00 am
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:38/8:30
Temp: 82.0°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 11.5 mph from the South
Cloud: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 65%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:07 am/8:36 pm
Moonlight: 0%
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1149 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gorthak graciously takes the axe and bracers. "A hammer would do nicely but Axes are a good second. Thank you for these gifts." he tries to say before Gunther departs. Gorthak stores his lucern hammer in his room.
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1150 Post by thesniperknight1 »

[Caiden Cross – Human Rouge 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
Action: Pottery

Caiden smiles at Seeker after hearing Gunther's words and then simply saying nothing.

He hesitates several times on which to pick but he ends up taking the cape on the idea of future possibilities, thinking that it would certainly make his job as a thief a lot easier.
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1151 Post by badams30 »

Gort - Savage

Gort pauses, trying to determine what Gunther is saying. Seeing the others take an item, he quickly grabs the obsidian Orc Slayer axe. Gort smiles at Gunther and says "Gort like shiny axe. Gort chop bad guys to bits wit dis. Thank you Mister."

Gort wields the axe and slowly swings it in arcs in front of him, feeling the weight and balance - all the while with a childlike grin on his bearded face. He mumbles "Orcslayer. Gort HATE orcs. All of em.'"
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1152 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: Fighting Words

Seeker returns to the group when Gunther arrives an hour after, listening to the man and giving Caiden a weird look at his random smiling. He goes over to the list of goods, getting a brief description on the two slotted for him, he thinks over the matter for a moment before picking up the staff, "I believe this shall help tremendously in the coming fights."

"Oh great, another nobody here to do something, probably fail as a result and die.

Seeker looks around in confusion, then casting his gaze to the staff, "Is that you making such disrespectful remarks? Shall I change my mind and make kindling of you instead?"

"Ha! Bigger men than you have tried, go ahead and make my day. Someone that doesn't even show his true colors can't do much to me."

Seeker smacks the staff against the table quickly, "You speak of things that you know nothing about, now hush and be good or I shall replenish my stock of toothpicks tonight!"

The banter goes back and forth as Seeker makes his way back to bungalow.

Seeker is ready to go to the haunted house whenever everyone else is.
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1153 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Unless otherwise informed to return an item...Gorthak keeps both gifts unless his god inspires him to return an item then he will return the bracers.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Eddistone Point

#1154 Post by thesniperknight1 »

[Caiden Cross – Human Rouge 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
Action: Should we call anyone?

Caiden removes his bow and outs it down then takes the other bow, he admires it for a while before putting it on his back to see how it feels, "Now, shall we bust some ghosts?".
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Re: Eddistone Point

#1155 Post by Antman9 »

Okydoky folks, let's move this here party over to The Haunting of Griffon Mannor thread.
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