Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#101 Post by Stonjuz »

"I dont see much combustable here, but this mountain face should provide a wind break. I better get me nets prepared. This fast current probably wont help us much, and I hope I'm wrong, cause it's a long way to the top if ya wanna go back to where we KNOW the fishies is. " For the first time the party sees Stonjuz leave the turtle unattended, outside of arms length and walks to the direction the scouts came from, for at least a glimpse into parts of the valley below. His arms crossed at the breast, he begins to pat his forearms. Then his head bows a bit, and he begins to cast his healing spell. "Ima'ataradobenda, e'benda'atarado onami". By the time the spell ends his hands are firmly gripping his biceps. Letting go, with one last gaze before the turn, Stonjuz begins his pace back to the group.

Can we see any twilight planetary objects?
cure light [1d8] = 1
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#102 Post by Ra the monk »

"Ya know, I heard some people eat raw fish. Some sort of delicacy in some far off land. Supposedly there are dragons there, and men who can cut through steel with a blade... Hey maybe we are in that country, we should give the fish thing a shot. Who's with me?"
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#103 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 2 - Late Afternoon - The Second Valley/The Great Waterfall

At the cliff's edge Stonjuz uses his priestly magicks to heal himself. The only celestial object visible in the cloud-patched skies is one if the moons.

Stonjuz's HP updated.

Fishing and camping require travelling in different directions. Suitable campgrounds, or at least more sheltered ones might be found on the NE ledge, hundreds of yards distant. Casting the nets would mean backtracking up the way that brought the companions here to a spot where the waters are neither so fast moving or flying off the cliff.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#104 Post by Stonjuz »

As the dwarf comes back to his pet, he confides in earshot to all, "Well Ogirdor, I for one am 'ficially convinced that we aint dead. I can feel the connection to The Uncaring, and if you all need any more proof, take a look at that." With Turtlepoo in both hands, he raises the pet up towards the faint moon beginning to appear in the sky, he adds "Never seen Celene this close. More like top of the world. Wait till nightfall, we may be in for a treat when Luna rises.", and with that he goes silent and returns the turtle to his post and ties the restraints.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#105 Post by zebediah »

"Well, this place has proven to be more lively than I imagined it would be. Giant bats, boulder creatures, little devils and all... Look, I will try to find a decent spot for camping further down the ledge, why don't you guys take care of teh fishing while I do that?"
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#106 Post by Stonjuz »

"Oz, Malone, would you two do the honors?" Stonjuz pulls the nets from his bulk, offers them out to the teenagers and silently watches the ranger walk away. The rest of the party can get a full glimpse of the dwarf's subconscious reaching for his holy symbol to Boccob, while his head is turned in the older human's direction.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#107 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 2 - Evening/Nightfall - The Second Valley/The NE Ledge

As Ogirdor scouts the ledge area looking for a suitable place to make camp away from the noise and humidity of the waterfall, Stonjuz, Malone, Oz, Thurinor and Andrin bust themselves with some fishing. It takes some searching to find a good spot to cast the nets, and considerable care to ensure they are not lost to the water current but soon the a good haul is pulled from the rushing waters, enough for a nice dinner repast for everyone, with fish to spare.

While the nets are being cast some in the group busy themselves collecting fuel for the fire were the fish will be cooked. While true firewood remains unavailable the kind stunted bushes that grow in these cold valleys are more common here, where the snows fails to cover the entire grounds. The efforts of the wood-gatherers are rewarded with just about enough combustible to fry the fishes.

Evening has fallen when the six gather together again near the waterfall. The ranger reports he found a curving recess on the mountain walls that sides the ledge shortly after it begins, spacious enough to make camp and moderately sheltered from the wind. The ledge itself is wide enough to allow the entire party to walk shoulder-by-shoulder, and seems to continue remarkably straight towards the NE until the evening's dim light prevents further sight.

After marching to the selected campsite and settling down the group busies itself with some cooked
fish and it is with full bellies that the companions (except the watches) retire for the night.

Random Wilderness Encounter Roll: [1d12] = 4

Nothing untoward happens during the night and dawn's rising sun greets the awakening adventurers. The vision of the huge, greener valley below beckons...

Hit Points of wounded PCs updated.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#108 Post by Sir Clarence »

After a small breakfast and praying to Beory for his spells for the new day, Andrin is eager to move on. He's longing to reach the green valley below where he hopes to finally find answers about this mysterious place.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#109 Post by Stonjuz »

Slightly further back the story.

As the group finally settles into the chosen rest spot, Stonjuz says "Let's have a look at that bite Master Thurinor. Good, good, no signs of disease. Now for the healing process, and maybe something for the pain." The dwarf grasps the holy symbol and extends it in the elf's direction, and takes the injured neck/shoulder joint in hand, closes his eyes and begins to cast....
"Tomardos e callamiendamanana"
Poorly translated "Take two of these and call me in the morning"
Of course Thurinor could object to the treatment.
Two of these, could in this case, be construed as "here's 2 hitpoints" and Stonjuz will cast his remaining spell if the first one doesnt heal to full.

cure light Thurinor [1d8] = 1 cure light Thurinor 2nd [1d8] = 7
"Now get some sleep and if you will excuse me, it's been a long day. "Stonjuz curls up to his blanket as the turtle works on a filet and greens that have been laid out for him.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#110 Post by Buzz »

Malone wakes early, and prepares quickly, anxious to get off of this mountain. Given the time he takes his chance to once more look out over the great falls, listinening to their thunder below. He breaths the fresh air, yearning for morning drinks he remembers from home.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#111 Post by Vargr1105 »

A little chronological shifting on this post.

Day 2 - Nightfall - The Second Valley/The NE Ledge

Musical Theme: Cure Light Wounds

The dwarven priest, holy symbol of Boccob a-ready touches Thurinor's injuries, concentrates and speaks the words.

Somewhere in a another time and space a fraction of the awareness of entity of vast power perceives...and answers.

Extra-planar energy conduits through Stonjuz from beyond, and from his hands to Thurinor's body. A plank scaling effect field forms around the wounds, Laws of Physics thrown aside, Universal Constants turned inconsistent. Within that small area of unreality around Thurinor's wounds miracles are now possible.

An obscene amount of raw energy condenses into matter, re-arranges into complex and organic forms and replaces the elf's damaged tissues. The natural healing reserves of Thurinor's body take no tool at all and regeneration happens at a rate several degrees of greatness faster than normal; who said the limit of lightspeed couldn't be broken? Causality holds no sway of those that can affect and shape reality by the power of their Will: Magic!

When the process is over, not even scarring remains to testify of Thurinor's vanished wounds.

Character HPs updated. Everyone is up to full health.

Day 3 - After Dawn - The NE Ledge

After breakfast the party continues their travels. They walk along the wide ledge for about a mile from their campsite, the path continuing straight onward without variation. This regularity leads some of the companions to muse whether this ledge is but a wonder of nature, or if hands impelled by intelligent thought had a role in shaping the route.

Now they come upon the first feature to break the sameness of the trail. To their right a rugged, winding path runs down the cliff. It appears to present a safe and easy climb and from what is seen seems to descend all the way down to the darkish bog on the third valley.

The ledge itself continues straight to the Northeast as far as the eye can see...
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#112 Post by Stonjuz »

"I dont see why we need to get bogged down in ....the bog. But I will if ya want. But this 'ere ledge must lead somewhere, and the footin's good, so far. 'Sides, we can just come back and trek thru the mire if'n the pass ain't....hehe, passable. Sure, it might lead to an extra day, but the food supplies here wouldn' make it too unbearable."

Stonjuz would rather go to the NE pass, avoiding the swampy bog due to his short stature (but dont let that sway your posts) ;)
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#113 Post by Sir Clarence »

"Bogs aren't places that I prefer if I have the choice", says Andrin. "Knowing your battle prowess, my friends, I don't fear so much the usual predators that might live there, but the parasites and diseases that we might contract. That being said, my vote would be for an alternative route if we have one, even though that path looks inviting...."
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#114 Post by zebediah »

I am also in favour of continuing via the ledge, we can always return to this point later.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#115 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Thurinor thanks Stonjuz heartily in the morning. "Your healing powers are to be complemented, master dwarf. I feel as good as new, and that is something coming from my kind."

Thurinor agrees with those who would prefer to keep along the ledge. "This way hints at something like civilization, even if from long ago and weathered by the years. We may find shelter from the winged monstrosities that brought us here, and perhaps answers."
"I must lie down where all the ladders start / In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." —W. B. Yeats, "The Circus Animals' Desertion"

Geert Harfoot, Level 1 Halfling, Spartakos's Borderlands of Lamora Game
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#116 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 3 - Early Morning - The NE Ledge

By consensus the party chooses to travel along the path their are in rather than descending down to the uninviting bog below. The six move on and thread the ledge for two miles to the NE along the mountain face before their route is impeded. The ledge suddenly ceases to be. Almost two thousand feet below what might be the outline of another walking ledge can be seen, but the near-vertical rock face has no safe routes up or down it.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#117 Post by zebediah »

So this means we walk back and descend into the bog... says Ogirdor looking down at the distance below them, then turning back and starting the way towards the point they found the path to the bog earlier.

Inconvenient, but at least we have another way down.
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#118 Post by Stonjuz »

"Aye, no harm, no foul. Think we got time fer today's catch from our fave spot? We can carry them down on a stringer. Unless you all are tired of fish ...'cause frogs, snakes and rats are prob'ly all we are gonna get to eat down there. " Just as the next of our party is about to reply, Stonjuz interrupts and adds... "and turtles." Again, as the next speaker starts .... "Nah, don't worry Poo. I won't let nuthin' hap'n to ya."
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#119 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Thurinor is surprised at the ledge's abrupt ending. He studies the drop and tries to determine if the ledge used to continue. Does it pick up again at some point further ahead, other than the ledge far below? Looking to Stonjuz: "What do you think, master dwarf? Did this ledge once proceed further than it does now? Your kind is more adept at stonecraft than mine..."

Thurinor will also search the area for a hidden door in the rock face. Assuming he sees nothing of interest, he will follow the others reluctantly back the way they came, keeping an eye out for any hidden portals in the rock and unconvinced that they are not missing something...
"I must lie down where all the ladders start / In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." —W. B. Yeats, "The Circus Animals' Desertion"

Geert Harfoot, Level 1 Halfling, Spartakos's Borderlands of Lamora Game
Brother Constantine, Level 3 Half-Elf Cleric/Magic-User, Spartakos's Play by Board Game
Former Unseen Servant DM, UK5 Eye of the Serpent
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Re: Action Thread #3 - The Second Valley

#120 Post by Stonjuz »

ragnboneshopper wrote:".....dwarf? Did this ledge once proceed further than it does now? Your kind is more adept at stonecra......."
Stonjuz cuts the elf off mid-sentence, "Aye, I too thought it looked like an old road. But any hope of this being carved out by anything other than time was, eyesfraids ...wishful thinkin'"
The dwarf has relinquished to the idea of the bog and has turned a little grumpy. The dwarf nonetheless gives the elf's idea some thought and prones himself on the ending ledge trying to embrace the ground.

detect stonework, engineering 10' : slope 75%, new construct 75%, sliding/shifting walls 66%, stone traps 50%, depth 50%
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