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#1 Post by Bloodaxe »

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#2 Post by Marcel »

Player: Marcel
Character name: Steve Braunstein
Phy. Attributes: Male, Age 28, 5’10.5, 170 lbs. Blond mullet/Trucker Cap, Blue eyes.
Current Stamina: 56
Recovery Rate: 4
Current Willpower: 62(WP recovery = 10pts./1hr. sleep)
PT Defense: 5
Unskilled melee score: 49
Penetration bonus: +5
Wounds: 13
Profession: OTR Truck Driver

Mechanic: 77 - expert
Social Science-Geography: 70 - spec.
Short Handled Weapons: 65 - spec.

Strength: 52
Dexterity: 48
Agility 45
Personality: 50
Stamina: 56
Willpower: 62
Perception: 46
Luck: 33

Items on hand: Jeans/Shirt, Vest, Smart phone, 2 packs of cigarettes, zippo lighter, Flashlight, Tool kit, $60 in cash.

Background: Steve is a humble Truck Driver from upstate New York. His mother lives in the city and remains his only family. His girlfriend Lola, left him and moved to Florida.

The last two weeks he's been driving for a private Corporation called the Dyvers group. They pay twice as much and suspiciously have not asked for his driving credentials.

Steve is currently headed to his drop at a wooded retreat near Oil Creek. His cargo manifest reads Flat Screen TVs. "I wonder what a bunch of hippies want with TVs? - who cares".
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#3 Post by ybn1197 »

Player: Jeff Hoff
Character name: Tucker Riley
Phy. Attributes: Caucasian Male, 6’, 215 lbs. Brown hair shaved close to his scalp like a skinhead, brown eyes. (Think of the character CJ from Dawn of the Dead (2004) if he were played by Henry Rollins)
Current Stamina: 56
Recovery Rate: 4
Current Willpower: 56
Unskilled melee score:
Penetration bonus: +5

Pistol (77%)
Security Devices (73%)
Mechanics (79%)
Outdoor Survival (71%)

Basic Statistics
Strength: 54
Dexterity: 62
Agility 58
Personality: 68
Stamina: 56
Willpower: 56
Perception: 66
Luck: 46

Items on hand: Nightwatchman uniform, ball cap
Items in car: Pistol, flashlight

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Last edited by ybn1197 on Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »


Sergeant-At-Arms for the Vatos Locos MC (a Latino chapter of the Outlaws)

Chingy, or Guillermo Jose Diaz, as he is better known by the "agencies", is one bad mother.... He grew up in south El Paso, just a stones throw away from Juarez Mexico, aka the Meth Highway. Being involved with the drug trade and gangs his entire life has gained him a criminal record as long as your arm.

His current position in the VLMC has him running around to the smaller Eastern chapters to collect dues from the many trades that are plied by the gang. He is currently running meth and collecting cash from the lesser chapters.

Running meth ain't easy and riding several hundred miles a day takes its toll on the body after a while. Seeing a roadside cafe sign a ways back, Chingy decides it's time for a bite to eat and something to wash it down. He figures this place might have a washroom for him to clean up in, then he can eat, slam a couple beers if they got it, then head around back for a couple more hits. He knows that he needs to get back on the highway and on up to the big city without running into any trouble on this trip.....

Character name: Chingy
Phy. Attributes: Male, 40 years old. 6' 5" 275lbs. Long brown hair and biker goatee. Ruggedly muscular and heavily tattooed.
Current Stamina:70
Recovery Rate:5
Current Willpower:46
Unskilled melee score:49
Penetration bonus:+5
Profession: Criminal/Biker

Strength 64
Dexterity 50
Agility 50
Personality 46
Willpower 46
Perception 44
Luck 52
Stamina 70

Stunt Driving- Motorcycle
Mechanic- Motorcycle

Weapon- Blackjack
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#5 Post by Scott308 »

(Taking over abandoned character. Reposting with change to player name and so I can link to it in my sig.)

Player: Scott Peterson
Character name: Derek Lancaster
Phy. Attributes: Male, 5’11, 175 lbs. Brown hair, hazel eyes.
Current Stamina 50
Recovery Rate
Current Willpower: 56
Unskilled melee score: 43
Penetration bonus: 0
Wounds: 13
Profession: Journalist, TV reporter

Skills (all at rank 1: Specialist)
Investigation: 70
Journalism: 65
Pilot (Helicopter): 63
Stealth: 59

Strength: 42
Dexterity: 44
Agility 44
Personality: 60
Stamina: 50
Willpower: 56
Perception: 56
Luck: 34

Items on hand: casual suit, smart phone, digital recorder and microphone, notebook, wristwatch, $90 in cash.

Items acquired: Roll of quarters, penlight.


Derek Lancaster always wanted to be a TV reporter. His dream of being a network anchor, or even on one of the cable news channels, drove him through both high school and college. He’d even learned to fly a helicopter, not only as a hobby but something he could use as a job to ‘get in the door’ if his non-blonde, non-sculpted looks didn’t get him in first. Oh, he was handsome enough, but not the perfection seen on TV in America. Still he tried, even accepting a job as a news reporter with WGON; a small station outside Pittsburgh.

Unfortunately for Derek, he ended up with all the lame assignments. Any weird story, any odd social activity, and he was sent with his cameraman “John” (wasn’t his real name) to cover it for the station. If he were lucky, his ‘report’ would make it into the last five minutes of the broadcast.

Just now, he was sitting in a roadside diner wondering if his career was ever going to go anywhere. Why, he and John had just finished covering the World Tiddlywinks Championship in Bellmont, Pennsylvania! John had taken the car to go to the nearby Hotel 6 (WGON didn’t give much of a expense account) to get them some rooms.

…and that’s when Derek found himself in the biggest story of his career. Careful what you wish for!

Last edited by Scott308 on Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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#6 Post by Norjax »

Revised version of the original DocBennie character. 10/14/2014

Player: Norjax
Character Name: “John J. Pongrass”
Physical Attributes: Caucasian male, 6 foot, 165 pounds, lean and wiry build, blue eyes, and close-cropped brown hair
Current Stamina: 52
Recovery Rate: 4
Current Willpower: 58
PT Defense: ?
Unskilled melee score: 60
Penetration bonus: 0
Wounds: 13
Profession: Camera Man (Photo Journalist)

Strength: 44
Dexterity: 62
Agility: 74
Personality: 34
Stamina: 52
Willpower: 58
Perception: 56
Luck: 30

Journalism(photo): 60...(Pcn+Per)/2 +15 Specialist
Electronics: 65...(Pcn+Dex+Luck)/3 +15 Specialist
Stealth: 83...(Dex+Agl)/2 +15 Specialist
Martial Arts: 75...(Str+Dex+Agl+Wpr)/4 +15 Specialist
Pistol: 77…(Dex) +15 Specialist

Items on Hand:

Flask (full of Glenlivet; gives a nice warm feeling!!!), basic clothes-shirt/pants/socks/underwear/t-shirt/shoes/jacket, wallet with $80 and all the basic ID (no CC at this time), iPhone, belt knife (3&1/2 inch blade (good for opening things but NOT as a weapon), TV camera with extra battery and power cord, small electronics repair kit (tweezers, screwdrivers, small wrench, penlight, etc), portable small light (for photos, etc).


Growing up in a small Pennsylvania town, football was everything. Unfortunately, John didn’t have what it took; too little brawn and occasional bouts of severe asthma. Instead, he turned to his real passion-photography. Oh, his old man LOVED that! “MEN play football, GIRLS take pictures!” was the constant complaint.

He’d read about Teddy Roosevelt controlling his asthma with a boxing routine, so he started taking martial arts classes. The structure of the classes was a challenge and got pretty good at the disciplined movements and power thrusts of the moves. The cardiovascular training expanded his lung capacity which limited the severity of his asthma. It also instilled a level of confidence that motivated him to take on a more ‘manly’ challenge. Seeking to explore the world beyond small town Pennsylvania, John lied about his asthma and joined the Army. He made it through basic and AIT to graduate as a forward observer for the artillery corps. Things went well until a training scenario involving tear gas, which triggered a massive asthma attack and a less than sympathetic response from the NCO in charge. This resulted in an argument, in a kick upside the head (to the NCO), an Article 15 and John’s discharge from the military.

Lacking a clear direction, John combined his passion for photography and his military training to become a war correspondent. Over the past decade or so, he has covered human conflicts across the world; in mosquito-infested jungles, sun-baked dusty deserts and overpopulated slums. Anywhere warfare broke out, he was there to cover it; first as an independent photojournalist, then as a camera man for The Company. Heck, he’d even gotten himself a nice scar on the side of his face, almost lost an eye; a little memento of his time in the trenches with the troops.

It was after that brush with death that the drinking started. He wouldn’t really call it a “problem”, per se; heck, he could more than hold his own, often drinking larger men (and women) under the table! Every now and then he would have a wee bit too much, and that is when all of his current troubles started.

He’d gotten drunk one night and had an argument with his reporter, the pompous “face man” war correspondent. Eventually, he punched the sanctimonious prick right in the mouth, smashing that perfect model nose and knocked out a few teeth as well. The Company didn’t bother pressing charges, they just yanked his travel pass and blackballed him in the industry. Fortunately, a few of his military buddies were able to sneak him on board a troop transport headed back to the states.

Back in the states, he’d quickly found out that The Company had, indeed, destroyed his career. No one in the national news field would touch him; who wanted to work with a hot-headed, violently drunk camera man, anyway? To make ends meet, he had wandered around the country, doing odd jobs here and there until one day, he found that he had come full circle back home to beautiful Pennsylvania. Eventually, he even found a gig as a camera man at the local news station, WGON. Thankfully, The Company’s wrath hadn’t reached the smaller local media outlets and so, he found himself travelling across the state covering inane events like The World Tiddlywinks Championship. Oh well, at least it was a steady paycheck. Besides, the reporter he was assigned to had turned out to be an alright kind of guy. Unlike certain big name reporters, Derek was humble and conscientious. Plus, the guy had a wicked sense of humor! All in all, a good kid!

Note: John has picked-up a British-like accent from his various foreign adventures. He has retained this speech-style to differentiate himself from those he holds in contempt; namely most people in his profession!

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#7 Post by AleBelly »

Player: AleBelly
Character name: Chance Yamagata
Phy. Attributes: Male, Age 36, 5'7", 138 lbs. Black trendy cut/dark brown eyes.
Current Stamina: 56
Recovery Rate: 4
Current Willpower: 44 (WP recovery = 10pts./1hr. sleep)
Unskilled melee score: 49
Penetration bonus: +5
Wounds: 13
Profession: Pharmaceutical salesman

Martial arts: 57+15=72
Polearms (bo stick, staff): 59+15=74
Medicine: 48+15=63
Computers: 45+15=60

Strength: 50
Dexterity: 62
Agility 68
Personality: 56
Stamina: 54
Willpower: 44
Perception: 48
Luck: 42

Items on hand: Car; extra clothes; toiletries; bag with pens, pencils, laptop; some pharmaceuticals (generally the kind that will only help zombies get boners...nothing too useful)


Chance is from Marysville, OH. He was the product of a mixed race marriage, his father a hotshot executive with a Japanese car company that was establishing its first manufacturing plant in the U.S. and his mother a beautiful local from a prominent family in the area. In school, he was the only minority student in his grade - this, and his slight frame meant he was bullied regularly. He did not enjoy his formative years. In high school, he took up martial arts, and has enthusiastically studied them for 20 years.

He went to college studying microbiology, planning to become a doctor, but he got sidetracked by dreams of opening his own martial arts studio. Not having the confidence to do such a thing, he half-heartedly pursued a career in pharmaceutical sales. His mediocre performance has left him with some less-than lucrative sales regions. Nagging injuries from his hobby, easy access to the drugs and weak will power have conspired to make him suffer from addiction to opioid pain medications. This certainly hasn't helped his sales performance, and he's in danger of losing his job. Chance has decided to try to kick the habit and find success in his career...for the fifth or sixth time.

Last edited by AleBelly on Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#8 Post by Dram »

Player-Mark Lynn
Whitey- BikerSoldier for the DEVILS Brew MC, Philly PA

Whitey is a biker out of Philly, (DEVILS Brew MC) a part Outlaws chapter. Our club got attacked in the riots and the club scattered. As far we know only Tiny and myself got out.
We seen some crazy stuff. Old ladies kids, normal folks going nuts and attacking people- biting & killing. we got out of there quick. We ended up in this diner out of gas.

Phy. Attributes: Male, 35years old. 6' 3" 280lbs. Long black hair and biker goatee. Ruggedly muscular and heavily tattooed.
Current Stamina:60
Recovery Rate:?
Current Willpower:49
Unskilled melee score:?
Penetration bonus: ?
Wounds: None
Profession: Criminal/Biker

Strength 54
Dexterity 50
Agility 50
Personality 49
Willpower 49
Perception 48
Luck 52
Stamina 60

Stunt Driving- Motorcycle
Mechanic- Motorcycle
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Current Characters/Games
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#9 Post by badams30 »

Uncle Lester


Strength: 40
Dexterity: 42
Agility 42
Personality: 50
Stamina: 60
Willpower: 66
Perception: 56
Luck: 54


Double barrel shotgun
27: 12GA buckshot shells
Long tire iron
Battered tin coffee cup with "ARMY" stamped on it
Large folding Buck hunting knife (4in blade)
Zippo lighter with 1st Air Cavalry unit insignia on it
Pair of heavy work gloves
Last edited by badams30 on Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#10 Post by Bloodaxe »

big fat biker
Muscle 3
Agility 1
Wits 1
Health 4
bikes- drive/repair
brawling- h2h weapons/fists

Muscle 1
Agility 2
Wits 1
Health 2
dumb luck

muscle Biker
Muscle 3
Agility 2
Wits 1
Health 4
bikes- driving/mechanic
brawl- fists/h2h weapons

tough old man
Muscle 1
Agility 2
Wits 2
Health 2

Muscle 2
Agility 2
Wits 2
Health 3
truck mechanic
driving truck

security guard
Muscle 2
Agility 2
Wits 2
Health 3
security systems

Muscle 2
Agility 2
Wits 2
Health 3

Muscle 2
Agility 2
Wits 2
Health 3
bikes- driving/mechanic
brawl- fists/h2h weapons

drug rep/salesman
Muscle 2
Agility 2
Wits 2
Health 3
Martial arts- h2h, staff
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