Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

Ra the monk
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#81 Post by Ra the monk »

Eying the clouds Oz looks back to the spectacle at hand. Truly no one will believe him if he ever makes it out of this alive. Probably all the better as no one believed him before. With a sigh he addresses the rag tag party of seeming misfits "While I hate to cut your fun short dwarf, I feel we should be getting a move on. There is an ominous wind blowing and I would hate to get caught out in the rain or snow or whatever blasted thing decides to come down on us next. Also all this talk of guano and innards has made me hungry. So why don't we all just sheath our weapons and find a nice place to break camp." Oz is weary of his traveling companions but feels it better to stick with them than to brave the wilderness alone. Besides he has nothing of worth to steal and he doubts any of these bumbling oafs could pull it off anyways. Oz readjusts his pack and sets off before any consensus can be reached, as in his opinion actions speak louder than words.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#82 Post by Buzz »

Malone lowers his Halberd and nods. "Mind cutting a leg off for me? I need some stringy." He smiles weakly and ignores the elf. "Actually you know what." Pulling a knife from a boot, "I'll cut it off myself. He rips meat from the bone, while trying to avoid the guano. This will be good."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#83 Post by Sheldomar »

Thurinor watches the animal slaughter with a mix of disgust and fascination on his face. Fussing with his dagger until he is sure it is clean and dry, he thrusts it back into his belt, nervously testing that it is close at hand, should he need it. He kneels beside his pack, synching the straps and ties before lifting it easily to one shoulder. Without word, he follows a bit behind the leather-clad human called Oz, thankful to escape the carnage, carrion and conversation.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#84 Post by zebediah »

Ogirdor will resume scouting ahead while the others finish their preparations.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#85 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin isn't sure if the elf has chosen to ignore his question for whatever reasons or if he probably didn't take notice of it, but he's too polite to insist. Obviously disgusted by the dwarf's butchering of the the bat, he turned away from the others early on and joins Ogirdor. "Mind if I join you scouting? I'm still hoping to find some animals in this place that I might try to befriend and get some information from. But when I stay with this noisy dwarf, this hope will remain futile, I fear."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#86 Post by Stonjuz »

Cleaning the site and himself proves to be a tall order, but Stonjuz feels his procedures were carried out in balance, nothing going to waste. Tying off the pelt to the backpack to allow for best drying in these sub-desired conditions, and re-adjusting it, he makes sure it does not make his load burdensome and lopsided . Looking up he spouts... "Hey, wait for me." The dwarf pulls a few greens and onions from his rations. Offering the turtle the same as he walks, knowing they are Turtlepoo's favorite garden food, Stonjuz wonders which of the bat organs the omnivorous amphibian would want to eat, if any. Checking to make sure that his party is not leaving a blood trail, then he eyes the skies once over. "That pelt will be quite an accessory to the helm but will need some leatherwork," he thinks to himself.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#87 Post by zebediah »

Sir Clarence wrote: Obviously disgusted by the dwarf's butchering of the the bat, he turned away from the others early on and joins Ogirdor. "Mind if I join you scouting? I'm still hoping to find some animals in this place that I might try to befriend and get some information from. But when I stay with this noisy dwarf, this hope will remain futile, I fear."
The ranger beckons Andrin to follow as he moves ahead of the group "I can sure use an extra pair of eyes."

As they gain distance from the others Ogirdor continues speaking with the druid "In normal circumstances I would prefer to move alone and get a better chance of catching potential threats off-guard, but walking out in the open like we're doing... if there are any other creatures in the area they have most likely already spotted us, specially after the mess with the oversize bats. So let's see if we can find animals that are not hostile. Maybe you can keep watch around and above us while I'm checking the terrain."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#88 Post by Ra the monk »

Oz begins to whisle a juanty tune, putting a bouce in his step as he does. Now that they are walking he will fall back to let others take the lead, shying away from Stonjuz on account of the stink from the bat and guano, not to mention that the odd dwarf is still covered in blood.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#89 Post by Stonjuz »

"I'm 'fraid I dont know if Elven magic uses materials for your casting, wizard. This guano is useless to me, unless there is a mage shop just around the corner from here to sell it to. If you dont want these, the tubes of bat dung I mean, well, then I'm gonna throw 'em out. They'z beginnin' to raise a nose. " , extending his hand out to offer them to the elf.
"Gotta keep an eye on these wounds too, master Thuri....." dropping the droppings ( ;) ) as he sees the elf is not interested in the slightest, "...nor. Gotta watch for disease. I didnt notice any inside the creatures, but ...good thing nobody ate any."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#90 Post by Sheldomar »

Thurinor hears the dwarf approach and shifts his pack to the other shoulder. "I'm 'fraid I dont know if Elven magic.... beginnin' to raise a nose. " Still a pace or two behind the conversation as he translates the common into Elvish in his head, the elf finally begins his reply, satisfied that he caught most of what was said. "I have heard that guano might be useful in spellcasting, but my studies have I know of no specific use for it. Where I am...was from, it is fairly easy to find. Are there really shops that deal in offal and body waste in your towns?"

"Gotta keep an eye on these wounds too... Gotta watch for disease." The elf stops short for a moment, raising his hand to the wound on his shoulder and expressing a concerned look. "Is there something I can do to ward off disease in the wound? I know nothing of such things."

Glancing around, Thurinor takes in where the others are before continuing his walk along side the dwarf.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#91 Post by Stonjuz »

"In Irongate? By Boccob's bottom, no. But there is an entire industry gathering the gummy substance from the hill caves and then shipping it throughout the Azure. And I'm certain I read it in my studies of the arcane arts, somewhere."
He looks back at the dung-filled intestines one last time and mumbles...
" Invisibility maybe, dunno."
Turning back to the long haul ahead....
"Yea, disease. Nasty bizness. Right now, I cant be sure. If we find a place to rest I'll meditate on it and ask ol' Boccob to put some stock in us, for such event."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#92 Post by Ra the monk »

Stonjuz wrote:" Invisibility maybe, dunno."
Overhearing this Oz quips "Wouldn't do much good to be invisible when you smell like that.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#93 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 2 - Noon - The Icy Valley/The Cliffs

Musical Theme: The Cliffs

The party continues onward. The breeze that was blowing turns into a stronger wind as they progress making cloaks and hair float and flutter in a discomforting manner but not impeding progress otherwise.

It is noon when the adventurers reach the edge of the cliffs, a sheer drop of some twenty two hundred feet running along for several miles of the southeastern face of the valley their are in. Below stands a second, smaller snowfield-valley, much similar to one the party just traversed. Like its larger brother the new below bears a smaller lake and as far as it can be seen from here, this one has no ice-fields on its surface.

About half a mile along the cliff to the northeast hovers a cloud of spray. The water of the upper lake of formed a cataract rushing down into the second valley and forms a stream that runs for over a mile before joining the smaller lake on the second valley.

As luck would have it, on the precise area the companions make arrival at the cliff edge there is a steep, snow-covered winding path providing a safe route down to the new valley. Compared to the climbing ledges the characters have braved sometime before, this path looks like a cakewalk.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#94 Post by zebediah »

Ogirdor waits until the others have arrived at the cliff before he starts down the path. From the point he stands he tries to locate any clear path going through the smaller valley below, or at least which would seem to be the best ways to proceed once they have reached the lower level.

When the other companions have arrived he says "I believe there is not much to question about where to proceed from here. It is clear we are making progress, but there is no telling how many more days might be ahead of us." and starts down the path.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#95 Post by Stonjuz »

Probably last to arrive, but hopefully not the last to descend.
"At least this cliff side should break half of the wind, it's pickin' up."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#96 Post by Ra the monk »

Looking over the edge Raz whistles "Woooo quite the drop. Let's hope down and out is the way to go. These rivers and lakes have to drain to some place." With that he will re-adjust his pack and begin the decent, maintain the order that has been established, though willing to go first if the situation calls for it.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#97 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin follows Ogirdor down the path. He's constantly on the lookout for birds or small mammals that he might befriend and speak to.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#98 Post by Sheldomar »

Thurinor kneels at the top of the incline, letting his pack slide to the ground. He draws a bolt from his waist quiver and knocks it, scanning the skies for any sign of a threat. "I will provide some cover and fall in last once you are a ways down the path."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#99 Post by Stonjuz »

"Malone, you see that rise over t...." noticing Malone is lost in thought, Stonjuz snaps his fingers a couple of times, motions his hand and raises his voice a few decibles, "Malone?, What in all the hells is wrong witchyou? Snap out of it lad. You havent said a word since....", a look of shock comes across the dwarf's face as he realizes the youngster's previous actions. "Malone?, does 'stringy' imply food? I thought you were making a braid or bootlace, or somesuch whachamacallit. Tell me ya didnt eat any of that flying rodent." :shock: "Oh fellas....fellas....Malone's not looking too good. You feel ok boy?"
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#100 Post by Vargr1105 »

New Action Thread started


Party roleplaying taking place before the trip down into the new valley is complete should be made on this thread.
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