Introduction to Rites of Spring

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Introduction to Rites of Spring

#1 Post by Nidhogg »

To set the mood, here is a small introductory scene. Since, as you might have figured out already, the game won't start in an inn or tavern, I thought this scene might be a worthy substitute, telling the tale of 3 unimportant NPCs. Enjoy! Much of the information in this scene comes from the 2e AD&D book Complete book of the Elves, a fantastic book on all things elvish. If you have a chance, you should really check it out.

Rites of Spring

Thick curtains of rain fall outside, turning the streets to mud, and peals of thunder resound in the distance. In a corner of the inn, are three adventurers, sitting at a big round table, finishing their dinner. One is grim looking dwarf warrior, known as Durembar Ironshanks. One is a young charming human ranger, known as Adrian Broadsword and the third is a odd-looking gnome, called Maklin Mucklar. They met a few days ago, here in this very same inn. And now, they're talking about their past experiences and adventurers. Maklin tells the others he is a merchant, traveling the world, selling and buying alchemical products and potions. He's quite eccentric, but seems to be an honest guy.

"My friends, I've seen many things. I witnessed the great feasts after the famous massacre of goblins at the fields of Mog. I've been to the great dwarf halls of Faraim and tasted the best of dwarven ale. However, of all the festivals I've been to over the years, none compares to the elven Rite of Spring, which celebrated the return of spring. Once, I traveled through elvish lands and as I traveled to the city of Eolo, I heard the sounds of elven laughter, shimmering through the woods. The light of a huge bonfire shone through the night, guiding revelers to their destination. When I arrived at the feasting site, many of the elves were already well into the celebration. The mead and elfwine, or fey wine as they call it, flowed freely even before the meal properly began. It really is something special, fey wine. It's a mixture of crushed flowers, honey and some special ingredients, the elves claim it's distilled moonbeams. Anyway, I really can't do justice to the food by describing it. Suffice to say that normal food..." he pointed to the empty plate in front of him. And makes a disgusted face... "is forever ruined for me, for I shall never again taste anything as heavenly as that which was served to me those many years ago. After the meal came the dancing and singing... Although I was giddy from the fey wine, I can honestly swear no human, dwarf or gnome will ever be able to duplicate the beauty I saw and heard that night. The graceful forms of the elves twisted in a huge celebratory dance around the bonfire to the tune of elf musicians harmonizing with the wind, the sky and the stars. Really beautiful. It went on till deep into the night and next morning, there was of course the great hunt. Gentlemen," he especially looked at Adrian, the ranger, "it really is something special to hunt side by side with the greatest of elven huntsmen. Aye, what I wouldn't give to experience it all once again...." He sighed. The dwarf and human looked at him, with big eyes. Fascinated by his story. They looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. They had to see it for themselves.

At the end of the evening, the three adventurers, inspired by Maklin's story, decided they'd travel together to Alfheim and experience this year's Springrite together.

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