(IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#21 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Rukellian wrote:Clarence states his poem selection with stressed words, looking towards the door towards the end of the last stanza.
MC Voice: Roll to Hold Steady. It's a f*cked up situation, and you can ask me a question about the situation out there if you succeed (i.e. you hear whatever & get a chance to influence that other situation).

This is based on Cold. So, for Clarence...
2d6 +1
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#22 Post by Rukellian »

Q.Q Elf wrote:
Rukellian wrote:Clarence states his poem selection with stressed words, looking towards the door towards the end of the last stanza.
MC Voice: Roll to Hold Steady. It's a f*cked up situation, and you can ask me a question about the situation out there if you succeed (i.e. you hear whatever & get a chance to influence that other situation).

This is based on Cold. So, for Clarence...
2d6 +1
[2d6+1] = 7+1 = 8
Does Clarence hear any sounds of struggle outside the door or cries? If he hears anything that may seem like trouble outside, he will say out loud in a hurried voice, "I'm sorry, but I have to help" and then rush towards the door, hoping to reach Vanessa in time!

I'm not sure how much more I can do for this sort of response, considering the iffyness that is still surrounding a mild success. If Clarence sees Vanessa in danger upon swinging open the door, he will probably do something reckless and dangerous as hell, the adrenaline of the moment getting the better of his usually calm and collected thinking.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#23 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:Summer staggers backward as Finney releases her from his sickening embrace. She shakes her head, no, no, but can't say anything. Suddenly she turns around and rushes into the bathroom, taking the first open stall and embracing the porcelain throne to puke up everything she's eaten in the past week, or so it feels.

"Could she do that?" Summer mutters faintly after rinsing out her mouth at the sink. Yes, Lucinda could do that. Nothing stopping her.

"Would she do that?" Probably. God, Finney must be her connection. Ugh.

Summer stares into her own reflection, into her own haunted eyes, falling forward into the fear and pain and nausea she sees there…

Gazing into the Abyss re: Mr. Finney. Who can help her get away and stay away from him? 2d6+2=8 and I choose lucid but draining.
MC Voice: Damn. Had to think of this for a minute... for Metal Fatigue.
Summer imagines herself in the decrepit old chapel on the school grounds, which nobody uses anymore. Except that instead of being full of unused athletic equipment, boxes of outdated textbooks, abandoned computers, the old chapel has been restored to its former glory. Sunlight filters through stained glass. Blood red candles line the center walkway.

A procession of people have lined the walkway, all dressed in white.

Summer imagines herself as a doll, fashioned out of mud and clay, pinned to a cross.

Mister Finney is the first one in line. Except he's not quite Mister Finney. His mouth is full of razor sharp teeth, his lips covered in bloody sores. He licks the blood from his lips as he steps forward to sniff the inside of mud-doll Summer's arms, to smell the base of her neck, to smell behind her right ear. Then he backs away, his hungry gaze unrelenting.

Lucinda is second. She laughs and cuts a piece out of Summer's mud/clay arm with a razor blade, then turns to find a seat in the front row. To watch.

Mister Price is next. Perhaps he could help, but he hardly knows Summer. He shrugs indifferently, and turns away.

Next is Frederick Adams, the boy who supposedly beat up Mister Finney last year. He leads another classmate, Vanessa Lokhart, around on a leash. Vanessa stumbles around in her underwear, with fresh cuts on her wrists. Frederick steps forward, then shakes his head. He giggles at the sight of the piece cut out of mod-doll Summer's arm. Lucinda points and laughs.

Next is Victoria Johnson, holding hands with Seth Varron. They hold each other's hands in a death grip, causing each other pain. However, there's a spark in them, between the two of them. Something that might burn out the horror hidden inside of Mister Finney.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#24 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Rukellian wrote:I'm not sure how much more I can do for this sort of response, considering the iffyness that is still surrounding a mild success. If Clarence sees Vanessa in danger upon swinging open the door, he will probably do something reckless and dangerous as hell, the adrenaline of the moment getting the better of his usually calm and collected thinking.
On a 7-9, you get a choice from ONE of the following...
  • You keep your cool in the moment, but you get nothing out of me. -OR-
  • You get the Condition terrified, but you also can pick one of the options from 10+ (which are: ask the MC for information about what's actually going on; remove a Condition, or Carry 1 Forward for the rest of the scene).

I assume you take on terrified, and otherwise get out of class in a not-terrible way... which is probably most beneficial to you as a Player given the number of Strings you have on Vanessa.


Clarence bolts from the classroom, with Mrs. Meecher looking on in stunned silence.

(For Rukellian)
Clarence bolts around the corner, hearing Vanessa quietly saying, "No... Mister Finney... No."

Mister Finney has Vanessa backed into a corner. He's not touching her... yet. Vanessa's eyes are wide open, like a deer in front of an oncoming tractor-trailer. Something glints maliciously in her right hand.

"Vanessa, honey... it's your special friend, Mister Finney. Didn't I always treat you sweetly? You know how much I appreciate you, 'Nessa honey. You know I am just trying to help, you, yes? Oh, yes..."

Hearing Clarence's footsteps behind him, Mister Finney turns and says, "Someone there?" It takes him a moment to see Clarence, looking pale and with a sheen of cold sweat on his brow. Mister Finney continues, saying, "Boy. Aren't you supposed to be in class? This young lady here looks like she needed some help... and good ol' Mister Finney was about to... take her somewhere... to lie down for a minute. Why don't you go on back to your classroom, and I'll make sure she's... treated gently. You wouldn't want me to... give you detention for being out of class for no good reason, now, would you?"

Mr. Finney locks his eyes on Clarence's face, now that he can see the student clearly. Behind Mr. Finney, Vanessa's eyes roll back, the scissors clattering to the ground as she faints and fades into unconsciousness.

So... what do you do? ;)
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#25 Post by Rukellian »

Clarence is scared s--t out of his pants right now! He's never been so close to confronting a teacher before, not like this! Seeing the scissors drop on the floor, he tries to take advantage of the situation and forces himself to move forward. He shouts out loud for everyone to hear,
his voice shaky and filled with genuine terror. Clarence will then rush past the teacher and kick the scissors towards him. If the teacher tries to stop him in the process, all the better, Clarence is prepared to take a beating at this point. Clarence will then let out a scream of pain, as if he were just attacked, rushing over to provide cover for the now unconscious Vanessa, with his one arm holding onto his side. If anyone comes out and sees this, it will look like Clarence was attacked while trying to shield Vanessa.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#26 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Keehnelf wrote:Victoria's getting pissed off because he and Lucinda keep showing for class late "together".
Victoria keeps staring at James, occasionally glancing at Lucinda. She looks at her poetry textbook briefly, then goes back to staring at James and glancing over to Lucinda.

"You're exactly like them, aren't you? All the other ones, hanging with her... thinking you can change her, get the better of her. It's not like that. That's not the way it works. I swear, pretty boy, if you can get her to play for your team, I'll even offer to join you. What do you think about that?"

Victoria laughs, thinking inside that she can't lose, but wondering what might happen if she does... until she hears all the commotion outside.

It sounds like Clarence is yelling something about Mr. Finney!

MC Voice: Okay, I got to get you more into this, and ditto to MonkeyWrench, although I have something out to him (in the avalanche of posts).
This counts as a big f*cking Promise. Maybe it'll get MonkeyWrench in the ballgame if you mess with his storyline, and I've got other irons in the fire with her as well.

Ok, definitely no more posts until MonkeyWrench is back because it's gone nuclear since he last posted.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#27 Post by Keehnelf »

James looks a little pained at Victoria's statements.

"Team? Listen, I'm not interested in trying to change anyone--and besides, it's not what you think about L. She's just my drug dealer," he says, with a big winning smile. "But it's not like I do that stuff anymore. It's just that old habits are hard to break, you know?" He casts a fleeting look in Angie's direction, making sure no stone goes unturned.

"Anyway, I'm not looking to make enemies and nobody ever has enough friends. I'm not 100% sure if you didn't just out yourself and L. as lesbians, but I'd be interested in listening if you want to chat more."

This is a straightforward manipulate a lac attempt. He senses a lot going on and he wants in--he needs to understand what's going on with her so he wants to pry her door a bit further open with teases and provocations until she has no choice but to clear the air.

Manipulate NPC [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#28 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Q.Q Elf wrote:Duke Corohn will not drop his conversation with Seth, although he's turned in his seat so he can stare at Mrs. Meecher's chest to his left, while talking out of the corner of his mouth to the right in order to keep trying to engage Seth in conversation.

Duke says to Seth,
(for MonkeyWrench)
"Bro, I know that Lucinda chick totally is into me, but I got to get with Mrs. Meecher. She shot the Duke down the last time the Duke, you know, tried to make a move on her. Look... why don't you break whatever bullshit you're doing tonight, come down to the party, and try to invite the teacher to the party for the Duke?! You know she lives right behind the school with her cripple husband? What else she gonna do tonight?"
Seth audibly sighs, dropping his view to his desk, "Alright, If it gets you to stop bothering me I'll see what I can do..."

Sorry for the delay everyone, weekends are not my strong suit :oops:

Little post update this time, they'll get longer the more involved Seth is in a scene. :)
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#29 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Keehnelf wrote:This is a straightforward manipulate a lac attempt. He senses a lot going on and he wants in--he needs to understand what's going on with her so he wants to pry her door a bit further open with teases and provocations until she has no choice but to clear the air.

Manipulate NPC [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
"I knew the whole HOT4U Grinder thing, or whatever, that Seth told Duke about was some kind of scam...

"You want information on Lucinda, twinkle toes? Or you want to hear my sob story so I can cry like teacher, you sicko? Then deal. Something isn't right about Seth. I need to find out."

Then Victoria sits back in her seat, temporarily pissed off at the world.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#30 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Metal Fatigue wrote:Summer thinks quickly…how can she get out of this without flailing and screaming and socking a teacher in the nose?

"Mr. Finney, you need to stop this right now. What would happen if I told Lucinda Price that you'd been hassling her best friend, hmm? Let me go, and go back to your classroom, and we'll be fine."

Manipulating the pervert into stepping the hell back: 2d6-1=6 oh crap.

Rukellian, MC: the rules explicitly state that you don't need to spend Strings for a bonus until after you see the roll. There's no point wasting a String when you rolled a 3.

Also, everyone, note that Summer has taken a Hot, a Volatile and a Cold action so far this scene, as well as earning an XP from a skin move. This is deliberate. MonkeyWrench hasn't told me what to highlight yet, so I'm trying to cover all bases to make sure I get my 3 XP for the scene. All I need is a way to Gaze Into The Abyss and I'm set :) (It's buried in the rulebook, but there is a rule that says you can't get more than one XP per scene per highlighted stat or XP-granting skin move.)
I chose to highlight your cold stat, not sure how to "officially" do so though.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#31 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Q.Q Elf wrote:
Keehnelf wrote:Victoria's getting pissed off because he and Lucinda keep showing for class late "together".
Victoria keeps staring at James, occasionally glancing at Lucinda. She looks at her poetry textbook briefly, then goes back to staring at James and glancing over to Lucinda.

"You're exactly like them, aren't you? All the other ones, hanging with her... thinking you can change her, get the better of her. It's not like that. That's not the way it works. I swear, pretty boy, if you can get her to play for your team, I'll even offer to join you. What do you think about that?"

Victoria laughs, thinking inside that she can't lose, but wondering what might happen if she does... until she hears all the commotion outside.

It sounds like Clarence is yelling something about Mr. Finney!

MC Voice: Okay, I got to get you more into this, and ditto to MonkeyWrench, although I have something out to him (in the avalanche of posts).
This counts as a big f*cking Promise. Maybe it'll get MonkeyWrench in the ballgame if you mess with his storyline, and I've got other irons in the fire with her as well.

Ok, definitely no more posts until MonkeyWrench is back because it's gone nuclear since he last posted.
I'm ready to roll MC. So far Seth has been ignoring the commotion, not really wanting to make it his business... How shall you get the lone-wolfs attention!??!??
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#32 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Q.Q Elf wrote:
Keehnelf wrote:This is a straightforward manipulate a lac attempt. He senses a lot going on and he wants in--he needs to understand what's going on with her so he wants to pry her door a bit further open with teases and provocations until she has no choice but to clear the air.

Manipulate NPC [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
"I knew the whole HOT4U Grinder thing, or whatever, that Seth told Duke about was some kind of scam...

"You want information on Lucinda, twinkle toes? Or you want to hear my sob story so I can cry like teacher, you sicko? Then deal. Something isn't right about Seth. I need to find out."

Then Victoria sits back in her seat, temporarily pissed off at the world.
With his hightened hearing, would Seth have been able to hear this?
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#33 Post by Keehnelf »

James once again looks a bit hurt. "You've got me all wrong. I just find you intriguing and want to know more." He lowers his voice a lot. "And what makes you think something's wrong with Seth? Apart from being an angry misfit, I mean?"
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#34 Post by Q.Q Elf »

mc voice: F**king browser crashed twice now...
Yes, Seth can hear it, and it's my job to get you working at cross purposes at times, so enjoy! :twisted:

Seth glances over at Frederick, trying to disengage from the conversation with Duke. Frederick is minding his own business, doodling in his notebook. He is muttering something quietly to himself.

For MonkeyWrench...
He is whispering, "Sluts gotta die... Sluts gotta die..."

Looking up, sure he wasn't heard, Frederick shows Seth a detailed sketch of Vanessa, a sad smile on her face.

He says, quietly, "I... used to... hang out with her a lot. Then I beat up Mister Finney. He... nevermind."

Frederick quietly goes back to his sketching.
mc voice: Next up, the hallway.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#35 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Seth tilts his head a little to the side, keeping a portion of his attention on Victoria and James so that he can hear what they are saying, but still keeping his eyes on Frederick. He says in a hushed tone, "Tell me what he did." His appearance still shows disinterest.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#36 Post by Q.Q Elf »

"I thought I loved her, once...", says Frederick, his voice trailing off.

MonkeyWrench, roll it. I'd say this is a Manipulate a NPC move rather than Hold Steady, even if the situation is tense.
2d6 +Hot

Tell us how Seth persuades Frederick to open up when he clearly doesn't want to. A threat of violence? A bribe? A lot of un-Werewolfy persuasion?


For Rukellian...
ok. This one is complicated to parse.
I'm going to call it like a Manipulate a NPC move (whomever comes to witness the scene). I'm also going to trigger the Terrified condition (which does not go away yet).
So... 2d6 +Hot -1 terrified. So it's 2d6 -1 -1 (I think, since I don't have the sheet open on my phone)

Mister Finney gets out of the way, and allows Clarence to stage his scene. The teacher glowers at Clarence, and says quietly, "I hope you like expulsion, boy, because it's your word against mine."

Up and down the hallway, heads pop out from doorways as other students crane their necks to see what is going on. From just around the corner, the sound of an adult walking quickly, with dress shoes crackling against the ornately tiled floors like rapid fire pistol shots.

It is the Principal. A stern, older woman, her sandy hair streaked with white and grey. (mc voice: I'm deliberately leaving her unnamed as a potential for complications).

Without waiting for anyone to speak, she exclaims, "Just what is the meaning of this outburst?"

She stares directly at Clarence, not even bothering to look at Mr. Finney.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#37 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Seth gives Frederick a steady gaze, his eyes tracking every facial motion of the somber student. His heightened senses both smelling the fear and sadness coming off of him as well as his ears detecting his heart rate. Seth takes everything in as he searches Frederick before finally speaking, his tone still casual but now it has a hint of something... more, something authoritative and instinctual as he speaks, "Tell me what he did, maybe I can get her back for you."

Seth HOT Roll: [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10

actually really happy my first roll was a 10 :lol:
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#38 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Keehnelf wrote:James once again looks a bit hurt. "You've got me all wrong. I just find you intriguing and want to know more." He lowers his voice a lot. "And what makes you think something's wrong with Seth? Apart from being an angry misfit, I mean?"
Victoria answers coldly. "He is hiding something. I just know it. Something big. Maybe you wouldn't believe it... but some of the kids in this classroom? They aren't what they seem. I swear its true! You don't have that eau du dog smell, do you, twinkle toes?

"Get me his secret, with proof, and we'll deal. Otherwise, you're useless to me."

so, what do you do?


Time to get Summer out of the bathroom...

For Metal Fatigue...
Out of the quiet, there is a beeping. A beeping and a buzzing. A buzzing in Summer's left hand. It is a cell phone. A gold colored iPhone 6, which was a "gift" from Lucinda. It's almost always there, unconsciously part of Summer's body, almost. Like a trained dog on the end of a leash, connected and unconsciously so.

The text messages (from Lucinda) say:

Whar R U? U srsly not bk yet?

Get bk 2 clss so u can hand out
The invites n teh map 2 teh party.

And no losers this time, k?

Only kewl peeps.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#39 Post by Keehnelf »

Two secrets in one go, with a promise thrown in? No brainer!

"It's a deal."
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Re: (IC) Acrewood College Prep - Homeroom 1

#40 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Summer jumps, looks at the txts and turns livid with anger.

Code: Select all

Kewl peeps like ur friend Finney? Not cmng bak while hes in hall being grabby. He comes in here I kill.
Shutting down Lucinda. I don't think this quite qualifies as "buzzkill" so it's 2d6-1=4 for oodles of fun. I think this is a new scene from the classroom and Finney, though, so I get another XP—unless the MC says no?

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