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#1 Post by Eulalios »

- no rat bastards, please.

Backstabbing, scheming, vicious dominators can be fun to write. But ONLY in a group where EVERY player is on-board with this play style, can they be fun to play around. So - please - refrain from running this type character in this game.

- no deliberate (awkward | passive aggressive | antagonistic) behaviors

Hey, we're rpg nerds, many of us may be genuinely socially awkward to some degree. That's ok. We all, also, have learned to be generally tolerant of inadvertent rudeness. That's an essential step in socialization to modern culture.

Please, please don't layer onto any inadvertent mis-steps by deliberately playing a "difficult" character. Especially in a setting where the socially appropriate response to an insult or arrogance may often be to stab the "difficult" person. Choosing to play such a character is just a set up for misery / lack of agency.

So, in case the rolled personality traits would result in faithful roleplay driving a lot of in-game conflict, please, shuffle the rolls or just pick somewhat more congenial traits.

Re: Expectations

#2 Post by Eulalios »

In character post format - DM
At the top of each post I should start putting the following

Time of day; location; weather; date
People who are present

In character post format - players

Right now it is straightforward because each character has their own thread.

Here's what I'd like to see at the top of each post:

condition(s) (if any); -- hp; -- AC; active spells

when we get multiple characters into a single thread, it also would be good to have the character's name at the top of each post, above the conditions.
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