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#1 Post by Eulalios »

Here is my template for a character sheet that I can read on any nets connected display
Name gender Culture Background Class-Level

You see ... narrative description ... e.g., "a small and slight-framed (3'7", 47 lb) female with greenish-blonde hair down to her shoulder blades. Her eyes are large and brown/green shifty in color. Her smile is frequent, and also just a bit shifty. She stands quite still aside from her smile and her restless eyes. Her voice is high-pitched and liquid. She wears, over her traveling clothes, a set of studded leather dyed in dappled marshy colors, and compact backpack. Weaponry is draped all over her, including a rapier, a shortsword, some daggers, a tiny crossbow, and a case of crossbow bolts at her belt."

max HP , AC (Armor or other basis for AC)
-> please list weight in lb# next to each item of equipment ... because I use encumbrance ...
Size :: base move ; total load ; loaded move
Class Features
MAIN melee weapon
GAUCHE melee weapon
SPARE melee weapon
RANGED weapon
Prepared spells

Possible languages of the Ebro Valley
(somewhat simplified)
  • Mozarabic <- this is "Common" within Iberian peninsula, a blend of Latin, Catalan, and mostly Arabic
    Gaelic <- kind of a step-parent to Galician,
    "Italian" (Church Latin) <- this is "Common" along the Etruscan peninsula and for educated folk around the Western Mediterranean,
    Greek <- this would (still) be the trade tongue of the Eastern Med,
    Tamaziyt/Tuyibe/Teyibi <- this is the "Common" tongue of western North Africa,
    Arabic <- this is the "High Tongue" west of Egypt and south of Pyrenees / "Common" from Egypt east to Persia and south into Kush,
    Turkic ...
all these are options, in generally descending order of likelihood; although most people in the Early Middle Ages were just as sedentary as now, a few (just like now) got a long way around within their short lives.

1st Trait
2d Trait

Stats (+2 prof bonus)
STAT A [4d6k3] + racial bonus if any -> final :: (+stat bonus) related skills, tools
STAT B etc.
x6 <- arrange to suit

Other equipment
  • contents of pack
  • spells in the book
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Re: Characters

#2 Post by »

Árpád male Magyar Outlander (Tribal Nomad) Sorcerer (Wild Magic) level 1 CG

A very tall, gaunt dark-haired man (6'3", 178#) wrapped in a leather traveler's cloak. The cloak has a wolf pelt collar, with the jaws hanging down behind. Árpád's long curly hair and wild beard hide most of his features, but it is obvious that he has spent much time out of doors. His baggy trousers are tucked into soft leather riding boots, and his leather jerkin is well-worn. He has a crossbow at his side, a small pack beneath his cloak, and a few small pouches hanging from his wide, leather belt. He walks with a wooden walking stick topped with a polished burl. Behind follows a lightly laden mule with several sacks a coil of rope.
Exp: 30

8 HP , AC: 10
Light crossbow + 20 bolts 6.5#
2 Daggers 2#
Staff 4#

Movement Carrying 28#; 30 
[178*10/40 = < 44# Unencumbered, < 134# Encumbered, < 222# Staggering]

Wild Magic Surge DM can ask for d20, a 1 makes for Wild Magic Surge
Tides of Chaos – gain advantage on one attack roll per long rest, can cause Wild Magic upon subsequent use of 1st level or higher spell.

MAIN Staff (2-handed)
SPARE daggers
RANGED light crossbow
Prepared spells - NA

Magyar, Mozarabic

Money and manners won't save you from a hungry bear
Ideal: Change
Bond: Family and Clan
Flaw: Strong shall thrive and the weak parish

Str 10
Dex 11
Con 15 +2 (+2 save)
Wis 9 -1
Int 9 -1
Chr 15 +2 (+2 save)

Athletics* +2
Acrobatics 0
Sleight of Hand 0
Stealth 0
Arcana -1
History -1
Investigation -1
Nature -1
Religion* +1
Animal Handling -1
Insight -1
Medicine -1
Perception -1
Survival* +1
Deception +2
Intimidation +2
Performance +2
Persuasion* +4
Dagger, dart, sling, staff, light crossbow

Other equipment
Hunting trap (mule) 25#
Wolf pelt (Worn)
Traveler's Clothes (Worn)
Component pouch (belt) 2#
Explorer's pack chosen
Backpack 5#
Bedroll (mule) 7#
Mess kit (pack) 1#
Tinder box (pack) 1#
10 torches (mule) 10#
10 rations (mule) 20#
waterskin (Pack) 5#
50 ft hempen rope (mule) 10#
2 GP (pocket) 
Purchased: Mule (Carrying rope, torches, rations, bedroll, trap) (72#), 
trinket – tooth from strange animal

Spells: 4 cantrips and 2 1st-level, 2 1st-level slots, 0 Spell Points
Spell Save 12, Spell Attack Mod +4

Chill Touch
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion

1st Level Spells:
Mage Armor
False Life
Last edited by on Sat Oct 11, 2014 11:52 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Characters

#3 Post by Anarion55 »

I'm going to get this started. Might not have time to finish the whole thing now, but bits and pieces.

Ibrahim Al'Dani male Muslim Berber (North African) Rogue (Thief Archetype, Sage Background) [I don't have the Player's Handbook, so background and archetype might change later if I like something better]

Alignment: Chaotic Good

You see a slightly short, dark skinned man, with broad shoulders and heavy, darkly muscled arms that look like they could snap out at any moment (5'6", 174 lbs). His hair is short and curly, cut closely cropped to the head, and his dark eyes sink into his face and give the impression of thoughtful depth and consideration. He wears a set of plain leather armor, unmarked and unadorned by the symbol of any house or lord. Across his back is a pack, a shortbow and a quiver of arrows, at his belt a shortsword, and by his belt pouch and just visible sticking up from his boot are more daggers. Despite being armed to the teeth, the man looks light on his feet, as though he could spring into action at any moment, and he carries himself with an air of casual confidence and a warm smile that seems disarming in spite of the arsenal he carries with him.
max HP: 10 , AC 13 (leather armor 10 lbs, +2 from dex mod)
Medium :: 30 ft ; not encumbered: 43.5 lbs ; -10 move 130.5 lbs; -20 move 217.5 lbs; herculean deadlife: more than 217.5 lbs (loads calculated from the House rules thread, not from the book)

Class Features

Expertise: Persuasion and Stealth (see below). Doubles proficiency bonus for these skills.

Sneak attack: 1d6 once per turn, usable only when I have advantage or there's another enemy within 5 feet of my target

Thieves Cant: Can embed hidden communications in regular conversation and recognize thief symbols throughout the city.

MAIN melee weapon: Short Sword (2 lbs)
SPARE melee weapon: Daggerx2 (1 lbs per dagger)
RANGED weapon: shortbow w/ 20 arrows (2 lbs)

(somewhat simplified) Mozarabic, Castilian, Greek, Tamaziyt/Tuyibe. [Tuyibe is Ibrahim's native tongue. Castilian is apparently our common (replace if we choose a different language in common). Mozarabic is the dominant language of the Caliphate to the south, which Ibrahim dealt with regularly. Greek is his scholarly language and he has read texts from the Byzantines that made their way across the full breadth of North Africa.]

Well-read on Greek antiquity
Uncomfortable with leadership
Ideal: Progress
Bond: The people of Saraqusta
Flaw: Overly loyal, sometimes dogged follower.

Stats (+2 prof bonus) [includes human +1 across the board]
Str: 10
Dex: 15 (+2 save)
Con: 14
Int: 14 (+2 save)
Wis: 10
Cha: 12


Animal Handling
Slight of Hand

Other equipment
Thieves' Tools (1 lbs)
Burglar's pack: (backpack (5 lbs), 1000 ball bearings (2 lbs), 10' of string (negligible), a bell (negligible), 5 candles (negligible), crowbar (5 lbs), hammer (3 lbs), 10 pitons (4 lbs), hooded lantern (2 lbs), 2 flasks of oil (2 lbs), 5 days of rations (10 lbs), tinderbox (1 lbs), waterskin (5 lbs full), 50 feet of hempen rope (10 lbs)) total weight: 49 lbs
Black ink, quill, small knife, common clothing, 10 gp in pocket
a letter from a colleague with a question I have not yet been able to answer.

Trinket: A small cloth doll skewered with needles
Last edited by Anarion55 on Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Characters

#4 Post by Eulalios »

A note about language - a character who was raised speaking Mozarabic, and who is literate, then can read Arabic. It's just really, really prissy and toity sounding to their ears.
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