Rulebook: DM Notes

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Rulebook: DM Notes

#1 Post by dmw71 »

Rulebook: Labyrinth Lord: Core Rules


- 4 -
* " become 1st level when you create your first character," <-- All characters will begin at 1st level.
* "The Labyrinth Lord is the final arbitrator of rules and rules decisions." <-- Yes.
* "Characters do sometimes die; this is a fact of the game..." <-- Yes.

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* "...roll 3d6 for each ability, in the same order that they are listed" <-- Yes.
* "All characters start with 3d8x10 gold pieces (gp)." <-- Yes.
* "... if the optional individual initiative rules are used." <-- No, this rule is not being used.

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* "...2 ability points may be sacrificed from one ability to raise one prime requisite ability 1 point." <-- Yes, but all rules must be followed.
* "When a character, or any other being, reaches -1 or fewer hit points, he dies." <-- Any non-PC will be considered killed once it has been reduced to zero or fewer hit points. A character brought to 0 hit points exactly will be considered unconscious, and will be killed if, at the end of any round, has negative hit points.
* "...allow all hp rolls for first level characters to be re-rolled when results of 1 or 2 occur." <-- Yes.

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* [Cleric Spell Progression: Table] <-- Yes, a 1st level cleric will begin with 1 1st level spell.

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* [Dwarves > Maximum Level: 12] <-- Yes.
* "...dwarves cannot use two-handed weapons or longbows." <-- Yes.
* [Elves > Maximum Level: 10] <-- Yes.

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* [Halflings > Maximum Level: 8] <-- Yes.
* "...halflings may not use large and two-handed weapons, but may use any other weapon and armor." <-- Yes.

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* "...only able to use small weapons such as a dagger." <-- Yes.
* "...unable to use shields or wear any kind of armor." <-- Yes.
* "...a thief may have to forfeit a portion of his earnings to the guild in exchange for protection." <-- Unlikely to occur in this game, but a thief will need to "donate" to their guild if they ever seek its protection or services. The DM will determine the amount owed on a case-by-case basis.
* "...thieves cannot wear armor heavier than leather, and they cannot use shields." <-- Yes.

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* "Note that usually the Labyrinth Lord will make rolls for these abilities, because a thief is not always aware when he has failed!" <-- Yes.

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* "All alignments have alignment languages." <-- Yes.
* "The standard coin weighs about 1/10th of a pound (10 to the pound)..." <-- Yes.

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* "A cleric is required to own a holy symbol. " <-- Yes.

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* "Rations, trail: This food is dried and preserved to be carried on long voyages when securing other food may be uncertain." <-- These, not standard rations.

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* "All spell casters can memorize or pray for new spells after 8 hours of rest." <-- Let's make it 6 hours.
* "It takes one hour to memorize all spells the character is capable of learning." <-- Yes.
* "A magic-user or elf can rewrite the spells through research and memory at a cost of 1 week of game time and 1,000 gp for each spell level." <-- Yes.
* "All spell casters need to be able to move their hands and speak in order to make the gestures and speak the magical phrases that bring magic effects into being." <-- Yes.
* "Spell casters may take no other actions during the same round they intend to cast a spell." <-- Yes.
* "A PC must announce the intention to cast a spell prior to initiative being determined at the beginning of a round. " <-- Yes.
* "A cleric can use either form of a spell without having to pray for the different versions separately..." <-- Yes.
* "The player may choose two first level spells and one second level spell, but any other spells can only be added to a spell book through game play." <-- Yes.

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* "Marching order should be written down, so that it is always clear as the group progresses through the labyrinth where everyone is. " <-- I will need a marching order for both 5' and 10' wide passages.

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* "One player should be designated as the labyrinth mapper. " <-- I will provide maps of individual rooms, but not an overview map. An map tracking the overall progress of a group will be the players responsibility.
* "...movement rates account for the fact that they are exploring, watching their footing, mapping, and taking care to avoid obstacles." <-- Yes.
* "In all matters of time and movement, the Labyrinth Lord is the final authority on what may be accomplished in a given period of time." <-- Yes.
* "Characters can explore, fight, or otherwise remain active for 5 turns before needing to rest for 1 turn." <-- Yes.
* "Encumbrance is measured in pounds, and is calculated based on adding the weights of all significant items carried, including weapons and armor." <-- This will only loosely be tracked.
* "Characters or monsters that carry a light source are unable to surprise opponents..." <-- Yes.

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* "Secret doors can only be spotted if characters are specifically looking for them." <-- Yes.
* "1 on 1d6 is a success, except that elves have better vision and succeed on a roll of 1 or 2 on 1d6." <-- Yes.
* "...characters of all classes can search for non-magical traps." <-- Yes.
* " All characters except dwarves can succeed in spotting a trap on a roll of 1 on 1d6. Dwarves succeed on a roll of 1 or 2 on 1d6." <-- Yes.
* "Players must declare that their characters are actively looking for traps, and they must be looking in the right place." <-- Yes.

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* "If characters go for a full day or more without food, the Labyrinth Lord may begin to apply penalties..." <-- Yes.
* "...every character knows how to swim." <-- Yes.

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* "All characters that make it through an adventure alive receive experience points (XP)." <-- Yes. Unlike my previous games, experience points will not be immediately awarded.
* "1 XP per 1 gold piece (gp)" <-- Yes.
* "The values of all items are added together... and divided evenly between the characters." <-- Yes.
* "The totals for each monster defeated are calculated and added to all XP from treasure, and the sum for all XP is divided among all group members." <-- Yes.
* "The Labyrinth Lord may grant XP bonuses to players who did particularly well. Likewise, he may penalize other players who did not do their share of the work in an adventure. " <-- Yes.
* "Characters should not be given enough experience to advance 2 levels or more in one adventure... 1 XP short." <-- Yes.

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* "A roll of 1 or 2 on 1d6 means the side is surprised and cannot act for one round." <-- Yes.
* " the start of each round each side of an encounter rolls 1d6 to determine initiative. The side with the highest result on 1d6 acts first for that round." <-- Yes.
* "Initiative is rolled again at the start of each new round. If initiative is a tie, each side in the tie acts at the same time." <-- Yes.
* "Actions that can be taken in a round include attacking, running, casting spells, attempting to communicate, and other possibilities." <-- Yes.
* "" <-- Yes.

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* "Individual Initiative (Optional Rule)" <-- No, not being used.
LL, pages 52-53 wrote:Combat Sequence
1. Players declare character movement or actions.
2. Initiative: 1d6 is rolled by each opposing side.
3. The winner of initiative acts first. The Labyrinth Lord may check morale for monsters.
4. Movements can be made.
5. Missile attack rolls are made, accounting for DEX adjustments, cover, and range.
6. Spells are cast and applicable saving throws are made.
7. Melee combat occurs; attack and damage rolls are made, accounting for STR and magic adjustments.
8. Other sides act through steps 4-7, in order of initiative
9. When all sides of a conflict have acted and the combat will continue into the next round, the sequence begins again at step 1.
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* "Players must announce that their characters will move during a melee round, and they must make this announcement prior to the initiative roll." <-- Yes.
* "A character may move his encounter movement and attack the same round..." <-- Yes.
* "A roll of 20 is always a hit, and 1 is always a miss." <-- Yes.
* "Hand-to-hand attacks are possible when opponents are 5 feet or fewer from each other." <-- Yes.
* "Missile attacks are possible when opponents are greater than 5 feet from one another..." <-- Yes.
* "Characters only have 1 attack in a round, except for high-level fighters." <-- Yes.
* "The Labyrinth Lord will use discretion in determining how many attackers can strike at one opponent. Usually only two characters may fight side-by-side in a 10 foot wide hallway, unless all of the attackers are small." <-- Yes.

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* "Unless variable weapon damage is used..." <-- It is.
* "For each full day of complete rest, a character or monster will recover 1d3 hp." <-- Yes.
* "...cover is a factor that can influence missile attacks." <-- Yes.
* "Holy water in bottles or vials can be thrown at undead to do 1d8 points of damage." <-- Yes.
* "Oil flasks are effective weapons, which do 1d8 hit points of damage." <-- Yes.
* "Damage from thrown oil is dealt for two rounds... Oil that is poured on the ground can cover a diameter of 3 feet and burns for a full turn." <-- Yes.
* "* Note that crossbows attack once every other round." <-- Yes.

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* "Item Saving Throws (Optional Rule)" <-- Yes.
* "Ability Checks (Optional Rule)" <-- Yes.
* "The player rolls 1d20, and if the result is greater than the ability, the roll fails. If the roll is less than or equal to the ability, the roll succeeds. Bonuses or penalties to the roll can be applied, with a bonus of -4 being a relatively easy ability check, and +4 being very difficult." <-- Yes.

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* "Morale Checks (Optional Rule)" <-- Yes.
* "The Labyrinth Lord usually makes a morale check under two conditions, when one side of an encounter has lost a member due to death, or when half the group on one side is either killed or otherwise incapacitated." <-- Yes.

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* "In Labyrinth Lord, the term „monster‰ can generally refer to any being other than the player characters." <-- Yes.
* "...each monster listing can be considered to represent the "average" specimen of a particular creature... can alter the abilities and power level of any creature to fit the situation." <-- Yes.
* "It is assumed that all monsters, except NPC humans, have infravision of 60'" <-- Yes.
* "Note that a monster must be intelligent to speak or understand its alignment language." <-- Yes.

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* "Note that if a character is drained of a level, all abilities, including hit points, saving throws, etc., are affected as appropriate" <-- Yes.
* "The cleric spell cure light wounds can negate the paralysis, but no hit points are healed when the spell is used in this way." <-- Yes.
* "A character exposed to the poison of a monster, unless otherwise noted, must succeed in a saving throw versus poison or be instantly killed." <-- Yes.

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* "...each gold piece worth of money gives the character 1 experience point..." <-- Yes.

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* "Most magic items are not labeled, so characters will not know the exact properties of magic items except through trial and error." <-- Yes.

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* "Although potions can be found in a variety of types of containers... most contain only one dose." <-- Yes.
* "Most potions bear no label and require a small amount to be sampled in order to attempt to identify the potion type. This is not without error, however, because potions of the same type may differ in their aroma or taste depending on how they were made." <-- Yes.
* "As a standard rule, potions take effect in the same round as their consumption, and last for 1d6+6 turns." <-- Yes.
* "Potions can generally be consumed in half doses..." <-- Yes.

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* "All magical rings are usable by any character class.." <-- Yes.

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* "About 3/4 of all spell scrolls contain magic-user/elf spells, and the remaining contains cleric spells." <-- Yes.
* "Scrolls that contain magic-user/elf spells can only be read by employing the spell read magic, and the spells are only usable by magic-users and elves." <-- Yes.
* "A spell may be cast even if it is not normally usable by a spell caster of the readerÊs level." <-- Yes.
* "Once a spell is cast from a scroll, the magical writing for that spell disappears." <-- Yes.
* "A curse may only be removed with the spell remove curse." <-- Yes.
* "The Labyrinth Lord might also allow the curse to be lifted if the character performs a special quest." <-- Probably not, but will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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* "Wands may only be used by magic-users and elves." <-- Yes.

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* "Magical weapons and armor follow the same class restrictions as all normal weapons and armor." <-- Yes.
* "Cursed items, once possessed by a character, can only be disposed of with a dispel evil or remove curse spell." <-- Yes.
* "Magical armor of the non-cursed variety is lighter and less cumbersome than other armor." <-- Yes.

Almost done, but this is still a work in progress....
-- Project --
Playtest: Untitled Project (1e)
(Status: Archived)

-- DM --
Greyhawk Campaign: Sandbox (1e)
(Status: Archived)

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