Along the Border Watch

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Along the Border Watch

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Dawn arrives and all of you are eager and ready to hit the begin this new adventure. As you arrive outside of the guard tower, some have new horses while others are prepared to ride and walk. Three wagons have just arrived at the citadel gates. Each carries a teamster (driver) and one of the merchants.
Malin is barking orders to the others, but seems to be in an unusually good mood. Emerall looks like she has freshened up with clean clothes and shining, wet hair. Jasmalus sits quietly on his wagon beside the driver, writing in his journal. The teamsters are rough-looking men, likely made for this type of work.
Heavy tarps cover the wagon crates...perfect for any type of weather. The horses are heavy draft and suited for the long hauling of goods over several days, even weeks.
Malin stands up in his wagon to address the rest of you.
"It is time to test this route, to insure the survival of this fort and others along the border watch. Keep your swords sharp and your wits sharper and we will get through this together. Make whatever petitions you need to make. We move out in five minutes!"
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#2 Post by Darklin2 »


Sia says his morning prayers and readies his gear long before the sun comes up. Ready for the trip. He leaves his room and heads down to the front bar to pay for his room and ask about the bread, raw meat, and cheese he requested. paying for all of it and heading to the stable to retrieve Goliath his newly purchased Medium Warhorse. Puts the saddle, saddle blanket, bit and bridle on the big horse and tosses the large saddle bags over his back. Secures the saddlebags and puts his healing bag on one side and the bread, raw meat, and cheese into the other. Tosses his saddle quiver and sheath over the saddle horn and slides the newly purchased bastard sword into the sheath. Digs into his belt pouch and pulls out a piece of rock candy and gives a chunk to the horse.

Well Big Fella, let's see what this trip will bring. I hope your ready for some adventure.

He then swings up on to the horse and leaves out of the stable tossing a gold piece to the stable boy.

Keep yourself safe "Boy" and keep your head down..

He trots through town on Goliath to the front gate. Giving mental commands to Talon to meet him at the gate. I have need of your help, come to me but come from behind me and do not spook my new friend, His name is Goliath and you two need to get along. Not like the last one that you tormented all the time. As he makes the gate Talon arrives and lands on his shoulder. He make introductions between the Giant Owl and the Horse and makes sure they get along. Then speaks in common.

Greetings Traveler's. It looks like a good day to be on the road. Nothing better than the crisp new morning air to get you moving. And our path through the wilds will be a nice change of scenery from this old fort. I will stay to the read to make sure we are not attacked from behind.

Laying his bow across his legs and saddle. Standing in the stirrups and stretching out. Sends the Owl up to scout ahead and stay above bow shot. To his Owl mentally:

Fly ahead and let me know of any movement around the train ahead of us. Stay away from any humanoids be they friend or Foe, I do not need you getting an arrow through the wing.
Last edited by Darklin2 on Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#3 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cassius tosses his pack up first, then mounts Emerall's wagon. "Morning, Miss. It looks like a fine day for traveling. Even Malin looks happy about it." Cassius straps on his pack, adjusts his quiver, and examines his bow.

He too stands on the wagon, more to test the sightlines and range than to orate to the group. "How about some traveling music to get us started?"
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego greets his companions when he arrives, positioning himself beside the lead wagon.

”I think I’ll walk to start out. I can attack any orcs who get close to the wagons much easier and faster when I’m on my feet. And besides, you don’t get glutes like these from riding all day.”

He peers towards Emerall to see if she looks his way. He winks if she does.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#5 Post by Hotgoblin »

Muldgarr is early to rise, bathes himself and readies his belongings for the trip ahead and heads to the stable for the mare and prepares her for the trip.

Muldgarr brushes her mane You're a strong and powerful mare now, but with my guidance you’ll become smarter than others of your kind. Now, I bestow to your given elven name, Nan-tahthren, the vale of Willows. We will not let each other down. He fits her with her bridle and riding gear, feeds her an apple and the head out to meet the others.
He walks her up to the meet up area by his fellow comrades, The light of the day, is but a whisper away...I can ride ahead...
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#6 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Monsieur Rose wrote:Cassius

He too stands on the wagon, more to test the sightlines and range than to orate to the group. "How about some traveling music to get us started?"
“Oh, I couldn’t, I couldn’t possibly I have nothing ready really, I... oh all right,” says Kranstön, already pulling out his instrument as he objects. “Let’s see... ahem!” He begins as the caravan lurches forward.

Out the drum and play it for us!
Marching, here we go!
Riding high, brave Dwarf before us,
Merchant wares in tow.

Nose to the wind, majestic pony,
Leading without fear;
Eustace strides, alert and hearty,
An equine Grenadier!

And now we go in likewise manner
Marching double-time;
In the wake of Dwarven banner,
Buoyed by Dwarven rhyme!

Kranson uses his Timing Chant ability... get ready, guys, we are going to fly. :)
Timing chants by Chanters increase speed or production by 5% per level of the Chanter. Takes 1d10 rounds to take effect, and last while both the Chanter and affected are chanting.

Timing Chant (rounds until effect begins): [1d10] = 9

Each hour that a person works under the effects of a timing chant, he must roll a Constitution check. A failed check results in the loss of 1d4 hit points. This damage is temporary and is recoverable at the rate of 1 point per hour of rest or sleep. Anyone reduced to 0 hit points in this way falls over from exhaustion; death results unless a Constitution check succeeds.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

The merchants greet each of you as you arrive, and are quite impressed to see your steeds and more so, Sia's great horned owl. Trilena, as promised, is there with several hot biscuits stacked with ham and egg; she gives each of you at least two biscuits and stuffs another bagful in the lead wagon, which would be Malin's. Several other folks appear on the walls and in windows to watch you depart. A contingent of 10 Greatwall cavalrymen lead the way as the caravan moves out.
"First stop, Morsten!" Malin says, half-smiling, seemingly eager to get on the road. The great owl soars overhead and disappears down the trail, scouting for safe passage.
Kranston's chant sends everyone on their way, lightening the mood for all the men (and women) and even the horses. The calvarymen clip along and the wagons keep pace, the caravan moving down the road quickly and easily. The road leads away from Greatwall and through the wilderness before very long, but the going is easy, the sun is shining, and it's a beautiful day.
Kranston's chant is still playing through your heads around noon as the calvarymen bid you farewell and good luck. Turning, they head back to Greatwall and Malin snaps the reins and the caravan moves forward.

Now that the calvarymen have gone, the protection of the caravan falls to you. You stand alone against the wilds before you, the dangers of the trail, the uncertainty of the trip. What will you find in Morsten, you wonder? Few of you, if any, have ever been to the small hamlet.
As the day moves on, the tension begins to grow. You find yourselves peering into the woods alongside the road, wondering what might lurk in the shadowed depths. Will you arrive safely? Will any of you...not make it through this?
The day moves on into the early evening and Malin calls for camp.
"Everyone find a job to do!" he orders. "There is wood to gather, water, care for the horses, and who's cooking supper?"

Alright folks > sorry for the delay. You are day one out of Greatwall on the road to Willip. The first stop is the hamlet Morsten (even though is says 'Mursten' on one of the maps). ;)
You wonder just how far it is to the hamlet...
I'm going to correspond with each of you in your private threads in the day or so.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#8 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego gets straight to work. Not with any of that menial labor yet, but instead searching the grounds of the surrounding area to learn what manner of animals call this place their home. He searches for any tracks or signs of things that might be more dangerous than animals too, not only along the trail, but into the woods as well.

He picks up any downed firewood he finds along his search.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#9 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Kranstön will set about caring for his pony, Eustace, brushing her down, affixing a few small flowers in her mane, and finally leading her to some tall grass for her dinner. "Eustace, keep an eye out for danger. If any enemy ponies crest the rise, it falls to you to nip them soundly in the haunches," he says. He is delighted to be out on the road, living an adventure. Think of the renown! He wonders who will be the first of the foes they vanquish.

Figuring he is in good company for a camp in the woods, he approaches Muldgar: "Muldgar, you're from the forest, right? What do you know of these woods and what we'll be defending against? Perhaps wyverns? Giant weasels? Fire bats? ...Regular, boring old bandits? I hope it's wyverns." he says.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#10 Post by Darklin2 »


Sai Sends up Talon to look around the camp area. telling the bird to fly through the forest and look around on both sides of the road letting me know if there are any big uglies in the woods.

Kranston, The forest is always full of creatures. Talon will check it out for us and return. He has good eyes and can see in the dark better than any of us. Let's see what he can find.

Removing the saddle from Goliath and laying his gear down at the aft side of the rear wagon. Taking all tack and saddle bags off the big horse and laying it in a pile. Talking to the big horse:

I'll leave your bit and bridle on just in case you get it in your head to run. I am your master now and we are a team, treat me well and I will treat you well.

Gives Goliath another piece of rock candy followed by a good brushing.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#11 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cassius hops down from his perch next to Emerall and sets about trying to make dinner for eleven. "Where's the ingredients and tools for dinner? I'll whip something up. If someone could fetch me some game, that'd go a long way."

He overhears Kranston. "Wyverns? Am I saying that right? WHY-verns? Or is it WH-verns?"

He starts gathering ingredients and setting up for a stew.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#12 Post by hedgeknight »

Mulgarr shrugs as he unsaddles his new mare and then gives her some feed before wiping her down.
"I doubt there are WYE-verns living along this road. Wolves, deer, squirrels, and maybe a boar or two...likely not much else."
While Cassius is preparing dinner, Mulgarr checks the strings on his bow and the fletching on his arrows and goes to stand in one of the wagons, watching the opposite side of the road from where Montego and Sai's owl went to scout.

Malin calls Cassius over to his wagon. "I have supplies for cooking. What do you need? We have a barrel of salted pork, a bushel of potatoes, one of onions, and a haunch of venison I practically had to threaten to get. Can you make something of that?"

You start to settle in, waiting for dinner, and wondering where Montego went and when he will return...
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#13 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Having never hunted before, Kranstön will set about trying to locate a rabbit to defeat in mortal combat, to perhaps add to the dinner offerings. He'll take enough care to not range out of eyesight of the camp.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#14 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He silently repeats 'Wyvern' in his head a few times. "Good to know."

"Ah! That will do nicely, Malin. A nice hearty stew, I think. Venison tonight." He pulls out a knife and starts prepping. "Can someone start a fire for me?"
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#15 Post by hedgeknight »

Cassius is chopping, slicing and dicing...preparing the venison for stew.
Muldgarr takes a break in his watch to help Malin with a fire.
Sai continues to care for his horse, Goliath.
Kranston wanders off a ways in search of a rabbit.
Montego is still nowhere to be seen...and it is getting darker by the minute.
Emerall is leaning against her wagon watching the last rays of the sun through the trees.
Jasmalus is in his wagon.

The winds on through the woods and soon disappears as darkness falls. Night sounds begin to emerge. Moths and other bugs come to inspect the campfire and lanterns hanging from the wagons.

(Messages coming to Kranston & Montego...)
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#16 Post by hedgeknight »

Guess Who's Coming for Dinner?

While the camp settles in for supper, Cassius is doling out bowls of stew. It smells delicious especially with a bit of pepper, which the young cook remembered to bring with him.
And just as you are about to tuck in proper, you hear Kranston's voice...hollering for help!

"Ahh!! Weird bats! Blood sucking bats!"

Your necks pop as you crane around to look in the direction of the dwarf's hollering, and then your eyes pop when you see what's chasing him.


Screeching and chittering, the "bats" are almost upon Kranston as he swings wildly, and ineffectively, with his quarterstaff. Seeing more prey, the critters spread out and gleefully come in for the attack!

Please roll initiative (d10) along with an attack action.
Since this is our first group combat, we'll kinda play it loosely and see how it goes.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#17 Post by Darklin2 »


Hearing the commotion Sia grabs his bow and wilderness harness and throws it over his head and shoulders. Sounding an alarm. Moving to protect the horses. Keeping his elven eyes out for anything else that may be coming in.

[1d10] = 7 init

ATTACK. We are under ATTACK.

[1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3 Long Bow


[1d20] = 13 Long Bow Attack +2 Dex so 15 total.

[1d8] = 6 Sheaf Arrrow Damage
Last edited by Darklin2 on Sun May 10, 2020 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#19 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cassius carefully pours a bowl of stew for himself, unable to wait for the others to return when he hears the ruckus. He nearly spills the whole pot when he sees the wyverns chasing Kranstön. "Oh Gods! They're real! And they're terrifying!"

He races to the wagon where he left his gear and quickly hops on top to shield the horses and get an unimpeded view.

Let's say he's only able to get one shot off this round.
Initiative: [1d10] = 9
Longbow (19): [1d20+3] = 13+3 = 16
Longbow damage: [1d8+6] = 5+6 = 11
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#20 Post by hedgeknight »

Dinner Guests 1

"Oh Gods! They're real! And they're terrifying!"
ATTACK. We are under ATTACK.

The bat-like creatures swarm into the camp flittering and tittering, screeching and attempting to grab onto each of you.
Kranston plants his feet and swings his quarterstaff again...hitting nothing but air.
Muldgarr fares some better > drawing steel, his blades swirl, slicing off a wing, sending one of the critters whirling to the ground.
Sai ducks and dodges the creatures, managing to nock an arrow, draw and fire...but he nearly drops his bow as one of the beasts grabs onto his hair! Sai swats it away, nocks another arrow and skewers it this time as it circles back.
Cassius regains his composure and reaches his bow, kneeling as he nocks and draws...firing point blank clean through one of the beasties!

Three of the critters are down, when the horses suddenly go wild and start bucking and kicking, trying to get away from the flapping creatures which are attempting to suck their blood!

Initiative Order:
Kranston (2), Stirges (3), Muldgarr & Sai (7), Cassius (9)

Stirge initiative: [1d10] = 3
Stirge hp: [1d8+1] = 3+1 = 4
Muldgarr initiative: [1d10] = 7
Muldgarr attacks: [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13 [1d8+1] = 2+1 = 3 [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10 [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2

Stirge attacks Kranston: [1d20] = 6 [1d20] = 3 [1d3] = 2 [1d3] = 1
Stirge attacks Sai: [1d20] = 8 [1d20] = 5 [1d3] = 2 [1d3] = 3
Stirge attacks Muldgarr: [1d20] = 6 [1d20] = 3 [1d3] = 2 [1d3] = 1
Stirge attacks Cassius: [1d20] = 10 [1d20] = 7 [1d3] = 2 [1d3] = 2

Each of you has one stirge attacking, while Kranston has two attacking him. And several are flying around the horses. Actions!
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