Background Notes

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Rider of Rohan
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Background Notes

#1 Post by max_vale »

I wanted to let everyone know a few things about me and my "take" on gaming and the Star Wars univese for the purposes of this adventure.

First; Star Wars and "Cannon":

I'm quite different from many (if not most) gamers I know in that I don't play or follow video/computer games at all; and haven't for over a decade now. And even when I did; I only played a bit on a few games. Why am I brining this up? It has come to my attention (in RL games and conversations on this and other boards); that a LOT of Star Wars stuff has been created via numerous Computer games; some of which I know a little bit about (X-wing, TIE Figther) and some of which I know NOTHING about (Knights of the Old Republic).

Absolutely NONE of these games is considered "Cannon" in any way.

Also; as a fan of the first 3 movies (mostly the first 2; ROTJ gets worse and worse the older I get); I was VERY, VERY disapointed in the prequels. Not just because of the horrendous script and even worse acting....the story itself....Lucas broke/didn't think through SO MUCH of his OWN FREAKIN' STORY; it boggles the mind. (Obi-wan can't remember R2......after ALL OF THE CRAP THEY WENT THROUGH......seriously?) a result.....for the purpose of this game.....THE PREQUELS ARE NOT CONSIDERED CANNON.

The Clone Wars happened about 25-30 years ago; they ended with the formation of the Empire about 25 years ago; which occured at about the same time Vader and the Empire hunted down and exterminated most of the Jedi Knights.

The Empire has been around for about 25 years now; actively re-writing history to take out anything they don't like (like most knowledge of the Jedi and thier activities); and sexism against females (in Military/Government roles) and racism against any non-humans has become rampant during this time.

The Rebel Alliance (officially "The Alliance to Restore the Republic) is the unification of various resistance movements and came into Formal existence about 4 years ago. A declaration of war against the Empire immediately followed and the Galactic Civil War has been fought ever since.

The first major Rebel victory occured about a year ago; the Battle of Yavin. For the first time; the Empire was truly stung by the Alliance; and has now truly dedicated much of its enormous resource base to crushing the Rebels.

Enter our adventure!

(More to come)

Any questions/comments?
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Re: Background Notes

#2 Post by angelicdoctor »

Like you, I am not a computer or video game player either. I know very little of the KOTOR era and/or game. What I do know is WotC's Saga Edition of the game. This has been my kids' favorite RPG for at least 5 years now. Naturally, this version adopts material from many and varied sources most notably all six films and not a few fiction books, video games, comic books and the rest. Much has been added to the Star Wars universe since Mr. Lucas first let us in on his epic story. Please forgive me if I throw in a few things here and there that don't seem to square up with the vision you are trying to present via your campaign. It may be a challenge for me to pare it down.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Background Notes

#3 Post by max_vale »

No worries!

I have a pet peeve with WOTC; as I feel they ruined a couple of my favorite games (namely AD&D and Star Wars); and I refused to buy any of thier products after buying the 3rd Edition Players Handbook on principle.

Now; this is JUST ME and my own strange opinions; so no offense intended to anyone who feels differently. I am ALL TOO FAMILIAR with being damn near the only one on an island on any number of issues.....for example; I'm just about the only person I know who loves naturally brown-haired women and hates tattoes and isn't particularly religious. (I.e. I know a couple of people who for reasons of thier faith object to these, I just like natural brunettes with no tats! :) )

It's a free country and everyone is entitled to thier own opinions; so please never take anything I say too hard or seriously! :)

Anyway; I will certainly TRY to accomodate player's wishes/ideas as much as I can; and will only speak up if things are really causing any kind of issue for my "take" on things! :)

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Re: Background Notes

#4 Post by Alethan »

Max, PM me an email address and when I get to work on Monday, I'll send you a two page thesis on Star Wars that was written, I believe, after Episode Two was released. The guy has some great theories that explain a lot, including the concerns you mention above...

Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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