How does the Wretched Regions differ from MCC?

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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How does the Wretched Regions differ from MCC?

#1 Post by Norjax »

How does the Wretched Regions Campaign differ from pure Mutant Crawl Classics?

The Wretched Regions Campaign began as a Mutant Future game in 2015. We switched to MCC upon its release. Due to this transition, we kept the hit point generation of Mutant Future and adopted it to MCC.

Campaign Setting

The Wretched Regions is a quasi medieval/western setting. The level of contemporary technology is medieval, with elements of mutation science and reverse-engineered artifacts.

Starting Level

Characters begin at 1st level in the Wretched Regions

Ability Scores

4d6 drop the lowest, arrange as desired.

Hit Points

Hit points are determined during character creation by rolling the appropriate class hit die by the Stamina score as per Mutant Future (or Gamma World).

Playable Classes

Humans – Human characters are either Uber Strain Humans (USH) or Psionists.
  • Uber Strain Humans are the descendents of hardy stock who survived the post-apocalyptic world thousands of years ago. They have since diversified into many population groups and cultures throughout the world.

    They are similar to the Sentinels of MCC

    Psionist are USH who have evolved with Mental Mutations. They are physically indistinguishable from USH (unless afflicted with a mutation defect). They have the ability to heal organic wounds with psychic powers.

    There are no analogies to Shamans, Healers and Rovers from MCC.
Android (Including Synthetics and Replicants) – Per the Mutant Future rules

Cyborg – Per Crawling Under a Broken Moon. In the Wretched Regions, they may physically resemble Humans or Manimals. Manimals do not receive the same class abilities as pure Manimals.

Mutant – Per MCC

Manimal – Per MCC

Plantient – Per MCC

Patron AI

The concept of Patron AI’s and Global AI networks does not exist in the Wretched Regions Setting.

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