START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

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START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hi There!

Is anyone interested in an adventure filled with high fantasy and frightening monsters? A game that will run on here indefinitely and allow for characters to develop all the way up from first level newbies to high level heroes packing powerful magic items? The possibility for dangerous and sometimes profitable adventures will be endless in this one, starting out with the very basics and building up from there. A captivating storyline will be systematically uncovered by the characters as you advance along at your own pace.

Though loosely based in the world of Greyhawk, this game will be run as a sandbox style adventure with an open world concept, full of mystical magicks and deadly monsters. It will be based heavily on character building and storyline. Players that enjoy creating and expanding on their characters will most certainly enjoy this game as there will be plenty of opportunity to become rich, well equipped, worldly adventurers. There will also be plenty of chances and choices to make (or break) your character. For those interested, this adventure starts out on the high seas followed by a fun little romp across a dense and untamed jungle island. From there......literally anything can happen.

I already have a few players interested in joining. (from the former game of mine in this slot) If anyone else would like to sign on, we can start to develop new groups as more and more players join in. I figure that I could accommodate two or even three complete groups that are running simultaneously. I would also entertain the idea of running smaller "splinter" groups or even a solo mission or two if that opportunity presented itself. Risky business that solo adventuring, but highly profitable when successful.

So.....anyone up for a long term AD&D game?

The posting rate will likely vary depending on the group you are in, but I can usually reply to a players post in a day or two at the very latest. If I get a group of players that want a faster game, that is fine too. I suspect that the average posting rate will be about every 2 or 3 days.

You can PM me with any comments or questions about the game. Once I know you are interested, I will add you so you can post stuff here.
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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

About This Game:

Disclaimer: I should start by saying that my games are not exactly what I would call flashy. My computer skills are rather limited so, I use hand drawn maps and position markers. I don't know how to size things and have never used photochop. I do try to post pictures of monsters and locations once in a while to set the mood, but a good imagination is definitely helpful in my games. I try to make up for my lack of flash with good, solid game content instead.

As far as die rolls go, you will make all of your own characters rolls and link them to your posts. DMs rolls will not be posted. I play from a mobile device the majority of the time and that makes it much harder to organize all my rolls. The storyline will reflect what happens from "behind the screen" so I don't like spending a bunch of extra time sorting and posting all the rolls. In fact, when I'm at home, sometimes I get crazy and actually roll real dice. It's hard to link those rolls. :)

For this game I am using the town of Saltmarsh as a launching point because I already have it mostly fleshed out in another game that I am running on here. That fact will be somewhat irrelevant at the beginning of the game because you won't be spending a lot of time there anyway. It is more or less a point of reference for the early stages of the game.
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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Big Shiny Island is almost completely uncharted territory, being only just recently discovered at sea. The island rests a few days sail off the west coast and is as of yet completely untamed. Its sudden appearance is still an unsolved mystery. It is not known to any of the old sailors or shown on any navigational charts of the area.

Once your character gets to the island, it will be pretty much "your world" to explore. Although there will be plenty of opportunities for "work" that present themselves, there will be no specific structured plot line to follow like in most other games. You will have to take the initiative to team up and conquer your surroundings as you uncover the islands many mysteries, slowly revealing its story to you in the process. The island is a very dangerous place and it will be up to the player to determine if his or her character has stumbled into a indomitable foe or a hopeless situation and react accordingly. (RUN!!!) Please remember to mind your level when you are just starting out, here there be monsters!
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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Normally, everything that a group does in their game thread will be considered public knowledge. Private threads will be set up for each player for things that they don't want to discuss or advertise publicly. I think there will be plenty of opportunities for secondary groups to learn about things that other groups have done before them and then act upon that information. Hopefully creating a bit of conflict and intrigue between the characters, thereby adding a little more flavor to the game.
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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I don't really have a specific pattern to my posting. I like to try to answer relevant questions expeditiously, but I don't always respond to posts in the order they come in. I will try to answer posts as generally as possible while still addressing any specific matters as necessary.

During normal play, I try to keep the action moving as much as possible, answering non action posts as they come in. Once any type of situation occurs, I may ask for Actions?. This means that you can make an action, but I might not need to wait until everyone posts in order to continue.

However, once I call for Actions!, it likely indicates a combat round or some other time sensitive situation. At that point, each player will make one post and I will tally up the action, making the rounds resolution only after every player has posted.

Some of you may have already noticed this but I wanted to point it out anyway.
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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#6 Post by OGRE MAGE »

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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#8 Post by OGRE MAGE »


(these are just place holders)
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Re: START HERE! (Recruitment Thread)

#9 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Please check out the HOW TO thread next. :D

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