The Wooden Keep

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The Wooden Keep

#1 Post by Marullus »

The Wooden Keep of ArchDuke Gaul
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Offices of the Arch-Duke:
- for audiences with ArchDuke Gaul, post here (free of charge) but usually uses up a whole day to have one.

Usurer's Office:
- Deeds for property (1% of assessed value, one year duration)
- Wills (100gp to create, 20gp to modify)
- Currency conversion to platinum coins (1% fee)
- Sale of gemstones (as available)
- Precious metal items by-weight to be re-cast (no object d'art value, that goes to Merchants)
- Purchase of gemstones (will provide the assessed value, purchases at 80%, or can be haggled up to 90% with successful roll)

Gemstones for Sale:
chipped black obsidian (10 GP)
dull striated green malachite (10 GP)
chipped striated green malachite (10 GP)
blue azurite (50 GP)
dazzling banded agate (75 GP)
muddy red zircon (75gp)
eye agate (75gp)
banded red and white sardonyx (100gp)

small golden brown tiger eye (25 GP)
dull black obsidian (25 GP)
gray smoky quartz (50 GP)
polished round piece of black obsidian (50gp)
a long blue quartz crystal (75gp)
blue zircon (75 GP)
deep blue lapis lazuli (75 GP)
blue-green turquoise (75 GP)

Office of Wilhelm the Sage
- May pay a reward fee for information on the ancient civilizations of the Northlands
- May purchase objects of antiquity which can be substantiated to have historical significance (PCs must have the object's story)
- Can provide information known to him, charging 25gp per question (and up)
- Can communicate with Sages in the Southlands to research topics, minimum of one month for response. (See book note below)
Sage (p. 48)
Rate: 1,800 gp + 1d4 x 100 gp, per month
Sages are rare; they usually specialize in a subject area, such as a sage specialist in dragons. Sages may be consulted for information. If the information is particularly difficult to obtain, it will cost the characters extra. Characters may have to pay the monthly rate in addition to any other supplies the sage needs to research their question. The Labyrinth Lord will decide these costs. In addition, despite the special knowledge sages have, they are occasionally wrong when it comes to particularly obscure questions. The Labyrinth Lord will decide what questions are obscure and the probability of achieving a wrong answer. If the characters receive a wrong answer, they may not realize it!
Office of Sir Albecht, Captain of the Guard
- for audiences with Sir Albrecht, post here (free of charge) but usually uses up a whole day to have one.
- Currently handling the reward offers for slain goblins.
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Re: Town Business (Gaul)

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Idriss Silverleaf

Idriss will try to spend a day at the office and library of Wilhelm the sage. It seems fairly quiet around town so he will research on any documents or history relaying to the goblin hole victory.

Any records on the guards who took part, Idriss would like to hear their testimony; how they got in, the structure of thd hole, any interesting finds inside.
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#3 Post by Marullus »

Wilhelm the Sage smiles and welcomes Idriss to his office. His library and records, however, are not free for public use. "I can gladly tell you some of the details of the ArchDuke's men and their victory. Requesting the the histories that I wrote is simple enough and will not require extra time for research; just the 25 gold piece normal fee."
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#4 Post by Spearmint »

Idriss Silverleaf

Idriss initially baulks at the price demanded. For that price he could hire five 'mercs' and go raid the place for a day. So Idriss will try a different approach.

I see you ask for information on the Northlands and that your duties with the duke keep you busy here. Perhaps we can come to some arrangement for I seek knowledge too. Your library is indeed well stocked and much esteemed. I could learn much, not just of a minor raid on some green skins lair but on the pre-cataclysm men who dwelt here and their lives. Maybe there is a function I could perform for you and in return gather the information I seek?
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#5 Post by Marullus »

Wilhelm considers thoughtfully, then leads you in the back study to show you something of interest.
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#6 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

Walking to the entrance of the Wooden Keep with Blackjack, Earc sees the spectacle with Foxy outside the infirmary.

"That was her! That was the woman," Earc whispers harshly when they are out of hearing of the crowd. "I wonder if that means they destroyed the book... or just the hand. I don't know if she'll be interested in sharing that information with me at this point, though... Too bad. I could have used those spells."

He is quiet until they reach the office of the Sage.

"Are you Wilhelm the Sage? I'm Earc. This is Amistad Blackjack. We just came from a venture north of here and had some artifacts we wondered if you might be interested in studying, maybe even purchasing..."

He holds out his hands and opens them up, one containing one of the ancient gold coins, the other containing one of the blue-steel darts, the tip covered with a bit of cork to protect against the poison contained within.
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#7 Post by Marullus »

Wilhelm looks over the items with a jeweler's loop. "Curious. Not what I was expecting. This dart appears to be new manufacture. Tell me, what is its story?"
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#8 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

Earc begins, not precisely sure what to leave out, so he includes all of the basic facts in case Wilhelm is interested in any of them, "Amistad and I set off with a tracker two weeks ago, looking for a new source of lumber. We went north to the old logging camp and veered to the northeast from there. After we left the camp, we discovered the cave home of a cyclops family and an unusual cave opening that was obviously not natural. It was a 6 foot diameter tunnel, perfectly round and perfectly smooth. At the back of the cave, we found a similar tunnel going straight down but with hand and foot holds."

"From there we headed east to the river and followed it north by northwest for a day. We found some ruins there - mostly foundations of stone and metal - and another one of those round tunnels. That night at camp, we were set upon by five mongrel-like creatures. We defeated them and were able to bring one back as a captive. They were armed with blow tube spears used to shoot these darts."
He then produces one of the blow tube spears for Wilhelm to examine.

"They also carried chains of unusual metal, like nothing I've ever seen before, that were both lighter and stronger than steel. They also had manacles and the gold coins we just showed you."

Earc pauses in consideration. "At first glance, they appeared savage and primitive. But their equipment says otherwise - their clothing was simple, yet expertly sewn, and included attached pockets. Their equipment was of excellent quality, as you can see."

"They never used any verbal sounds that might be interpreted as language. They did hum, however. At first we had two of them captured, but early in the morning they started humming and soon a grumpbear entered our camp and ate one. Later, when we were rafting logs down the river, the last one began humming again and shortly thereafter the raft was attacked by a river troll."

He shakes his head, "We couldn't tell if the humming foretold the attacks or if the humming called the creatures to us. The captive is being watched carefully in the keep cells, if you are interested in spending some time studying him."
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#9 Post by Marullus »

"And, tell me of these items you offer for my collection? What is the significance of this coin and this dart?" asks Wilhelm.
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#10 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

Earc holds up one of the coins. "I spent some time studying the coins closely. They are nothing like anything we have in the south. Our coinage is all rough-cast with poor detail, as I'm sure you are aware. These coins, however, were engraved or die cut with great detail. Even now if you look closely you can see the quality. I believe the wear on these coins indicates they have been in circulation, and well-used, for several thousand years, most likely predating the start of our calendar. Also of note is the fact that the visage on the coins bears no resemblance to anything on any of our southron coins - this person has a sharp nose, high cheeks, and a pointed chin. The coins were found on the mongrels, another oddity to go along with their high-quality clothing and weapons. We have a number of these coins available; we would make some of the select ones with more detail available to you for further examination, should you chose to add some to your collection."

"I also examined the darts in detail. Obviously, as you can see, the craftsmanship is like nothing we can do today - the detail is so fine and precise you need a loupe to see it. What's more, they seem to contain natural magic unlike the sorts we are used to seeing - items growing powerful over time from use and care or items being infused with magic at a later point by an experienced wizard. These seem to have been created already imbued with magic. The poisons contained within appear to be a form of natural magic, as well - a product that is enhanced through skilled manufacture."

Earc picks up the one dart and holds it between finger and thumb. "I only have four of these. That makes them the only four darts of this type known. As such, I think they are significantly more valuable. I had a mind to spend some time focusing on their study once I can set up a proper laboratory. I'd like to see if I can find an antidote to the poison or maybe even an inoculation that would prevent the poison from working in the first place. This might be useful should we encounter more of these creatures as settlers expand north into the unknown..."
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#11 Post by Marullus »

"Several thousand years indeed," Sage Wilhelm murmurs as he examines the coin with his jeweler's loupe, "Though, they likely date from before the Cataclysm, not just before southern history."

He counts out coins from his pouch. "I will offer five gold pieces for your one ancient gold piece, reflecting its antiquity; if you can find coins that are more intact then see me again. The dart is not nearly so old, which means this means of manufacture must not be truly lost. That is a revelation, indeed. I will offer 25 gold pieces for one of the darts, as it is delivered with poison still intact." He places his pile of coins next to the two items.

"The guard had of course notified me of the prisoner. Your testimony sheds more light on his predicament. It was no small feat to find him, let alone bring him alive and unharmed for study. Much may be learned from him over time. I will pay you 100 gold pieces for his life. I will allow your guard-scholar to continue to attempt to converse with him, but he will otherwise be beyond your concern. Yes?" He sets down a pile of platinum coins as well.
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The Wooden Keep

#12 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

In an aside to Earc he say, " money for the Morlock sounds good especially keeping the linguitic studies. I would have a mind to keep the poison though, it downed the troll so must be worth more than the few coins on offer. Maybe he has a small ante chamber that could double as a lab too".
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#13 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

Earc thinks a moment, "Yes, I'll take your offer on the coin and I think we also agree on the price of the mongrel. I'll have to consider your offer in the dart, being unsure as to when I might come across such things in the future without considerable risk."

He scoops up enough coin to cover the 105gp value, deftly taking platinum coins first, for their easier portability.

OOC: what is the count on platinum coins?

Then he takes his leave, offering a promise to return should they come across more darts, higher quality coins, or anything else from this new culture that seems of interest.

After they've left, he speaks to Blackjack of the laboratory.

"You could not know this, but one never uses the laboratory of another. For one thing, the setup is usually unique to the person. Bottles are often not labeled or even mislabeled to prevent others from stealing your work. Having someone use your lab would be akin to letting them rummage through your house while you stand at the door staring at them. The other issue is one of sharing knowledge. Should I use his lab, or even just a part of his building to house my lab, he would expect me to share information with him, whether it was warranted or not. No, I will build my own lab. And keep my studies to myself until I chose to share them.
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#14 Post by Marullus »

You take 10pp, 5gp. You gave 1gp.

Wilhelm adds hastily, "It was an offer of 50-fold more than a dart, but you are right... it is worth more for my collection. I shall double the offer to 50 gold pieces?" He sweeps away the remaining gold and places five more platinum coins on the table.
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#15 Post by Alethan »

Earc nods and picks up the five platinum pieces while leaving one of the darts behind.

Later, to Blackjack, he says, "this gets us very easily within range of our goa. Now the question is, do we buy the potion of water breathing? Or the potion of treasure finding? One will help us find it easily. The other might help us retrieve it."
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#16 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

Amistad has a think of the options, one or the other. Can we research the potions and find out how many doses or sips can we take and how many people use it.

Could we manufacture snorkels or a big chamber pot glass helmet with a long hose attached?

The river is a mile wide, how deep though? A good swimmer should be able to dive what 30ft - 60ft and back in a couple of rounds.

Research river trolls? Maybe they act like beavers or amphibians and lair above water?

Another thought. Return to logging camp, cut wood to make another raft, we then have a floating platform we can anchor midstream to dive from and cash in again if we float it back to the ford. No Pingu so we all stay together.
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#17 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

Earc walks with Blackjack to the merchant's camp as they continue the conversation...

(Edited: Continued back in Merchant's Camp thread)
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#18 Post by Spearmint »

Idriss Silverleaf

Returning to the Keep, Idriss knocks upon the library door of sage Wilhelm. "My pardon Sir, my last visit here provoked my questions. I am sorry I could not be an answer to your own. Though the nature of these Elanheim intrigue me much. The journey to the peaks may be beyond me at present though I have an aide willing to travel thus far. She has spoken of some cult of mages, indeed her anthems mention them. Feisty she seems though and driven, but I think there is much good in her like a wild horse who needs taming."

Idriss realises he his just waffling on."We would like to hear you reports of the dukes' raid on the goblin haunt. We might discover much or little yet remaining there, discover more about ourselves perhaps."

Idriss pays the sage or office clerk the 25gp fee. Getting a receipt just because he has this fastidiousness about good accounting and reads through the notes and papers.

-25gp fee paid
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#19 Post by Marullus »

Idriss is given access to peruse the ledgers.
Much information is provided about the accounting of the situation - the names and relations of the Guardsmen who took part, the gear they were issued from the armory, and accolades and injuries sustained which the ArchDuke later offered commendation and recompense for. The Goblin Hole itself is a limestone cave with spring and small waterway, modified by extensive goblin-made excavation. It housed mostly goblins with a small amount of wolves, and its positioning among rocky outcroppings and surrounding small streams made it difficult to track and locate, even with hounds.

The assault was done en-mass once the location was confirmed. They slaughtered the goblins who came to defense and quickly routed the host. Goblins popped out of escape routes and began streaming across the plain - the Goblin King and wolf-riders foremost. The Guard put them to the chase and cut down as many of the fleeing goblins as they could.

The Goblin Hole, thus abandoned, was to be cleared by the guard. The small size of the tunnels and the plethora of clever traps made this untenable, causing more casualties than the battle. Notes include guard deaths by spiked deadfalls, deadly poison, and evisceration by hidden blades. Having verified that the front portion was left uninhabited, the Guard filled the tunnels with oil-soaked brush and timber and set it afire to burn out the remainder of anything which lay below.

Notes continue on regularly, annotating regular inspection as the Guards patrol the Safe Zone daily. No sign of re-inhabitation has ever been noted.

A map of the known portion of the caverns, drawn from description by the soldiers, is included. (I'll provide it when an expedition actually goes there.)
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Re: The Wooden Keep

#20 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay Weatherwax

With the Sage
Clay finds his way to the Sage. Once he is in, he opens a wooden chest and shows the man the set of leather bound journals found in the Stone Run. They look to be written in dwarvish. Do you have any interest? Clay explains that, as part of the buying price, he would like to know what is written within - to develop a sense of place. Believing these are the only records of this area since before/after the great cataclysm, Clay anticipates a goodly sum for the set.
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