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#1 Post by max_vale »

Mid afternoon, September 30th, Skies over the southern Phillipine Islands and the South China Sea

The airship S.S. Stormcloud and its carried 'Thunderbolt' Squadron was only a day away from its goal of reaching Sumatra after 6 days of crossing the vast Pacific Ocean when the pilots of Second Flight; on routine patrol that afternoon, suddenly saw half-a-dozen appraoching aircraft. The aircraft didn't respond to radio hails and as they got close enough; the rag-tag color schemes and lack of national markings meant they probably belonged to a Pirate band.

The aircraft were small, stubby and quite fast and were on an Intercept course to the Zeppelin. LT Jean-Claude Oulette, leading the Flight knew that the 3 fighters of First Flight, whom his own Flight had relieved of Patrol duties a mere 10 minutes before, would need more time to refuel before they could be launched to aide them; so his mind began to race furiously about how best to handle the situation. It raced all the more furiously after Squadron Leader Chalifoux called out over the radio for crewmen aboard the Zeppelin to man the machine-guns on the engine nacelles and front and dorsal turrets and then assigned Second Flight to do thier best to protect the Stormcloud until First Flight could help them out.

Che Curador called excitedly over the radio; "Those planes are I-16s! The Russians make them and sold a bunch of them to the Republicans in Spain to use against the Nationalists. They're quick, agile and tough…but are only lightly armed with a couple of Light machineguns firing through the prop."


The half-dozen Pirate I-16s split into 2 groups of three planes; one headed for Second Flight while the other split out and appeared to be attempting to go around Second Flight to make an attack run on the Zeppelin. It was turning out to be an interesting day….
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#2 Post by Urson »

"Time to earn our paychecks, my comrades. We must defend ourselfs and stop the pirates before they reach the ship. Form on me, concentrate on the batards who are attacking us. I have de one on de far left."
Jean-Claude goes to top speed, zig-zagging as he bores in on his chosen target.
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#3 Post by Monsieur Rose »

"The plane is like the siberian woman: short, tough, quick, and a gives a sharp sting. Makes me homesick. I will have the middle one."

Nikolai will hold ranks and take aim at the middle plane.
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#4 Post by kipper »

Murdoch ignores Jean-Claud and instead silently peels out from his Flight and heads to flank the leader of the second group of planes, firing his cannon when gets lined up. He will then immediately take evasive action against expected retaliation if he is within range of their guns, otherwise he'll line up another shot.
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#5 Post by Urson »

OOC: While Jean-Claude is making his attack run, can he get any sense of how these pirate's planes stack up against his, AFA maneuverability, speed, whatever?
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#6 Post by max_vale »

Mid afternoon, September 30th, Skies over the southern Phillipine Islands and the South China Sea

The powder blue skies and scattered white clouds of the South Pacific were suddenly split open by angry yellow tracers criss-crossing between two groups of planes coming together violently....

Murdoch took everyone by surprise and veered off from the 'vee' of pirate I-16s headed right for second flight and peeled away and gunned the engine to maneuver into range behind the second 'vee' of pirate I-16s which were heading for the Zeppelin and when he reached medium range he opened up with a burst from the massive 37mm 'Goliath' cannon mounted on his plane's belly and he grinned and howled in triumph as the rounds smashed into the left-most pirate plane's wing and with a flash of orange-yellow flame, the wing fell off and the plane began to tumble and spin on its long-way down to the ocean...

Che Curador made an instinctive choice to break off with Murdoch, staying on his wing and essentially making the battle break into two separate dog-fights. The Spanish pilot then took a shot with his over-wing mounted Heavy Machinegun, but his tracers sailed wide of the right-most plane on the pirate three-some and his eyes opened up wide in surprise as the nimble I-16 rolled up into an Immelmann turn* to race forward in a head-to-head charge with Curador. The I-16 reached short-range and opened up with not 2 but 4 light machineguns; the pair in the nose that the Spanish pilot was expecting and a pair in the wing-roots that he was not. The rounds smashed into the Dustdevil's engine and they must have ruptured a fuel hose as black motor-oil and grease suddenly geyser-ed out and splashed all over Che's cockpit glass and the stick suddenly became quite hard to control as the plane's engine sputtered in gasps and flight became erratic. Curador soon had more to worry about though as the pirate plane launched a rocket from one of its two centerline hardpoints and the missile sped towards the Thunderbolt plane and exploded against one of the thick landing-gear strut/spats. Che was knocked around a bit in his cockpit and his plane spiralled a couple hundred feet down, nearly out of control before he was able to level off and assess the damage. It wasn't good....his engine power was questionable, his visibility was impaired and two of his light machineguns had just been blown off with the wheel strut/spat they were mounted on. Curador called out on the radio; "This is Thunderbolt 5; those I-16s are the Mark 2 model....we heard about them in Spain, but never fought them. They're a little less manueverable, but more heavily armed with 4 machineguns instead of 2. I'm hit pretty bad, I've got to try and make it back to the Stormcloud for repairs before my engine gives out and I fall outta the sky. I'm sorry guys!"; he said with obvious anger and sadness in his tone as he yanked his plane into a wide, slow turn to try and head back to the zeppelin....

Nikolai Klokov stuck with his Flight Leader and he soon found his two-plane element going head-to-head with a trio of pirate I-16s and he grunted with a a combination of excitement, amusement and Russian fatalism. As the two groups of planes passed into medium range, he fired his pair of 20mm cannon and his lips peeled back from his lips in a savage grin as he watched his shells 'walk' into an I-16 and turn it into a short-lived, orange-yellow fireball that rained bits of junk thousands of feet above the ocean below. His grin faded a bit though as another of the I-16s opened up and stitched his Raven with 30 caliber machinegun fire and slammed into his right wing and with a jerk he could feel in his plane's stick; he could tell that one of his flaps had been shot away; meaning his plane would be more sluggish and harder to maneuver from this point on*....

Finally, LT Jean-Claude Oulette turned his Devastator towards the enemy and was pleased to see that Klokov had stuck to his wing, but was a bit perturbed that crazy Murdoch and Curador had broken off and engaged the other trio of enemy I-16s. Shaking his head and focusing on the task at hand, he juked and jinked and successfully managed to avoid the return fire of the I-16 he was rapidly moving towards in a head-on pass. The stubby little Russian plane filled his gun-sights as the range dropped to short....

*OOC: Okay, with Rusty seemingly gone from the boards; I had Curador get 'knocked out' of the fight.....the situation right now has Murdoch facing one I-16 at short-range (the one that shot down Che)...while another is at medium range and heading away from him towards the Zeppelin. In the 'other' fight; Nikolai and Jean-Claude are at short range to 2 I-16s. 2 of the enemy have been shot down (1 by Murdoch and 1 by Nikolai) and Curador has been heavily damaged and rendered a non-combatant while Nikolai has taken Light Damage and his Maneuverability has been reduced a pip to +1D vice +1D+1. In addition; please note that Nikolai has 14 bursts remaining with his cannon while Murdoch has 9 with his.

Jean-Claude can tell that these I-16 Mark-2s are faster than any of the Thunderbolts' planes (except for Murdoch's Fury....which seems to be about equal; i.e. +1D+2)....they seem to have equivalent agility as the remaining Thunderbolt planes (i.e. +1D+1).....and they would seem to have 4 LMGs as their main armament; along with a pair of centerline hardpoints that at least one of the planes is using to carry rockets.

Final note: Right now, you guys don't have any Ordinance on your hardpoints....but that won't necessarily be the case in future fights.

If anyone has any questions/concerns, please let me know!
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#7 Post by Urson »

Jean-Claude's eyes narrow as he studies the plane he faces. As he jinks back and forth, the pirate dances in and out of his sights. Each time it crosses his gunsight, he squeezes the trigger, sending a short burst of ammo at the enemy plane.

"Ok, boys- get their attention and then head for the Stormcloud. Maybe we can lead them into the main guns." Jean-Claude makes a tight turn back toward the airship- but he purposly turns sloppily, as if he weren't as skilled a pilot as he actually is.
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#8 Post by kipper »

Murdoch engages the plane which shot down Che, firing another cannon blast.

((OOC: Since these planes are faster than most of us, won't they easily be able to shoot us down from behind if we attempt to lead them back to the airship?)
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#9 Post by max_vale »

Mid afternoon, September 30th, Skies over the southern Phillipine Islands and the South China Sea

Murdoch and a pirate I-16 race towards each other at over 300mph each with Murdoch flying straight as an arrow and firing his 37mm Goliath cannon as the range falls to short as the Pirate pilot jukes and jinks all-over the sky and fires his quartet of 30 caliber machineguns in return. The I-16 narrowly dodged the cannon-fire; but the pirate's return fire raked the little Fury and small pieces of Murdoch's left wing and the barrel of his outboard Light machinegun on that wing suddenly fell off the plane and the stick got a little choppy as the damage was inflicted*....

Nikolai Klokov wrestled with his plane's stick and danced his sluggish machine side to side while also firing the pair of 20mm cannons at his foe when he got the chance and he had some satisfaction in watching his fire clip the side of one of the Pirate I-16s, which started to trail smoke from the side of the fuselage, but it stayed straight and level and continued to fire back with its quartet of machineguns. Once again; the sound of hail on a tin roof echoed in the Russian's cockpit; but this time, it appeared his tough Raven fighter absorbed the damage without any noticeable effects**...

The Pirate I-16 flying alone towards the Zeppelin started to pull away from the dog-fight and it began to approach extreme range of the Stormcloud and it moved into position to make a low, port-side run on the engine nacelles located there. Tracers from the machinegun turret located on that side started to reach out towards the pirate plane; but at this range; they had little chance of actually hitting it. Sunlight gleamed on the pair of rockets mounted on the I-16's two centerline hardpoints as it lined up for its run....

Jean-Claude and his opponent both swiveled their planes around the sky as they fired on each other with four machineguns each; 30 calibers for the pirate I-16 and heavier 50 calibers for Oulette's Devastator. The tracers made for a pretty show against the powder blue sky; but none of them connected with either plane***. Oulette then began a slow turn back towards the Stormcloud and the I-16 maneuvered to get behind the French-Canadian....

*Murdoch's plane is Lightly Damage and one of its LMGs has been knocked out; meaning only 3 of the 4 will currently fire; and damage will be reduced from 4D to 3D+2 if used. Also; the Heavy Cannon is down to 8 bursts remaining.

**Klokov's plane managed to get a 'Grazed' result due to the BODY roll being higher than the Damage roll; so no effect. His own weapons fire resulted in a 'Lightly Damaged' and his Light Cannons have ammo for 13 more bursts.

***Oulette has 19 more bursts for his HMGs.

Everyone: While a plane may be faster than another; it is the pilot's skill PLUS the speed which makes the difference in out-running an opponent in most cases. In a straight-line race; then yes....the faster plane wins every time (assuming everything is working correctly); but numerous factors such as diving; plane weight and responsiveness; air-currents; etc. can greatly impact who reaches which point first in a 'race' to a spot in a combat situation. In game terms, when trying to run away from an enemy or run towards an enemy attempting to escape; I use a roll of the Pilot's skill and the Plane's speed stat....so if pilot Joe has skill 5D and his plane's speed is +1D+1.....and he's trying to get away from an enemy pilot with skill 4D and a plane's speed stat of +2D; the final rolls will be: 6D+1 for Joe and 6D for the enemy. Does this makes sense to everyone? I'm happy to talk about this more with people if they like.
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#10 Post by Urson »

Jean-Claude grinned as he saw the pirate in his rearview mirror. He dodged and dance his canard as he maneuvered toward the airship. "Watch this, Rosa," he whispered in French as he flew.
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#11 Post by kipper »

If possible, Murdoch will attempt to line-up and fire his cannon at the I-16 which is beginning its run against the Stormcloud. Otherwise he'll continue to engage his current dogfight opponent with his cannon.
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#12 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Nikolai turns to remove the pest from Jean-Claude's tail. "You have picked up the shadow Oulette, let me shine the light!"

He tries to line up and fire at the pest.
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#13 Post by max_vale »

Mid afternoon, September 30th, Skies over the southern Phillipine Islands and the South China Sea

Murdoch turned his Fury towards the distant I-16 closing in on his home Zeppelin and lined up a long-range shot with his 'Goliath' 37mm cannon. Gauging the deflection angle as best he could, he pulled the trigger and sent a burst down-range that JUST managed to clip the rear fuselage of the pirate plane and he gave a whoop of victory as pieces of metal began to fall off the plane like rain, sending flashes of light as sun reflected off of them on the way down to the Pacific. The contrails of a rocket fired by the I-16 streaked just wide of one of the engine pods and the pirate plane lost a lot of altitude as it began to plummet down, before its pilot was able to arrest its fall. Murdoch's grin was short-lived though as the Pirate I-16 he had been shooting at a moment ago slipped into position behind him and cut loose with its quad Light machineguns that ripped into his starboard wing. Murdoch's plane trembled and then began to fall and roll as the tip of the wing suddenly fell off and smoke and flashes of flame sparked from the wing as the ammunition for the two 30 cals mounted there began to cook off. Luckily; the fall and spin soon put out the flames; but Murdoch was fighting with the stick to get his plane back to FLYING vice FALLING status*....

Klokov fought to turn his damaged Raven onto the tail of the I-16 that has slipped onto Jean-Claude's tail and he was happy to see that his Flight Leader's maneuvers kept the pirate's stream of tracers from connecting with his Devastator. The Russian pilot lined up the shot and put a burst from his twin 20mm cannons dead-center into the pirate plane which suddenly broke into two falling pieces without so much as a lick of orange-yellow light from any kind of explosion. Klokov noted that the Pirate pilot was able to open his cockpit from the front falling half of the plane and leap out and yank his parachute open; but his attention was quickly snapped back due to a stream of tracers zipping past the cockpit glass as the I-16 on his 6 o'clock just barely missed**...

Jean-Claude Oulette jinked and juked and was gratified to see that his evasive maneuvers had caused the enemy behind him to miss as he meanwhile raced towards the Stormcloud. He could see his home-base airship now, along with the I-16 racing towards one of its aft engine-pods and he then saw Murdoch make a spectacular long-range cannon shot to damage the Pirate plane and throw off its own rocket attack. The I-16 recovered, though it was obviously damaged and the French-Canadian could tell that it was still armed with a second rocket and it was once again maneuvering to get into position to make an attack on one of its engine-pods. A quick glance back though saw that his two wingmen were both smoking from damage and both had pirate planes' on their tails. What to do***....

*Murdoch now has 7 bursts remaining for his Heavy Cannon and his plane is Heavily damaged with all LMGs off-line and Speed reduced to +1 (no more than 200mph), no bonus to any Maneuverability rolls (i.e. Pilot skill only); and next round a Piloting roll of Difficulty 15 is required to get the plane back to 'flying' vice 'falling'. If failed; you'll have to try and Bail out. Keep in mind you have Luck Points; which make all rolls for a round at +3D. You managed to cause Light Damage to the I-16 attacking the Zeppelin AND spoiled its attack; if that helps!
**Klokov shot down the Pirate plane; has 12 bursts remaining for his Light Cannons and was luckily MISSED by the I-16 on his tail
***Jean-Claude: The Damaged I-16 attacking the Zepp is currently out of range of your HMGs; but you can try and close the range (to Medium) AND make an attack this round if you like....or you can reverse course and get into either of the dog-fights going on with the other 2 pilots
Last edited by max_vale on Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#14 Post by kipper »

Murdoch fights to get his plane back under control. Luckily he knows what he's doing, having been in a similar situation more times than he can remember. He deliberately tries to make it look like he's out of action though (to throw off his attacker) before making a last-minute recovery.

((OOC: In this round, is he focused only on recovery, or can he make an attack against his adversary too? If the latter, he'll use a luck point this round and attempt an attack.))
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#15 Post by Urson »

Jean-Claude curses as he makes a tight turn and heads back toward his fellows. He continues his zig-zag flying as he heads toward the nearest of the dogfights. When in range, he squeezes off a long burst at the pirate.
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#16 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Nikolai frowns in bittersweet triumph as he watches Murdoch spiral downward. A quick glance behind confirms a shadow, but his thoughts are on the plane targeting his comrade. He tries to line up Murdoch's attacker while spinning and weaving to thwart the plane behind.

"Come at me, you weak coward son of the dog!"
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#17 Post by max_vale »

Mid afternoon, September 30th, Skies over the southern Phillipine Islands and the South China Sea

Murdoch is able to wrestle his Fury back into some semblance of control and his crippled plane is handling like a brick tied to an umbrella, but its staying airborne. He WAS able to fool his pursuer into thinking he was finished though as a quick check of his 6 showed nothing but blue skies; but the wild-man knew that attempting to take his plane back into combat was a TERRIBLE idea and his eyes soon located the Zeppelin in the distance....

Klokov, upset that his wingman had nearly been shot down, yelled out some curses and attempted to line up his Raven on its tail, while at the same time jinking and juking to throw his pursuer's aim off and the Big Russian succeeded at both tasks. His opponent poured lead at him, but failed to connect with the twisting fighter and Nikolai was elated to see that Jean-Claude flipped his plane over in a neat Immelmann and raced for the I-16 on his tail. He then turned back to the I-16 that had broken off after shooting up Murdoch and he maneuvered until the pirate plane filled his gun-sights...

Jean-Claude turned towards his wingmen, finding Klokov's Raven was the nearer of the fighters and it was being closely pursued by a Pirate I-16. He saw his Russian squadron-mate evade fire from the stubby little pirate plane and he lined up his own shot and when he had closed to short range, he cut loose with his quad 50 calibers and his lips pulled back from his teeth in a feral smile as his tracers intersected wit the middle of the pirate plane and turned it into a fire-ball and hundreds of bits of metal flying in all directions....

Back at the Stormcloud; the Russian I-16 braved fire from the defense turrets and lined up on one of the Engine Pods to fire its last rocket. The rocket streaked straight and true and slammed into the left rear engine pod, exploding and shredding the prop located there and causing the airship to lurch low and to one side. The Pirate had little time to enjoy the moment as streams of tracers from several different turrets suddenly found it and broke it apart in mid-air....
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#18 Post by kipper »

Murdoch heads back towards the Zeppelin. Although his plane is almost finished, he'll still attempt to defend the Stormcloud if any further attackers show themselves.
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#19 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Nikolai will open fire as soon as he is able, then turn and head towards the Stormcloud.
"Now you die like the dog! HAHAHAHAH!"
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#20 Post by Urson »

Jean-Claude allows himself a tight grin as he looks around, searching for other pirates.
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