BLACK ICE - Adventure Intro Script

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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BLACK ICE - Adventure Intro Script

#1 Post by max_vale »

A long time ago; in a Galaxy far, far away....

Imperial Security Beureau, Intel Analysis and Technical Branch Station; Planet Lotide

1st Rebel: Okay, this is Chief Scientist Benkin's office. You keep an eye on the door to the hallway, I'll plug Que-Tee-Seven into the computer outlet. All set QT?

GM (as Droid QT 7): Sure, boss! Ready, willing and able; lemme at 'em!

2nd Rebel: (mumbling) Cutey...swell name for an overenthusiastic droid built to look like a suitcase. Who thinks these things up anyway?

GM (as QT 7): I heard that! What's wrong with my name? I think it's a good name. Do you really think it's a bad name?

3rd Rebel: Pipe down, both of you! We're in the middle of an Imperial Tech base, surrounded by who knows how many ISB guards and you two are arguing about a Droid's name! QT, get to work.

GM (as QT 7, muttering) Well HE started it.....(sounds of whirring and machinery working emanates from the suit-case-esque droid)

4th Rebel: How long's this gonna take anyway?

5th Rebel: Between 5 and 15 minutes....or a lot shorter if the security programming picks him up....

6th Rebel: That'd be interesting. What do you think they'd do to 6 Alliance spies caught in the middle of a high security outpost?

4th Rebel: Probably give us a medal for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty....then execute us...

2nd Rebel: Hey, we DID volunteer for this mission, remember?

6th Rebel: Really? I remember being assigned to Sector Headquarters and then Case Officer Lawra Mers, after briefing the whole command on the mission, thanked us for volunteering....but I do NOT remember ever actually stepping forward.

1st Rebel: Quit complaining; this isn't such a tough mission.

3rd Rebel: Says you! I have trouble pretending to be a top-notch scientist. It goes against my nature....and I REALLY feel naked without a blaster.

5th Rebel: Does anybody know if there are any Stormtroopers assigned to this post? I hate Stormtroopers.

2nd Rebel: We may get a chance to find out. Here comes a technician now.

1st Rebel: Okay, everybody....act like scientists.

4th Rebel: (under his breath) Act like scientists?

6th Rebel: Uh, er...hello there. Nice day, isn't it?

GM (as Technician): Sure is. What are you guys up to anyway?

3rd Rebel: We're uh....calibrating the uh....resistance co-efficiency modulator on the....uh...

5th Rebel: .....the subatomic frequency bonding refractor in the Chief's computer. See, it's been acting up lately and-

GM (as QT 7, interrupting): Hi guys, I'm back! Security system was a joke! I've accessed the information, but.....say, who's the new guy?
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